
Man Troubles

That night, Passion Princess returned to her island lair hot and very unsatisfied. Landing on the small, deserted offshore rock, she was carried beneath the ground by a secret elevator that brought her to the much-larger subterranean base.

"ANA, what are some reasons why a man would be reluctant to leave his old girlfriend behind when faced with a much better option?" the heroine asked the hideout's AI in a huff.

"Let's see. According to my search engine, some reasons why a man would be reluctant to leave his old girlfriend for another girl include: being incompatible with the new girl, not being attracted to the new girl, and both parties having varying emotional temperaments," the female-voiced computer replied. "Would you like me to list more?"

"No, forget about it. The first two are clearly out of the question," Passion Princess sighed as she arrived to the high-tech kitchen area of the lair and began to boil some hot water on the stove. "But maybe we're on different wave lengths emotionally? I mean I'm Passion Princess. I'm full of passion and vigor. But Asher, he always seems stressed and nervous around me. The poor thing probably thinks that he isn't good enough."

"I think it is fear that you are sensing," ANA continued. "Would it not be more impressionable to respect his wishes?"

"What? No, no that's not how you land a man," the overpowered hero chuckled as she removed her cape and stripped out of her skin-tight costume. Her naked, curvaceous body almost steamed as it hit the cooler air, her sweat-slicked skin pristine and her many curves jiggling as she put the garment in the clothes hamper and searched for something to wear in her room. "Asher thinks that he wants that ugly wench because he's such a good boy. Once he realizes just how much I have to offer, he'll never think about Priya again."

Bending down to reach into her bottom drawer, her huge, peach-shaped butt casting a large shadow down the hallway, the heroine retrieved a fluffy pink bathrobe and threw it over her body. Her broadness, height, and general thickness ensured that this too would be a tight fit.

"Shall I run you a bath, Miss Jan?" the computer asked.

"Nah, I was thinking about sneaking into Asher's place tomorrow and then lie in his bed naked all day," Passion Princess snickered mischievously. "That way my scent gets rubbed off in there and he has no choice but to smell me when he goes to sleep. They say that a woman's musk can sometimes carry phenomes that lead to irrisitable attraction." 

"That would be…regrettably unsanitary," ANA warned. "Besides, Miss Jan, do you intend on breaking the law to get closer to this man?"

"As long as it takes! I save the world, shouldn't I be entitled to what makes me happy?" the stalwart blonde complained as she took a seat on the couch. "Oh but speaking of which, did you happen to order the things on my freight shipping list?"

"Yes Ma'am. 3 new 20-pound iron collars adjusted to the measurements you specified, over 50 feet of extra-durable chain length, 20,000 mg of valium, 30,000 mg of Viagra, and not to mention all the 'toys' you listed," the computer replied. "They'll be here in 7-10 business days."

"Excellent! Hopefully I won't need them though, because I want that handsome-ass man to fall for me on his own," Passion Princess shuddered as she began to blush. "I almost got ahead of myself at the park just now, but just you wait. I'll have him so fucked in the head that he'll be humping my leg like the puppy that he is."

Lifting her rear off the couch, she floated over to the stove and added the hot water to a mug along with some instant cocoa mix to make hot chocolate. Returning to her seat with her beverage, Passion Princess prepared to enjoy her evening relaxing after a day of crime fighting.


"Attention, Miss Jan, we have a red alert coming from Graveport's upper-east side," ANA warned over the intercom a few hours later. "Evergreen was spotted trying to consume people again. Shall I tell emergency services that you'll be arriving?"

"Huh? Evergreen eh?" Passion Princess asked as she shook her head awake, having dozed off. "She must have escaped from prison again. I'd leave this to one of the night heroes but—ah what the hell, I haven't fought that leafy bitch in a while. I'll head out."

"Your costume is washed and dried for your convenience," the computer answered as a mannequin wearing the blue and red outfit emerged from behind a wall.

Donning the skin-tight costume, Passion Princess departed her lair at the dead of night and took to the black, cloudy skies over the industrial city. Scanning the many lights below, it didn't take long for the hero to spot fire and smoke bellowing from the streets of Graveport's east coast. Flying towards it like a cruise missile, she eventually stopped and hovered over the crime scene, analyzing the situation.

"More!! Feed me more, citizens of Graveport!!" A huge, hulking woman yelled. 

Clad in a flowing dark-green miniskirt, she stood even taller than Passion Princess but was more muscular than curvaceous. Her arms had turned into massive tree branches, where smaller, leafy twigs snaked in and around the stopped traffic in front of her. The vehicle occupants screamed as the twigs broke into their cars and stabbed at their skin, where following a gruesome gulping noise, watched in horror as their bodies went frail while the tree-like woman sucked their blood.

"Mmm yes, fear promotes a flavor most excellent," the villain sighed as she gave her shaggy, black hair a shake.

"That's enough, Evergreen," Passion Princess yelled as she shot a frost beam from her eyes and instantly immobilized the snaking branches nearest to the cars. "I've heard of some crazy midnight snacks, but human beings are a tad far, don't you think?"

"Ugh, Passion Princess, talk about spoiling my appetite," the villain growled as she retracted her arms. Grunting, her body began to grow, shooting up to over 20 feet in height to the point that she resembled a giant, golem-like tree creature. Reaching for a minivan, she threw it at the airborne hero.

Dodging easily, Passion Princess smirked as she grabbed one of the villain's massive root-like feet and easily flipped her entire body upside down and backwards, smashing the roads behind her. Growling, Evergreen unleased a mountain of vines from all around her bark-like body, wrapping around and constricting the red-caped hero as hard as she could.

"Give it up," Passion Princess said as she spread her limbs and tore through the thick vines, before launching herself at the villain's large face and socking her hard in the cheek.

"Ouch! I just need more strength!" the villain yelled in pain as she again crashed into the road. Aiming her arms behind her at the backed-up traffic, her branches and twigs again attempted to make a meal out of the people within the waiting vehicles. 

Another frost-beam from Passion Princess quickly foiled this plan. In an act of desperation, Evergreen began to throw random vehicles at the airborne hero now, drawing a sigh from the hero as she prepared to finish things. Then, one of the vehicles landed next to her and exploded. An ambulance.

"A-Asher?" Passion Princess gasped in shock as she watched the emergency vehicle burn up. "M-my baby!! NOOOOOO!!"

Turning back to the villain, her eyes glowing blue, the heroine shot a thick beam at the tree-like woman's body and quickly began to encase her in ice.

"W-whoa hey, calm down! I surrender, okay?" Evergreen pleaded as her face began to freeze over. "What the fuck? Stop! I'm going to—

She was silenced when her mouth was frozen shut a second later, her body now resembling a massive, steaming statue of ice.

"DON'T. TOUCH. MY. BOYFRIEND!!" Passion Princess screamed, creating a massive, super-powered soundwave that shattered the frozen villain into a million pieces.

As legions of police cars and other emergency services arrived, it became clear that the paramedic, Asher Avril, or anyone for that matter, had been inside the particular ambulance that blew up, but the world had just witnessed Passion Princess outright killing a villain first hand.