
The Willow is Dark, and the Flower is Bright

Penerjemah: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

"Xia Fei, are you afraid of death?" Fuchen whispered.

Xia Fei was taken aback. He chuckled and countered, "What sort of joke is that? Is there anyone who isn't afraid of death? Why're you asking me something like that all of a sudden?"

Fuchen's face was very grave as he said, "I'm not joking around with you. This half-man half-monster woman was none other than a survivor of the legendary Searing Eye, the Shana Clan; her eye can be used to create a very formidable soul weapon, but we have to act quickly and do it before the dying Searing Scion completely exhausts its lifeforce. Just Ulan and I won't be enough to make the soul weapon in time; we need your help, too."

Xia Fei got Fuchen's meaning quickly and asked with much curiosity, "Is making this soul weapon very dangerous?"

"Extremely dangerous." Ulan shrugged his shoulders.

"Will the soul weapon produced be as formidable as a Soul Eye?" Xia Fei asked.