
Superman Comics In Great Depression.

--------- What if Germany won the Second World war. What if Hydra Killed Captain America. What if Tony Stark was killed with his Parents. What if There was no Shield; instead there were Thunderbolts operated by Helmut Zemo. What if Wilson Fisk Became Mayor of New york. What would happen if a person got transmigrated into this bizzare world as a reporter. __________ Colin's remarkable discovery unfolds when he realizes that by simply closing his eyes, he can transition from a seemingly imaginary superhero universe into a vivid Era of the Great Depression in the United States! In the midst of this transformative journey, both of the worlds witnesses the birth of its first-ever superhero—Superman! ... Essentially, this is a captivating tale set in the backdrop of newspaper vending during the challenging times of the Great Depression in America. ========== this is a translation work https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Join my discord. - https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug 美漫:我在大萧条画超人

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75 Chs

Chapter 4 1931


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Colin's consciousness was enveloped by a vibrant green light, constantly tugging at him.

Within this radiant glow, a multitude of figures danced and shifted—some laughing, some crying, some arguing, and some fighting. These images were elusive yet remarkably vivid.

When Colin reopened his eyes, the environment around him had undergone a complete change.

The frigid concrete floor of a New York alley had been transformed into a warm and cozy interior.

"Just as I expected..."

Colin's face showed no signs of surprise as he surveyed the scene in front of him.

In fact, this kind of situation was a daily occurrence for Colin.

Whenever he closed his eyes, the light would pull his consciousness into another world. Assuming the identity of Colin Luper, he lived an entirely different life.

Initially, Colin questioned whether this so-called alternate world might simply be an unconventional dream. However, through his persistent efforts, he eventually confirmed its tangible reality.

"Who could have imagined that time travel would come with a 'buy one, get one free' offer these days?"

Colin had expressed his frustration about this on multiple occasions.

The frequent back-and-forth between these two worlds, day and night, began to confuse even Colin, a seasoned time traveler.

To accurately distinguish between the two realms, he referred to the one before him as the "real world," a normal world devoid of superheroes. The other world, with its superheroes and substantial divergence from his memories, he dubbed the "alternate world/anti-world."

Of course, these designations of "real" and "alternate" were merely subjective definitions created by Colin for the sake of convenience in his own recollection.

A dull ache emanated from his chest, bringing Colin's attention back to reality.

Glancing down, he noticed that the fatal gunshot wound had transformed into a minor bleeding injury on his chest. Aside from the occasional twinges of pain when he moved, it was hard to believe that just minutes ago, Colin had been involved in a shooting incident.

"I wonder how it will be when I return."

Skilled in his routine, Colin retrieved a bandage from a drawer in the room and swiftly tended to his wound.

Standing before the wardrobe, Colin skillfully tied a necktie and selected a dark gray coat. He examined his movements in the mirror, ensuring that the bandage wouldn't hinder his normal range of motion. Finally, he placed a top hat from the nearby desk atop his head.

Rubbing his cold palms together, Colin approached the door but paused for a moment. He hesitated, then turned back to the desk, opening a drawer and retrieving an old-fashioned revolver. He tucked it into his coat pocket.

Considering the recent perilous shooting incident he had just encountered, Colin felt it necessary to take some precautionary measures before venturing out.

Even though the location of the event was not the current world before his eyes.

But who could guarantee anything? After all...

Suppressing the thoughts that surfaced in his mind, Colin stood at the door, took a deep breath, adjusted his hat, opened the door, and stepped outside.

What greeted his eyes was the familiar yet unfamiliar metropolis—New York.

Or more accurately, New York in 1931.


In November, chilling winds swept through New York City.

The remnants of the Great Depression loomed, as people braved the cold and walked the streets. Everywhere, hurried pedestrians and expressionless vagrants could be observed. It's difficult to fathom that just a few years earlier, many of these destitute individuals enjoyed prosperous lives. Among them were former farmers, engineers, school principals, and even bank executives.

However, due to the devastating impact of the Great Depression, all their achievements came to naught.

Countless Americans watched helplessly as their life savings evaporated within days.

According to the latest estimate published in the September issue of Fortune magazine, over 34 million adults, including men, women, and children (child labor was legal during that time), were unemployed during the Great Depression, accounting for approximately 28% of the total population.

And this estimate is considered conservative, as it excludes the 11 million rural farmers.

The unemployment crisis also affected the farmers, resulting in a situation where neither group could afford the other's products.

It was as if they were trapped in an unrelenting cycle.

Farmers toiled tirelessly, only to receive meager rewards. The price of a cart of oats couldn't even buy a pair of subpar shoes. Wheat cultivators grow wheat at a loss of $1.5 per acre. It was more cost-effective to use corn as fuel rather than sell it to purchase coal. Farm owners couldn't recover the expenses incurred from feeding livestock, so they chose to dispose of them rather than sell them.

Numerous people faced eviction from their homes, losing the very shelter they depended on for survival. Many succumbed to famine and malnutrition during the Great Depression.

All of this was distressingly commonplace during that era.


Colin's understanding of the Great Depression largely came from accounts he had encountered in various books and photographs. Yet, these black-and-white images and simple texts failed to convey the true hardships endured by people of that time, especially during the Great Depression.

Now, experiencing it firsthand, Colin genuinely comprehended the immense challenges faced by individuals during that era. A stable job became a luxury amidst the overwhelming wave of unemployment, and the wages earned from exhausting labor often didn't cover the cost of a loaf of bread.

Even finding such work required a stroke of luck and was not available every day.

As Colin walked through the streets, he encountered beggars on multiple occasions.

He also noticed poorly dressed children, their emaciated appearance mirroring their prolonged malnutrition. These children huddled beside their equally thin mothers, seeking refuge from the biting cold winds that blew from every direction. The gaunt mothers, with sunken bodies, covered their mouths with a hand; their gazes fixed in the distance, filled with despair and numbness.

Observing this scene, Colin involuntarily slowed his pace.

He desired to do something but felt utterly powerless.

Because women like her were a common sight throughout the Great Depression.

It wasn't an isolated issue; it was a societal upheaval that swept across America and even the entire Western world.

The Great Depression was considered one of the longest, deepest, and most severe economic crises in the history of capitalist economies.

Taking a deep breath, Colin tore his gaze away from the ragged woman.

He turned around and briskly left the neighborhood, traversing a desolate shopping street until he finally halted in front of an old house at the street corner.

The sign above the house read, "Messenger Press."

Glancing at it, Colin adjusted his hat and coughed.

Then he reached out and pushed open the door of the press office.


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