
Dinner Date

"At around 5:34 PM this evening, 5 Deathwatch-model security droids from the Charbonneau Security firm went haywire and escaped their Graveport storage facility," the news anchor reported. "The droids proceeded down a busy street and began to indiscriminately open fire on any living thing in sight. While several people were wounded, the quick arrival of Passion Princess put a stop to these murderous machines. At least 10 people were rushed to the hospital, but miraculously, there was not a single fatality."

"Yup, busy day," Asher muttered to himself as he watched the news broadcast on his phone in the front seat of his ambulance. Behind him, the back of the emergency vehicle was steeped in blood from one of the victims that he'd transported. Thanks to his efforts, they were safely in the emergency room in stable condition.

The news story then showed footage captured by a pedestrian of Passion Princess intercepting the hulking, skeleton-like robots and tossing them around like toys, before immobilizing them completely with her frost vision. Asher found himself smiling watching her, thinking back to his encounter with her a few days ago.

He was dismissed from his shift shortly after, where the sun hung low on the horizon as he drove home in his own car. Parking in a parking garage beneath his apartment, Asher went upstairs and decided to grab Priya and himself a sandwich from the neighboring convenience store. Turning the corner to reach the store's front from between a narrow alleyway, he ended up bumping into something.

"Oh, excuse me," Passion Princess said softly as she towered over the young man. "Hey, I know you. You're that cute paramedic that I met a few days ago. How have you been?"

"P-Passion Princess!?" Asher stammered in shock, taking a few steps back. "I-is it really you?"

"I should hope so," the heroine smiled as she levitated in place for a bit, before dropping back to her feet. 

"Wow, what a coincidence," he laughed. "What are you even doing down here in a place like this?"

"Why, I thought I'd grab something to eat from here real quick before heading home," the hero replied earnestly. "Maybe you'd care to join me?"

"You eat at Jug City? People normally say their sandwiches are toxic, but I love them," Asher remarked. "I mean I was just getting something and then heading home myself, but how could I say no to an invitation from Passion Princess!"

"Excellent, well I know a little bistro on the other side of town," the stalwart blonde said as she stepped forward and suddenly wrapped her arms around the young man. "I can get us there in a few seconds. Hold on tight!"

"W-wait, what are you—AAHHHHHHHHH!!"

Asher screamed as Passion Princess rocketed high into the sky, leveling off several thousand feet above the city below. He instinctively clung tightly onto the heroine, closing his eyes as he yelled continuously for the whole 25 seconds that they were airborne. Descending almost as fast as she took off, Passion Princess landed softly in a park, a short distance away from a fancy restaurant. 

Gasping as he let go of the tall woman and fell to the grass below, Asher slowly returned to his feet while blinking upon seeing that he was indeed across town over by the upper-class suburbs. He was shocked and rattled from suddenly being flown thousands of feet, but soon got excited to tell is girlfriend of the experience later.

"Okay, I was not expecting that," Asher chuckled after catching his breath. "That was incredible, I always wondered what it was like having the ability to fly. When you asked if I wanted to join you, I assumed it was at—hey, are you okay?"

The paramedic had just realized that Passion Princess's face had gone deep red, where she stood there looking at him, almost panting.

"I-I'm fine, it's just that when we were flying, you were clinging onto me really tightly in certain places," she stammered, almost bashfully indicating to her large, round behind.

"W-what? Oh God, I'm so, so sorry!" Asher exclaimed, flushed with embarrassment as he fell to his knees. "I was honestly so scared, that I didn't even know where my hands were! Oh my gosh, I'm not one of those creep fans, I swear!"

"Why did you have to get on your knees like that?" the heroine muttered while Asher was surprised to see one of her eyes twitch. "Ugh, looking so innocent and pleading down there like this. Young man, I must confess. Inviting you to get food was a ploy on my part. When I met you the other day, I found an immediate attraction to you. Maybe it's because of my superpowers, but I tend to have a good sense when it comes to men, so I get attracted to them easily."

Asher was shocked. Slowly rising to his feet, he was having trouble wrapping his head around what was happening. Everything was happening so fast, but to him, it sounded as though the world's strongest hero just admitted to having a little crush on him.

"I-I'm really flattered," the paramedic stammered, clutching his head. "Wow…you're attracted to me? You can have any guy in the world hahah that's crazy. Wait…this isn't some kind of prank is it?"

"Close your eyes," she instructed.

"Umm…okay," he replied as he closed his eyelids. "What is this, some kind of—

Asher was cutoff and started coughing as he felt the heroine's fingers violate his mouth, where he opened his eyes and backed away in surprise.

"W-what was—

"I had my fingers in a certain place just now," Passion Princess cooed while stroking one of her thick, upper thighs as she bit her lower lip. "I wonder if you can guess where."

"O-oh," Asher nodded as he smacked his lips. "Oh. OH GOD! T-that was. OH GOD!"

Falling backwards onto his butt, the young man grasped his head in his hands as he was mystified about the rapidly evolving situation. Sensing the obviously-horny superheroine towering over him, he got back to his feet and tried to calmly explain the situation.

"Did you like the taste?" She asked flirtatiously. 

"Here's the thing," Asher began, his face a deep red. "I'm flattered beyond belief that you're coming onto me like this. Never in a million years would I have expected today to turn into what is happening now. I was thankful that you even remembered my name, but the fact that you did all this…it's crazy. In a good way! However, I am in a committed relationship, I've been with my girlfriend Priya for 3 years now, so while I'm sure that I'm in a place that thousands, if not millions of men wish they could be in, I'm going to have to decline whatever…this, is."

Passion Princess stared at the paramedic for a moment, her icy blue eyes seemingly looking into his soul, before her thick lips curled into a smile.

"Ah, you have girlfriend already," the heroine sighed. "Of course you do, you're a handsome guy. Wow, I feel kind of like an idiot now. I'm really sorry about this."

D-don't feel that way! Like I said, I'm so flattered that you even thought to do this!" Asher reassured her. "You've done wonders to my self-esteem for years to come, trust me."

"Awe, you're just saying that," Passion Princess smirked. "I probably look super-crazy right now though. Please don't tell the tabloids."

"I would never," Asher promised her. "If I were single, I honestly probably would have done this."

"Okay, Mister, you don't have to make me feel worse," the heroine grinned as she opened her arms. "Here, come platonically hold onto me so that I can fly you back to your place."

Asher enjoyed the flight home this time now that he was expecting it. Watching the high rise buildings speed by below, he almost didn't want it to be over as Passion Princess touched down next to his building seconds later. Before he could bid her farewell, the hero wordlessly took to the skies behind him. He felt bad, assuming that she was still embarrassed about earlier.

"Wait…how did she know where I live?" the paramedic thought to himself as he went upstairs, eager to tell his girlfriend what had just happened.

Unbeknownst to him, Passion Princess had just shot herself into the stratosphere. Screaming at the top of her lungs in frustration, the already love-sick superhero watched the world far below her while eyeing Graveport in particular.

"I won't make the same mistake I made last time," she whispered against the howling wind. "Vincent and I broke up because he tried to get back to his woman. I'll make sure that my dear Asher has no woman to return to."