
Sun Kiss (Ein x Kai) [Aphmau]

Ein is a werewolf. He met two of his closest friends in his freshman year of high school, Jaxon and Ryder, who are somewhat rebellious in nature After getting expelled from his former school after a fight, he becomes a new student at Phoenix Drop Highschool. He has to learn to balance familial and personal issues with his father and werewolf problems at school, while he has to try and maintain new relationships. He meets Kai, a lonely, caring meif'wa, that tries to understand Ein’s chaotic life but ends up more implicated in it than he initially thought. Contains swearing sparingly.

VexJynx_ · perkotaan
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6 Chs

Werewolves to werewolf

Ein was quite anxious, waiting for the time to pass by. Pacing back and forth in his room, he was nervous yet excited about this. If he was going to do this, he would have to decide soon, as the last bus of the night was passing soon. He checked his alarm clock. 10:35 pm. He decided confidently he was going to do it. Ein grabbed a crimson sweater from his bedroom floor and put his cellphone in his pocket. Coming out of his room, Ein closed the door softly. The werewolf cringed at the creaks the wooden floor made when he took a step. He made his way down the stairs with as little noise as feasible to not wake up his father. The werewolf left his house, making his approach the nearest bus stop. The chill, early summer wind nipped at the werewolf's ears. Ein put on the sweater, thanking himself for being smart enough to bring one.

10:50 pm. The city bus screeched to a stop in front of Ein. The luminous interior lights of the bus blinded the teenager. How could anybody see in this light? He reflected to himself. He placed his bus card against the scanner and chose a seat next to the rear exit. Usually, he wouldn't sit down, but he was going to be standing up all night. He wanted to rest his legs before that time began. Ein was always wary of city buses, but he didn't have an alternative but to take them. Who knows what kind of individuals sat down in these seats. Ein could take a guess with the surrounding people. There was a guy that looked awful and about ready to pass out, falling off his seat at the very front of the bus. A lady with a coral-red dress, heels, fish stockings, and expensive accessories on the other side of the door to Ein. A man in a tuxedo that looked to be a little too attentive for the time of day, in Ein's opinion, standing in the middle section of the bus. A man in unkempt clothes laying on the bench in front of Ein. And a woman who looked 3 days away from dying who was smoking despite the clear signs that mention 'no smoking' at every few seats of the bus that were a few seats away on the werewolf's right. Ein dared not establish any eye contact with these people. He wasn't ready to get involved with anything tonight. Tonight was a relaxing night to get out of the house and enjoy himself. He wouldn't have to deal with his father's strictness.

Getting off at his stop, the werewolf could already hear the loud music and see the bright, colourful lights of the outdoor concert. He could already feel a slight shaking underneath his feet from the speakers. His walk there was peaceful. When he reached the concert, he kept himself to the side, not wanting to be in the crowd. A man that seemed a little older than him, maybe in college, came up to the werewolf.

"Hey man! Want some brownies? They're pot brownies!" The man asked him sluggishly. Maybe he wasn't high only on marijuana. He didn't seem like he could hold himself up for much longer.

"No, thank you." Ein waved him off. The college kid quickly made his way to other people.

The werewolf made a mental note to himself to not take anything from anyone, no matter how innocent it may seem. He couldn't even trust the snack bar put up by the organisers. He wouldn't. Ein just couldn't risk his chances for his safety, his wellbeing, and to make sure he got home. Despite his rough personality, Ein was never fond of doing any type of drugs. The werewolf had already done drugs once. Pressured by an old group of friends two years back. It was a terrible feeling that he never wanted to feel again, no matter how much he despises his current life situation.

The band on the stage had changed the song. It was a cover of a song that Ein liked a lot. He didn't think that a local band that he had never heard of before would play songs he enjoyed listening to. Ein had only heard of the concert through school gossip. So, he did his research and, sure enough, there was a concert at one of the parks in the city.

Two boys struggled their way out of the crown. They fell before Ein on the grass. They were both werewolves, as well. They both looked up before giving a sheepish smile.

"Well hey, you should never be alone out at night." The boy with brown hair and magenta eyes warned Ein playfully.

"I can take care of myself. Thank you very much." Ein snapped back at the two friends, crossing his arms. He assumed they were friends based on the previous remark and the fact that they were together.

The two boys had raised off the ground and dusted themselves off. "Looks like we're gonna stick with you for the night! I'm Ryder and this guy- " He pointed towards the blue-haired, blue-eyed werewolf next to him. "He's Jaxon, but he prefers Jax, though. Says it makes him feel cooler." Ryder mocked his friend.

"Hey!" Jax cried out.

Ein let out a chuckle at Ryder's statement. He had to admit that their friendship was adorable. Maybe they were more than friends? Ein thought. His father would beat him if he were ever more than friends with a boy. He didn't like getting hit by his dad. Ein shivered at the thought of what might happen if his father ever caught him sneaking out at night, especially when he said 'no' to going to the concert.

"Hello! Dude, what's your name?" Ryder interrupted Ein out of his thoughts.

"Sorry," He apologised for not paying attention. "It's Ein."

"Do you like The Queen of Spade?" Ryder started a conversation.

Ein gave him a confused look.

"It's the name of the band." The magenta-eyed boy added.

"Oh, I'm just here for the music," Ein admitted truthfully.

Jax let out a giggle. Ryder turned to him and gave him a warm smile. Could they really be more than friends? The idea gave Ein butterflies in his stomach. Surely not. He had known no one who was more than friends with the same gender. It was a thing of fiction, right? Deep down, Ein knew it wasn't just a thing of fiction.

"Werewolves to werewolf. Can we vent about something to you?" Ryder seemed to want to get something off his chest. It seemed a little strange to Ein that someone would want to vent to him, of all people. But these guys didn't know him as others do. Maybe that is what these boys wanted.

"Yeah, sure," Ein thought he had enough life experience with werewolves to listen and understand their problem.

The trio made it to a picnic table far enough from the concert to not have to yell in order to understand each other.

"So, we go to Phoenix Drop high and our Alphas are both humans! But the Alpha male is also the Omega. But not only that, our Alpha female is our Alpha by pure chance and she has no idea what she's doing. How in Irene's name do we deal with that?" Ryder vented. Telling someone who isn't part of the conflict felt refreshing to the werewolf.

"Wow, that sounds hella confusing," Ein admitted. He would never want to be involved in a mess of a werewolf pack like that. "Well, there's a week left of school. Honestly, just wait out until next year for new alphas to lead."

"Yeah, you know what? That's not a bad idea," Jax said.

"Well, at least you're not at O'khasis prep. The principal banned werewolf ranks, thinking it would stop fights. And we get detention if we mention them. Not that detention really does anything. Secretly, though, everyone knows their rank." Ein told them to tell them how other packs work and to show them that not only their pack is dysfunctional.

The trio of werewolves talked until the first city bus of the morning. That was when Ein had to leave. Until then, they hung out. The three of them could tell that they would become best friends quickly and spent an eventful summer together.