
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Komik
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102 Chs

Chapter 4 - For Peace Not War

Running tests on my samples of metal cloth, more than half of them couldn't stand up to Mach 10. Sure for normal people it was great, but for me...that's slow. The other cloth were able to last till Mach 20 before burning up. Sitting down in my seat I pondered where to go from here. Looking over at the suits being made, I remembered something I watched on the Science Channel as a kid. Not only could Carbon Nanotubes be used to store power, they automatically repaired themselves stronger than previously before. I couldn't recall their upper limits, but it was worth a shot. Scheduling a job to run to make Nanotube cloth, I went on to a more pressing matter.

"Figuring out what All for One is doing with volunteers is critical. My influence may cause unforseen issues when the story starts taking place...outside the relationships I have already started.", I thought, "All Might being healed could lead him to make a far more dangerous Nomu. I know their are several Heroes with Nuclear like Quirks in several countries. Quirks like that would be difficult to deal with because they could go Meltdown on us. A Nomu Suicide Bomber with a Quirk like would wipe U.A and everyone with in a hundred miles off the map. The best place to start is looking into the Doctor's patients and see whose Quirks he could take to copy."

Starting to do my research into him further, a similar conversation was going on in All for One's recovery room. After his battle with All Might, All for One was left on the verge of death. Unbeknownst to All Might he had a plan in place should that happen. All for One had been around for a long time, and he recognized that his body was already reaching the limits it could take. Prior to All Might's rise All for One had stealthily been laying the ground work to find the means to carry himself to the next level...whether that was him personally or just his Quirk alone.

Meeting the doctor sometime during his medical education, All for One could see the sense of desire the man had. His dream was to take Quirks to a whole new level, and reach heights none had seen. Unfortunately his colleagues only laughed at him, and he had almost given up till All for One gave him an offer he couldn't refuse.

"Society needs to change its way of thinking, don't you agree? The Sheep blindly follow the Heroes and the Government carelessly believing that they are always on their side. Take a look at the headlines, millions of people die every year in a wars those same Governments say are necessary for freedom, and they just accept that.", he said spinning a story for the inexperienced doctor, "After Quirks came around I am sure you have noticed the Government's have been much more hands on in their controlling mindset. People like us scare them so what do they do, they started paying people with the strongest Quirks to keep us in line! I know you have seen it with your own eyes, those Heroes cause nothing but pain wherever they go. They see themselves as Gods that lord over us without any consequences."

"I mean...I see where you are coming from.", he said remembering many Heroes who would cross that line without any ramifications, "I don't see how I-"

"Young Doctor, I know you have been interested in helping people enhance their Quirks. You have been doing extensive research into how they work, and ways to amplify them.", All for One said, "Your research scares them, if everyone could be as powerful as the Heroes they would lose control of their monopoly of power. Think about all the good your research could do for the poor and homeless people."

"...I see, I could help a lot of people. Maybe...maybe that's why when I submitted my paperwork for my research the board shredded.", the doctor said.

"Exactly, the government lines their pockets, and they make sure you don't disrupt the status quo.", he said, "I understand that your work is crucial to equalizing the world so I am offering to fund your work in private, no questions asked."

"You'd do that?", the doctor gasped.

"Why of course, work like this is the very core of our future.", he replied.

"Oh...oh okay, but I need test subjects. People won't just readily accept having their Quirks modified.", the doctor said.

"You don't need to worry about that, I can find you volunteers.", he said with a smile, "Get your degree, and come do your research under my wing."

The naive doctor accepted the offer knowing he wouldn't get a chance like it again. It was the chance of a lifetime, to be able to further humanity's potential was something he wanted to see, and that what he got. Not more than a month after graduating he started doing his experiments. Showing up to a lab in an undisclosed location somewhere outside town, he got to meet his first subjects. Chained up like animals several Heroes sat their black and blue from their encounter with his sponsor.

"What...what's going on?", he asked.

"As I have said before Heroes are nothing more than dogs of the government. These people may claim to be Heroes, but they are anything but. Making deals with villains to keep their jobs, and even taking bribes to look the other way. These are the types of people our government pays to keep us safe. Look at that man there in the suit, he let a child die to escape losing his arm. What Hero wouldn't make that sacrifice for a child?", All for One lied, "These people are the true scum of society, so what better way to atone then this. Progress requires sacrifice doctor."

Looking at the Heroes there was a slight bit of hesitation in his heart, but his love for his research over came that. From then on the doctor experimented on anyone his sponsor brought him. Over time his issues with using unwilling subjects was lost, and his hunger for more knowledge drove him to start using deceased subjects as the live ones fell apart to easily. It was around that time that he started exploring the idea of resurrecting Quirks that had been lost due to the host not passing their Quirk to their children, if they had any.

"The limits are boundless!!", he laughed, "I can mix and match Quirks as I please. No longer is it left to fate, I can make whatever Quirk I want with the right parts and enough testing. The Age of Designer Quirks is quickly becoming a reality!!! All my life's work hasn't been for nothing!!! They said that it would amount to nothing, but I have proved them wrong!!! Haha I can make Super Humans that can crush those feeble minded fools!!"

Having been feeding his ego, and whispering in his ear the entire time All for One changed the once misguided man into a Demon. Playing God by resurrecting the dead, he was already starting to get them to do basic tasks, but that all went on hold when All Might almost killed his sponsor. Using one of his pets, he stealthily retrieved his sponsor, and began treating his wounds. Now some time later as he nursed his wounds, the Doctor discovered me from news headlines. Seeing his pawn going over news broadcasts of me repeatedly, All for One inquired about me.

"Who is that boy?", he inquired.

"He is an immigrant from the US, the only child of the Wayne Family.", the doctor replied, "He has been making quite the stir in the news."

"How so?", he inquired.

"The boy single handedly took out Muscular like it was child's play.", the doctor said, "Not only that he can lift buses like sticks, and bends steel like tying a shoelace. He piqued my interest several years ago during that scandel the police and mayor were in."

"He was the cause of our problems?", he inquired.

"He blew the lid on the infiltration, and caused the organization a lot of problems. The government got involved, lots of our operatives were arrested and are now in jail.", the doctor replied.

"Is there something special about him?", he asked slightly interested now.

"I did some digging to see what Quirks he had. After a month of looking, there was never a file made for the Quirks he has.", the doctor said.

"Wouldn't that be here?", he asked, "The Wayne's moved here years ago."

"It's not public available yet, but Wayne Tech has a machine that detects the number of Quirks along with generalized information about it. They have been working on it for years now, they want to use it to catch terrorists and criminals. One of the first subjects was the boy, but no record was made.", the doctor said.

"Interesting...where you able to locate the doctor?", he asked.

"Unfortunately the doctor is deceased, however I did manage to get information from a nurse. The boy happens to have been born with a plethra of Quirks rangimg from Flight to X-ray vision.", the Doctor said, "I wasn't able to find out all of them, just a few of them."

"So this boy is a prodigy then.", he said, "Interesting, is he someone you think we can win over?"

"Unfortunately no, it appears he is similar to All Might in his devotion to the public safety. The boy prioritizes the civilians instead of himself.", the doctor said.

"I see...", he replied.

"Not only that the boy is a wiz with technology. He has invented a massive power source that may be receiving a city contract to be installed her. A device that seems to do something with enhancing objects, only rumors with that one, and nano machines that appear to be able to heal injuries from minor to severe such as spinal cord severings.", the doctor said, "The boy is very intriguing...I want to meet him in person, and see what makes him ticket. All of those Quirks, and a body that strong would be a very good test subject."

"Those machines you spoke of, would they-"

"From the public testing, most certainly.", the doctor said.

"That is troubling...All Might may try to use it to recover from his injuries. Doctor, how goes the Nomu project?", he asked.

"I had to put it on hold to keep you alive.", the doctor said, "It will be several years before I can have a function ready. The specimens aren't stable enough yet."

"I understand, there is a change in plans.", All for One said, "I need you push your Nomu built for All Might far beyond our previous specs. It is likely he will interfere, and All Might will also most likely be healed. Don't inform my apprentice of these changes. He already has enough going on with my lessons."

"I understand.", the doctor said, "I may have to do some test runs before hand, is that fine?"

"Do what you need too, but don't draw attention to us.", All for One said.

"Haha, I know the perfect way to run the tests.", the doctor said with a twisted grin.

Back in my lab, I finished the testing on the material. Sure enough it held up to my current needs. The only problem was that it was all grey...not Superman's Hero colors. Devising a way to paint them in a way that they wouldn't fade or wear out, I got the program going on my suit. Since it was about time now to go home for our usual hangout time, I left the machine running as I sped off.

Getting my room prepared for the group, the texted me saying that family things had come up. The only one that would be coming was Toga which was fine. We could go somewhere else than just hanging out here. When she arrived I asked if she wanted to to go elsewhere, which she did. Offering to take her to the Arcade, she latched on to my arm and took off. Smiling I took us over to the racing games first.

"How does this one work?", she asked examining everything.

"Right pedal is go, left pedal is brake, and the shifter is only if you select a manual car.", I stated.

"And this circle thing?", she asked.

"What you use to turn the car.", I stated.

"Okay!", she said with a determined look.

Selecting the cars, and track we shot off down the strip. Having never driven anything, she crashed into the wall taking the first corner too fast. Gunning it to catch back up to me the next corner she was more mindful of her speed, and kept inching closer to my car. Keeping her behind me, she tried several times to pass me only to have me block her out. After a few times I let her pass, and beat me in the home stretch. Celebrating her victory she challenged me to another race which I smoked her in with a manual car. After a few more races I took her over to a game I felt she would enjoy more, Zombie Nightmare.

"What do we need to do?", she asked.

"You pick your gun, and then start shooting zombies.", I stated.

"That's it?", she asked, "That seems pretty easy."

"You will understand when it starts.", I stated.

Loading the game up she casually started to shoot them till the horde came. Rushing onto the screen she panicked, and started blasting them randomly. Picking off the ones she wasn't hitting, we eventually got to Round 17 before we died. Asking me to pick another game since this was too difficult, I asked if she wanted to try a dancing game. Nodding her I showed her the game in question. Giving her a general rundown she picked the song, and did a practice dance. Surprisingly she picked the theme song to some anime she liked called Paw Paw Power, some popular show that I didn't see the entertainment in. Watching her smile, and sing along I hoped that my interference would stop her from becoming a villain. Last thing I wanted to do was fight her now, seeing her like this just proved that society was no different than my world. Those who are different get pushed and trampled over by the world...and she was one of the victims.

"You wanna play me?", she asked.

"Uh...I really don't know the song, but I will give it a try.", I replied.

Getting up there with her, she replayed the song again. Fumbling through it she laughed at me saying I had no rhythm. Picking my song next, I picked one that was similar to what I knew and got to it. Following the dance moves I remember from the video, I was shocked to see that it matched up completely with the song allowing me to score a perfect game. Cheering me on she looked thrilled that I was doing do well.

"Wow you do know how to dance.", she said.

"Haha, only to some music.", I chuckled.

Wasting the day away playing other games, we exchanged our tickets for a stuffed rabbit for Toga. Handing her the stuffed blue rabbit with an eye patch, she looked embarrassed to receive the animal. Thanking me repeatedly, I flew her home and made sure she had something to eat. Letting her go, I shot back home for dinner.

The following Friday the Commissioner told me that Toga would be assigned into my class as of Monday. Asking me to monitor her, and ensure she didn't injure anyone I said I would do my best. Telling her the news she got very excited that we would see each other more now. Come Monday, she arrived in class early to meet me. Running over to say hello to me and the other girls in our group, one of the boys in the class recognized her from somewhere and started telling others to stay away from her. Fortunately she wasn't paying any attention to them since she was talking with Momo and Ochaco.

Ignoring the boys, I noticed that Ochaco and Toga were showing the others pictures of our dates. Looking at me the four others seemed to want to complain, but they would be getting their turn soon enough. This weekend I would be taking Mina out on a date, and she specifically asked to go to a wrestling match. Her hyperactive energy meshed well in places like that...I just hoped she didn't try joining in.

"So where do you intend to take us?", the other three asked.

"It's a surprise, I can't tell you.", I stated.

"Meanie.", they replied.

Shaking my head I took my seat next to Toga, and helped her through the classes. Just like every child our age, she wanted to know if any of this would really come in handy. Stating that most of it wouldn't, I told her to really focus on math. That is one of the biggest things people overlooked, but it was the most costly to them. Knowing how to balance a check book, and make a budget were skills I personally thought schools should teach...not how to diagram sentences.

During lunch, I shared my food with Toga as she only brought a sandwich. Gratefully accepting the additional food, mainly meat, I watched her devour it like it was a drug. Remembering that I needed to test that theory, I decided to investigate it on Friday.

The follow morning when we got to class, we found that people had utterly ruined Toga's desk. Writing hateful things on it, I quickly fixed it before she got in. Seizing the only boy that was there with us, I told him to tell me who did it or I would tell the teacher he did it. Refusing to tell me who, I showed photos of it to the teacher, and stated that he was the only one in there when we arrived. All of that got him a week in In-school suspension.

"This is bad...if they keep this up Toga might actually stab someone.", I thought as she arrived.

Not informing her of what happened, I feinted ignorance for her sake. Every day for the rest of of the school week some of our classmates did everything they could from sending hateful letters to her all the way to trying to hide her shoes. I stopped each attempt punishing the student who did it each time...it was becoming a full time job. Come Friday, I took Toga to my lab to run some tests. Giving me permission to check her out, I ran a series of tests on her body to see what I could find.

"So it is true, she is lacking in some nutrients.", I thought, "Iron, protein, keratin...all of them are things you would need for a growing your body. Her Quirk must need a large amount every time she uses it. Overusing the Quirk would kill her...no wonder she devours certain foods and not others. Most of these things are found in human blood, her Quirk must influence her judgement to sustain itself. This is fascinating, it means that some Quirks might be influencing people to help with deficiencies."

"Is something wrong?", she asked.

"No, I do think I figured out why you have that stabbing fixation...well at least where it started.", I stated explaining it to her in simple terms.

"So what you are saying is I don't take in enough nutrients.", she said.

"Exactly, from what I can tell you need a special diet to sustain yourself.", I stated.

"That would explain why I get hungry after using my Quirk.", she said.

"Precisely my point, I would like your help testing that.", I requested.

"Will it taste horrible?", she asked.

"No, don't worry.", I reassured her.

Knowing what she was low in, I made items that fitted those needs. Ending up with a steak and lobster with a garden salad and broccoli covered in butter I slid the food towards her. Staring at it she froze there for some time before I asked if something was wrong. Starting to sniffle she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"This...this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!", she cried, "I have seen other people eating stuff like this, but I never got to have any. It's so hard...I only wanted my parents to be proud of me, but then when my Quirk appeared everything became so hard. I did everything they asked of, but I always had this urge in the back of my head to stab something!! One day I could take it anymore, and it all came out!!"

"Toga...", I said.

"Everyone looked at me like I was a monster, like I wasn't even human. When I went home my parents started beating me saying that I was a disgrace, and that they wished I never had been born.", she cried, "It really hurt...they abandoned me in that tiny apartment, and never came to see me. Every night I laid on my mat hearing gun shots, screaming, and police sirens...I was so scared, but I had no one to go too."

Walking over to give her a hug she started crying into my chest.

"There were times I had to steal just to have something to eat, and I would get beaten up by the store owners. They didn't take any pity on me, instead just let their dogs chase me after they were done beating me.", she whimpered, "I tried going to Heroes and police for help, but they all turned their backs on me saying I was a lost cause. None of them would give me a passing glance, that's when I started to think it would be better to die or be a villain. Make them pay for all the suffering I had to endure just because I couldn't understand my Quirk."

Patting her head I told her it would be alright.

"That day you showed up...I almost didn't go.", she said, "No one ever played with me, they always excluded me. You showed up, and listened to me. You weren't afraid of me, and treated me like I was worth something!!"

"You are my friend Toga, of course I would.", I said.

"You have no idea how much it means to me!", she cried, "I don't have to be alone anymore!"

Holding her tightly, I realized then that the Toga in the original story only needed someone to sit down and listen to her. Seeing how bad she had it, I started to wonder how many other villains were just people that society cast away. How many other people out there just needed someone to listen to them?

Wiping her tears away, I had her eat her meal. I wasn't the best cook in the work, but I knew enough to make something edible. Judging by how she was reacting though, you would have thought I was Gordon Ramsey. Licking her plate clean I noticed that her complexion had improved nearly tenfold. She no longer looked sickly, but the picture of health. Showing her the change in the mirror she gave me a big hug thanking me for helping her.

"How will I eat like this normally?", she asked, "It must be very expensive."

"I can handle that, you and I will start making trips to the beach every Friday instead of going to that thing.", I stated, "Fish is just as good as steak, and we can catch them fresh."

"Really!!", she said with excitement, "You'd do that for me!"

"Of course.", I said with a smile.

Taking her back home, I helped get her apartment cleaned up...in record time. Having super speed made cleaning a breeze. In less time than it took to blink her apartment was cleaned spotless. Making sure she had all the utensils she needed to cook I offered to take her fishing now. Clearing the idea with the Commissioner, he gave the green light before I finished asking. Getting a net, I flew laps a few miles off shore with Toga on my back catching her a weeks worth of fish. Since we were more than two miles off the coast, we didn't need a fishing licenses.

Taking our catch back to her home, I showed her how to process them. Having been shown this by my grandfather in my previous life, I felt a bit fuzzy in my chest remembering those days. Once the fish were cleaned, and gutted we put them in airtight bags before stowing them in the freezer. Spending the rest of the day at her apartment, I went home for dinner where my father was going over the suit I had given my mother and him.

Having left a note with instructions on them, I felt they were intelligent enough to try them on. Not bothering to ask how I got their sizes, my parents tried them out with the charge I had put in them. Since the wireless charging units weren't built, or even diagrammed out yet, they would have to make do with charging them via USB for now.

"Son...I have to say that these suits are amazing. I couldn't tell that I was wearing it, and I had the men at the lab test it's defenses. All of them are asking about how you-"

"You didn't like that examine it, did you?", I asked with a worried look.

"I did, all of them are completely baffled by the materials you used.", my father said, "Just what exactly did you use?"

"Why...why do you need to know?", I asked.

"Son, this material can revolutionize things. Imagine batteries made with stuff, the amount it holds is incomparable to a normal battery.", he said with excitement, "Not only that, but the durability of the material is-"

"What did they say?", I asked.

"They can see governments paying top dollar to get their hands-"

"It's not for sale, it's meant to protect mom, my friends, you, and I.", I said, "I am not selling it to others."

"Why not?", mom asked.

"Those governments will use it to make weapons and armor.", I stated, "I am not letting my inventions be used to kill other people!"

"We could always put a clause in the contract that states they can't use our products for war.", he replied.

"That only works till they replicate it.", I said, "Then they are free to go kill people using it. Dad I don't want my name to be written down as someone that made things for war. I want people to know that I helped as many people as I could. This won't help people...it will kill them."

"Son I don't think you understand.", he chuckled, "I will have our lawyer speak with you about ways for preventing that. This material has the potential to help a lot of people. Our scientists think it could potential be used in replacing lost muscle, and bones. It could make vehicles safer, and keep the police from dying as often. Those reasons alone are well worth the risk.

"You don't realize how dark things are.", I thought, "I have seen what people in power do with things meant to help people. They took electricity, something made to bring light to world, and used it to make torture devices. They took my Med Bots in my original world, and weaponized them. I watched them use the Nano Machines to wipe out whole villages of 'Terrorists' when only a few were. Those people laughed and drank while all those people died an agonizing death as they were literally torn apart piece by piece. Your contracts mean shit to them...they are the ones who write and enforce the laws. Any contract you write they can get themselves out of. Those last few days before my death...after I found out...I didn't sleep because I felt so guilt ridden that they died because of me. I trusted the government, and they took that trust and killed thousands with it...saying that I invented it..."

"Son?", he asked.

"I am not sell it, if you won't keep it to yourself I will take them back.", I stated, "I...I won't have innocent blood on my hands."

"Dear...Clark is very serious about this.", mom said, "It's his invention, we should honor his wishes."

"I understand...son, I am only thinking about your future. One day you will need to stand on your own two feet.", he said, "I am only thinking of your future."

"I know dad, I am working on things that I can sell.", I said with a nod, "I will have some plans ready in two weeks for a wireless power transmitter and receiver."

"You mean like a charging pad?", he asked.

"No, it will function the same way a cell phone tower works. The transmitter will send power, and the receiver will take said power in for distribution. The receivers won't be much bigger than a satellite dish, and for smaller devices it will be the size of a small coin.", I stated, "It will be great, people that live out in the middle of nowhere can get electricity now. After that I am devising a way to get internet coverage around the globe."

"Oh my, that is wonderful Clark.", mother said.

"Those items will definitely sell, I just know it!", he said.

Grateful that they weren't forcing the issue with the suit, I started going over the finer details about the wireless power I had in mind.

Sorry for the delayed chapter, wasn't feeling so hot yesterday.

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