
Lovers Quarrel

"P-Passion Princess," Asher chuckled nervously as he backed away from the towering woman, who was dressed in a thin, red and blue nightgown that showed off her ample thighs. "I was uh—I was just getting a snack."

"It looked like you were coming out of the storage sector," the heroine replied as she tilted her head over the young man's shoulder. "What do you have there?"

"Oh, this? Uh well, this is…" Asher began, only to take a few steps forward towards her. "Well, I'm really sorry about this, but…"

With that, he pulled out the knife that he'd stolen and put the blade to Passion Princess's large chest, the green-blue metal glinting in the dim light of the hallway. 

"Asher, honey, what are you doing?" the super-powered woman asked as she glanced down at the weapon. "That knife is made of an unknown material, and is also one of the only known things that can hurt me."

"Yeah, and I don't want to have to use it, but I will if I must," Asher declared. "I kept telling you 'no', that I didn't want to be kept at your lair. You're forcing me to live down here with you. Do you not understand the meaning of the word 'no' anymore? Is this what having god-like powers does to someone? For God's sake, Miss Princess, I'm only holding you and knife-point now so that you'll let me go."

"I see, so if I don't take you home, you'll kill me?" the heroine asked, rather casually.

"Yes, t-that's right," the young man replied.

"Then do it," Passion Princess hissed as she began to lean into the blade. "Kill me. Kill the world's greatest superhero because you want to be selfish and not take my love."

"Dammit, I don't want to kill you! Even after all you've put me through, I don't want that!" Asher cried. "But I want to be free too! This is insane, I shouldn't have to choose between killing a superhero who has done legitimate good but who has also literally kidnapped me, and freedom!"

"Well you have no choice, Asher," the heroine hissed again. "Because the only way you're getting out of here is if you stab me. Because I will not voluntarily be letting you go."

"Fine! Fine, have it your way!" the young man cried as he reared his arm back and stabbed the knife into one of the towering woman's wide hips, hoping that injuring her would be enough to allow him flee.

The blade shattered the second it made contact with her skin.

"W-what?" Asher stammered as the shards clattered to the floor.

"That was plastic, honey," Passion Princess explained calmly. "It was a toy from the dollar store."

"B-but it was in the locker, ANA said that you store dangerous weapons in there," he replied as he began to back away again.

"That part was true, but the knife was a ruse. I orchestrated this whole thing with ANA to test you," the heroine continued as she took a slow step towards her captive. "You were meant to hear what the knife supposedly was, as well as where I was going to keep it. The test was to see whether or not you'd be brazen enough to try to obtain the knife, and then use it on me. As you can imagine, Asher, you failed greatly."

Asher was mortified, where he was rocked with fear as the towering woman loomed over him, her eyes beginning to glow blue while his legs trembled in terror. 

"O-okay, I fucked up, I'll admit," the young man began as he dropped to his knees and bowed his head. "I panicked and thought that I had a chance of escaping, but I see now that it was pointless. I surrender to you, Miss Princess, okay? I surrender now. I won't do anything like this ever again."

Scared for his life at this point, Asher was trying to say anything that he could to quell the heroine's building rage. In a swift movement of her arm, Passion Princess grabbed hold of one of his wrists, painfully squeezing it in her grip, before roughly pulling him down the hallway as if he were a ragdoll. 

"You're hurting my heart, sweetie," Passion Princess said sternly as she opened one of the doors in the hallway, where she dragged the young man into her large home gym. "ANA, please get me a pair of iron shackles from storage. The 50-pound ones."

"Yes ma'am," the AI replied.

Featuring a half-basketball court, a large variety of weights, elliptical, and treadmill equipment, the gym was even larger than the expansive storage facility that Asher had just visited. Flung onto the hard, waxed floor, he looked up at his captor as she stood over him.

A tile from the high ceiling above eventually opened up, and a long, robotic arm descended towards Passion Princess. Dangling from it were large, almost medieval-looking metal shackles, which the heroine took and held out above the trembling man.

"Arms out. Now," she commanded.

Nodding, willing to do anything to save his life, Asher obeyed and held out his arms. Passion Princess slapped the shackles over his wrists and locked them, where the weighty iron quickly caused his arms to fall to the floor, with it being evidentially exhausting to keep his hands suspended for long. 

"You'll be wearing these for no less than a month, and I'll only remove them if I see consistent good behavior," the superhero stated with her hands on her hips. "And this is your first and final warning. If you try any kind of escape again, then I'll bring out a matching collar and keep you chained to the living room for 3 months. You'll only be allowed to leave to go to the bathroom or to join me in the bedroom."

"I understand," Asher nodded as he remained on his knees. "I-I'm sorry again."

"Good, now prepare to show me how sorry you really are," Passion Princess continued. "ANA, bring me my bullwhip. The thick, heavy one."

Asher's eyes grew wide and terrified as he watched a large, black whip drop into his captor's extended hand. Backing up, she let the whip unroll, before spreading her large legs and rearing her arm back.

"I love you, and this is why you trying to stab me was so upsetting," the heroine began. "If you are truly sorry, then accept this punishment. Whenever your scars sting, be reminded of this night. Know what happens when you reject the woman who loves you more than anything in the world."

Almost vomiting in fear, Asher merely tilted head down as beads of sweat dripped down his face.

"I-I understand. I accept,"

Smiling, Passion Princess whipped the kneeling man right in the back using a decent amount of her strength. The cracking echoed throughout the large gym—as did Asher's loud scream of pain. Feeling as if he just been stabbed through the spine, a fresh welt began to drip blood onto the floor.

"What are you never going to do again?" the sadistic superhero asked as she whipped him again.

"GAHHH!!—ugh, escape," the young man whimpered in pain. "I'll never escape again."

"Because who do you belong to?" she asked, cracking the whip over his abused back and creating another fresh laceration. 

"UGGHH FUCK! Y-you, I belong to you!" Asher cried as his fists pounded into the floor, tears dripping down his face as his body cried out in agony.

"Because who loves you more than anyone?" Passion Princess goaded as she paced around her victim, teasingly prodding him with the end of the whip. "Say it. Say my name."

"Passion Princess, Jan," Asher trembled. "You! You love me more than anyone!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" the heroine yelled as she whipped him twice more in rapid succession, his scream echoing loudly. "Now, do you love me, Asher?"

"Huh? D-do I—

"Do you love me?"

"I'm sorry, Priya," Asher thought to himself, before belting out his answer as loud as he could. "Yes!! Yes, Passion Princess, I love you. This hurts, I'm getting dizzy from this pain, but I love you. Please help me learn more about you. I'll gladly wear these shackles for as long as you need me to earn your trust. Just please—please no more!"

"Awe, do you really?" the towering woman asked as she lowered the whip and crouched down next to the kneeling man. "I appreciate you saying that. See, you understand why I do stuff like this, right? I'm doing so much for you because I love you, so as you can imagine, I feel pretty chaffed if you go and do something like attack me."

"I understand," Asher nodded, almost collapsing as his bleeding back throbbed, his still-fresh scratch reopening. "I-I'll do better from now on."

"Good boy!" Passion Princess exclaimed, kissing his trembling lips before gently putting her hand to his back. "I feel better already. Here, darling, lets go get something for this back here."

Groaning in deep pain as he was led to the small infirmary, Asher realized that a conventional escape was certainly out of the question at this point. Whether he liked it or not, the only way that he was going to proceed unscathed was if he played ball and gave into the whims of his captor. For the sake of his survival and eventual freedom, he would have to play along as her lover.

Or else.