

"This isn't a real body; it's a puppet body. Its only purpose is to allow me to interact with your world. I'm only as strong as an average human." Gramps said.

"Sorry, I'm just surprised," Kyle said.

"Fine, let's get on with it. We need to have a chat before your mother gets home. Everything is ready for our one month of training.

The part of my plan I'm worried about is you. Don't get weird while I speak with your mother."

"Why would I get weird?" he asked.

"Because you are you. Later, I'll call your mother and meet with her. I will introduce myself as a special trainer who helps kids who have trouble controlling their powers.

"All mom has to do is call the school, and she'll know it's a lie!" Kyle knew how thorough his mother was when it came to her children.

"I have it under control, I called your Principal, and he is aware of everything. He was actually quite glad to work with me after looking at our website."

"Wait, when did you have the time to do all of this?" Kyle asked.

"I've been preparing my cover story long before you and I met today.

Do you think this is some fly by the seat of your pants, wacky complications arise through stupidity fantasy novel? I am a professional." Gramps said as he straightened his tie.

"How did you know you would need a cover like this?" Kyle asked as he carefully studied Gramps.

"Your power control problem is well known. It was an obvious cover to take. Now, stop asking so many questions and listen to my plan."

Gramps shared everything with Kyle so he could play along later.

There weren't any obvious flaws with the plan, so he agreed to it.

After their discussion, Gramps disappeared. It was then he looked at the cultivation technique he was given. Kyle was excited about the prospects of working with Gramps.

No one was home, and he would have some time to explore. Thinking into his mind, he reviewed the details about the Immortal Body Technique.

The technique refines the body, making it stronger.

It leads the cultivator from mortality to immortality.

He had volume one of six. He would need the other manuals to progress toward immortality.

The idea that he could become an immortal caused his head to spin. What would he be like to live forever? He wondered to himself.

He envisioned his life filled with adventures in this world and beyond.

It occurred to him that if he became an immortal, what would happen to his mother and siblings? Wouldn't they die? The idea of living for eternity without his family was hard.

It didn't seem like fun to imagine himself alone forever, but maybe he could help them become immortal too!

Didn't Gramps promise him that he could use the things he learned to help his family? Maybe they could become an immortal family.

Of course, if he and his siblings got married, they would have children, and they would want them to become immortal...wouldn't this mean that he could wind up filling the world with immortals?

Kyle was brought out of his private reveries when he heard someone entering the house.

He reached the bottom of the staircase and was greeted by the sight of his younger siblings entering.

His sister, Mini Kane, age fourteen, his brother Kevin, age ten, and his youngest brother Carter, age eight, came in brimming with the excitement of being out of school.

"Hey, Mini, you want to order some pizza for tonight?" Kyle asked his sister. She was younger than him, but she was like a little mother.

Like most little girls, she was bossy. His Dad used to tease her all of the time about being so bossy.

He missed his Dad. "Where could he be?" he wondered.

"Of course! How many pizzas?" She asked Kyle as she went to the money jar to take out the money. She organized the money neatly on the counter so that as soon as the pizza guy brought it, she could pay him.

"Get two pizzas, both with Canadian Bacon, 2 two-liters of Dr. Thunderpantz, and a bottle of Diet Cosi. Oh, and one order of garlic bread!"

Mini called in the pizza order and even calculated a fifteen percent tip. Their parents always taught them it cost money for the pizza guy to bring them their pizza.

The delivery person worked hard, and it was important to tip them.

Kyle was about to walk upstairs when he heard someone knocking at the front door.

He was surprised to discover a very shy and nervous Samira Sullivan standing there when he opened the door. Looking behind her, there was a pretty thirty-year-old woman with light brown hair and a warm smile sitting in a red 2017 Toyza X-4 in their driveway.

"Hi, Kyle," she said.

Kyle was a little unsure of what was going on, but he recovered. "Hi, Samira, why are you here?"

"I'm sorry to come over uninvited, but I told my mother what happened today and how you're always getting beat up because you're trying to get the bullies to leave me alone, and my mother asked if I thanked you, and I said no, so I came over to say thank you, and I'm sorry you got suspended." She said all of this with one breath without taking a single breath or making the slightest pause.

"I know you're a good person, and you're always getting bullied. Ever since we were kids, you're always getting bullied, but you're still really kind.

It's really nice to have someone stand up for you and not let people hurt you.

"I'm sorry that I'm useless and can't help you. Even if I tell them what a good person you are, they won't listen. I've tried it!"

Tears and snot streaked down her face.

She was really crying hard, and Kyle didn't know what to do.

He awkwardly reached his hand behind her back while keeping a safe distance and gently padded her. He was constantly aware Samira's mother was watching.

It was a comical scene like a robot consoling someone because it was programmed to do so. It was a mechanical performance.

He saw how distraught she was and wanted to help her but didn't know what to do.

"Would you like to come in? We just ordered pizza. You know my sister Mini, she's inside and so are my two brothers. You can come in for a while and hang out.

Tell your mom she can pick you up later," he said with a smile. Samira didn't have any friends at school, so maybe being around other kids would make her feel better.

The invitation was exactly what she needed to stop crying and cheer up. She ran to her mother and asked for permission before happily coming back, entering the house.

Kyle noticed as Samira was talking, mother had a teary but happy look on her face as she put her left hand over her heart.

She looked at Kyle and mouthed, "Thank You," to him. It turned out kids not having friends and being bullied wasn't just hard on the kid; it was hard on the parents too.

The whole thing made Kyle think about his own mother and how she must feel whenever she learned about him getting bullied and hurt.

Sometimes kids didn't feel like they could take the bullying and would commit suicide.

Kyle never understood this.

He could never do that, if for no other reason than what it would do to his mother and siblings.

Still, seeing Samira's Mom's tears, he realized they could be just as helpless as their children.

Sometimes parents needed their children to solve their own problems. As much as they wanted to, they couldn't protect their kids from everything forever.

His determination to become stronger grew more resolute. It wasn't only about protecting himself and his family from physical dangers.

He also needed to get strong enough to protect his family from the emotional dangers lurking in the world. Emotional injuries could be worse than physical ones.

Mini chatted excitedly with Samira when she came in. Kyle didn't know what to do, so he mostly sat at the table and listened to them.

When the pizza came, it was a mad dash to get your slices and drinks. With a big family like that, it was always every man for himself.

If you didn't grab everything you wanted, don't naively think something will be left over for you later. Kyle had to rescue some pizza so Samira would have some to eat.

The kids went into the living room to eat and watch a Tv show.

An hour after the pizza arrived, Kyle's mom came home. She was surprised to see Samira.

At first, she thought Samira was there to see Mini, but then Samira and Mini both launched into an explanation and described Kyle's heroic actions; Kyle's mom couldn't stop smiling broadly.

She knew her son was a good boy, and here was the proof. She had no idea that sometimes the reason he got beat up was to protect this girl.

It was hard not to wonder if Kyle was sweet on the girl. However, after observing for a little while, she realized her son hadn't thought of Samira in that way. He was young, after all.

"I guess sending you to Super Hero school wasn't a waste; I have my own little hero," she beamed.

At that moment, a knocking came from the front door. Mrs. Kane answered it, "Good evening Mrs. Kane, I'm sorry, but I'm a little early for our meeting. Is now a convenient time?" Gramps asked.

"Mr. Wong, please come in," she said.

"Yu Wong, it's Mr. Yu, actually. It's a part of our culture that we put our last name first and our first name last. We honor our ancestors before we honor ourselves." Gramps said as he walked in.

"Of course, Mr. Yu, please come in. You'll have to forgive the mess we're finishing dinner." She said as she hurriedly began to clear the table of the pizza and drink. After wiping off the table, she indicated for Mr. Yu to have a seat.

They sat at the table, and everyone was quiet. Finally, Mrs. Kane broke the silence.

"Mr. Yu, you said that you could help us?"

"I will help you, Mrs. Kane. I'm going to help your son learn to control his power and make him stronger to boot!" Gramps said with a big smile.

Hey everyone, how are you enjoying the book so far?

Great news, I'm currently at third place in the WFP writing competition. All I need to go up the charts are you spirit stones!

Currently, I'm a little over ten spirit stones from second place and about twenty spirit stones from first place.

Show some love and let's win this competition!

If you don't have any spirit stones to spare, share the book with your friends, and have them donate a few!

Thanks, you guys are the best.


I have edited this chapter. If you see any mistakes, please let me know. Thank you!

straythoughtcreators' thoughts