

The room seeks comfort in its eerie quiet, the only sound being heard is the wind coming in through the gaps in the windows. The man who was speaking now searches for someone to bother it seems, before he unfortunately lands directly on your eyes. He stares at you before walking forward, stopping just in front of you. His eyes are a dark blue, his face scarred by a knife of some sort, his black hair slicked back similar to yours by a surprisingly heavy grease.

"Listen to me for a moment will you?"

You look into his piercing eyes before he speaks.

"What's your motivation for coming here?"

"Helios vs. Jet, you're up."

"Go up there and beat her H, you would never lose to a wom-"


"So you lost to her, huh..." says Killian.

"I don't think I've been kicked that hard in my life." you mumble.


It really went worse than expected. To recap the fight, you stepped into the box. But by box, you mean yellow tape stuck to the ground in the shape of a box.

You're all ready to go, and then Jet steps in herself. You knew you were dead right then and there. You know how you can sometimes just see the terror that a person could cause by a singular look at their face? Well this was that.

When the fight started, all went well. For the first few minutes, you generally had the better movement, but it was like trying to fight a bear, she had no openings. And then about...5 minutes in, she delivered a kick to your head, and you slumped.


Roughly 2 Days Later~


"How's your head feeling H?" Killian asks with a deep chuckle after noticing you beginning to move.

You rub your eyes, now open and scanning the room around you, before a pain pierces the side of your head, sending you back into the pillow as quick as you can go.

"Like shit." you mumble, wincing slightly, lightly pressing your hand over the area.

"Sounds about right."

The beeping from the hospital machines continues to keep you awake, and you shift your head to look up at the ceiling, furthering by rising your hand to feel your right temple. Bandaged.

"Shit, how much damn damage did she do?" you grunt.

"Quite a bit, that kick supposedly fractured your skull, and I could have sworn you went flying a few feet before you hit the ground." he responds.

Unless that kick had the force of 3 UFC fighters into one, to have it behave like that.....seems superhuman. Nothing to care a whole lot about for the time being.

"So what happened after?"

Killian shrugs. "Not all that much. The person that brought you here wasn't me anyway, it was-"

"Me." grunts Jet, her arms strongly crossed.

Jet. Her brown hair is tied back into a tight bun, contrasting with her tanned skin. Through the sunglasses she has on, you can see a dim tint of blue in her eyes. Her face is structured and strong, a scar, seemingly from a knife, lining from her right eyebrow to slightly below her right eye.

"So the one to send me here, is the one to bring me here....at least there's a sense of etiquette." you mumble.

"Be glad I even brought you here at all. Anyway, I should be going. I have a few people to see." she says with a dismissing wave.

While writing this, I can finally remember one singular thing she told me after I groaned, "Wait."

"What is it?" she groaned, the beeps that were around my hospital bed clearly bothering her.

"How are you...that strong.." I said. I remember the pain within each word that I spoke, knowing soon enough, I was going to lose my vision.

"How? Strong? Helios, what I would be telling you within the real answer would send you into shock. The truth will cause you to disbelieve, and I would rather you not know for now."

"Quit...with the monologue and just...tell me." you say, your breaths ragged.

I remember the genuine sigh that exited her mouth, louder than even the room itself.

"Helios. It's about your-"

Right then and there, I lost consciousness. The meaning of life was swept away within a moments notice after my vision went black.

Within that horrible darkness was everything that I never wanted to hear. Something I had yet to forget, something I wish I could forget after all these years since.


"Who are you H? Why would you bring such a dangerous path of life into our family? Are you the child who had big dreams for his life? Or are you some dirty, grimy fighter on a quest to forgive himself in ways that can't be done?"



"What happened to you H? You went from being strong and thinking you're a weakling, to being a weakling with the idea that you're strong. You're lying to yourself!"



"Everything you've ever done has looked like a broken tree in the end, H. How can you never finish things a in good way? Everyone you've met, you've hurt."


"I never hurt anyone.."



"There's blood on your hands...H."


"It's...IT'S NOT MINE!"


"That's a lie. You killed her, H. You killed your best friend."


"Your father, he died because of your mistakes, H."


"Your mother, what you've done with your life, killed her too."



"Your fists have always been locked closed, H. Open them for once in your life. Let go of your anger, for your anger is what holds you back."

"But why....why not anything else?"

"Because emotion gives you your power, H. Anger doesn't. Anger is a means to a false end that you have witnessed too many times, and it's hurt everyone around you."


"Get the defib going!"


"Your father wouldn't want to see you like this, H. Stop being sad about this and go show him why you took the route that you did." says the voice you heard earlier.


"Defib ready for shock."



Air returns to your lungs.


"We have a pulse! 85 over 50 and rising!"