
Super Gene Immortal Chapter 2

Lux smiled at the notification that he got from the sanctuary itself. Before he grimaced at the corpse of the sacred-blood creature. Was he supposed to eat this raw? He remembered reading the novel and wondering if eating raw beetle flesh was something that would be in any way appetizing. He had an almost instinctual aversion to eating bugs, he'd been a western country boy in life after all. A nice steak and potato dinner was what he would consider appetizing. Steeling himself, Lux picked up one of the severed legs and sucked out the meat that was visible there.

Lux could practically feel his eyes dilate as he tasted the meat. It was tender as brisket that had been smoked for a week and tasted like… he didn't have a word for the flavor that did it justice. It was savory, sweet, and slightly tangy. But on top of being downright delicious, he barely swallowed a mouthful and felt like waves of energy were washing through his body. It was one of the best meals of his life as he realized how delicious the sacred-blood black beetle was and he tore into its carcass with a gusto.

[Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred Geno Point gained.]

[Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred Geno Point gained.]

[Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred Geno Point gained.]

[Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred Geno Point gained.]

[Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred Geno Point gained.]

[Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred Geno Point gained.]

[Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred Geno Point gained.]

Lux quickly found the pigeon egg sized black crystal within the body of the black beetle and pocketed it without a second thought. If he remembered correctly feeding it to an ordinary beast would result in it evolving into a sacred blood beast over the course of three months and it would take a whole year for it to evolve into a super beast. He remembered that the black crystal was actually a super gene or some shit and that it was the key to killing gods… honestly, he'd skipped a lot of those later chapters so there was probably a lot of nuances that he wasn't aware of.

Looking at the now empty shell of the black beetle. Lux wrapped up all of the carapace and put it into his pack. He knew that the shell probably had more geno points in it but he wasn't about to try and break his teeth on it. He hoped that he could boil it into a broth and hopefully the geno points would come along with a tasty soup.

Now the biggest problem for him to overcome. Lux had no clue where exactly he was. And for that matter, he was fairly certain that the people of this new universe did not speak American English. Meaning that his own start in this world would be much different from the Super Gene novel seeing as he would need to learn how to speak, read and write all over again. On top of that, he had no clue where he currently was in relation to the shelter. Steel Armor Shelter if he remembered correctly.

Lux was fairly certain that he wasn't all that far away from the shelter. Han Sen was too weak to have ventured far, and at this point he hadn't been a very confident person. Cold and calculating sure, but not really confident. He was weak and he knew it. That is why he had been hunting the black beetles which were all the way on the bottommost rung of power in the 1st sanctuary.

Turns out his worry about finding the shelter was unfounded. He had been super careful to mark the trees with his direction to make sure he didn't get even more lost than he technically already was but the first direction that he chose ended up being the right one and he found himself approaching the shelter which was more like a whole town. The place was a lot bigger than he had expected it to be.

Entering the shelter, Lux instantly confirmed that indeed the people here spoke some other language that he was unaware of. Signs here and there had symbols that looked Chinese to him. But he was American so there were any number of written languages that looked Chinese to him. Put a sample of Chinese and Japanese text beside each other and he would be hard pressed to tell the difference. Sure he'd watched a lot of anime in his time and could tell the difference when hearing the language spoken, but the written form was where he really had no clue.

"Aight this is gonna suck." He muttered to himself as he watched the people moving too and fro in the streets of the shelter.

Finding his way to the dorms he went door to door for over an hour until he found his own dorm room. Entering the room he found cooking utensils and a woodburning stove. He quickly unloaded the sacred-blood black beetle that was really golden and stuffed it all into a pot that he filled with water, then lit a fire in the stove and set it to boil. It would take a while he was sure, but right now he had another thing to take of.

In the back of the room was a cage, with an ordinary beast inside of it. Wracking his brain Lux couldn't exactly remember why Han Sen had had this thing chilling in a cage. It was a catlike creature with green scales. The thing looked like it was on its last legs too. Han Sen was into animal abuse it seems… Anyway, this was perfect. He hopped on over to it and pulled the black crystal out of his pocket and threw it into the cage for the thing. The creature instantly swallowed the crystal whole.

Within seconds of eating the crystal the catlike creature went from looking like it had been starved and dehydrated for weeks to looking perfectly healthy and ready to take on the world… if not for the fact that it was in a cage and completely at Lux's mercy.

Now that Lux had a safe place to sit down and think he needed to really process what was going to happen. In all likelihood the future would not be anything like what happened in the super gene novel. The fact that he was not actually Han Sen anymore, he had lost the memories and gained a completely new set. His personality was different. He wasn't sure how things would play out. But he was damn sure that he wouldn't be moving on to the next sanctuary until he maxed out his super genes. On top of that he was planning to practice the best hyper geno arts. He didn't remember the details, but he did remember that humans had a huge advantage due to their unstable genes that let them practice multiple geno arts and be able to manifest more geno armor/weapons once they got to the sixth sanctuary, or fifth depending on whether or not you were allowed to stay in the fifth with your gene armor. Lux was kind of iffy on why Han Sen was allowed to move throughout the sanctuaries. Probably skipped a chapter that had the exact reasons, but he was pretty sure it was because of a cat? He'd figure it out eventually.

Right now, Lux had several priorities. First, he really needed to learn the language. Second, he needed to figure out how to get his hands on as many hyper geno arts as possible. With the help of his [Machine Learning] trait, Lux was fairly certain that he would be able to dig into the various geno arts and maybe even make his own versions that were better. He did have a freaking A.I. in the back of his mind. More than likely he would have no problems learning martial arts and the various Qi Gong/Hyper Geno Arts.

Lux shook his head. He wasn't going to get anywhere with just running around inside his mind coming up with what ifs. Lux was going to be hard pressed to explain his amnesia and it wasn't like he could get away with trying to change his identity. The government of humanity had long arms. Disappearing to become as powerful as possible would eventually lead to too many complications. This meant that he was going to have to reacquaint himself with his own family in this world.

After piddling around for a while and slipping out of his room to go and try and osmosis some of the local language for about eight hours, Lux returned to his room and decided to hit the hay. Sleep was a blissful thing that he had never thought he would get to experience again. So, he undressed and collapsed into his bed with a groan after having taken a bath.

Lux slept like the dead. His sleep was dreamless and to anyone who could observe him it would look almost like the guy had entered a coma. When he finally stirred, he shot straight up in his bed and looked around in a cold sweat before he finally realized where he was. He had been almost as confused upon waking up this time as he had been when he woke up in the forest by the creek.

The first thing that he noticed upon waking was that his room was uncomfortably warm from all the time that the fire had been going boiling the black beetle's shell. The next thing he noticed was a sudden loud snapping noise combined with a growl. His eyes snapped over to the cage where the creature he'd fed the black crystal to was. His eyes widened at the sight. The green catlike creature had just bitten clean through one of the iron bars and had shoved its head through the hole, looking like it was out for blood.

The previously light green scales on the creatures body were now a deep emerald green. It had grown in size to where the cage was barely big enough for it now. Thinking fast Lux grabbed his knife and quickly approached the cage even the creature thrashed in its attempt to free itself. Driving his blade between the bars he repeatedly stabbed the creature until it stopped its incessant growling and hissing and the voice of the sanctuaries sounded in his mind.

[Primitive creature, Green-scaled beast killed. Beast soul of Primitive, green-scaled beast gained. Eat the flesh of the Primitive, green-scaled beast, to gain zero to ten points randomly.]

Lux relaxed as the strange voice sounded in his head. "Fuck! It was probably not a good idea to fall asleep with this thing evolving… at least without being sure that the cage could hold a primitive beast." He muttered to himself angrily. He would need to invest in a better cage because making a few super beasts in the time he stayed on the 1st sanctuary would be incredibly useful.

Pouring himself a bowl of now golden broth Lux got himself another sacred-blood geno point. Then thought about what he should do. There were several things that were important at the moment, gaining more geno points was high on the agenda, but at the same time he really knew nothing about human society in this world and he desperately needed to learn the language. Without being able to read and communicate Lux's prospects were looking bleak. There was a forced conscription if he remembered the book correctly, due to the war with Shura race. He doubted that he would receive a kind welcome if he just disappeared into the 1st sanctuary and never left until he naturally exited from the fourth sanctuary.

So popping out into the 5th sanctuary to return to Han Sen's house and maybe get ahold of some educational materials would be a splendid idea. Also with all the technology that people have in this world, Lux may be able to take advantage of his programming knowledge and make a decent amount of money with some mobile games if they didn't have ones that resembled the ones from earth he could make a killing. He knew that they had cellphones, there was even one in his pack, it just didn't work here in the 1st sanctuary. If this universe didn't already have microtransaction hell, he sure as hell would be introducing them to it.

So, after cleaning up the now dead green-scaled beast and setting its meat to smoke while he was gone. Lux headed over to the teleporters. Something was different however, the moment he had stepped out of his dorm room, Lux noticed that he actually partially understood the writing on the signs, and the snippets of people talking were understandable. He was picking up on the gist of what they were saying.

"Damn, [Machine Learning] works so much faster than I thought." Lux muttered to himself as he tried paying even more attention to what he was hearing. He didn't change his course though. After a minute of eavesdropping in on the conversations that were happening in the Shelter, Lux resumed moving towards the teleporters.

Even before he reached the teleporters, Lux was already finding that he understood almost fully what was being said around him. He heard multiple instances of people saying something that sounded suspiciously like Assfreak. Which caused him to remember that had indeed been what Han Sen was known as at the beginning of the novel.

Teleporting was an interesting experience in that it didn't feel like anything at all. Lux stepped on the teleporters designated area, and an instant later he found himself in a terminal area that reminded him of a train station or an airport.

Quickly pulling out his phone and his wallet as he made his way over to a bench, he spent a few minutes working his way through the phones apps to try and bring up a maps app. After fiddling with it for a little while, it was like something clicked. He could suddenly read. Then he fully understood everything that was being said in his vicinity.

Blinking at the new knowledge and understanding that just seemed to manifest from nothing, Lux pulled up his system screen to see if anything had changed. And sure enough, it had.

Name: Lux Luxor

Title: The Immortal

Traits: [Adaptive Regeneration] [True Sight] [Machine Learning] (3/9)

Skills: [Genoverse Common: Ordinary]

Active Buffs: [Satiated], [Quenched]

Deleted Debuff log: See list…


"Well I'm glad that is solved…" Lux said in a language that he had never spoken before. He was fairly certain that the people here did not call the language that they spoke Genoverse Common. But he wasn't about to diss his system.

After that, figuring out how to get to Han Sen's, now his house, was easy. He just needed to board a train that wasn't too far away. It would only take him maybe a half hour to get home from here. So, he quickly set off to board the train while trying to bring up a dictionary app so that he could further master this new language. With the speed that he was learning at, Lux was hoping that he could get away from having to tell anyone anything strange had happened to him. He would just assume Han Sen's life. It was technically his life anyway. He hadn't taken over a new body, it was still the same soul in here. Just a past life ego that was taking the reins, which was still crazy to think about.

The train was a maglev setup and was astonishingly fast. There were tv screens everywhere displaying news, stock exchanges, and discussions on evolvers, surpassers, and the newest demigod that had just entered the fourth sanctuary. There were now only 83 recorded demigod rank humans. Lux knew that there were more than that. Those people who practice the blood pulse sutra and people like his grandpa who were obscenely powerful. But he was fuzzy on the details.

Getting the dictionary and casually scrolling through it Lux passed the time on his trip. Ignoring the news for now as he tried to shore up his ability to communicate with people. When the train stopped at his destination Lux brought up his map app and followed the directions to his new/old home.

As Lux approached the house, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This was a strange place to him. It was an old-style manor with a big yard. And as he approached the house, he heard a harsh female voice that inarguably held that 'Karen' tone that made him want to kill someone.

"Lou Sulan, do you want to take the old house of the Hans? This house was our parents' and my elder brother, and I each own a part of it. Now that our eldest brother has passed. Since you are his widow and now own a third of the share, we won't bully you over this, but we will not agree to you taking the house!"

"That's right!" the voice of a middle-aged man chimed in. "The old house has always been the inheritance of our parents. All of us have rights to it, and you can't keep it for yourselves. You've already lived here for twenty years without-"

Lux burst through the door startling the people who were in an ongoing conversation. He remembered this from the novel now. The greedy extended family trying to take their pound of flesh and worst of all they had the legal authority to make everything terrible for Han Sen's family. Lux wasn't attached to this family; he didn't know them. But even if his mind had regressed to that of a previous incarnation of his soul, Lux wasn't about to let people bully the people who would go to bat for him. He may not know Lou Sulan, his mother in this world, but she would take a bullet for Han Sen, which meant she would take a bullet for Lux. That meant something to Lux regardless of whether or not he had the memories to back it up.

"Stop trying to throw roses all over a pile of shit you greedy bastards!" he yelled at the group that were cornering his 'mom', "No matter what way you put it or how much legal right you may have, all three of you are just greedy shits taking advantage of a widow. Just own up to the fact that you are all vile Karens and be done with it. I know for a fact that my dad bailed each of you out of more than a couple of million on multiple occasions and now you are all extorting your dead brother's wife for money! Deliver your ultimatum and get out!"

"How dare you make such slanderous claims boy!" the harsh sounding Karen screeched.

"Oh yeah? I have dirt on all three of you!" Lux lied through his teeth, "You think my father didn't keep records? You want all of your secrets revealed to the public? If not just tell us what you want and get out before I have you all arrested for trespassing before I leak all of your records on public servers!"

All three of his supposed family paled at that before middle-aged sounding guy cleared his throat and laid it out for them.

"We have an estimate from a lawyer as to the value of the house and it is worth more than three million. You can either pay us the difference in our shares in the house or sell the house and split the money with us. We are fine with either option."

Lux sneered at them, "See, just a bunch of greedy assholes who would take advantage of your brother's widow. In her time of need no less. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. You'll get your money by this time next month as long as you can provide a true market value estimate."

The Karen woman looked like she was about to pop a blood vessel.

"And another thing." Lux said as the extended family started talking over each other, "If you all don't leave right now, I am calling the cops and having you removed. Family is supposed to help each other, but right now all I see is a bunch of opportunistic vultures trying to pick at a corpse. If I hear even a whisper about legal action, all of dad's records on your finances and activities will go public."

That shut them up, even as they looked like they wanted to argue. But Lux just pulled out his cell phone and started dialing 999. This world's version of 911. That invoked a rushed retreat from the house by the vultures that claimed to be family.

After glaring at the retreating forms until they left the house Lux sighed and turned to his new mother. She was actually quite tall, standing at probably 6'1 or 6'2, her hair was jet black and cascaded all the way down to her waist. Her eyes were just as dark as her hair, which contrasted greatly with how pale her skin was. She looked a little stunned at Lux's outbursts and forceful handling of their relatives, but she also looked relieved.

Honestly, if Lux didn't know that the woman was his biological mother he'd call her a milf. She was a minimum of around forty years at this point, but she looked like she was in her early twenties, which made sense with the increased lifespans of people going through the sanctuaries. Lou Sulan was a Surpasser as far as Lux remembered, she had made it all the way to the third sanctuary. He didn't know how far through it she had gotten, but she was a practitioner of the falsified sky sutra, and she was actually deceptively powerful for someone who had such a timid and demure personality.

Anyway, what followed was a few hours of conversation that were very nerve wracking for Lux. Han Yan, Han Sen's little sister, and Lou Sulan talked about several things. How Han Yan was doing in school, and Lou Sulan broke down into at one point after she called a lawyer who basically said that the family was within their rights to demand compensation for their share in the ownership of the old family manor.

"Don't worry mom." Lux spoke as she started to break down, "I found an area near my shelter in the sanctuary that has a lot of really slow and weak Mutant beasts. No one else knows about them, so I'll be able to kill a bunch of them and sell off the corpses for way more than a few million."

Lux wanted to broach the subject of having his mom teach him the Falsified Sky Sutra. Unlike Han Sen in the novel, Lux wanted to gather as many sutras as possible and the most powerful ones at that. The Falsified Sky Sutra was a Causality based Qi Gong as far as he remembered, basically turning the practitioners' attacks into inevitabilities destined to strike their target no matter what. But as much as he wanted to get ahold of the Hyper Geno Art that his mother knew, it really wasn't the time to try pressing on such a sensitive topic.

After the talking was done, Lux made his way into the city library. There he started skimming through as many books on computer programming as possible. This world was about to learn how addictive candy crush was, coc as well. And a dozen other apps that would make people never look away from their phone screens.

After spending a day back in human space, acquainting himself with his family, and reading as much as he could, Lux slept and got up at the crack of dawn before he headed out. Right now, Lux's fastest method of making money would be to kill creatures in Gods Sanctuary and sell their corpses. Mutant and Sacred-Blood beasts were the best as far as money went. Hell, just the shell of the sacred-blood black beetle that he'd boiled would have sold for one to two million Levo Dollars. Mutant corpses were not as exaggerated but could easily sell for hundreds of thousands at auctions and market price varied depending on the size of the creature. Smaller was better.

On his way to the teleporter station, Lux poured over forums and publicly available information about the area surrounding his shelter. The Steel Armor Shelter. After his perusal he had a pretty good idea of what he should do. There was an area about five miles away from the shelter called the Zephyr Valley that held a large population of primitive beasts called Swift Mantises. Their beast soul drop was known to be an incredibly sharp dagger. Even though it was just a primitive beast soul it was known to be of a similar quality and sharpness to Mutant beast soul weapons and if he could get ahold one or two of them, he would be more than able to get some start up money. The Black Beetle armor that Lux already had was strong enough that the Swift Mantis' wouldn't be able to harm him. and because they were insects that could survive being delimbed they were the perfect candidates for upgrading them using the black crystal. The Zephyr Valley represented a gold mine for Lux. And he seemed to have an abnormal level of luck compared to Han Sen's drop rate of beast souls. He was currently at two for three.