
Supernatural Season 3

sarah_alvis · Televisi
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16 Chs

No Rest for the Wicked

In a Cabin daytime, We open to a map of the United States Bobby places an old tracking device over it. The device has three wooden "legs" coming out from a glass or crystal ball at the top. The ball has a flat, metal piece going around it with symbols on it. Further down the legs there's another metal piece, only bigger. From the ball hangs pendulum device that is sharp on the end so that it can pinpoint a specific place and Bobby says "So you need a name, that's the whole kit and caboodle. With the right name, right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out." Sam says "Like the town Lilith's in?" Bobby says "Kid, when I get done, we'll know the street." He begins the ritual, starts the swing for the pendulum and then chants in Latin as Sarah, Dean and Sam watch, the pendulum begins to search over the map until it suddenly stops and Bobby says "New Harmony, Indiana." Dean looks up at him from the map "And we have a winner." Sam says "Alright (pushes the pendulum away and looks at Bobby " Let's go." Dean says "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Let's all shut up there, Tex."

Sam asks "What's the problem?" Dean says "What's the problem? Come on, where do I begin? I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked. Okay. Second, even if we could get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith that wants your giant head on a pike? Should I continue?" Bobby says "Ain't you just bringing down the room." Dean says "Yeah, well, it's a gift." Sam says "I'm sorry, so then what are we supposed to do, Dean?" Dean says "Just 'cause I gotta die doesn't mean you have to, okay. Either we go in smart or we don't go in at all." Sam says "Okay, fine. If that's the case I have the answer." Sarah says "You do?" Sam says "Yeah. A sure-fire way to confirm it's Lilith and a way to get us a bona fide demon-killing ginsu." Dean says "Damn it, Sam, no." He turns his back to Sam and walks a few steps and Sam says "We're so past arguing. Dean, I am summoning Ruby." Both Dean and Sarah turns around, facing him and Sarah says "The hell you are! We have enough problems as it is." Sam says "Exactly walks up to them "And we've got no time and no choice either." Dean says "Come on man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay. She told you that she could save me, huh – lie. She seems to know everything about Lilith but forgot to mention, oh right – Lilith owns my soul!" Sam says "Okay, fine. She's a liar. She's still got that knife."

Bobby says "Dean, Sarah." Dean says "For all we know, she works for Lilith." Sam says "Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else." Bobby says "Sam's right." Dean shouts "NO! DAMN IT!" Bobby looks at him, surprised. They all look at each other for a few seconds and Dean calmer says "Just no. We are not gonna make the same mistakes all over again. They look at him, stunned "You guys wanna save me, find something else." Sarah, Sam and Bobby look at him as he walks back to the table he was sitting at before, and sits down with a contemplative look. As Sam looks at him, sighing, Bobby grabs his jacket and Sarah asks "Where are you going, Bobby?" Bobby says "I guess to... Throws out his arms "find something else." Sam and Sarah sighs, looking into space.

In the basement Sam is on his knees and has drawn a triangle on the floor with symbols in every point and put candles outside every point. In the middle is a circle with a bowl of a green, dry substance in it. It is obvious that he is ignoring Dean's decision to not summon Ruby and he says "Ad construgendum ad ligandum eos pariter Et solvendum." We hear a sound behind Sam, He turns around but there's no one there and he turns back, looking up at the roof, sighing "Et ad congregantum eos coram me." He takes up a box of matches and strikes one and he watches the flame for a beat and then throws the match into the bowl. The content ignites and fire flares up and then it calms down and burns out. Sam gets up off the floor and slowly turns to look behind him as the floor creaks. There's still nothing there and then Ruby says "You know, phones work too." Sam turns back and sees Ruby leaning against the doorway and she smiles at him and says "Hey, Sam. How's tricks?" Sam doesn't look happy to see her, instead he looks angry and asks "How do you get around so fast?" Ruby says "I got the Super Bowl jet pack. she begins to walk towards him "So, you called?" Sam asks "Did you know?" Ruby says "Um – gonna need a tiny bit more." Sam says "About Dean's deal, That Lilith holds the contract." Ruby says "Yes, I did."

Sam says "And... what? You didn't think that was important?" Ruby says "You weren't ready." Sam says "For what?" Ruby says "If I told you, you three yahoos would have just charged after her half-cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces." Sam says "Well, we're ready now, I want your knife." She looks at him for a beat and then begins walking around him, slowly and she says "You're right about one thing You are ready and now's the time, too. Lilith's guard's down." Sam says "Is that so?" Ruby says "She's on shore-leave, A little R&R." Sam asks "The hell's that mean?" Ruby says "Trust me, you don't wanna know. You didn't lose those hex bags I gave you?" Sam says "We've got 'em." Ruby says "Good,Then she won't sense that you're coming." Sam says "So you'll give us the knife?" Ruby says "No." Sam says "You wanna charge in with one little pigsticker? It's a waste of a true-blue window. Like getting Hitler with that exploding briefcase. Forget it."

Sam getting angry says "Okay, then how?" Ruby says "I know how to save your brother, Sam." Sam says "No, you don't! You told Dean you couldn't! You've been lying to me all along, so just give me your damn knife!" Ruby says "You're not the one I've been lying to." Sam says "Oh, so you can save him?" Ruby says "No. But you can." Sam says "What?" Ruby says "Sam, you've got some God-given talent. Well, not "God"-given but you get the gist." Sam says "All that psychic crap? That's gone ever since Yellow-Eyes died." Ruby shaking her head "Not gone, dormant and not just visions either. Why do you think Lilith is so scared of you?" Sam says "Right... she's scared of me." Ruby says "If you wanted, you could wipe her off the map without moving a muscle." Sam says "I don't believe you." Ruby says "It's the truth." Sam says "And you decided to tell me this just now?" Ruby says "Um... demon. Manipulative's kinda in the job description. Fact is, is that you would have never considered it. Not until you were –" Sam says "Desperate enough?"

They exchange a look, and she shrugs as he looks away and she says "You don't like being different. You hate the way Dean looks at you sometimes. Like you're some kind of sideshow freak. But suck it up because we've got a lot of ground to cover, and we've gotta do it fast. But we can do it." Sam lenches his jaws, looking at the floor, After a beat he looks up at her and she says "Look. Call me a bitch, hate me all you want, but I have never lied to you, Sam. Not ever. And I'm telling you. You... can save your brother, and I can show you how." Dean says "So that's you, huh? Our slutty little Yoda." Sarah and Dean shows up behind her, not looking very happy and Ruby says "Dean, Sarah." She turns around, looking at them and all her softness in her voice that she directed at Sam is gone and she sarcastically says "Charming as ever." They begins walking towards her and Sam and Sarah says "Aw, we knew you'd show up, because we knew Sam wouldn't listen." Sam looks at them but looks away quickly and Dean says "But you're not gonna teach him anything, you understand me? Over my dead body." Ruby says "Oh. Well, you're right about that."

Dean says "What you are gonna do is give me that knife and then you can just go crawl back into whatever slop you came from and never bother me, my girlfriend or my brother. Are we clear?" Ruby says "Your brother is carrying a bomb inside of him and we'd be stupid not to use it." Sam says "Dean, look, just hold on for one –" Dean angry "Sam! Don't come on man, what, are you blind? Can't you see that this is a trick?" Ruby says "That's not true." Dean says "She wants you to give into this whole demonic psychic whatever, okay. I mean hell, she probably wants you to become her little antichrist Super Star." Ruby angrily "I want Lilith dead, That's all." Sarah asks "Why?" Ruby says "I've told you why!" Dean mocking "Oh, right, yeah because you were human once and you liked kittens and long walks on the beach." Ruby says "You know, I am so sick of proving myself to you. You wanna save yourself, this is how. You dumb, spineless dick."

Dean looks at her, and then turns around as if to leave but instead comes back swinging his right hook and punching her in the face, looking pissed. Sam and Sarah backs away a bit, surprised by the hit. Ruby takes a few steps back with the hit, looks up at him as she wipes blood from her lip and after a beat hits him once with her right fist and then her left." Sam says "Ruby, hey!" She goes around, hits him in the back causing him to double over and she then knees him in the face, sending him into a beam and sliding to the floor. As she turns around to Dean he hits her in the face once with his left and as he's about to hit with his right she ducks out of the way and going with his momentum knees him in the stomach. Sam on the floor holding a hand over his mouth and Sarah went to check on him whilst Dean was fighting Ruby and there are more punches being thrown by Ruby. She kicks him in the face causing him to fall to the floor. He tries to get up but she walks over and kicks him hard in the stomach sending him rolling over the floor. He starts to get up and she comes over and takes hold of him, helping him up face to face only to head-butt him so he falls backwards to the floor again. As she stands looking at him, he grins and slowly rises to his feet and then asks Dean "The hell are you grinning at?" Dean says "Missing something?"

He pulls up her knife in front of his face and she looks at him like "you bastard" and Ruby says "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch." She rushes towards him but midway there she is stopped by an invisible wall. She tries to walk past it once as Dean and Sarah just looks at her and she looks at them and looks up at the roof and sees Dean 's painted a Devil's Trap and Sam who takes his hand from his mouth, surprised by this. Ruby looks at Dean again, pissed and he smiles a little, looking at the trap and then he looks at her, still holding up the knife and he says "Like I said... puts the knife down "We knew you'd come." They both walk away from her, towards the staircase and she follows them with her eyes and Ruby says "Wait! You're just gonna leave me here?"

Dean and Sarah stops, waiting for Sam and ignoring Ruby and he says "Let's go, Sam." Sam comes over as Dean and Sarah takes a deep breathe, blinking hard and then they starts up the steps followed by Sam and Ruby says "Oh, oh you – so you're just too stupid to live, is that it? Then fine! You deserve hell! I wish I could be there, Dean. I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle off your bones! I WISH I COULD BE THERE TO HEAR YOU SCREAM!!" Dean says "And I wish you'd shut your pie hole, but we don't always get what we want." In the room Sarah, Dean and Sam 's weapons. Among them lies the gun with the white handle we've seen Dean and he picks up the clip and they start loading weapons in silence then Sam sighs and asks "We're just gonna let Ruby rot down there?"Dean says "That's the idea." Sam says "Dean, what if, uh... What if Ruby's right? What if I can take out Lilith?" Sarah continues checking the weapons and Dean looks up at him with an angry, doubting look "Quit looking at me like that." Dean says "What, are you gonna give her the Carrie-stare and Lilith goes "poof"?"

Sam says "I don't know what Ruby meant and you know, maybe we should just go ask her." Sarah remains quiet and then Dean says "Sam, you wanted the knife – I got you the knife." He walks over to another table and Sam says "Dean, just listen to me for a second. Last time Lilith snapped her fingers and put thirty demons on our ass, and all we got's one little knife? I mean, like you said, we go in smart or we don't go in at all." Dean says "Well, this ain't smart." Sam says "We got one shot at this, Dean. Just one. So if there's a sure-fire way then maybe we should just talk about it." Dean walks up to him as he speaks and he says "Sam, We are not gonna make the same mistake all over again." Sam says "You said that but what does it even mean?" Dean says "Don't you see a pattern here? Dad's deal, my deal, now this? I mean every time one of us is – is – is up the creek the other is begging to sell their soul. That's all this is, man. Ruby's just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it's paved with and you know where it's going."

He turns around, sits down against a table and picks up the weapons again, Sarah has done with the weapons and sits on the bed and Sam shakes his head a bit and walks around to the other side of the table and says "Dean." He sits down next to Dean, looking at him as he continues to assemble the weapon "What do you think is gonna happen? This is me and Sarah we can handle it." Dean stops what he's doing, looking at the floor and shakes his head "And if it'll save you..." Dean says "Why even risk it?" He looks up at him, Sam looks away for a beat and then back at him with the obvious answer and Sam says "Because you're my brother, because you did the same thing for me." Dean scoffs "I know... and look how that turned out." Dean looks at Sam, Sam looks away at this "All I'm saying.. he gets a little chocked up "Sarah, Sammy all I'm saying is that you're my weak spots." Sam and Sarah looks over at him at this, Dean quick confirmation smile "You both are and i'm both of yours." Sarah sat beside Dean and held his hand and she started crying and Sam starts choking "You don't mean that. We're... we're family." Dean says "I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it too. I mean, what we'll do for each other, you know, how far we'll go? They're using it against us."

Sam asks "So what? We just stop looking out for each other?" Dean says "No, we stop being martyrs, man. We – we – we stop spreading it for these demons." He picks up Ruby's knife and holds it up "We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way, the way Dad taught us to and if we go down, then, uh... then we go down swinging." Sam and Sarah both look at him and he asks "What do you think?" Sam looks down on the floor, thinking, then he looks up at Dean and says "I think you totally should have been jamming "Eye of the Tiger" right there." Dean rising says "Oh, bite me. I totally rehearsed that speech, too." Sarah and Sam smiles at him and Sarah says "So, Indiana, huh?" Dean says "Yeah, where Lilith's on shore-leave." Sam says "Yeah, I guess." Dean says "Tell me something. Sam looks up at him "The hell's a demon do for fun?"

New Harmony, Indiana daytime, It comes to a man, Tom wepram as he gets to the mailbox, another man Pat Fremont , and then it follows him as he goes to join Tom to collect his own mail and Tom turns to Pat and he says "Hey, Pat." Pat says "Tom." Tom asks "How's that granddaughter of yours?" Pat smiling says "Home sick, poor thing. Darn bug that's going around now." Tom says "Aw, that's too bad. Well, you give her a big old hug from me and Judy." Pat has now collected his mail and is about to leave and then he says "You Bet." He shakes Tom's hand as he's about to leave. Pat says "Take it easy, Tom." As Pat lets go of Tom's hand and turns around to leave Tom looks down at his hand that he just shook Pat's with and here's a little piece of paper that he reaches up with his other hand to unfold." Tom says "You too, Pat." Pat leaves and Tom unfolds the piece of paper. When he's unfolded it he looks at it and then over at Pat who's closing the door to his house. He looks down at the note again and we see that Pat has written "Help Us" on it.

Inside the house, Pat locks the door and turns around. As he's walking to the kitchen he steps over a body that is covered in bugs. In the kitchen, Pat comes in and we see a woman and a man in there. The woman, Mrs Fermont , is putting icing on a cake. They all look worried and very scared and he asks them "Where is she?" Mrs Fermont says "Upstairs, playing with Freckles." Pat says "We just sit here, we're dead." Mr Fermont says "She'll hear you." Pat says "It's her or us." Mrs Fermont says "It's my baby girl." Pat says "Not anymore, There's something inside her." We suddenly hear footsteps coming down the stairs and Mr Fermont says "Shut your mouth, She's coming." They turn around as a little girl comes in and she's covered in blood but she acts as if it's just a little dirt on her dress and Lilith asks "What were you guys talking about?" Pat says "Just how much we love you." Mrs.Fermont asks "What... wha? What happened to your dress?" Lilith says "Oh, Freckles was mean to me." Mr Fermont , not knowing what to say turns to Pat , who hangs his head. She turns back to Lilith , shocked and afraid and she says "That's... that's nice, dear." Lilith asks "Daddy, will you push me on the swing?" Mr Fermont says "Oh... sure, honey." He walks over to her " But don't you wanna change first? I mean, you don't want the neighbors to see... all that blood." Lilith waves her hand and says "Oh, you're so smart. I love you, Daddy."

She goes over and hugs him while smiling. Mr Fermont looks over at Mrs Fermont and Pat, not sure what to say or do. They all still look scared and Mr Fermont asks "I love you too. Hey, sweetie? You think... after a while... do you think you could..." He looks over at Mrs.Fermont and she shakes her head "no" at him, "Let us go?" Lilith backs away from him, the smile completely gone from her face. She looks up at Mr Fermont with a serious, close to angry look and asks "Why?" Mr Fermont says "I uh... I don't know." Mrs.Fermont is taking shallow breath, scared to death of what's to come and Lilith asks "Don't you wanna be here? Don't you love me?" Mr Fermont says "Well, sure I do!" Mrs Fermont says "We all do, honey. We all love you so much." Lilith says "Don't be mean to me, Daddy. Like Freckles or what's-her-name, that mean old babysitter." Mr Fermont looks over at Mrs.Fermont , scared and wide-eyed and he looks back down at Lilith and says "I'm sorry." After a few seconds Lilith suddenly breaks into a smile and says "That's okay, silly. Now let's go and play."

Outside of the Cabin, Sarah, Sam and Dean are in the Impala about to leave, Dean tries to start up the car but it won't start up Sarah, Dean and Sam look a bit worried. Suddenly Bobby shows up outside Dean's door, scaring them with his sudden appearance and Bobby asks "Where do you think you're going?" Dean looks at him and the distributor cap he holds in his hand. After a beat Sarah, Dean and Sam gets out of the Impala and walks up to Bobby who's not looking happy but then either is Dean and he says "We got the knife." Bobby says "And you intend to use it without me." Sam comes from around the car and stands in the middle next to Sarah, Dean and Bobby, watching them and Bobby asks "Do I look like a ditchable prom-date to you?"

Sam says "No, Bobby. Of course not." Dean says "This is about me, Sarah... and Sam. Ok? This isn't your fight." Bobby walks up to Dean , furious by those words and he says "The hell it isn't!" Dean looks at him, taken aback by this. "Family don't end with blood, boy. Besides, you need me." Dean says "Bobby." Bobby says "You're playing wounded. Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far?" Sam and Sarah looks at him, a bit confused by this they both look over at Dean who turns to look at him, tilts his head one time and then turns back to Bobby Dean asks "How'd you know?" Bobby says "Because that's what happens when you've got hellhounds on your butt and because I'm smart." Dean looks down on the ground, as Sam and Sarah watches him. Bobby hands Dean the distributor cap and says "I'll follow." Bobby walks away from the boys and Sarah, over to his own car. After a moment Dean walks over to the hood of his car, ready to put back the part "Don't be stopping to pee every ten minutes either." Dean stops in his tracks, shakes his head a bit with raised brow. He turns around looking back at Sam and Sarah who looks at him and sighs.

In the Impala nighttime, The Boys and Sarah are driving down the road, on their way to Indiana and Sam says "Hey, Dean?" Dean says "Yeah?" Sam says "You know if this doesn't uh... this doesn't go the way we want, I want you to know –" Dean says "No. No, no, no, no." Sam says "No What?" Dean looks at Sam and says "No, you're not gonna bust out the misty good-bye speech, okay? And if this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward." Sam looks down and out the window and Dean turns back to the road and he says "You know what I do want?" He reaches down to the radio and starts up Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive". Sam looks a bit "eeh?" and says "Bon Jovi?" Dean says "Bon Jovi rocks, on occasion." He looks over at Sam to underline this statement. When Sam looks away Dean turns back to the road and begins to sing along with Bon Jovi and he singing "And I walk these streets, A loaded six-string on my back I play for keeps turns to Sam nudging him "Come on" Singing again "'Cause I might not make it back, I've been everywhere" Sam starts singing "Oh yeah" Dean singing "and I'm standing tall" Sarah didn't join in she just sat back and watch the two brother bond whilst they can, Sam and Dean sings "I've seen a million faces, And I rocked 'em all 'Cause I'm a cowboy On a steel horse I ride I'm wanted Dean looks over at Sam who's really getting into it and Sam singing "WANTED." Dean looks back on the road and Sam smiles at him as he sings with him Sam and Dean "Dead or alive" Sam "Dead or ALIVE." Dean begins to lose the will to sing and his smile is beginning to fade. Sam just continues to sing, laugh and smile, not noticing how Dean is suddenly taking in the lyrics, realizing how much they actually fit him and what is about to come.

Sam singing "Dead or alive, Dead or alive,Dead or alive." After sometime sirens behind them and the three of them react to this, Dean looks up in his rear view mirror as Sam looks over at him The flashing lights from the police car is now reflecting inside the car and over their faces and Sarah asks "We getting pulled over?" Dean looks in his side view mirror and he says "I've got a busted tail-light. It's not like we're in a hurry or nothing."They pull up to the side of the road with the police car stopping behind it. Dean rolls down his window as Sam hands over the licence and registration. The police officer walks up to his window, flashlight in hand and Dean says "Problem officer?" Officer says "Licence and registration, please." Dean, not looking at him, hands out the needed papers. The Officer takes and looks at it as he's talking to Dean and asks "Do you realize you have a tail-light out, Mr Hagard?" Dean slowly turns his head back towards the road in front of him, his eyes dodging back at the Officer during that and he says "As a matter of fact..." He suddenly opens his door fast, hitting the Officer in the stomach, Dean rushes out the car at him and Sarah says "DEAN!" Sam and Sarah open their doors, surprised by Dean's reaction, Dean punches the Officer three times in the face as Sam tries to run around the car to stop him. He quickly reaches down and takes out the knife from his belt and thrusts it into the jaw of the Officer as Bobby pulling up behind the police car, the Officer begins to flash with light, showing that Dean just thrust the knife into a demon. Dean pulls out the knife and lets go of the Officer, who falls dead to the ground. Dean stands over him, arm behind him, panting after the fight. Sam and Sarah both shocked, moves up behind him. Bobby quickly runs over to them and looks down at the dead Officer/demon He looks back up at Dean, Sarah and Sam , surprised and shocked.

Bobby asks "What the hell happened?" Sarah says "Dean just killed a demon. How'd you know?" Dean still breathing heavily looks around on the ground and then turns to Sam and Sarah who's still looking shocked. Dean looks worried and he says "I just knew." He turns back and looks down on the Officer "I could see its face, Its real face under that one." Bobby who was looking down on the Officer looks up at him by these words. Dean looks up at him and meets his gaze for a second. Exit the woods, The boys are putting up branches over the police car, to hide it from plain sight and so that nobody can find it and Sarah says "So what, now you're seeing demons?" Dean says "I've seen all kinds of things lately but... nothing like this." Bobby says "Actually it's not all that crazy." Dean says "How's it not that crazy?" Bobby says "Well you've got, just over five hours to go? You're piercing the veil, Dean. You're glimpsing the B side." Dean says "A little less new age-y please." Bobby says "You're almost hell's bitch. So, you can see hell's other bitches." Dean looks first surprised and then his mock-face comes on "Thank You." Sam says "Well, actually it could come in pretty handy." Dean says "Oh, well, I'm glad my doomed soul is good for something." Bobby says "Damn right it is. Lilith's probably got demons stashed all over town and we can't let them sound the alarm. She knows we're here, we're dead before we're started." Dean says "Well, this is a terrific plan. I'm excited to be a part of it. Can we go, please?" He begins to walk away with that and the others follow. The car is as hidden as they could manage, with branches all over it.

Inside the Fermont House; Dining room nighttime, Mr Fermont, Pat and Lilith are sitting at the table in the dining room. The table is set with all kinds of candy. Mrs Fermont walks in with the cake she was putting icing on earlier. It's got birthday candles on it and she says "Happy birthday, sweetie." Mr Fermont and Pat "Happy Birthday." Lilith says "Yay! It's my birthday every day." Mrs Fermont has put down the cake on the table in front of the happy, smiling Lilith She claps her hands and blows out the candles Mrs Fermont moves it over to her place at the table to cut it. Mr Fermont says "Hmmm... cake. Again. It's good." Pat smiles a little and nods his head yes, Lilith says "Hey grandpa, can I ask you something?" Pat says "Sure jelly-bean. Anything." Lilith says "Why did you try to go to Mr. Wayburn for help?" Mrs Fermont looks up from the cake, worried. Pat half-smiles, trying to get out the situation that has just risen and he says "I didn't. I don't know what you mean." Lilith no longer smiling "You big fat liar." Pat says "I'm sorry. It was a mistake." He begins to look worried, as does the others.

Lilith asks "Did you two know about this?" Mrs Fermont looks down on Mr Fermont, not sure what to say. He looks to the side and at Lilith Pat looks down at Lilith to the others, very worried and Mr Fermont says "No." Pat looks at him, shocked that he's not getting any help or backup. Lilith looks up at Mrs Fermont who's looking down on Pat He looks up at her, for her answer and she says "No." Pat is shocked, scared and worried now and he looks over at Lilith who turns around to look at him after their answers and says "Grandpa? You don't love me?" Pat says "I do. I do! I love you!" Lilith says "No, you don't. You're lying again. You're just a mean old man." Pat looks at Mrs Fermont , pleading. She is on the verge of tears, scared to do anything and he says "Do something. Help me, please." Lilith says " I don't think I like you anymore." Lilith takes up her hand as she looks at Pat and she twists her hand in 90 degrees, and with that Pat's head in the same way, breaking his neck. He slumps down on his plate. Mrs Fermont ries out, shocked, and then puts a hand to her mouth to silence herself. Lilith turns around and looks at Mrs Fermont and she says "Nobody scream, okay? Screaming makes me mad."

Mrs.Fermont still has a hand over her mouth to keep herself silent, and tears in her eyes. Mr. Fremont is just looking at her and Lilith, scared and quiet and He looks over at Pat whose eyes are still open. Mrs Fermont takes her hand from her mouth and then cuts through the cake. Lilith just cheers up with that, and suddenly all the intimidating coldness and scary part of her disappears and she asks "Mommy, can I have ice cream with mine?" In another house on the second floor Sarah, Dean, Sam and Bobby are waiting and Dean is looking through binoculars and he says "It's the little girl, Her face is awful." The four of them are standing by a window, looking over at the family, Sam with the binoculars and he lowers them and says "Alright then, let's go. We're wasting time." He walks past the three of them, behind them , and moves for the door one presumes. Dean grabs hold of him, stopping him from leaving and says "Wait." Sam says "For what? For it to kill the rest of them?" Dean says "Yeah, and us too if we're not careful. Look. See the real go-getter mailman on the clock at nine PM? And Mr Rogers over there." Sarah asks "Demons?" Dean says "Yes."

Sam says "Ok, fine. We – we – we – we, we ninja pass those guys, sneak in." Dean asks "Then what? Give a "Colombian necktie" to a ten year old girl, come on!" Sam says "Look, Dean, I know it's awful." Dean says "You think?" Sarah says "This isn't just about saving you, Dean. This is about saving everybody." Bobby says "She's gotta be stopped, son." Dean , who looks contemplative, turns around and looks at Bobby and then out the window and says "Oh, damn it." Back in The Fremont's house Lilith's room, she says "Read it again, Mommy." Mrs Fremont says "But I've read it 26 times." Lilith and her mom lying on Lilith's bed, she is resting her head on her mom's shoulder as she holds a book up to read from "Again." Her mom reads ""Once upon a time in the town of Celine lived a beautiful princess named Cleo. But the town was plagued with an evil dragon that demanded the blood of the children, and the princess was doomed to be sacrificed to the dark and terrible dragon." Lilith nuzzles on her shoulder.

The e mailman standing by the back of his truck, flipping through mail. We suddenly hear a sound across the street and the mailman looks up Dean standing by a fence, looking over at him as if he's been caught. The mailman's eyes turns demon-black and he takes off after Dean and he runs back the way he came from, closely followed by the demon-mailman. Dean rounds a corner of the house the fence belonged to, and when the mailman comes around the same corner a second later he runs right into Sam holding Ruby's knife and we hear it go into his body. Sam struggles with him as he turns around and Dean comes up behind the mailman and puts a hand over his mouth so his death doesn't alarm the rest of the demons. Sam pulls out the knife and the demon-mailman flashes with light a few times and then Dean drops him to the ground.

Bobby and he's holding a rosary and says "Exorcizo te, creatura aquae. In nomine dei patris onmipotintes and then drops the rosary into an opening of the water pipes and it's carried away by the stream. Sam grabbing the knife that is located in Mr Roger's Belly , who's lying dead on the ground. He pulls it out and stands up next to Dean wiping it away, Dean grabs Mr Roger's feet and drags him out of view. He then comes back and takes off in another direction while Sam and Sarah stands still, looking around. Dean running through some trees and coming up by a fence, where Ruby suddenly appears and shoves him into the fence, holding him there and she says "I'd like my knife back, please. Or your neck snaps like a chicken bone." Sam comes up behind her with Sarah and holds up her knife to her throat and says "He doesn't have it. Take it easy." She backs away from Dean, releasing him from the fence. Sam stands still next to Dean who turns to face her and Dean asks "How the hell did you get out?" Ruby says "What you don't know about me could fill a book." Dean suddenly reacts to her face, moving his head back just a bit with wider eyes and he says "Whoa." Ruby says "What?" Dean looks to the side, not wanting to look at her anymore. He glances at her once or twice but that's it and he says "Nothing. I just – I couldn't see you before, but you're one ugly broad." Ruby says "Sam, give me the knife before you hurt yourself." Sam says "You'll get it when this is over."

Ruby says "It's already over, I gave you a way to save Dean, you shot me down. Now it's too late he's dead and I'm got gonna let you and Sarah die as well." Sam says "Try and stop me, and I'll kill you. Bitch." Ruby says "Hit me with your best shot, baby." Dean who's been looking in the direction he was running, towards turns around to them and he says "Guys, guys! Hey. Have your little catfight later." Two people, probably father and son, standing outside on their porch looking at Dean,Sam and Ruby the house next to it shows a man with a briefcase is standing, staring at them of course all demons and Dean says "So much for the element of surprise." Sam says "Go. Go. Run. Run!" They open the gate and runs, aiming for Lilith's house. As they do we see a lot more people running after them. Sam reaches the house first reaches the house first and starts picking the lock on the door Sarah, Ruby and Dean come up behind him, looking towards the lawn as more people are running after them and Dean says "What the hell is taking Bobby?" Sam is having problems picking the lock and more people are running for them and he says "I'm trying." Suddenly when one demon reaches the lawn, the sprinklers turns on and she begins to flail, screaming, as the water burns her. We now get what Bobby was doing before – turning the water into holy water and effectively making a barrier with the sprinkler system. Another demon is caught in the water and he screams and flails as well. We see a shot of DEAN who has a smile starting to show on his lips. We get a shot from the sky and we see a lot of possessed people standing outside the lawn, a few people in the water and our guys standing on the porch. Sam is still working on the lock and Dean begins to really smile at the barrier. Sam gets the door opened and as he, Sarah and Ruby go inside. Dean laughs at the demons and then walks inside the house too.

Inside the house Sam, Sarah and Ruby are standing over the body with shocked faces, Dean is closing the door, not having seen it yet. He turns around and sees it, and his serious game face is on again he says "You think Lilith knows we're here?" Ruby says "Probably." They look around a bit and then walks into the living room. Sam is going first, holding the knife out as if it was a gun. Ruby is behind him, closely followed by Dean and Sarah, they see that Mr Fermont and puts a hand over his mouth, turning them around to Sam, Sarah and Ruby he makes "shushing" sounds to make Mrs Fremont be quiet and calm down whispering Dean says "We're here to help. Ok? I'm gonna move my hand, and we're gonna talk nice and quiet, okay?" Mr Fremont nods his head yes and Dean slowly removes his hand and Sam asks "Sir, where is your daughter?" Mr Fremont says "It's not... it's not her anymore." Sarah asks "Where is she?" Mr Fremont says "Upstairs. In her bedroom." Dean whispering "Okay, okay, okay. Listen to me. I want you to go downstairs to the basement. Put a line of salt at the door behind you. Do you understand me?" Mr Fremont says "Not without my wife." Dean says "Yes, without your wife." Mr Fremont says "No." Dean punches his lights out since they don't have time to argue about all this. He picks him up and puts him over his shoulder and gives the others a look. He then starts walking.

Sarah, Sam and Ruby walking upstairs, backs against the wall and as stealthy as possible. Sam is in the lead with the knife in front of him. When they get up they look around a bit and then Sarah and Ruby walks to the door to their right, they share a look, Sam nods at them, and then she goes in, closing the door behind her. Sam slowly for the door to the left. He leans in against the closed door, trying to listen to any sign of life or Lilith after a beat he opens the door as quietly as possible. He quickly slips in. In Lilith's bedroom Sam walks slowly into the room, knife out in front of him Mrs Fremont and Lilith ying on the bed, asleep. Sam slowly makes his way around it while keeping his eyes glued to them. As he round the corner of the bed he shifts the knife in his hand so it's now in a stabbing position. As quietly and slowly as possible, he removes the drapes and we hear Mrs Fremont breathing heavily, scared, as Sam comes into view Mrs Fremont is looking up at Sam scared with Lilith still nuzzled into her shoulder, apparently asleep and quietly Mrs Fremont says "Do it." Sam looks at Lilith , trying to collect himself to stab a child and again she says quietly "Do it." Lilith moves a little, apparently starting to wake up. Mrs Fremont gets more and more afraid and panicked and Sam is starring at Lilith , pulling himself to the point of stabbing her "Do it! Do it!" Lilith wakes up, and starts to rise on the bed, eyes hardly opened and her mom says "Hurry!" Lilith screams when she opens her eyes and sees Sam who lunges for her. At the last moment he's stopped by Dean who grabs hold of his arm and says "It's not her." The girl is breathing fast and heavily from what was just about to happen Ruby standing behind Sarah, Sam and Dean come in with Dean and Sarah.

"It's not in the girl anymore." Fremont's daughter sobbing, scared "Mommy!" Mrs Fremont says "Mommy's here. Mommy's here. It's okay." The little girl cries, They all come down the stairs, Mrs Fremont, Sarah and Dean first and he says "Alright, no matter what you hear. You, your husband and your daughter stay in the basement." She goes through the basement door and Dean and Sarah follows, Sam and Ruby walk past them and Ruby says "Well, I hate to be a "told you so"." Sam says "Alright Ruby, where is she?" Ruby says "I don't know." They enter the living room and Sam asks "Could she get past the sprinklers?" Ruby says "Her pay grade, she ain't sweating the holy water." Sam says "Ok, you win. What do I have to do?" She looks at him questioningly, she asks "What do you mean?" Sam says "to save Dean." Dean and Sarah comes up behind Sam "What do you need me to do?" Dean grabs him from behind, trying to turn him and says "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sam pulls loose from Dean and Sam says "Just shut up for a second to ruby "Ruby!" Ruby says "You had your chance. You can't just flip a switch. We needed time." Sam says "Well, there's gotta be something. There's gotta be some way, whatever it is, I'll do it." Dean comes up behind him again, grabbing him, "Don't, Dean! I'm not gonna let you go to hell, Dean!" Dean says "Yes, you are!" They look at each other for a beat and then Dean calmer says "Yes, you are." Sarah and Sam just stares at him, breathing "I'm sorry. I mean this is all my fault, I know that. But what you're doing, it's not gonna save me. It's only gonna kill you." Sam looks away for a second, tears building in his eyes and so is Sarah and then Sam asks "Then, what am I supposed to do?" Dean says "Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels, take care of my girl, remember what Dad taught you... okay?" Sam nods holding his tears back and then Dean turns to Sarah and says "Be brave for me continue fighting with Sam and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and just know that no matter what I will always love you Sarah Moore and remember what I taught you." Sarah starts crying again and she says "I will Dean I promise, I will always love you Dean Winchester." They shared a long kiss and then the grandfather clock tick and then begin to strike midnight. Dean looks over at it and Sarah gives Dean one last hug and then stands next to Sam.

Dean says "Hellhound." Sam asks "Where?" Dean says "There." Ruby whose face falls as she sees it. Suddenly we see through the hellhound's eyes, as it's staring at Dean, Sarah, Sam and Ruby As it begins to move, Dean bolts out of the room, followed by the others, and the hellhound quickly behind them. They run into another room and close the doors fast in the face of the hellhound. In the Office Dean takes out the bag with goofer dust as Sam, Sarah and Ruby stand against the doors, holding them shut while the hellhound is pounding to get in. Dean runs over and throws himself down at the floor by the door and frantically starts pouring out the dust. The pounding suddenly stops and for a second they all stand/sit still, then Dean bolts for the window and pours out the dust on the windowsill, Ruby says to Sam "Give me the knife, maybe I can fight it off." Sam looks at her, a bit confused and says "What?" Ruby says "Come on! That dust won't last forever." Dean turns around and looks at them from behind Sam, After a few seconds Sam takes out the knife and hands it to Ruby and Dean says "Wait!" Sam and Sarah turns to Dean, looking at him and Ruby asks "You wanna die?" Dean says "Sam, Sarah that's not Ruby. It's not Ruby!" They both turn back to Ruby who, without touching them, flings them hard up against the wall, pinning both of them and Sam drops the knife and it falls to the floor. She then hits Dean without touching him and flings him on top of the table, pinning him. Dean grunts as he holds up his head so he can look at Ruby, Sam and Sarah looks to Ruby then at Dean.

Dean asks "How long you been in her?" Ruby's entire facial expression changes and becomes childlike. Lilith has taken over the body Ruby possessed and Lilith says "Not long." She looks down on her body as she speaks. "But I like it. It's all grown up and pretty." She looks up at Dean again, her eyes turning white and Sarah asks "And where's Ruby?" Lilith's eyes turns back to normal and she says "She was a very bad girl, so I sent her far, far away."

She tilts her head step by step and we hear her neck crunch with each tilting motion and Dean says "You know, I should have seen it before... but you all look alike to me." After a beat she snaps her head to Sam who looks over at her. She starts walking slowly towards him and Lilith says "Hello, Sam. I've wanted to meet you for a very long time." She grabs hold of his chin, forcing him to face her. Against his will she gives him a kiss and we hear how it sizzles from their lips meeting "Your lips are soft." Sam moves his head up and to the side, trying to get loose from her hand and says "Right, so you have me. Let my brother and Sarah go." He looks down on her and she says "Silly goose. You wanna bargain, you have to have something that I want. You don't." Dean says "So, is this your big plan, huh? Drag me to hell. Kill Sam and Sarah and then what? Become queen bitch?" Ruby says "I don't have to answer to puppy chow." Dean is clearly in pain on the table, trying to hold himself up against her restraint. Lilith suddenly moves from Sam, as she looks at Dean and walks over to the door while Dean follows her with his eyes. She grabs hold of the door handle and while looking at Dean exclaims "Sic 'em, boy." Sarah and Sam snaps their heads to Dean at this and Dean looks over at them and then at the door, Lilith opens the door and the goofer dust blows away as the hellhound gets him. Lilith just laughs and smiles, The hellhound attacks dean causing both Sam and Sarah to shout "STOP IT!" Lilith just watches with a little smile on her face. The hound slashes Dean on his back and his shoulder and Sam shouts "No!" He flips over and it slashes him over his chest, blood gushing out Sam and Sarah just watches in horror. Sarah says "Stop it!" Dean is taking his last breaths now "STOP IT!" The blood pours out of Dean's chest and he's not screaming anymore, but still not dead and Sam says "NO!" Lilith smiles at Sarah and Sam and says "Yes."

She holds out her hand and suddenly white light erupts from it. As it builds up Sam and Sarah turn their heads, Suddenly her white light is retracted, her eyes is still white but slowly turns back to normal, and she looks confused and shocked. Sam and Sarah s on the floor, huddled in a corner next to a cabinet, holding their hands in front of their faces, When they notice nothing happened and the light is gone he slowly takes down his hands, looks up at her and rises up to a standing position. She looks at the floor, afraid. She holds out her hand and looks at them, Sarah goes straight over to Dean and Lilith says "Back." Sam takes a breath and starts walking towards her "I said, back." Sam, with a determined look on his face, bends down and picks up Ruby's knife, Lilith looks very afraid of him now, as he just looks determined and hateful and he says "I don't think so." He pulls back his hand, and motions to stab her but suddenly Lilith exits Ruby's body, the black smoke go out of her body as she screams and the body that she was possessing falls to the floor dead, Sam goes over to Dean and Sarah who's crying Sam begins cry as he bends down next to him. He picks up Dean holding his head close to him, and he says "No... no... Dean..." As they both cry and mourns his brother and sarah's girlfriend, Sarah says "Dean...." As we come through Dean's eyes , everything is green and the texture is cloudy. We see chains everywhere, stretched from place to place that we can't see. There is thunder and lightning and we hear Dean scream, Suddenly in the middle of them Dean hooked up by his arms and legs and he says "HELP! NO! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" SAM! SARAH!"