
Super duper op in a group chat i guess.

A op mc fanfic i guess. I own nothing. 1st world-Moonlit fantasy. 2nd world-(Not decided.)

bageater · Komik
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6 Chs

The cheese tax or something


(3rd POV)


"Where am I?" muttered the boy with messy white hair, red eyes, and a white jacket with red hems, along with white jeans and one pant leg rolled up.

"Heh, hehehehehehahaahahaha!" he cackled, pausing when he noticed a rectangular phone.

"Huh?" He picked it up. The screen lit up and displayed, "[Welcome White-haired Satan to the group!]"


[Fanfic OC] Yo!

[Strongest Hero] ...What's this? A phone?

[Strongest Hero] HEY! I haven't even typed yet... Oh? Yeah, sorry, here.

[Admin is now Online!]

[Hugh Mann] There is a menu on the screen here so you can just change it to typing, you know?

[Admin is now Offline!]


- A cave -

".....Well, that's something," Adam said as he looked at the phone in his hand.

"MASTER, STOP THIS!" his disciple shouted, dodging multiple magic homing missiles.

"C'MON! BLOCK IT, NOT JUST DODGING IT, YOU'RE WASTING THAT SPEAR I GAVE YOU!" Adam shouted as he increased the magic homing missiles.

'While he's dodging, might as well check the chat menu.' He thought, flipping his hand to make the magic missiles more durable.

[Welcome to the group chat menu!

• Weekly Login!

• Trading (locked)

• Missions (New!)

• Change names (permanent lock by the admin)

• Gacha]

[Welcome to the Weekly Login!

- Rolling gift

- Rolling gift


(You have gained a pointy stick!)]


- Hell -



A/N: if the characters are acting out of character please help.

[Send memes here]

rhanks chatgpt and grammarly for this one.

Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

short chapter as usual is i have no idea what to do so please help.

bageatercreators' thoughts