
Chapter 6

Obi-nii looks different. Narumi knows it's because he almost died and because while Narumi healed his wounds, those scars are going to remain. She feels bad that she couldn't help with

Obi-nii's eye, though.

"Will you talk to me now?"

And he won't stop asking why Narumi disappeared! What will Obi-nii say when Narumi tells him that she's carrying around a big old grumpy fox in her belly? What will he say when Narumi tells him that a Kakashi from the future was the one who put it there?

She knows she's going to have to tell him something, but she's been by herself so long that

she's not even sure how to tell the story so it makes sense!

"Narumi," Obi-nii pauses, blinking at the cave that Narumi brought him to. "You live… in the Forest of Death? You've been here this whole time?"

She feels bad about that, too. It seems that people really miss her. She wonders if Kakashi misses her.

"Well, I didn't know what it's called, but this is where I live, yeah. Obi-nii, I know you're really

confused but I'm not sure where to start."

Eventually, when they're tucked inside the cave that she's slowly added to over the last couple of years, Narumi decides to talk. She clears her throat. "I don't remember a whole lot from the very beginning. For some reason, I thought there was a storm coming, so I went to watch it,

and then I heard people running so I wanted to get out of the way. That's when he found me."

Obi-nii frowns. "Who found you?"She shifts, pulling her cloak off and tossing it across the bench she'd salvaged from the dump at the edge of her home village. "It was Kakashi, but it wasn't our Kakashi. He was older than you are, and he kept his left eye covered all the time, and he was really sad. But it was definitely him."

"Kakashi lost his left eye, that's why I gave him mine."

Narumi hums. "That's probably why he had it covered. Anyway, he was sick, too. He found me, and he knew I liked storms and he promised he'd watch it with me, but I fell asleep before it happened, and when I woke up, we were here!

She chews on her bottom lip, trying to think about whether she should explain Kurama.

"Why did he bring you here?"

"Well, he said… He said I had a lot to learn, and if I went home, he wouldn't be able to teach me.

A few days after we came here, he told me that the reason I missed the storm was that it wasn't really a storm at all. He said that the Nine-Tails had escaped, and in order to save everybody, he had to seal it inside me. He said that where he came from, it escaped and everybody died… And I don't want anybody to die! So I stayed here and he taught me how to talk to it, and he taught me a bunch of other stuff, too! And he said he could only stay with me for a year before he had to go home, so I'd better learn fast."

A slow blink, and Obi-ni sighs. "Yeah, that sounds like something Kakashi would do."

I wonder if he's okay.

"Obi-nii, are you gonna go home?"

He looks up, startled out of his thoughts. "Go home and tell them… what, exactly? There's no way, Narumi, they'll get suspicious, and put me through a psych evaluation, and when they realize I'm hiding something, they'll get even more suspicious. No, I'm afraid you're stuck with me."

Obi-nii's gonna stay with her? Really?

"You mean… I won't be by myself?"

Isn't this one of those Uchiha brats? said Kurama.

That's not nice, Obi-nii's a good boy!

Kurama rumbles, stretching out his front legs. Whatever. I don't care either way.

"Narumi? You went all distant there for a moment." Obi-ni's hand is warm on her shoulder, and Narumi smiles."

Sorry, I was talking to the Kyuubi! I'll have to work on splitting my attention, huh?" An idea strikes, pushing her to lean closer. "Obi-nii, do you think you could teach me how to be a better ninja? I work really hard and I don't have anything better to do anyway, and if you want, we could even go on missions together!"

Obi-nii stares at her for a moment, and then he smiles.

Minato pov

Why must you summon me so early in the morning? Today, of all days? Minato sighs,

knocking on the door to his old office with what's probably a very grim look on his face.


"Hokage-sama." He closes the door and steps forward.

"Ah, Minato, please come in. I know today of all days is hard for you, but… I'm afraid the matter

at hand is something you will want to actively look into." The Third Hokage gestures for him to sit. "First of all, how is your wife?"

"Grieving," he answers shortly, sitting in one of the chairs across the desk from the Hokage.

In hindsight, perhaps it would be more in character for Kushina to have an attitude with

Hiruzen-sama right now, but Minato's just so tired, and it's…

Narumi is eight years old today.

The Hokage clasps his hands together, chewing on the end of his pipe. "We've been receiving some strange reports, Minato."

Strange… reports?

"May I ask who they're from, Hokage-sama?"

The Third Hokage hums, shuffling a stack of papers from the top of his desk. "The first came from an ANBU team on a mission in Iwagakure. The second from an informant in Amegakure. The third came from an intercepted message in the Land of Wolves. The fourth came from Jiraiya. And finally, the last came from an unknown party calling themselves our ally. The first four all mention a pair of shinobi taking missions that benefit Konohagakure, though neither of the shinobi wears our headband."

"Why would outsiders take missions that benefit us unless they're looking for us to repay the

favor later?"

The Hokage smiles. "I don't think that's the case, Minato." He slides a file across the desk. "The final report we received is in shorthand. Our shorthand. This language isn't known to many ninjas inside the village, let alone any outside of it. These allies must be our very own ninja. As for why they aren't coming home…"

"Do you think… perhaps these ninjas are two previously counted in our casualties from the war? Or our MIA?"

Hiruzen nods. "After all, only our most trusted shinobi know the ANBU shorthand. Either one of our ANBU taught these two, or one of them was ANBU."

"If they really are Konoha shinobi, Hokage-sama…, why haven't they come home?"

Hiruzen really looks like he wishes he had an answer. "It could be any number of things, Minato, but for now… all we can do is wait and pray that they truly are working as our allies.


"Consciousness pulls at Obito despite his attempts to avoid it, his weakened body unable to withstand the blows it had taken. Damn sannin, he grumbles internally, sighing when the prodding against his shoulder becomes too demanding to ignore.

Fuck me. Why had he come to this stupid town, anyway? It isn't like it will change anything.

"See, Shizune, the boy's fine."

"Tsunade-Sama, why on earth did you beat this boy up and bring him here?"

I would like to know the same thing. He reaches up to rub his eye, except that his limbs won't comply because he's tied up and the old bag is really annoying, isn't she? "Tsunade one of the legendary sannin," he complains, squinting against the light of the hotel room he's been tied up in. He finds that he's sitting on a sturdy wooden chair, and both women are staring at him-one in surprise, the other in contempt. "Why did you kidnap me out of the grocery store?

"The girl with dark hair, he thinks her name is Shizune, throws her hands up. "Grocery store?! You kidnapped a random teenager from a grocery store?!"

He has a weapons pouch, Shizune."


The sannin sighs. "He looks like an Uchiha. Look closely."

"I am an Uchiha! What gives, lady? I didn't do anything to you!"

"You look like an Uchiha who's missing an eye. Why?"

"I gave it to a friend," he answers, confused. Jesus, am I being sold out right now? Fuck, but

Tsunade hasn't been back to Konoha since Narumi was still a toddler! Right? She wouldn't

recognize me from all the way back then, would she?"I'm sorry, have I committed some sort of

crime or something, or are you just holding me against my will for fun?"

Finally, finally, Tsunade seems to come to a decision about something, because she slightly relaxes her posture and gets to the point. "Were you sent here to follow us?

"Obito blinks. Excuse me? "Follow-no, but I apparently have tremendously bad luck."

"Are you an agent of Konoha?"

"Not anymore."

She shares a look with Shizune. "A rogue?"

"No! I am loyal to Konohagakure, I just don't work there anymore. I'm no more of a missing-nin

then you are!"

"Come to think of it, Tsunade-Sama," Shizune steps forward, "this boy does look vaguely

familiar…" She leans in, face scrunched up while she studies him, and he can see the exact moment the puzzle pieces click together in her eyes. "Obito! Your name's Obito! You-weren't

you on Namikaze Minato's genin team?"

He slumps, heaving a sigh. "Yes, but-"

"Why did you leave the village, then?" Tsunade demands, and Obito's liking this woman less and less by the minute. Jeez, lady, give a guy a break.

"During the war, I was trapped and fatally injured and my team was forced to leave me behind or they would have also been crushed. But somebody found me and saved my life, and I have since stayed by her side." Not only do I owe Narumi my life, but I also owe Sensei and Kakashi for not keeping a better eye on her in the first place. Hell, I suppose it was Kakashi that fooled me, but he was also, what, middle-aged? Damn, the guy was probably really fucking amazing by then, huh?

The sudden return of limb yanks Obito out of his thoughts and he looks up at the women in surprise, rubbing at his freed wrists.

"Okay then, Obito, what business do you have here?"

"I just wanted to check on Kakashi and Rin, I caught wind that they'd be passing through

here."Shizune takes a step back. "They don't know that you're alive."

"With all due respect, there are only about two people in the world who I am loyal to, and neither of you is included in that list. I owe my loyalty not only to Konohagakure, but also to the one who saved me, and she's not yet ready to reveal herself. We are allies to Konoha and its people, but if I tell my former teammates that I'm alive, they will expect a better explanation than the one I can currently give them."

The slug sannin releases a heavy, weary sigh, shoulders slumped. "Very well. We will keep your secret, Uchiha Obito, but I want to know everything when the time comes."

He grins at her.

Hiruzen pov

Two hours after Minato takes his leave, Hiruzen steps out of his office, steps carefully and sure. He only has one of his Guard with him, one of his most trusted agents, and the scroll he carries is one specially designed for this purpose, and this purpose alone.

His pace never changes as he makes his way to Training Ground 44, and his ANBU follows silently. It's almost as if he's alone.

Deer says nothing, but Hiruzen can feel his apprehension and curiosity leaking through, as Shikaku makes no effort to hide it during their walk. Hiruzen smiles.

"We have a guest in the training grounds, Deer. I received word from Hyuga Hizashi, who has taken to training in this particular forest quite often lately."

It's a well-known fact that the Nara is known for their intelligence and Hiruzen

will be forever grateful that they are loyal to the Hokage above the members of the council.

"The ally you were telling Minato-sama about?" he asks.

The Hokage hums and comes to a stop in a small clearing not far from the cave Hizashi had informed him of. The small shape of a girl stands upside-down on a branch in front of them.

"Ne, jiji, how come you're wearing that hat again?"

He can't help but smile, knowing that his suspicions have been confirmed. There's no

doubt in his mind that the girl has revealed herself on purpose, because despite their efforts,

not a single person that he's spoken to about the reports has come to the same conclusion,

and that can only mean one thing: Narumi has had a damn good teacher.

"Narumi, I've brought you and your friend a gift."

Narumi cocks her head. "Really? Obi-ni isn't here right now, he went on a mission without me." The pout she wears is really too adorable, and Hiruzen sighs.

What did he say? "Obi-ni ...

-Obito? Uchiha Obito?" That makes no sense… Obito wouldn't have taken Narumi from himself… Now I'm making no sense.

"Yeah! I followed Tou-chan's team to that bridge and when they left Obi-ni behind, I dug him out and healed him up and he said he can't go home because everyone already thinks he's dead, so he said he'd stay here with me!" Narumi drops down to the ground, darting across the clearing, and Shikaku is frozen to the spot, makes no move to step between the girl and Hiruzen despite the fact that the child has been missing since she was four years old.

He doubts it matters, seeing as all Narumi does is hug him. "Ne, Jiji, is everybody okay? Obi-ni wouldn't tell me much, he looks sad every time I ask, so I try not to."

Hiruzen stifles a sigh and ruffles the girl's hair. "First of all, Narumi, happy belated birthday. You're eight years old today, did you know that?"Narumi beams at him. "Yeah! Kakashi Two celebrated my fifth birthday with me before he left-"

"'Kashi… Two'?" Deer mutters, though Narumi apparently hears him.

"ANBU-san! I'm sorry, I didn't even say hi! How is Leopard-san?"

Deer clears his throat. "L-leopard is just fine, Naruto."

Hiruzen hums, pulling the scroll out of his sleeve. "Do you know how to open a storage scroll, Narumi?

"The girl's face lights up even more and she nods. "Yeah, I learned all kinds of stuff after I came out here!" She gingerly takes the proffered scroll and activates the release, pulling out two masks similar to Deer and another scroll. She looks up at Hiruzen with wide eyes. "We get masks?"

"If you're sending us messages in ANBU shorthand, and completing missions that only ANBU

are sent to complete, it is only fair that you receive ANBU masks and induction. These details

are SS-rank, top-secret even in my circle, and the only person who knows outside of the three

of us is Leopard."

Deer shifts. If Hiruzen was less than Kage-level, he wouldn't have noticed, and yet Narumi shifts to accommodate the action. She nods once. "Hokage-sama," Narumi says, and her voice has taken on a completely new edge. "Thank you. We are working to achieve a goal that has been set by my previous companion, and I will not fail." Then she smiles. "After all, I promised him I would save everybody." Her gaze takes on a sad tinge. "I just wish I could have saved him."

Apparently, Shikaku can no longer accept the mystery in front of him and takes a knee. "Narumi," he says, and then asks, " Who is 'Kashi Two'?"

The girl beams. "Yeah! He was Kakashi, but he wasn't our Kakashi! He was older than Tou-chan, and he was really sick because he kept coughing, and he saved the village when the Kyuubi escaped!" The girl's eyes glaze over for a moment, and then her smile gets even bigger. "He wants me to tell you that Kakashi Two was from the future. Kurama says I'm scatterbrained."


Hiruzen pities Shikaku's mind currently, but he doesn't regret his choice of company. "Narumi," he says, to bring the focus back around to the reason he's here in the Forest of Death with an eight-year-old and a twenty-five year old, both now ANBU agents. "Not only do I give you these masks as a sign of trust and solidarity, but also that you may enter Konohagakure and, more importantly, my office, should the need arise. Or should you simply wish to check in on your family without the threat of exposure? Your parents miss you. Kakashi misses you."

Deer continues to kneel, clearly lost to his thoughts, but Narumi gives another firm nod, expression sure. "Thank you, Hokage-sama." She clears her throat. "Is my family alright?"

It's Deer that responds, blunt and efficient as he rises to his feet, and Hiruzen is relieved that he's not the one who tells the girl. "Your mother is unwell, Narumi. She fell ill and your father was forced to step down from the Hokage seat to care for her."

The girl nods turn on her heel and sunshine out of sight. Deer turns to the Hokage.

Hiruzen simply waits until an undersized ANBU joins them, Kitsune mask in place, the mask's built-in concealment seal cloaking her blond hair by making it appear a dull brown.

"Would you like an ANBU tattoo, Kitsune?" Hiruzen asks while they walk. The girl lets out a soft laugh.


She hums. "It's the only part I've left out so far."

"Hokage-sama, you can transmit messages through those tattoos, can't you?"