
Superman in the Invincible universe

This Story is about a young man dying and transmigrating in the invincible universe as Superman

Imad_Nfaouy · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Power up!

The portal closed and I was on the Flaxans planet. I was then greeted by the Flaxans with heavy artillery. They shot everything they had at me which created a cloud of dust. They started grinning, however when the dust started clearing. They saw me flying in the air completely unbothered by their attacks which terrified them.

While the aliens were talking I started understanding some of the things they were saying and started speaking in their tongue which shocked them. I started asking them what business they had with Earth. An older and more muscular alien showed up.

I assume you are their leader?

He said nothing and rushed at me.

He had veins popping out of his forehead and started attacking me with an axe that was made out of some kind of energy. I effortlessly dodged his attacks which created a big crater. I flew right through him while his blood splattered on his people. I noticed that I was getting stronger, but way more than usual and saw that this planet was orbiting a sun but not a yellow one but a blue one.

I was getting ridiculously stronger, cause a blue sun is way younger than a yellow sun and is therefore purer and full with solar energy.

I was overflowing with power. I felt like I reached a new level of strength.That I could destroy planets with my bare hands even though I only got a taste of it.

The Flaxans started shooting at me again which annoyed me so I used my freeze breath and accidentally froze 1/4 of the planet. I new that I got stronger but this is just ridiculous. I wouldn't give them the chance to return to earth to get revenge as they are smart and strategic beings, so I flew directly into the planets core destroying it with a single punch.

It felt breathtaking going all out for the first time. When the planet exploded I felt a bit sad, but it had to be done, cause if I would have let them live, they would have only kept trying to conquer Earth.

I flew closer and closer to the sun which burned my skin at first and as I got closer it literally started melting me, as the heat was intense. It was the first time I felt a heat this powerful. I made one last push and entered the sun.

I started absorbing all the radiation from the sun, including heat and light.

I lost track for how long I stayed in the sun, but I would say about a week. In that time I got a few new abilities, such as Master builder, Mind control and Superman Vision.

Master Builder: with this ability I am able to repair any Objekt that has been damaged or construct Objekts myself.

Mind control: with this ability I can enter another person's mind and take control of them.

And lastly I got the ability to temporarily bestow a human the powers of a Kryptonian

I absorbed radiation one more time before flying in full speed faster than I ever could. I went beyond light speed and broke through the dimensional space barrier to return home. I envisioned myself returning home and a portal opened up which I entered and found myself back at the city.

Hey guys,

Sorry for posting this late.I had something important to take care of. As always I hope you liked this chapter.

See you tomorrow!

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