
Sun-kissed [Hinata Shoyo x Female reader] [Haikyuu lemon]

"Let's not leave any of your fantasies unfulfilled." If you've got hots for Hinata Shoyo, welcome. You find yourself head over heels for the most amazing guy and you are wondering whether your feelings may be mutual. Is there a chance you can be his girlfriend?.. I promise lots of fluff, heart-fluttering and cheek-blushing moments. I'm aiming for the "I feel like I'm in some shoujo manga!" atmosphere. Many thanks for opening my story and I hope you enjoy! Remarks: - (F/N) and (L/N) stand for your first and last names respectively. - I made the characters 20 years old, since the content is mature. I had to sacrifice the original Karasuno high school setting, sorry! - I'm only learning Japanese, so if some phrases I use don't make sense, please let me know :) No worries, I added all the translations. - This is my first story, so I'm open to any other kind of feedback too! - All artwork is mine. - I do not own neither Haikyuu nor its characters.

Good_Little_Girl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 5, in which I get my hands on Hinata's uniform (NSFW)

My late class just finished and I'm walking down the hallway ready to go home. I'm wearing a shirt with a wide skirt and tights.

Suddenly I see Hinata walking towards me. He's in his sports uniform.

「日向,おめでとう!」 "Hinata, congratulations!"

Their team won right now and this kind of news travels fast. I couldn't be there...

I finally learnt to drop the honorifics, but I'm still not used to that, let alone calling Hinata by his first name. I could only say it a handful of times in private. And every time it's magic.

He looks up at me and smiles:

「ありがとうな!」 "Thank you!"

We come closer and I ask:

「チームは?」 "Your team?"

「彼らはもう家に帰った.教室にあったカバンを手に取る.」 "They already went home. I am picking up my bag from the classroom"

The bag is already with him.

「そうか」 "I see"

Suddenly I realise it's my hot fantasy about to walk away. I grab Hinata's hand and take him to the empty classroom.

It's dark inside. The only light is coming from the window. Soon my eyes get used to the dusk.

I look at Hinata. He's warmed up and his breath is still a bit uneven from the game. He's sweaty. Some of his hair is wet and sticks to the skin.

I make him lean back on the wall and come closer. His smell is heavy and there's so much of him in it that my head goes spinning. I'm really attracted to this.

It also crosses my mind that I'm such a shallow girl for throwing myself at a guy on the winning team, but so what, sue me.

I lean in to smell him more. Hinata puts his hands forward in panic and prevents me from coming closer:

「待って,待って,待って!汗だくで嫌だよ」 "Wait, wait, wait! I'm sweaty and disgusting"

「別に.私にはとても魅力的だよ.」 "Not really. It's very attractive to me."

He's not fully convinced, but lets me come closer. I can smell him properly now. I touch his hair and it is damp from sweat. I put my hand on the back of his neck, it's wet and hot. I slowly kiss his cheek and his jaw.

I switch to his ear. I gently trace its outer edge with the tip of my nose, then with my lips, laying small kisses, making sure I don't miss a spot. I follow the same path with my tongue and continue the trace behind his ear.

Then I move down to the neck and get a proper taste. It's salty and a bit bitter. I take my time. I kiss the neck under his ear, under his jaw, moving lower bit by bit. I lick it with my tongue. In the meanwhile I'm drawing lines with my fingertips on the other side of his neck.

Hinata sweeps his arm around my lower back.

I sneak my hand under his jersey and feel the slippery sweat along his spine. I slide my palm up. I'm turned on already.

I press Hinata harder into the wall and reach out to kiss him. Both of our lips are salty. I run my fingers through his hair. Now my hands and probably my whole upper body smell of him.

Hinata pulls me closer with both of his arms and his chest is against mine. As always, our kiss makes my heart go fast. He's so warm. I started the kiss, but now he's taking initiative and intensifies it.

One moment he lets me go out of his arms and comes around behind me. I lean forward on the wall, he draws closer and starts kissing my ear. His hands are stroking my arms. I feel his breath and his hot lips, which makes me close my eyes.

When moving his lips down to my neck he presses me harder into the wall and it feels amazing. My heart is already thumping like mad, the back of the neck is my weak spot. He covers it with kisses and when there's nothing left he turns me around to face him.

Hinata locks my wrists over my head and holds them there. He looks at me and I nod slowly. Then his lips find my neck and I close my eyes again.

He put his foot so that his thigh is pressing in between my legs and I suspect it's there for a reason. I'm very curious where this can lead, but I'm too shy to do anything about it. At least for now.

I'm trapped between Hinata and the wall, pinned to it in several places. Being so restricted feels new and I'm surprised to find out that I like it. I cannot touch his hair, which I really want to do right now, but not being able to somehow makes the desire even greater.

After a while Hinata carefully lets my wrists go and happens to touch my hands.

「手が冷たい!」 "Your hands are cold!"

Indeed, this happens to me all the time. He looks concerned. He hurriedly kisses the backs of my hands and covers them with his, rubbing to make them warm. It feels wonderful. Moreover, it works and my fingers get warmer. I'm so touched.

「日向,ありがとう」 "Hinata, thank you"

And add:

「かわいい...」 "It's cute..."

For some time he is quiet and preoccupied with making my hands and fingers feel better.

Then suddenly he picks me up, carries me to a desk and places me on top of it. This seemed an unnecessary far ride until I realise: it's not just any desk, that desk is his. I'm excited.

Hinata stands in front of the desk in between my legs and I have to spread them. I lean back on my hands. He bends over me, looks me in the eyes and slowly repeats:

「かわいい...」 "Cute..."

He is not annoyed or upset, but genuinely perplexed. Ooops, seems like I've struck a chord. What's up with guys not being able to take "cute" as a compliment?

He bends lower and I struggle to hold myself up accordingly, so he catches my back to keep me elevated. Since I have no support, this must be heavy for him. I say:

「疲れていないの?」 "Are you not tired?"

Okay, this came out wrong, way too provocative. I'm uncertain whether I crossed a line here, so I prepare to retreat.

Once again, he quietly repeats after me:

「疲れて...」 "Tired..."

He smiles and gives out a sincere chuckle. He's amused! I feel relieved. His eyes fire up with demonic sparks:

「などと心配する必要はない.」 "Do not worry about things like this."

Looks like my provocation has had its effect. I'm going to reap what I sow, and I'm intrigued. However, all of this is totally unnecessary, I didn't mean to push him.

I want to finally wrap my legs around him and hold on tight, and I realise I have not been doing that just in order to tease him. I make a mental note that I've gone too far with teasing this time. It must never allow him to think as if he's treasured any less. I'm upset with myself, but I don't have time to plan how to make it right.

Hinata lets me lie down on the desk, but only to pick up my legs and put them on his shoulders. The way he slowly stroked his hand over my tights made me hot. If it were the inner side of my leg, I would probably go mad. I hope sometime he gets a chance to do it.

My skirt is completely up, but I don't care.

Then he puts his hands around my back and picks me up closer to him again. Hinata looks into my eyes and says:

「気に入らないことがあれば,僕に言ってください.」 "If you don't like something, tell me"

Mesmerised, I agree:

「はい」 "Okay"

Most of my weight must be hanging on him now. Is this intentional? Oh my god, what a show-off! I do not protest though.

He starts moving. I put my hands around his neck and close my eyes.

It doesn't take long at all till I get a sweet longing in my body in response to his strokes. I sigh. I like my legs against his chest, I like feeling his hot strong grip around my back. In fact, I am so cosy and comfortable that I relax my tense body. I was trying to shift my weight so that it would be easier for him, but if he wants to make it his job to hold me, let him. Relaxing allowed me to concentrate more on pleasure and that soon led me to wanting more.

I open my eyes and meet his gaze. At first I am shy. Now I'm also wondering whether he has been looking at my face the whole time and I'm embarrassed by what he might have witnessed.

I watch him leaning over me and I can't help but note that he is handsome. This is overwhelming and I'm even thinking of closing my eyes again. But didn't I want more just now?

Suddenly his next circular motion hits the spot, and I slip out a sensual moan. All of this while looking into his eyes. This became very intimate. There's only me and him and nothing else.

I can tell he enjoys making me lose myself. His eyes are sparking and did I notice a smile? I won't make it too easy for him, so I bite my lip to stay silent.

I do not resist my favourite thing though and let my hands stroke his ears and dive into his hair. This is the best.

I'm ready for more and I want to kiss him now, but I realise I cannot pull myself up anywhere. I don't want any words to break the moment. I can raise my neck only a bit and it turns out I was worried over nothing as he notices my intention immediately and lifts me higher to meet him.

I kiss his lips, I feel his breath on my face. It's uneven too. Mine's worse, of course. I savour the closeness that the kiss offers.

I let him feel that my breath is shaking. The kiss is gentle, I caress his lips with mine. I make my touches lighter and lighter, teasing for both of us. Then I break the kiss at all, leaving only our noses stroking each other, and stay like this.

Our lips are so close that right from the start it's hard to keep them apart. I slowly brush my nose against his and try to focus on these feelings. The tip of my nose is very sensitive and all of this is delightful. I do get carried away quickly and soon I cannot resist kissing Hinata again. The anticipation made it fascinating.

Then I lean back and watch him. At this point I want to move too, but I soon find out that I cannot, I have no leverage at all. In this position he's in total control. I start seeing things differently. The fact that I'm restrained and he's keeping me that way, doing what he wants to me, he's in charge, turns me on really hard really fast. Ironically, it makes me want to join in even more and this is not possible. I call:

「日向...」 "Hinata..."

He holds up and asks attentively:

「何?」 "What is it?"

「壁際に置いてほしい.」 "I want it against the wall"

I blush and I hope it's too dark to see.

He complies:

「よーし」 "Alright"

I lower my legs from his shoulders to his waist and cling onto him. Hinata picks me up and carries me back to where we started. He presses my back against the wall and holds me up.

I'm not touching the floor. He's doing it again! I get it that you're ridiculously athletic. Especially for a slim guy who is not just a pile of muscles. I chuckle:

「いや,違う」 "No, differently"

Finally he lets me down reluctantly (or it's just my imagination). I turn around and rest my cheek against the wall:

「最初はこのように」 "At first like this"

He puts his hands on my waist and comes close. I call out that it's really not close enough though:

「もっときつく」 "Tighter"

I even fantasise about being slammed into the wall, but keep this thought to myself for now. He presses into me smoothly, as always, but strongly.

「いい?」 "Is it okay?"

「ぴったりよ」 "Perfect"

I hold my breath in anticipation.

Hinata tucks his nose behind my ear. Is he smelling my hair? That's so sweet...

I spread my legs a bit wider and turn my feet and hips inwards. It's as if my body just knows what it wants.

Then Hinata starts moving slowly and shows me what we were missing when we were here before and he was still. I arch my back to choose the spot that he would brush against.

I feel that my skirt is too thick though.

「ちょっと待って」 "Wait a bit"

I pull my skirt up and out of the way. Then I realise that what I did was obscene, and I'm embarrassed. But there's no one here who wouldn't like it.

This time I don't tease. I try to moan quietly, but I make sure he hears. He is kissing my hair and ear.

This position might not be the most stimulating, but it fires me up every time.

I reach my hands behind his back and press him into me. I'm so weak by comparison though, it's laughable. He takes the hint and we go a bit faster.

I like the pressure, the movement, the smell, hearing his deep breath, his hands holding my waist, his hot body against mine, the way pleasure is building up inside me. But I want more and soon enough I turn around.

He's pleasantly surprised, but then his face darkens with concern:

「頬が...」 "Your cheek..."

The wall must have imprinted on my cheek. He gently strokes it with his fingers.

「大丈夫だよ.やめないで」 "It's fine. Don't stop"

He lightly kisses my cheek.

I put my right leg up around his hip and leave the other one down firmly for my leverage. He gallantly holds my leg for me and I don't need to worry about a thing. His other arm goes around my waist.

「(L/N)は暖かくなったね」 "You are warm now, aren't you?"

I smile and nod:

「うん」 "Yes"

We look each other in the eyes and both lean for a kiss. His very first stroke makes me gasp and part our lips. I hurry to resume the kiss and I'm more careful now.

His smell makes me drunk. Every breath I take clouds my mind even more.

His mouth is hot and our kiss quickly becomes greedy and passionate. I bite and pull his lip and he bites mine. We tease each other every now and then, but both soon return to pure kissing and there's nothing better.

I'm tightly hugging him with my hands on his back and neck. I'm a bit disappointed that it's now dry and he's not breaking a sweat with me. I wonder what it will ever take for him to do that...

The fact that we're already on the edge, but fully dressed, is highly arousing. My hips start moving towards him. I'm selfishly using everything to increase my pleasure.

The fire between my legs that he keeps fueling drives me insane. I'm really wet. Instead of rubbing I'm rather gliding now against him and it feels out of this world. I wonder if he can tell. I almost want to let him know, but I'm too shy and I don't know how. I bet he would be pleased though, isn't it the aim of his teasing to make my body do things I can't control?

I'm reaching my limit and I have to break the kiss. My inhale is shaky. On the exhale I hear myself whispering Hinata's name.

「翔陽...」 "Shoyo..."

My voice is breathy. Hinata quietly whispers 「はい?」 "Yes?" in response and I feel him kiss my jaw. I must be so obviously blissful that he is not concerned as usual. I can't stop and I whisper his name once again. And once again he's readily replying to me. I get a kiss on the cheek.

We continue this simple little game and I can't get enough of it. I want to sense his presence, I want to get a kiss. Each time the kiss is different. The kiss on the corner of the lips is the most teasing... I believe he's wishing for me to call for him once again too. And so I do.

At some point though I can no longer speak and I just keep breathing heavily. I want to get more of Hinata, so I take a peek.

His face is right in front of me. I don't remember ever seeing him with his eyes closed. I am usually uncertain, but right now seems like he's really into what's happening. If it's true, I am happy. I have never seen this face... so charming. I feel guilty as if I'm invading his privacy, but I know he's deeply guilty of doing that to me too.

I close my eyes and press into him even harder. I can't imagine anything better.

Then one moment Hinata gasps, squeezes me tight and stops. We keep hugging, he's breathing deep. I am too. I feel surprised, happy, then a bit awkward. Now I know what he must have felt last time: I don't want to be anyhow selfish now. So I unwrap my hands and legs.

Hinata looks at me with a question in his eyes, I smile and feel like a copycat:

「いいよ」 "It's okay"

I avoid the following 「本当に?」 "Are you sure?" look. For a moment he hesitates whether to insist, but kisses me briefly on the cheek and lets me go.

I'm still a bit confused, I didn't think things through this far. I couldn't come up with anything better to say than:

「どうすればいい?」 "How can I help?"

「大丈夫.カバンの中に服がある」 "It's okay. I have clothes in the bag"

He picks it up and tells me:

「すぐに戻ってくる.ここへ待ってね」 "I will come back soon. Please wait for me here"

「はい」 "Okay"

Once he leaves, I sit down on the floor right there to think. Am I disappointed I didn't get it all this time? No! Did I enjoy everything? Yes! Then what keeps bugging me right now?

Hinata returns, he has changed. My heart notifies me of it with a thump, he looks differently handsome yet again.

Hesitant, I ask him:

「気に入ったの?」 "Did you like it?"

He smiles:

「はあ,聞く必要があるのか?」 "Huh, do you have to ask?"

I look away:

「わからない.日向は何も言わないよ.」 "How would I know. You never say anything."

Hinata lowers in front of me on his knees and grabs my shoulders to make me look at him.

「今日,(L/N)と一緒に... このような気持ちを感じたことがない.僕は(L/N)のことが本当に好きだ.(L/N)はそれを知っている?」 "Today, together with you... I have never felt so good. I really like you, do you know that?"

He looks genuinely worried. His words are so pleasant... I want to hear them again and again. But I suspect guys hate that kind of thing.

「もう一度言ってください.」 "Please say that one more time."

Wait, what? Didn't I decide not to do that?

Hinata takes my face into his hands and looks me in the eyes:


This is enough to make my heart flutter. He repeats:

「好きだ.」 "I like you."

Hinata moves closer and hugs me gently, carefully, lovingly. He strokes my hair.

「僕はバカだ!(L/N),許してくれ.今から頑張る.」 "I'm an idiot! (L/N), forgive me. From now on I will do my best."

I hug him back. I don't want him to worry too much.

「ありがとう.日向はもうすてきだよ.もう少し話してみてください」 "Thank you. You are already wonderful, you know. Just talk to me a bit more"

We sit in silence for a while. Then I decide to ask:

「うーん,じゃあ,何か気に入ったものがあれば教えてください.」 "Mmm, then please tell me something that you liked."

He tucks my hair away around my ear and leans in. His warm breath on my skin instantly excites me.

「(L/N)は僕の耳を弄るのが気に入ったよ」 "I liked it when you played with my ears"

I gulp. He's saying it while doing it to me too. This teasing... He's so slick at it.

Then he adds a bit more seriously:

「前回もそろそろだったよ」 "Last time I was also very close, you know"

I smile into his neck:

「よかった」 "I'm glad"

We're walking down the hallway and I turn my head to take a peek at Hinata. He's amazing and it's almost scary what effect he has on me. He can turn me on with just a touch, just a glance, just a word, just a scent, just a taste. My heart always beats faster when I'm with him.

We reach the point where our paths separate. Hinata leans in to kiss me on the cheek and then whispers in my ear:

「今度,僕の名前を大声で言わせるから.」 "Next time I will make you say my name out loud"

I blush. He catches my eye and winks at me. Then he leaves and takes my breath away with him.

A while after it suddenly hits me: I was worried enough about visiting his games before, and now, after what we have done to his uniform, will I be able to look at it at all? I bury my face in my hands. Well, at least his desk is for him to sit at, not me.