
Time to act

The strong signal was easy to follow, it guided us to strange looking object on a pedestal, it was metallic and golden in color,with a sheep ornament on it.

Wong was keeping silence, but his eyes betrayed his feelings...I touched the mystic object, it that moment it turned in light particles and warped on my left arm,from the shoulder to the hand, when the light faded a golden armlet was on my left side.

"The Golden Fleece a powerful yet ancient object.

In Greek Mythology, it was the literal fleece of a golden-haired, winged ram that was sired by Poseidon upon a nymph named Theophane.

This Golden Fleece has the power to deflect approaching energy blast and thrust them back to those who deliver them with double strength, it is said that was used by a God of War in ancient time, unfortunately we don't know much of it."

I was too amazed to speak a word, it wasn't heavy at all despite how it looks i can think of an infinite number of occasions that this boy can save my life.

While i was busy admiring the ornaments on it I spoke to Wong, with a little of excitement in my words that I failed to hide.

"it is really beautiful, but a little too flashy. I can't walk the streets with this. Is there a way to hide....Oh nevermind"

I tried to manipulation the Mystic energy inside it, as soon as I did it, the Golden Fleece turned in a golden bracelet...seems like hiding it will not be a problem anymore.

"Well, now lucky man you said that there was another object calling for you.." Wong's words wake up me from my amazement.

" uh..yes , right...it is a weak signal, but it is strange at same time, like something it is blocking it off.."

" mmh? how curios, can you follow it?"

" yes it came from below,but we are at the ground floor...is there a basement?"

"No that I know...but this place is ancient, it has many secrets."

Following that signal I went in the entrance hall, there, I knelt down..

"I can feel it... it is right below us..."

the moment I touched the floor with my hand a complicated magic circle appeared out of nowhere, Wong and I opened our eyes wide in surprise.

We were teleported in a circular and badly illuminated room, twelve columns were supporting the ceiling...the floor was pure rock,no windows, on the ceiling there was a mosaic portraiting a Sun...and finally in the center of that room lied what looked like a sword.

Cautiously I step in the circle taking a good look of it, only to raise my head and look to Wong..

"What is this place?"

"Trust me, I have no idea either" Wong answered

"it is a two handed long sword,gold ornament on the handle, half of the blade is stuck inside the floor...it has a lot of runes engraved on it and it is emitting a pale light, can it be from Asgard?"

My brain was working at full speed, trying to decipher their use, but my comprehension level wasn't high enough to understand them..

"Not everything with runes is asgardian..."

Coming out a portal The Ancient One appeared

"Master... I can't hide that I am confused, what is this place?"

"Well...this place is one of the reason the Sanctum Sanctorum is here, the sword in front of you is not Asgardian, it is Celtic in origin, one of Merlin masterpieces..."

"Merlin? he really existed? and..a. are you saying this sword is Excalibur?"

I was shocked, I didn't know that this universe has still so many surprise seems like the world is bigger than I thought it was.

"Yes and no, Merlin existed a long time ago, and disappeared after Camelot fall, maybe he died, maybe not...but to answer your question...no that sword is not Excalibur, it is Galatine...Sir Gawain sword, one of the most powerful knight of the round table and king Arthur's nephew, that sword give it's wielder strength and that strength grows with the Sun, reaching it's maximum at noon, in that moment it's strength is equal to Excalibur, it was hidden here for a very long time,but legend of how that happened are confusing. Now why don't you try to raise it?"

My excitement was difficult to hide...I knelt down and placed my hand on the handle...a warm sensation swept through my body, following that a blinding light illuminated the room.

When the light subsided I was standing with the sword in my hand, even like this I could feel it's power, my eyes moved to my master and Wong who was now standing beside her, The Ancient One has a full smile on her face, something I have never seen so far.

"After more than 8 century, someone was finally able to move it, it has chosen you as its master, no one was able to locate or to use any of the round table weapons since Camelot fall, but perhaps they where never fated to succeed ..."


--- 3 days later ---

I was standing near the coast line in Malibu looking at a house in the distance,on my back was resting a guitar case.

I was waiting for something to happen, well me and all the world, Tony Stark has given his address in TV after all, I have seen Maya Hensen entering the building, everything was going as expected.

Finally what I was waiting for came to be, Aldrich Killian and three helicopter attacked the building, Iron Man wasn't able to respond the attack efficiently and everything went exactly like in the film, I did nothing...that's because I knew that the only victim here will be some cars and Tony Stark needs to go through some hardship if I wish to see a true hero.

After the chaos settled I waited the evening and followed Pepper Potts and Maya Hansen to an hotel, to make sure to not loose track of them I used a GPS tracker, I coudn't get near them before...there were too many eyes and cameras on the place.

The moment they settle down I could see Maya take the phone and send a message, she is probably sending her position to Killian, I went to them.

"Hi Maya! it has been a very long time..."

The shock was apparent on her face

"Who is this man? you know him?"

Pepper was obviously on guard after what happened and what Maya told her.

"A..Arthur..how?" she was babbling.

"How am I alive? well not thanks to you that's for sure...I am sorry Ms. Potts but we need to go, Maya just betrayed you and sent your position to Killan, this place is not safe anymore"

With a rapid movement I stole Maya phone taking her by surprise only give it to Pepper, waiting for her to check my words... a cold fury appeared in her eyes, that is something new.

"I...that's not true, he is lying.."

I didn't waited her to finish and hand chopped her neck, letting her loose consciousness. Martial arts are sure handful, thanks Mordo.

"Please Ms. Potts, I am not your enemy, I will explain everything but for now we need to go."

"Why should I trust you..." her question was somenting aspected.

"Here...this are my car's keys, you can drive so you know where we are going, I have a safe house,but if you wish to go in another place I can came with you. I only wish to talk.."

"Ok let's go..."

chapter out, check this out...let me know your thoughts

giallao1993creators' thoughts