

The much-anticipated cyberpunk holographic game was about to launch, and Jonathan hit the jackpot, getting chosen as a beta tester. But things take a bizarre turn. He realized he wasn't just playing some holographic game – he'd been transported to an actual parallel universe. The moment he logged in, he felt something was off. Question: What do you do when you discover that your in-game identity is the Federation's most wanted, and you're undercover in the official investigation department?

FETI · Game
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392 Chs

"Of course, this is what we agreed on from the beginning"

"You go in, I'll stake out here," Jonathan said.

Without a word, Lucasik turned and went into the restroom. Jonathan moved to a hidden corner, his gaze fixed on the restroom exit.

"The guy has a tracker signal on him, and the tracker is made in the shape of a transparent sticker, not easy to detect." Moss said, "His overall physical characteristics also match the informant's description, height between 1.78 to 1.8 meters, slightly broad shoulders, medium build. Wearing an unidentifiable black cloak and a mask."

The buyers in the black market all had their own dress styles, but the sellers were all dressed in uniforms, cloaks, and masks.

"Is the informant reliable?" Jonathan asked, barely audibly, "Could the tracker be detected?"