
Super Seminary : holy angels

Ainseed a Scientist on earth suddenly traveled to another world and became lord of a tribe. With his countless efforts and hard work he finally created a civilization by himself and made it a top civilization in all known universes. But unexpectedly at the end to become a higher civilization his civilization failed and he died. losing everything he spent his life to create But at the last moment of his life his cheat system came and saved him. Taking him back to the world he started everything. Now see his new journey ------------------------------------------------------- *English is my second language *I don't own any of the characters I started to write it as a hobby so please forgive my mistakes I will try to give 8 pm(+6) a clock

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24 Chs


1200 years pass by soon

Originally it was going to take around 1000 years to upgrade his body but because his knowledge database was damaged he had to extend the time

Knowledge database is not the same as having memory. It was like knowing that drilling wood can ignite fire.

This is memory but not knowing how to make a drill, how to rub it, and what materials are needed. When you know it, learn to use it's knowledge.

He was like this situation he knows why things happen but not knowing how to do it so he has to relearn it.

When he came out he felt refreshed. The feeling of having no strength really made him uncomfortable. He unfolded his 6 wings and flapped them a little. He didn't have them before he felt something was missing now he felt fulfilled

Ainseed changed his clothes to the his usual robe he wore a pure white long robe with angelic patterns. Ainseed nodded now he looked like Holy lord he used to be

At this moment Kesha and Hexi came into the laboratory after getting the news. Liang Bing didn't come; she was guarding the merlot solar system.

Kesha and Hexi at this moment had six wings instead of 2 wings which means they have unlocked the holy angelic genome

Ainseed raised eyes and looked at them and nodded.

"Mr. Ainseed have you finished their upgrade" Kesha asked with a smile. In the past 1000 years their technology was risen sharply. Now she is a 2nd divine body

" Well I have upgraded to 4th generation divine body" Ainseed nodded and spoke

Kesha and Hexi looked at each other with shock because the current strongest divine body is only 3rd generation divine body owned by Keiren the God of time of Super Seminary. Before the strongest divine body of angelic civilization was only 2nd generation divine body

But Ainseed is already 4th generation this made them even more determined

"Mr. Ainseed what do you plan to do now" Hexi spoke at this moment now she is a 1st generation divine body

"I'm going to rebuild the holy angels again and start anew" Ainseed spoke he has never hidden his thoughts

"Mr. Ainseed please come with us" Kesha led Ainseed out of laboratory. The laboratory was built outside the city on a floating island.

They flew very quickly and reached the innter city in no time. In the way Ainseed saw a lot of angels flying or walking in the city. Most of them had one thing in common they had six wings on their back

Kesha and Hexi soon led Ainseed to the palace where he first came.

In front of the palace there were millions of female angels standing in rows.

In the top front was Liang Bing standing solemnly.Soon they stopped in front of the top podium and Liang Bing came to Kesha and Hexi

Ainseed looked at the grand occasion in front of and asked them "what do you want to do?"

Kesha ,Hexi and Liang Bing didn't answer looked at each other and fell into their knee with their swords out in front of them

"I'm willing to be guardian angel

Follow your will

Do whatever you wish

Your enemy is my enemy

Where you point my sword will point

Never betray

Never falter

Be loyal to you forever and ever

Untill I die "

Looking at the angels Doing their Loyalty oath in front of him Ainseed nodded and gently helped them up.

He didn't need to ask anymore because he knew what they wanted to say. They were willing to follow him

He didn't question why they did this because this was tarmount to despising their oath so there's no need to doubt their motives. The angels follow their oath very seriously once they take an oath they will never change their minds even if they die.

He came to Kesha and took out a platinum-gold sword with jewels and angelic patterns from his arsenal, which he left behind although it was a bit old, in the current era, it was one of the strongest weapon

"Kesha, you will be my right seat of god named Heavenly blade king title Archangel Michael symbolizing Justice" Ainseed said solemnly and handed her the Sky blade sword although he took their names from the anime anyway who will know and moreover they were very suitable

Ainseed then came to and took out a Hexi and took out a Silver-gold sword

"Hexi you will be the left seat of god named heavenly horizon king titled Archangel Uriel symbolizing Wisdom" Ainseed handed her the Horizon blade

Ainseed finally came to Liang Bing and took out a dark swords with golden angelic patterns it was a little different from other swords it didn't have any jewels

"Liang Bing you will be the back seat of god named Apocalypse king title Archangel Raphael symbolizing protection" Ainseed gave her the Apocalypse blade

they were the first people to follow in after his civilization ended to they were very special to him at the same time he also titled some other stronger angles


Angels level from lowest to highest



Power angel

Battle angle

Guardian angels

Titled angels