Main character takes the place of Han Sen from Super Gene. For unexplained reasons, Lux, the main character, has a ridiculous drop rate of beast souls though, so he's got that going for him. Mostly follows canon in the beginning but will seriously diverge farther into the story as the MC becomes more powerful than Han Sen did much earlier. Will actually be a harem unlike in Super Gene. My chapters tend to be a little large... girthy you could say. I do not own Super Gene. Just like the world its based in. if you want to read ahead or check out my other works.
After a few tense moments, Son of Heaven shook his head and headed down to the corpse of the 'Dragon'. Lux was still pissed about the stupid naming. It should have been a Wyvern but whatever. Son of Heaven was a total dick though and he used his sword to break Lux's special arrow after he pulled it out of the Wyverns corpse. Pulling Lux's attention away from the foul heresy of mislabeled fantasy creatures and onto the fact that he really needed to find an excuse to assassinate this Son of Heaven asshole.
The corpse of the beast was soon trussed up and ready for transportation. Stray arrows were collected, a list of casualties made and everyone was getting ready for the long trek back to the shelter.
"Did you get it?" Qin Xuan's voice was so low and soft that if Lux had less geno points than he did he might not have heard her.
Lux let out a long, suffering sigh. "Stationmaster. I really wish that I had, but it was a bust."
Qin Xuan looked a little offended, "Well if you did get it, I'm not trying to extort you or anything. If you want to sell it, I am willing to pay for it up front."
Lux gave her a look, "If I did have a Sacred-Blood beast soul I could probably auction it off for billions. There's no way that you would be able to afford it unless the military shouldered the cost for you. They might be willing, and as I just said, if I got the beast soul, I would be crazy not to sell it. My family is not in the best of conditions, and I could really use the money." Lux did his best to put on a depressed face at that.
"Forget about it then." Qin Xuan said with a sigh, "Just remember, when we get back to the shelter don't go anywhere alone. Stay in Bullseye territory as much as possible because I am pretty sure that Son of Heaven is going to try and kill you the moment he gets the opportunity."
"Yeah, that's actually why I grabbed onto your tail when we were climbing." Lux said seriously, "I noticed that he was keeping a close on me in a weird way already and I knew he wouldn't risk hitting you. So, I did what I had to, to keep close. Sorry about that by the way."
Qin Xuan looked shaken by Lux's apology more so than that he was trying to avoid being killed by Son of Heaven.
Just then Su Xiaoqiao showed up with a conspiratorial look on his face, "So did you get it my friend? I heard that you got the last hit! Did you get it?"
Lux knew that he was probably in for a lot of questioning about this very topic, "No, I don't even have an ordinary beast soul. Let alone a sacred-blood one."
"Ah… true it is really rare for beast souls to drop. We can't all be as luck as that Lux fella. Pulling beast souls out of thin air that guy." Su Xiaoqiao muttered.
"Speaking of that Lux guy, are you planning on selling him out if you can? I imagine that the military and lots of other people have been asking you about him." Lux asked lightly.
Su Xiaoqiao looked aghast, "Heavens no! Do you realize how profitable it is to be his liaison? I was already rich before. But now I'm worth almost double what I was. As long as Lux uses my services, I'll be keeping anything real about him close to the chest as it were. In the three or so months that I've been working for him he's given me over a hundred different beast souls. I only told people anything about him at all because the military dragged me into an interrogation room to ask how I was getting so many beast souls. But I really don't know anything about him. Don't know which planet he's from, what he looks like, or even if he's a he. Could be a tall woman with a deep voice or good at making a man's voice for all I know."
Lux just smiled at that, maybe he should start doing the Batman voice when he wore the armor where people could see him. It would be hilarious.
"Anyway, you should be careful man. Son of Heaven is absolutely pissed. I would bet that he's planning revenge on you for taking the last hit. Be careful." Su Xiaoqiao said his piece then scurried off.
'Huh, Su Xiaoqiao actually seems like a decent guy.' Lux thought to himself.
Finally alone, Lux checked the new beast soul he had gained and only just barely managed to keep a big old grin off his face. [Sacred-Blood Purple-Winged {Wyvern: change pending} Dragon(Flying)] He was happy because apparently the system was taking his complaint about mythical creatures needing their proper labels seriously.
Having a Flying type beast soul was going to be a godsend. Lux would be able to cover so much more territory so much faster than before on his solo hunts. He could go full dragoon with his spear, and even snipe creatures from afar with his bow and arrows. The ability to fly was going to open so many doors for Lux that it wasn't even funny.
Lux had to contain his excitement and desire to go and try out flying until after they reached the Shelter and he had the opportunity to go out for a hunt. Out of curiosity he pulled up his personal system screen and had to hold back an even bigger smile.
Name: Lux Luxor
Title: The Immortal
Traits: [Adaptive Regeneration] [True Sight] [Machine Learning] (3/9)
Skills: [Jadeskin: Sacred-Blood], [Ghosthaunt: Mutant], [The Seven Deadly Thrusts: Mutant], [Intent Concealment: Innate], [Hand To Hand Combat Mastery: Ordinary], [Weapon Combat Matery: Ordinary], [Martial Arts Understanding: Ordinary], [Hyper Geno Arts Understanding: unranked], [See Full List*]
Active Buffs: [Satiated], [Quenched], [Shapeshifting Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Poison Beast Soul Enhancement], [Arrow Type Beast Soul Enhancement], [Recovery Enhancement], [Pet Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Armor Type Beast Soul Enhancement], [Pet Type Beast Soul Enhancer], [Arrow Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Armor Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Bow Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Flying Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Flying Type Beast Soul Enhancement], [Flying Type Beast Soul Speed Boost], [Flying Type Beast Soul Maneuverability Boost], [Flying Type Beast Soul Alacrity Boost], [Flying Type Beast Soul Durability Boost], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???]
Deleted Debuff log: See list…
He had so many buffs just for Flying Type Beast Souls that he almost couldn't believe it. He didn't know if these exact kinds of buffs would show up for his weapons and armor and other types of buffs. But Lux would bet that the buffs existed somewhere. Now he was even more excited to test out his newest beast soul. But he calmed himself and made himself busy with getting the entire hunting party back to the Shelter.
All told, the hunting expedition took a whole month. From getting to where the beast was located to dragging its cold corpse back to the shelter, they had been gone for a month. The likelihood that Lux's share of the hunt would net him more than single sacred-blood geno point was extremely low. But there in his room was a Sacred-Blood Swift Mantis and he was extremely tempted to just kill it and get to work on more rapidly leveling himself up. He actually thought about this for a little while and did the math.
The benefit of getting hold of a Super weapon at this point was… honestly low. Sure it would slice through anything and everything in the 1st sanctuary. But Lux wouldn't even be close to ready to fight a Super Beast for years regardless of whether he could actually do damage…
With a sigh, Lux held himself back from taking the fast and easy route to get ahold of Sacred-Blood and Mutant Geno points. At this point, Lux was fairly sure that if he went off by himself to hunt, he would be able to take on Sacred-Blood level creatures by himself. Alone, using his collection of sacred-blood beast souls, Lux was absolutely sure he could have taken down the Wyvern solo if he faced it now. So, Lux was planning to head out and test his wings and acquire geno points the way that God intended.
Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.
Status: None.
Lifespan: 200 years.
Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.
Geno Points Gained: Ordinary 100, Primitive 100, Mutant 9, Sacred-Blood 29, Super 0
Beast Souls Gained: Sacred-Blood Black Beetle(Armor), Sacred-Blood Bloody Slayer(Shapeshifting), Sacred-Blood Obsidian Wyrm(Weapon-Spear), Sacred-Blood Purple-Winged Wyvern(Flying), Mutant Three-eyed Cat(Pet) Mutant Yellow Winged Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)X10, Mutant Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon-bow), Primitive Swift Mantis(Weapon-Dagger)X2
Lux's eyes widened in shock as he looked over his beast souls. He didn't know when it had happened. He hadn't been paying enough attention. He didn't have a proper timescale for when his primitive Bow and Arrows had ranked up from Primitive to Mutant. But now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he knew that the buffs were working as stated, and… Did he even need to worry about forcing a super creature evolution with the Black Crystal? Now that he had evidence, he knew for a fact that his Armor would evolve, his shapeshifting beast soul, his pet, and his bow and arrows…
This made Lux's decision much easier. He didn't need to even worry about making a super creature. He could focus on maxing out his lower level geno points then worry about super geno points later. Even if it took a few years for the weapons to achieve super status it would be worth the wait.
With that settled Lux turned to the Sacred-Blood Swift Mantis and put the poor thing out of its misery.
[Sacred-Blood creature, Swift Mantis, killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its flesh to gain zero to ten Sacred-Blood Geno points randomly.]
Lux laughed, the one time his luck failed him was where he had been hoping for creating a super weapon. He quickly extracted the black crystal from its gut and then chopped it up as best he could before shoving the entire corpse into a pot and setting it to boil. He then quickly left his room and found someone selling a small live beast. A Shrieky Beast, they were called, small hairless rodent thing. He then proceeded to bring it back to his room where he crippled it by severing its spine after feeding it the Black crystal. Not sure if he would leave it alive until it reached Sacred-Blood or Mutant. He'd figure that out later.
On another note, Lux had forgone his share of the Wyvern meat. He doubted that he would have even gotten a single point out of it. He'd taken the monetary compensation for his participation in the hunt and left it at that. He smirked as he watched his meal cooking. He had gotten the ability to fly from the hunt, and confirmation that he didn't need to rely on the black crystal for super weapons. And he was still going to get more Sacred-Blood points than Son of Heaven or Qin Xuan were going to get from their shares that would take them months to eat. It would take Lux all of a day to get more benefits. He released an evil villain laugh at the thought.
Once Lux had finished cooking his meal. He scarfed it all down and smiled as the sanctuary system informed him that he had gained another five Sacred-Blood geno points. Putting him at 34. He couldn't help the massive grin that came over his face at that.
He looked around his room after he finished his meal. Paralyzed evolving Shrieky Beasty? Check. Meal eaten? Check. He had everything he needed done. Now it was a bit of a waiting game. As much as he wanted to go test out his newfound flight capabilities, Lux wanted to go look over the internet forums to see if there were any good places to hunt. Just relying on the black crystal to get all of his points would be boring. He had already decided to tone down the selling of beast souls until the heat died down on people looking for Lux. So, he might as well see if there were any locations that had some unique types of beast souls and maybe pick up a martial art two. So, he teleported out of the 1st Sanctuary and headed home.
He arrived home to discover that his mother was in the Sanctuaries, he wasn't sure which she was in at this point. He was pretty sure that his mother was secretly a Surpasser and in the third Sanctuary, but he wasn't positive. Maybe she was just an evolver? Lux didn't remember enough about the story to place Han Sen's mother's power level.
Lux started surfing humanities overlord the Skynet looking at everything that had to do with Steel Armor Shelter and its surrounding territories. Especially looking to see if there places nearby that people never went due to environmental hazards such as poison, or unstable footing. Stuff like that.
There were actually two areas near the shelter that people never went to. The Wind-Swept-Crags, and the Dark Swamp. No one went to the Dark Swamp for obvious reasons. Quicksand, deep mud, venomous ambush predators, and even poisonous plants littered the Dark Swamp. Obviously a place like that was absolute hell to deal with.
The Wind-Swept-Crags were another story. It was an area off to the side of the mountains that were near the shelter. Ludicrously dangerous due to the terrain. It was an area that seemed like God himself had descended from on high and pushed a jagged mesh of metal into the ground like a cookie cutter. Leaving behind a vast area of interconnected canyons where the winds raged at high speeds and changed seemingly at random. The place was filled with eusocial insect type creatures, ranging from Stone Mites, Fire Ants, and Death Beetle swarms to hives of a variety of wasp and beelike creatures. All of the creatures in the area were abnormally aggressive and usually killing one creature would cause hundreds or even thousands of creatures to descend upon you with a vengeance.
Lux made a note of where the two locations were in relation to the Steel Armor Shelter. The swamp would probably be a really good place to get more Buffs. The Wind-Swept-Crags were probably the place that would have the highest density of Mutant and possibly Sacred Blood creatures, but there was a pretty good reason that the area didn't get hunted. Pissing off colonies of eusocial insects that were each the size of a house cat and numbered in the hundreds of thousands had to be a bad way to go. Lux could only think of going there because the Sacred-Blood black beetle armor would serve to stop anything that was below Sacred-Blood from actually being a threat and he would be able to fly.
There was also the area called The Catacombs, which as the name implied, was a series of underground tunnels. The areas that were mostly accessible had already been explored pretty thoroughly, but there were a lot of tunnels that were filled with water and none had braved the depths to see if there was more to the caves.
With three potential options, Lux committed to going out to explore all of them some point or another.
Lux's perusal of the internet was interrupted by his doorbell ringing. He checked the cameras and found that Xue Xi was standing out front, with her rich boytoy that apparently had a fetish being called brother… This seemed like trouble, so Lux just ignored them. They had no way of knowing that anyone was actually at home, some he would let them just ring the doorbell until they decided to head off.
After about a minute his commlink started ringing. Lux groaned as he saw the caller id. Xue Xi was still standing outside and calling him?
He answered the call, "Why hello there Xi! What can I do for you?"
"You can come open the front door, it seems like your doorbell isn't working." Xue Xi said, her hologram displaying a pouty face.
"Well, I'm not actually home right now. That's probably why its not working." Lux lied through his teeth, "mom is still in the sanctuary and Yan is at the boarding school. I'm out getting a deal for a Mutant Beast Soul Bow and Arrow pair. I saved a guy's life, and he happens to be super rich. Decided to reward me with some beast souls that he won't need going into the Second Sanctuary. Lux was totally going to get Lin Beifeng to lie for him and say that he got him the beast souls."
"Oh? I thought you would be here at your house since you just came back from the Sanctuary." Xue Xi said with surprise.
"Well, I did go home for a quick shower and such, but I took an AV to go meet up with the guy at the spaceport." Lux lied again.
"Oh… Ok, Fang Jingqi wanted to meet you again. That's why we came over." Xue Xi said.
Lux raised an eyebrow at that, "Is that the name of that prissy rich kid from the teleporter station? You know Xi. People like that are the reason why life sucks for the majority of people out there, he didn't seem like he had very many brain cells that were actually functional. Also, he was pretty short, you shouldn't be going after guys just because they have money you know think of the children."
Lux almost failed to hold in his laughter as he heard an indignant voice that got cut off as he continued speaking,
"If that guy is bothering you Xi, or you got involved with him because of some shady business you just tell me. He was awfully weak for an evolver I'll put him in his place for you if you need it done. I know the son of the owners of the Starry Group, and he owes me a few favors too. I'm sure they can arrange for something if you need help. I can't have my beautiful Xi getting taken advantage of now, can I?" Again, Lux was pulling a bunch of shit out of his ass. But it's not like they knew that.
Over the monitor Lux could see that this Fang Jinky guy had turned pale and his eyes were wide as saucers. While Xue Xi's face turned red with embarrassment.
"No that's ok Sen. There is nothing like that going on." Xue Xi quickly explained.
"Are you sure? Because you only just turned 16 and that guy is like 20. I don't want him taking advantage of you. If he's been talking to you since before you turned 16, I could easily take him to court and get him thrown in prison for Grooming and manipulating a minor. Especially with the backing of the Starry Group." Lux's BS check was hitting 100/100 with this, he was really on a roll.
On the monitor Fang Jingqi had gone even more pale shade of white while Xue Xi looked at the man with a raised eyebrow.
"Actually, hold that thought. I'm gonna write down that I need to call a PI to do some digging on… Fang Jingqi, you said his name was? We'll find out if he's been grooming girls or if you are the only one he's targeted. I would bet that he's a serial offender if he's going after you." Lux said.
"No! That's not necessary Sen!" Xue Xi sounded distraught.
"Nonsense!" Lux declared, "I can't have my beautiful friend being taken advantage of by some perverted freak. What kind of man would I be if I just let this child predator stay on the loose! Even the rich can't escape the long arms of the law when someone with more money points their way."
At this point Fang Jingqi literally grabbed Xue Xi's hand and bolted for the AV that the pair had arrived in. Lux had mostly been joking, but the guy's behavior at this point was actually sending up some real red flags. So, when Xue Xi hung up as they started flying away, Lux did indeed go online and hire a PI to go and investigate the guy and his family. He wasn't sure anything would come of it, but he really wasn't about to let anything happen if he could stop it.
After that was all taken care of Lux then went back to his research of the lands surrounding the Steel Armor Shelter and getting a map that was reasonably accurate from the official Alliance website. The map only covered the shelter itself and about a hundred miles in every direction from accurately. But it still had most of the major landmarks that were farther out and was at least something more than not having a map. The Dark Swamp, being about 200 miles away, was outside of the map's accurate data but it was at least marked deep to the southwest of the shelter.
After several hours of pouring through the various threads of different forums discussing areas and the normal creatures that one might encounter in them. Lux sat back to contemplate. His personal rationale for going out on hunts wasn't exactly the same as it was for regular people. He was looking for buffs mainly. He already had a steady and consistent source of Mutant and Sacred-Blood Geno points after all. That and the rarer kinds of beast souls.
Of the areas that Lux could explore to hunt and gather new buffs, he was pretty sure that the Dark Swamp was going to be his best bet as far as getting new buffs. Lots of new plants, maybe some of the swamp water in special places even that would likely give buffs. The Wind-Swept-Crags was likely going to be a significantly larger workload for fewer buffs, but more than likely a greater amount of naturally occurring Mutants. Some of the bugs might even be farming stuff that would give him buffs, but again, it would probably be a lot of work to get hold of stuff there.
The Catacombs would probably hold some interesting things. But Lux wasn't sure about the actual payout. Cave systems are not really that well known for their variety in plant life so buffs would probably be far and few, and the likelihood of finding easily huntable creatures that were what he needed as far as Geno points go was slim to none.
After a bit of pondering Lux decided that he would go to the swamp first, crags second, and maybe go to the catacombs.
That is when his commlink started ringing. Caller id showing Zhang Danfeng as the caller.
'Hmm… wonder what he wants?' Lux thought as he picked up the call.