

After the battle three people can been seen on the scorched field.

"So..you stealed my kill..." Tony Stark was a little upset about it.

"Hey! I didn't steal anything he was mine to begin with"

"He tried to kill me!"-Tony

"He tried to kill me first!"

"Happy was hospitalized because of him, it was my duty to get revenge!"

He didn't want to stop it, so I barked back.

"He killed Billy!"

This staggered him a bit.

"Who was Billy?"

"A coworker of mine...we weren't even close, but someone had to give him justice!"

I don't know why, but my reasoning pissed Tony off more.

After some time of give and take between me and Tony, Rhodey stopped us. I don't know why he waited so long...maybe he was secretly enjoying it.

"Ok, stop you guys! look man, I am grateful for your help, but I need to ask you some questions.."

"I can't answer to everything, but ask away"

I was in good mood after getting revenge and teasing one of my heroes.

It took some time to explain everything to the dynamic duo in front of me, they obviously asked how I know so much, especially the Vice President part, but I was able to manage by playing the Maya Hensen's card.

Tony Stak showed concern about Pepper the moment her name was out, but after talking to her to the phone he was able to calm down, I could see gratitude in his eyes, it was satisfying.

I also gave them a flash drive where I have putted all the proofs of Killian's work that I was able to gather before my escape six month ago.

It was probably useless at this point of time, but it helped to give them a better view of myself.

In the end of our talking I could hear the police's sirens coming closer, it seems like our little brawl didn't went unnoticed.

" Ok seems like it is time for me to leave, you can take all the credit if you want..."

"Are you sure? you can be glorified as a hero, the president himself would be glad to meet you"-Rhodey

"As flattering as it is, I have to decline, as I said earlier there are things I can't disclose, not yet at least. And I have things to do, i can't do that if the media are on me all the time. "

The Ancient One asked me to not disclose Kamar-Taj to the world, I still remember her words

" Arthur, people fear power, especially one that is not bound to anything, they'll try to control it and if they can't they will try to destroy it. This doesn't mean that they are wicked or evil, but fear has pushed men to dark paths again and again through the ages..."

I can't be more in agreement with her words, one of the most popular example are the Sokovia Accords, even if is still early for that.

I meditated for a long time on what would be the best course of action and for my next move I will need to have my hands free.

" it's not all bad, fame give you some privileges "

Tony was obliviously one that enjoyed people's care.

"I am in your debt Arthur and I don't like it. Tell me before you go, how can I repay you?"

They were magic words coming from him...so I asked for what every Marvel fan would have asked.

"Build me a armor"

Silence. I could see his face change a little before answering.


I knew that it wouldn't be that easy.

*Sigh* " Well, I tried. Let's just say you own me a favor then. Deal?" I said while offering my hand.



A week later , Stark Tower.

" So you think he would fit well in the Avengers? "

" Yes, I think so "

Two man can be seen conversing inside a room, one with a drink in one hand, the other one instead was sitting on the sofa, a heavy air was surrounding him, his only eye was focused on the man before him.

" I don't know Tony, there are few points that concern me a lot. But first of all, Where is he? we lost track of him in New York, he disappeared like the most trained agents. Six month ago he went missing , everyone had thought he was dead, Maya Hensen included, but he reappeared out of nowhere. Not only he was enchanted, but he had weapons of unknown origin with him and you didn't even ask him about them?"

"I did, but he answered with a [You have your toys, I have mine] " Tony said while slightly changing his voice.

Seeing the serious face of Nick Fury, Tony couldn't help to say

"What? the big bad S.H.I.E.L.D. can't find the answer to those questions?"

"That is exactly what is buzzing me. Very few people can elude our surveillance."

"He will came back eventually, but cheer up, I trust my judgement of his character"

"Like you trusted Obediah Stane?"

the look in Tony changed slightly, just remembering that traitor punk give him a headache.

"There is no need to talk about him as you know well, I killed him myself."

" yes, yes, I know... I hope you are right about him. Before I go...good luck with the surgery, I heard you will finally get rid of the shards..." Nick Fury said while getting up from his sit.

"How did y...well nevermind, it is time to change, a new day a new Tony."


----- Kamar-Taj -----

" Welcome back Arthur, Tea? "

" Thank you, master " I accepted her offer and took a sit in front of her.

" Tell me Arthur, I know that you were successful in your task, but I can see that there is somenting bothering you"

*Sigh* "I can't hide anything from, can I? As always you are right. I am worried, my action can change the future I had foreseen, that is certainly a good news, but i can't help to be afraid of the butterfly effect. I tried to intervene only when necessary, and I tried to don't alter the events too much in fear of what could happen..."

"I see...syou are half right about this things, as I said when we first met, the future is everchanging, that means your action have certainly altered it, but while changing the future is easy as the flapping of a butterfly, changing ones fate is way more difficult and challenging. "

"You mean to say that fate is balancing our timeline so that determinated events happens no matter what we do?"

"you are quick to understand as always, yes. Fate or Destiny, even the Olympian's Gods themself said that it was something above their control, so if you wish to change something fated to happen, you will need something very special or a power that is at the very least bigger than the Gods."

"But I saved some lifes with my actions? doesn't this change their fate?" I thought of Maya Hensen who should be dead by Killan hands.

"It depends."

"What do you mean?"

"Some people are more important then others, as unjust as it seems this is how life works. Their death or life probably don't change anything in a cosmic point of view, you can save as many life you want, it will hardly influence the universe as a whole. But changing something that was prophesied like Ragnarok will be almost impossible, it can be delayed maybe, but changing it.... That's why everyone fear prophecies."

These words where heavy, too much for me at this moment.

But I understood something that was unspoken, Ragnarock isn't the only thing that will pose an enormous effort to change,I could feel it from her words...my master death was one of those moments.

chapter out, tell me your thoughts.

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