
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · Olahraga
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Fast-paced play

In that instant, everyone was dumbfounded, not knowing how Hawes lost the basketball, and the dropped ball lay beside Carlos. Carlos casually picked up the basketball, and he, Nash, and Curry charged towards the frontcourt.

The Suns' fast break!

Iguodala on the perimeter reacted swiftly. Seeing that the Suns had a three-on-one fast break, he immediately committed a tactical foul on Carlos, preventing the Suns from scoring quickly.

"Beep beep!"

The whistle blew...

A foul on Iguodala.

All of this happened within three seconds, and it wasn't until after Iguodala committed the foul that a faint smile appeared on Carlos's face.

"The Eagle Spear... is indeed powerful."


Although he didn't turn around, he used his sharp sense of anticipation to snatch the ball like a shark smelling blood 20 kilometers away. As Hawes brushed past him, attempting to get past him, Carlos reached out for a precise steal.

Stealing the ball...

And this is precisely the strength of the "Eagle Spear." As long as the opponent is not careful while dribbling, Carlos seizes the opportunity to steal.


Carlos stepped up to the free-throw line, and on the big screen above the arena, the replay of the offensive sequence just played. It was only then that everyone realized what had happened.


Mark Jackson laughed, saying, "My goodness, a no-look steal. Carlos is really unpredictable. This steal with the 'no-look' technique is so covert and precise."

"Tsk tsk..."

Jon Barry was also amazed, "My God! This steal is beyond all NBA stars. I bet all my property that Carlos's marvelous 'blindfolded' steal will definitely make it into the top five plays of yesterday."

"Betting your entire fortune again?"

Mark Jackson raised an eyebrow and humorously said, "Looks like I need to have a chat with the NBA's official video team."

"You sneaky guy..."

On the court...


Carlos made both free throws.

With the blessing of the "Eagle Spear," Carlos completed a perfect steal and counterattack.

Even after watching the slow-motion replay, Hawes couldn't understand how Carlos stole the basketball from him so inconspicuously.

76ers (0) vs. (4) Suns.

76ers' possession.

Holiday dribbled the ball over, feigned a drive on the left wing, and then passed the ball to Iguodala, who was cutting to the foul line. Iguodala forcefully drove past Carter, attacking the basket with a high floater.


It didn't go in...

Carlos grabbed the rebound and passed the ball to Nash for a fast break. With Curry moving to the right wing under Carlos's screen, Nash pushed the ball over.


Wide open?!


With Carlos creating a wide-open space after the screen, Nash's pass found Carlos, who shot a three-pointer.


No good...

Even with the ability boost of "Curry's three-point shot at its peak," Carlos couldn't hit every three-pointer. However, the rebound was grabbed by the actively moving Frye.

Passing it out...

Nash received the ball again, passed it to Carlos, who quickly dribbled the ball and continued to distribute it behind him. Curry received the ball and effortlessly shot a three-pointer.


Hitting the bottom of the net...

Then, on the left arc, Carlos faced Hawes again. Holding the ball in his left hand, he lowered his center of gravity and suddenly performed a feigned hesitation step.

"Step... step... step!"

Thinking that Carlos was going to make a strong drive, Hawes took three steps back. Although he was considered fast for a center, in front of Carlos, he instantly turned into a clumsy and sluggish old man.


Carlos smoothly stopped and jumped, shooting a three-pointer.


Accompanied by the wonderful sound of brushing the net, the three-point shot swished through.

"Wow, scoring seems too easy for Carlos. Hawes can't provide any defensive pressure. A perfect 10-0 start, a gift to the 76ers," exclaimed Jon Barry.

Mark Jackson nodded and added, "Jon, did you notice that Carlos and Curry, their shooting forms seem somewhat similar? Not the textbook shooting form, but a fast release, toeing the line, onemotion, but... fast and accurate."

Jon Barry recalled for a moment, then nodded repeatedly, saying, "Indeed, very similar. Both have a quick release, but in terms of accuracy, Carlos is a bit stronger."


On the court...


A perfect 10-0 start led to a timeout for the 76ers. The Suns didn't slow down after the timeout, and the 76ers' defense was about to face another wave of attacks.

"Brand accelerates into the paint, takes a high shot amidst the crowd, no... no rebound? Hawes knocks the ball out, and Nash at the free-throw line grabs it. Wow—Curry and Carlos have already started their sprint. Nash dribbles on the half-court, passes to the arc, Curry appears to be ready for a three-pointer? No, another dribble pass. Holiday can't keep up with Curry. On the left high post, Carlos receives the ball, takes three steps directly, soaring high. Meeks looks at Carlos's massive figure, with no choice but to step back. Boom! Carlos glides through the air like an eagle, dunking!"

"Iguodala tries to set a screen, drives into the restricted area on the left wing, encounters double coverage from Carlos, attempts a hard layup, but Carlos greets him with a monstrous block. The rebound is picked up by Nash. Fast break! The Suns' fast break is ringing again. Nash drives towards the basket in a one-man show, takes a three-step layup. How is he going to lay it up? No, a behind-the-back lateral pass. On the left corner, Curry sprints over and receives the pass. Long-range shot... Bang! The three-pointer is good. Wow—From Carlos's block to Nash's push and Curry's final three-point shot, the entire fast-break strategy is very smooth, highly efficient!"

"Holiday with a turnover, the ball slips from his hands. Carter flies into the three-second zone and swats the ball away. Nash on the perimeter grabs it. Charge! The Suns' fast-break is on again. Nash goes for a coast-to-coast, takes a three-step layup, how is he going to lay it up? No, a behind-the-head lateral pass. Curry on the left baseline receives it just right. Long-range shot... Bang! The three-pointer is good. Amazing—From Carlos's block to Nash's push and Curry's finish, this whole set of fast-break tactics is incredibly fluent, with extremely high efficiency!"

"Meeks faces Curry, hits a very strong face-to-face three-pointer. The home crowd is getting heated. The Suns make a quick play, charging forward again. Curry drives to the basket, passes back to Nash, continues into the paint, finds Carter on the left baseline, then passes to Curry on the perimeter. An open shot? No! Passes to Carlos at the top of the arc, who shoots a three-pointer. Bang! Bulls-eye, a clean shot! Amazing, this visually stunning sequence of ball movement, this dazzling fast-break collaboration, belongs to the Suns and their fast-paced play... it's back!"

Mark Jackson's passionate commentary, filled with energy and powerful expression, blended into the Suns' magnificent fast-paced play, igniting the entire arena.