
super star did love with one business man

people's:-hey look look how cute she is My son wants a girl like that too But what to do, my son has got such a wife

tara:- Auntie she is also a human she is your daughter in law did your motherr-in-law do the same That's why you are doing the same

people's:- are shock

ratri:-Excuse me, I will not do this now with my daughter-in-law.


maneger:- Deep sir you are such a big business man So why do you go to the poor to get money, I have told everything, such a big man is doing this, I pray to you

deep:-so what's in it

maneger:-Sir, just remembered that tara is she want meet you

deep:- tara who is that

maneger:-Sir you tara do not know


maneger:-ok sir now go there tara waiting for u

what will happen next Tomorrow will be uploaded till then see my other story