
Super Yandere

Strong, powerful, beautiful...and incredibly psycho Passion Princess is one of the world’s most powerful and popular superheroes. As gorgeous as she is friendly, people look to the caped heroine whenever danger threatens the Earth, where her enemies struggle to find a way to combat the bulletproof woman. She’d be perfect, if not for her dark secret… Passion Princess is a massive yandere. With great power, comes great temptation, and the pretty-faced heroine struggles with this when it comes to men that she finds attractive. Regardless of whether they are dating, married, or don’t reciprocate her advances, those who catch their eye may eventually find themselves chained up at her secret island base. It is up to a lone detective to try and find a way to uncover Passion Princess’s secret passions.

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32 Chs

Found You

Asher sipped a freshly-brewed mug of coffee as he enjoyed the sunrise. It was another peaceful morning at the small farming town that he'd called home for almost 2 weeks now, where he'd since grown more relaxed than ever. A part of him missed the big city and all its modern day conveniences, but the rustic small-town life living in a little farmhouse had grown on him faster than he could have ever anticipated. 

"Asher, man, I'm heading into the woods to rip up some more firewood," Gold Boxer, the superhero that had been dutifully guarding the young man, greeted from outside the window. "Did you want to come with?"

"Nah, I'll pass. I got a tick on me last time," Asher replied. "You're lucky, you can just make your skin gold and you won't have to worry about that."

"Oh yeah, I think a rattlesnake tried to bite me the other day too. I hope the poor thing didn't break its teeth," the hero chuckled. "Well then, I'll see you later. I'll be attempting to bake an apple pie when I get back."

"I wondered why you ordered a bunch of flour and granulated sugar on the last supply drop," Asher smirked. "Well let me know when you finish. I'll be nice and try it even if it kills me."

"It'll be the best apple pie you've ever tasted too, smartass," Gold Boxer grinned as he turned walked off towards the forest that surrounded the clearing they were in.

Smiling, Asher went out to the small front porch and sat down with his mug. Picking up his sketchbook from a nearby table, he added some of the finishing line work to a comic that he was doing that featured himself. It was a cartoon Asher himself professing his love for Priya and telling her how much he missed her.

"I…miss…your…butt," the young man wrote into a speechbubble that his character was speaking, excited to show these drawings to his girlfriend when he'd finally be able to return home. He knew she'd get a big kick out of them.

The rising sun illuminated the old cornfield nearby, where some birds landed and began to hunt for the small bugs that would drink on the morning dew. Savoring the moment, Asher almost drifted off back to sleep as he leaned back in the rocking chair he was on and closed his eyes for a second. The serene, natural beauty of the area and the gentle ambience of chirping birds and the breeze rustling the trees was perfect, nearly rocking the young man to sleep. 

"I wonder if Chickpea Junction is hiring any paramedics," Asher thought to himself. "Maybe Priya would like it up here. It'll be a nice place to raise kids."

As his thoughts drifted off towards the future, Asher was startled upon hearing a loud thud in the ground somewhere nearby, as if something heavy had landed. Looking up, he saw a large dust cloud rising up from the grass by the old cornfield, and as it settled, watched in horror as a familiar figure rose up out of a newly-formed, shallow crater.

"No, no it can't be," the young man muttered out loud as a certain tall, blonde superhero clad in a blue and red costume, cape blowing gently, floated forward and landed on her feet a short distance away. Her head turning slowly, no doubt scanning the area for the man she was pursuing, Passion Princess had found him. At least, the area where he'd been hiding for the last 12 days.

Slowly getting up from his chair, Asher's heart was beating at a million miles an hour. Dread filling his mind, he walked gradually and deliberately away from the farmhouse, gingerly making his way towards the forest. He quickly concocted a plan to meet up with Gold Boxer and then the two of them would flee into town and then get in contact with the nearest FBI agent. Unfortunately, this would not pan out, as the super-powered stalker's incredible vision soon spotted her target.

"ASHER!!!" Passion Princess yelled loudly, before speeding over to him in a blur and landing right in front of him. "My Asher, is it really you?!"

"P-Passion Princess!" the young man smiled weakly as his legs started to tremble so much that he thought he was going to fall. "I-I'm in police protection, so you actually can't be here, but—

Asher was cutoff when the towering heroine abruptly grabbed his head and pulled it towards hers—before pressing her plump lips into his and delivering a long, passionate kiss to the young paramedic. Asher's hands instinctively grabbed his assailant's tall, curvaceous body, attempting to push away. He was instead met with the woman wrapping her arms tightly around him, before invading his mouth with her tongue as she now French-kissed him aggressively.

Moaning to herself gently as she kept the smooch going, the superhero was oblivious when Asher began to tap at her desperately as it felt like the air was being sucked out of him. Finally, after now being able to now tell what the stalwart heroine had for breakfast, Asher gasped and coughed as Passion Princess eventually broke the kiss and wiped her soft lips with her hand.

"Mmm sorry, I just missed you so, so much," she giggled, her face blushing upon seeing Asher's own red face. "So I have some good news. The Nepalese Mafia? They won't be bothering you anymore. You know what that means, right? You can come back to Graveport!"

"I-I have to stay here," Asher repeated, ignoring what the heroine was saying. "It ah, it doesn't matter if the mafia isn't after me. The information that I sold them is uh—well it can probably ensure that I'll be in danger for weeks to come. I should stay here."

'Hmmm see, I was worried that you might say something like this," the heroine sighed with a shake of her long blonde hair. "That's why I propose that you come live with me on my island base. It's literally the safest place to be. Hidden, well-fortified, and it's guarded by ME."

"W-well that's a generous offer," Asher laughed nervously. "But I'm afraid I must decline. I just want to live a normal life, you see, so—

"What's wrong? You're single now, so why don't you want to go with me?!" Passion Princess demanded as she put her hands on the young man's shoulders and hugged him closer to her body. "You can be mine now. Priya let you go. It's my turn."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Asher thought to himself, unsure of what he was going to do. Desperately, he looked around in the distance, hoping to spot the hero that was supposed to guard him.

"Listen, Miss Princess, I might not have a good reason, but please just let me stay here," Asher begged, before fearfully looking up into the heroine's deep, glaring blue eyes.

"Are you waiting for that whore to come back to you? Forget about it!!" Passion Princess sneered angrily. "As one of the world's leading authorities on both heroics and villainy, I must insist that you accompany me to my island so that you may be under my protection."

"B-b-but please, just listen to me," Asher whimpered, attempting to squirm away as the woman holding him tightened her grip to the point that his head and face began to slide in between her large, plump breasts. Lowering her neck, Passion Princess began to kiss at his face, before sucking on his neck at one spot.

Grunting in pain as Passion Princess created a huge, bruised hicky where she'd sucked, Asher continued to plead his case to the powerful woman who'd stalked him all the way there, coming up with varying excuses as to why he couldn't just leave the witness protection program.

"Ugh, stop with the excuses, it's pissing me off!" the heroine growled as she continued holding the young man tight against her body. "You'll be mine, that's just how it' going to be. Grab your shit from wherever they had my poor baby staying, and then we're leaving. And don't think that you can escape. This isn't a request at this point, it's an order!"

"Uh…Passion Princess?" Gold Boxer said suddenly as he stopped a short distance away, having silently made his way from the forest back to the 2 farmhouses largely unnoticed. He was met with the odd sight of the famous superhero aggressively holding onto the man under his protection. "What's ah—what's going on over here?"