
Supernatural Files Parker Twins Case

Supernatural things is our job. we're hunting them. Parker Brothers is on your service. S - Files is on a scene

Shycky_Ortega · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 3

She's completely froze in that moment. While were in the scene, there's a man break the moment.

"Emma, I'm here!" shouted by a man who enter the house.

He's a tall man with a dark complexion. He just look at us with a confused eyes.

"Who are they " He asked

George look at him from head to toe. I look to the man. I feel something to him. I close my eyes. As I close my eyes, I saw a vision....

There's a woman whose running, running for help. she's bleeding all over her body until there's I saw that man who grab the woman's hair then pulled it to a room then he shut the door.

I quickly open my eyes and look at the man. Does he kill a woman? I'm not sure on what I've saw.

"They are George and Greg Parker" Ms. Emma introduce us on that man.

"I'm Matias..... Emma's Boyfriend" he said to us.

George shake his hand to him then when it comes to me. as I touch his hands, his hands is so cold.

I got chills in my hands.

"Anong sadya nila dito...." he asked

"They'll make the unknown ghost stay away on my house" Ms. Emma said

He just look at us.

"So ma'am Wala Po ba kayong idea Kung Sino Yung babaeng Yun" George asked

"Wala eh" Ms. Emma answered....

after that talks, we've decided to go back in the house. As we walk through the door, we saw a man looking at the old house. I decided to approach him.

"anong ginagawa mo rito" I asked

He looks so quiet, he just look at me. I saw that he's holding a poster. I took it then look.

My jaw fell down, I saw the woman on the poster. Her name is Eva. The man start to talk.

"We've search for her for almost 10 years, We have no update of her. Everyday, I always walk around here to find here but one night, while I was searching, I saw Eva staring through that window" he said then point at the old house.

"How did you know her?"I asked

He just take a deep breath.

"She's my girlfriend" he said....

I got shocked....

George and I decided to take him inside the house. We've enter, suddenly I heard a voice from the second floor. we run for it.

As we went over the room. I got stucked. Hindi nakapasok sina George at Bob.

I saw the woman seeking for help. Suddenly, she touch my hand with her bloody hands.

I saw Everything.


"Emma, please stop Bob! Hindi ka Niya Mahal" shouted by Emma.

I saw the event between Emma and Eva. they didn't saw me anyway.

"ikaw Ang may kasalanan! Malandi ka!" Emma replied to her.

Nandito sila sa bahay. Akmang aalis na si Eva Ng biglang lumitaw si Matias sa harap Ng pinto. He beat Eva with a crowbar. Eva didn't fight back. Instead she tried to get out but it is impossible.

"Please let me out!" Eva shouted at him.

He never replied. Eva run away through the second floor. Emma got sticker on her place. she's completely froze on what she saw. I run after them. I saw Eva running for her life, but Matias grab her hair then pulled him in a room. I quickly run to the room. I saw everything, He **** her then killed. Eva laying in the ground, cover by blood.

Matias cover her with a big cloth then put her on the closet.

What the hell?! Her body was in the closet for a long time?!

After that, I saw Matias go out in the room then go in the living room. He talks to Ms. Emma then he left.

I saw Emma completely in silence.


I open my eyes, I still see Eva looking at me and point at the closet. I went to the closet and open it.

I was shocked. it was a human bone cover with big cloth. It has an awful smell. I called out to George and Bob.

We took her bones and give it a proper funeral.

Hindi natapos ung araw na yun, George, Bob, and I went to Ms. Emma's House.

As we've entered to her house, I saw Emma and Matias shouting to each other.

"You're such an idiot Emma, why did you let that two jerks go thou that house?!" Matias asked to her.

"I want that bitch ghost get out of my house! " she replied

"did you know na pwede nilang Makita ung katawan?! there not just a cheap paranormal expert Emma!" he said

Suddenly Emma's eyes point at us now...

--- to be continued