

*Lion High School *

"Eyy Mc, why you still here? the Ceremony is going to start." -adrian a close friend of mc in Highschool

"Later. I will miss this school after this final day of our high school."

"Yes. Me too. The memories that we made and the hard days in order for us to be matured"

*All Graduating students fall your line. The ceremony is going to start.*

---- Marching sounds start ----

//The ceremony starts and end it with an announcement. //

The School Head announce " Good Morning students of Lion High School. I know after this you will follow your dreams and find your future in the other region. Let me ask one question, who among you here will become a Wizards? "

*The faculty and staff start to talk about the announcement and.. " is our principal okay? We dint have any students that can control or have magic. " - senior High teacher

"Yeah that's true. Eventhough this young people have this incredible mind but like we witness there's no one who can be wizards" freshmen teacher

"No one? I know some of you here are wizards. You have the bloodline of your ancestors."

The students still in silent when some of the students raise their hands. And The whole faculty is in shock

"Me Mr. School Head." Mc raise his hands

"Me also Mr.School Head" Jude a friend of mc " but I won't enroll in Skull Knights school of magic its a weak school in the region. "

Adrian question Mc about it. " Are you a wizard?"

"My ancestors are one of the protectors of our land during Dark Empire rule. And I will be like them " mc answered.

"Mama, ?"

"Yes baby?"

"Is brother Mc a wizard?, How mama?"

"Yes baby. And someday you will be like your brothers. "

The School head was not expecting this no. Of students to be a wizards "I know the 5 of you will become a strong wizards. Last year we got only  1 student who was a wizards since her childhood. And during every ceremony we will have a test to witness your strength and abilities." How this possible to have more than 3 wizards in a ceremony. Im just expecting only jude.

"Mr. Head. The field is ready"

"Okay students find your place outside to witness out Wizards test in the field."

"What's your magic mc? I hope it's cool." Adrian asked mc

"Just watch later. Im not that strong but I can control it" then mc went to the field with jude and the others

The students and the faculty is ready to witness the 5 Wizards in their abilities. Then the school head call Mr. Apos is a wizard but choose to be a teacher.

"So listen wizards. I know this is the only day that you will show your talents because magics in high school is prohebited. Here Mr. Apos will be your opponent. So who will go first?"

"I, Mr SchoolHead. Im Green Kilua from fourth year section Dainty. And my Opponent is Sir Apos"

"Then you may start. Mr. Apos take charge."  So the friendly battle starts."

//Any moment the fight was done and Mr apos win. Green kilua's magic is speed but Mr apos magic is too strong for kilua.//

The fight continue but Mr apos still winning the 3 matches already. And Jude will be next.

"This 3 wizards is still not in good shape they don't know how to use their magic. But they have strong personalities that can make their magic strong in the future." Father of mc discuss with his wife

"Yes. Our son is far beyond this students even Jude."

"After this ceremony. You will guide and teach you son about that. He still not know his a carrier of dino Force. "

"Yes. But lets watch the match between jude and Mr. apos"

The match start and Jude starts the feeling of intensity in the field.

"Woah! I know jude you have this Magic. Go for it" mc murmured

"This kid magic is beyond his age. And I feel Dark. Mr. Apos can you fight with him?"

"Yes I can. Its not special, he's magic is intensity so that you can feel pressure and fear. But it won't work on me."


Mr. Apos start to attack

"Swords blings!"

// The School head notice that Jude can't dodge all swords at once//

"Jude dont know how to dodge hundred of swords in his way!! " the School head shout

"Mr. Apos stop your swords!!. Jude can't handle that"

"gravity control!!"

mc stop the swords and save Jude from danger. And all is in shock.

"What the, he stopped my attack effortless? What the world with this kid ?"

The School headmaster come close to the field to ensure the situation.

"Mr. Apos that was close. Thank you for saving the life of Jude. "

"But its not me who stopped the swords. It's Mc."

"What??. How can he stopped that hundred of swords at once?" School head master was shock.

*Other students keeps on talking and asking about what happen. And making loud noise.*

"Mr. Fernan, did you just control that swords from mr. Apos? "

"Yes SchoolHeadmaster."

"Thaa a a at was insane. How did you do that?"

Btw. Mr. Apos test Mr. Fernan in his Magic, we will know what is it magic."

"Alright. Hey Kid I will use my full force in you in order to check your capacity and talent. Cause your different from the three who test first earlier."

"Okay Sir. And i dont wanna hurt you"

"Honey. Did you just feel the pressure on mr. Apos? Is this serious battle?

"I think so. But our son definitely win! Hahah"

"Your too confident about that. What if your son will get injured!"

"You worried too much. Your son is not the other kid who needs protection by parents. Honey just watch and enjoy " *smile*

The battle start with Mr. Apos create multiple swords and war equipment to attack mc. But...

"Gravity Field activate!!"

"Whattt!! My swords is not moving. Ok! Earth swords!"

"Okay mr. Your experience surpass mine. *Dodge the swords from underground*"

"You cant Win againts me with this type of magic you have. Gravity Pull!!"

*Whattt! Why im moving towards him? I cant move!* " Arghhhh!"

Mr. Apos cant move with Mc Gravity pull. Everyone still in shock about what they just witness. A powerful wizards exist in their school. After the ceremony the Schood Head Master meet Mc together with his parents about the school or the future of Mc.

"Hi. Mr. Fernan. Your son have a gift that 1 out of 10 will do. How it start or how Mc have this kind of magic?"

"Yes schoolheadmaster. To tell you honestly every one in my family has the blood of a strong wizards. My mother was one of the legenday Wizards"

"Oh really!! Thats great. But Can mc surpass your Mother about Magic?"

"About magic. Mc can surpass his grandma but the knowledge that my mother has. Its beyond our imagination. But sadly..."

"Honey. Its getting dark we have to go. I must preapre delicious meal for my son. Right Son? "

"Oh yeah mama. Mr. Schoolheadmaster thank you for the day. And Im so grateful that I graduated to this school."

"Oh that's sweet. Yeah true its getting dark. But I have  final question to ask. What school will Mc develop his talents?"

"Its SKull Knight Academy." Mc's father told the schoolheadmaster.

The Fernans arrived at their house. And Mrs. Fernan prepare some meal for the evening.

"Hey brother Mc. Whats your power? Its cool you know" younger brother ask Mc.

"Its Gravity Cj. I can control all living and non living things. Thats my gift, but you can have your own power someday."

"How long. I want to be like you and like papa."

"Baby. Your still young for that you have to focus on your study first before that. Okay?" Mc's mother told Cj. "Just like you brother Mark, his power is mass and space but its not totally develop and hone. You have to focus first on your study baby. Okay? "

"Okay mama. But if I have power when I grow up I will protect mama and papa. And also my brothers if they want help I'll help them"

"Oh thats sweet baby. Okay finish you meal and we go to bed"

"Papa. Can I ask something about grandma? I know that grandma died due to sickness but is grandma a powerful wizards in her time how can?"

"Oh Mc. This not the right time to talk about that"

"Its time honey for mc to know what's the truth about the death of my mother."

"Hayyh. Oh yes go on Honey. Your son is listening."