
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Derivasi dari karya
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27 Chs

Royal Sisters

January 1, 1845 (Jarbane: January)

Amidst the festive atmosphere that embraced the world of Rutra, signaling the arrival of a new year and the promise of change, there was a room where the atmosphere differed greatly.

Within its walls, men and women who had recently arrived on this new and unfamiliar side of the world were gathered. They had sought respite after their eventful first day, aware of the challenges that lay before them in this place known as the New World.

"What do we do, Your Highness?" one man asked, his voice filled with concern. "We cannot allow the New Worlders access to our technologies, especially since they bear such striking resemblance to the krauts." The weight of the situation burdened the entire crew, as well as the royal sisters. The complexity of the scenario demanded a thoughtful solution.

Thus, they engaged in a brainstorming session, eager to contribute their thoughts and find a way forward.

"Well, if we do not comply, they may expel us," another man chimed in. He wore a jumpsuit, in stark contrast to the white and navy blue naval uniforms of the others. His face bore the marks of grease and wear, and a tool-laden belt hung at his side. "However, our submarine cannot embark on another voyage due to low fuel and a rudder failure."

An older man, one of the researchers among the usual 70-strong crew of HMS Turbulent, interjected, offering a potential solution. "Perhaps, if we share some of our knowledge, we can negotiate an equitable exchange with the gentlemen on the other side of that door."

A moment of silence enveloped the room as each individual contemplated the proposal. Finally, a young man, no older than 20, broke the silence. His youthful face and brash voice revealed a determined spirit. Despite his thick cockney accent, he was dedicated to serving the Highnesses on this venture.

"Our duty is to protect her Highnesses until our last breaths. However, granting them access to our technology will leave us at a disadvantage. I've already sent their engineers away once when they were 'exploring the port'," he explained, patting his chest with pride.

"We must acknowledge that they will inevitably request the submarine. We are outnumbered, lacking fuel and spare munitions to undertake another voyage," another voice added, emphasizing their predicament. Stuck without the support of the Veridoran government, they found themselves immobilized.

Their demands, outlined on a translated sheet of paper, were straightforward. Obtained from the agents sent to Germany, the translators had provided valuable assistance upon their return, just one day before the invasion.

However, the evacuation plan had been in progress for months. Originally intended to include ten submarines, five destroyers, and a cruiser, the shortage of essential materials, resulting from disrupted supply lines in Africa and Asia due to the advancements of the Axis, had delayed their construction. Acquiring the necessary resources would have required 5 more months—an invaluable commodity they could ill afford, thanks to the dreaded Escherichia Division.

"I will attempt to meet with the gentlemen outside again," Princess Margaret declared, rising to her feet.

"Wait, they may pose a threat to Her Highness. Please allow me and three of my crew to accompany her," the young captain swiftly offered, receiving a nod of agreement from the princess.


They exit out of the large lodgings. A waft of the salty wind soothes them over as the group walks towards another large building with a tower; this was where their talks had taken place a day prior.

"Good evening, Your Highness. Do you have business with the admiral?" Guards stationed beside the door greeted and inquired about the princess.

"Yes, I have something to discuss with Admiral Elric Smythe; is he here?" The door opens suddenly, and the man who walks out is a fairly handsome man with a black beard; he has an eyepatch and is missing a leg.

"Oh, hello, Your Highness, what are you doing here?" The gigantic man asked with a kind tone; contrary to his physique, he was towering over the young princess and her escorts.

"Hello Admiral Elric, I was actually going to inquire about the situation of the British Nationals in the Naval Base."

"Oh, but what's wrong with your situation? You know that our major industrial cities are in a workers strike, so we may not be able to grant as many luxuries, but if you-"

"It isn't about that, not at all, Admiral; we have come to a conclusion of collaboration with the Veridoran government." It was a shock to everyone who heard of it; the crew members were more shocked, though, because if this continues, they might not be able to see their beloved submarine, HMS Turbulent, for a long time.

"Your Highness! Wh-" the Princess interjected.

"Hush, Captain, I believe that this will be more beneficial to us; we are essentially stranded in this nation; we don't have a map to anywhere else but the British Isles, with Greenland and Iceland no longer with us; please just trust me on this." She pleads with the still shocked crew before turning back to the admiral.

"Well if that's the case then let me introduce you to the Emperor, we need to talk with Foreign Affairs too but that can wait right?" He says as he orders another guard to bring them the car.

"Should we also inform your sister, Your Highness?" the captain asked, his voice respectful yet tinged with concern.

Margaret hesitated for a moment, her mind weighed down by the gravity of the situation. She glanced at the captain, his eyes waiting for her response. "Sure, tell Elizabeth," she finally replied, her voice tinged with a hint of weariness. "I'm going to wait in the car with Admiral Elric."

As the captain nodded and left to deliver the news, Margaret found herself in the presence of Admiral Elric and the two other crew members of the HMS Turbulent. The air turned heavy with an awkward silence. While she had spoken to the Admiral before, it was always in the company of her sister, Princess Elizabeth. Now, faced with the prospect of conversing with him directly, Margaret felt a sense of unease.

She deliberated silently, her mind racing. 'Should I make conversation?' she wondered. 'But what can I say? And I should conserve the translator's energy.' Uncertainty clouded her thoughts, leaving her at a loss for words.

Feeling the weight of the silence pressing upon her, Margaret mustered her courage and decided to break the ice. Her voice trembled slightly as she softly addressed the Admiral, her lack of familiarity with conversing in a foreign tongue apparent. In her previous life in London, she was known as a charismatic individual, at ease in social gatherings and seen as a rebellious spirit within her own family. But this situation felt entirely different—an uneven playing field where she struggled to find her footing.

"So... Admiral Elric, do you have a wife?" Margaret's question hung in the air, a fragile attempt at establishing a connection. She hoped to steer the conversation towards a more comfortable territory, one where she excelled—the realm of love stories and romantic escapades. She was eager to hear the tale of a powerful man like Admiral Elric being tamed by the love of a woman.

With a momentary blush and a faint grin, the Admiral responded, his eyes glimmering with fond memories. "Yes, I am actually married, Your Highness," he confessed, his voice carrying a hint of pride.

Intrigued by his revelation, Margaret leaned in, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Oh, what's the story? How did the two of you meet?" Her excitement was palpable, as if she were about to embark on a grand adventure herself. She yearned to delve into the details of this enchanting tale.

A smile played on the Admiral's lips, his eyes distant as he began to recount the story. "It was during a deployment in the Primado Pilamo Sea. She was aboard a slave ship, headed for a pirate port in the Kingdom of Pilamo—the very kingdom we are currently at war with. We intercepted the ship, but suddenly, the Pilamo navy bombarded us with their shells. We managed to counter their attack with our superior mobility and firing range." As he spoke, the Admiral's hand instinctively reached for a pendant he wore beneath his pristine white clothes, a small token of remembrance.

"Did you rescue her?" Margaret asked eagerly, her attention now shared by the guards standing beside her. The story had captured their interest as well.

But before the Admiral could reveal the answer, the arrival of the car interrupted the conversation. Its sleek black body and graceful curves reminded Margaret of the automobiles back home, albeit grander and more luxurious than the common cars driven by ordinary citizens.

Margaret's disappointment was palpable as she realized the story would have to wait. However, as she stepped into the back of the car, Admiral Elric finally spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery. 

"She was the captain of the ship," he revealed with a smile.

Margaret's surprise was evident, and a sense of conflicted emotions washed over her. If they were aligning themselves with people who still supported slavery, were they not, in a way, becoming like the very enemies they fought against? The revelation added a layer of complexity to her thoughts and left her questioning the decisions that lay ahead.

Before she could fully process her thoughts, Princess Elizabeth appeared by her side, breaking Margaret's train of thought. 

"I heard everything about the little deal you made, Margaret," her sister spoke, her tone gentle and understanding. Margaret turned to face her, apprehensive but relieved to find acceptance in her sister's eyes. 

"Don't worry. I've considered it, and I agree with your decision. The sooner we can move forward, the better for all of us." Her sister's warm smile conveyed unwavering support as she closed the car door.

Margaret sighed, grateful for her sister's understanding and the unity they now shared. She turned to the Admiral and nodded, confirming that everyone was present. It was time to move forward, united in their purpose and resolute in their actions.


As evening descended, casting a warm glow on the streets illuminated by the newly lit streetlights, the long, limousine-like car glided through the brightly adorned city. Two other cars followed closely behind, resembling the iconic Beetles found in Germany. The princesses were reassured that these vehicles served as their escorts, ensuring their safety and security.

Elizabeth's attention was caught by a young boy amidst the bustling street scene. "What happened to that boy over there?" she inquired, pointing toward the figure surrounded by scattered newspapers on the wet pavement.

Elric glanced at the boy, a familiar face he had often seen during his strolls toward the Palace or the Ministry buildings. "He's just a newspaper boy," he explained casually. Though he didn't harbor much concern for the boy's well-being, he used to offer him lunchboxes for himself and his family—a gesture from a bygone era.

Yet now, as Elric observed the boy, a pang of sympathy tugged at his heart. Perhaps the factories were an option for him. They were in desperate need of additional workers.

Margaret, on the other hand, was about to suggest lending a helping hand when an unexpected turn of events interrupted her thoughts. The boy was struck in the face by a poster, its impact leaving an imprint on his features. The contents of the poster scattered around him like a fallen flyswatter. Uttering something indiscernible, he swiftly fled the scene, leaving the abandoned poster behind.

"Well, there he goes," Elric commented, a touch of surprise coloring his voice. He couldn't help but be taken aback by the boy's sudden reaction to the unexpected blow from the poster.

Elric's gaze shifted from the windshield, signaling the driver to make an unexpected turn. The sudden maneuver puzzled the princesses and the guards, leaving them curious about the admiral's intentions.

"Hey, that looks a lot like Buckingham," one of the guards exclaimed, drawing the attention of the other foreigners. As they peered out of the windows, their eyes widened in amazement—it truly resembled Buckingham Palace, unmistakably so.

Confusion clouded Elric's mind as he tried to make sense of the situation. The driver, too, appeared unchanged. This couldn't be a mere coincidence. They had arrived at the Imperial Palace of Veridora, the Veridian Palace, which bore an uncanny resemblance to Buckingham Palace in its grandeur and architectural style. The Britons couldn't help but draw comparisons between the two, noting the intricate stonework and regal magnificence that characterized both palaces.

Once the Limousine-like car stopped infront of the steps both Margaret and Elizabeth spent their childhoods on, they felt a sense of nostalgia rush to them, admiring the scenery they saw with their own two eyes, it felt like they landed back in London.

"It feels just like home," Margaret remarked, her voice filled with nostalgia and longing. She ascended the stone stairs, relishing the familiarity and comfort the palace exuded. Elric, however, remained bewildered by their words.

Interrupting their reverie, a guard approached, his rifle held firmly in front of the ornate doors made of mahogany with gold accents. "Excuse me, but who are you?" he inquired, his tone firm.

The royal sisters' excitement waned as they faced the reality before them. Instead of the familiar Union Jack proudly fluttering in the wind atop the palace flagpoles, they beheld a flag they had grown accustomed to seeing at the Naval Base—a flag with a dark purple background, intersected by a white X with a golden square and dot at its center.

Their dreamlike vision shattered abruptly. Their imagined playtimes in front of the castle, the joyous moments spent with the Royal Guards and their distinctive bearskin hats—all faded away. Elizabeth, growing increasingly serious as time passed, had envisioned a future of responsibility and leadership. Now, that image felt distant and stolen by the Germans, the invaders who had robbed them of their cherished beauty and history.

Elizabeth refused to forget. She refused to regret. She would fight, inspired by the final transmission she had received from General Eisenhower before their communication was abruptly cut off.

"We are here with Admiral Elric," Elizabeth spoke up, her voice composed and steady, while Margaret remained lost in her daydreams.

Once the guard heard of the name, Admiral Elric appeared before him behind the two beautiful ladies. He recognized the name and the authority that stands behind that name, the Admiral of the Veridoran 1st Fleet, known for its maneuverability and speed, as well as its hawk-like accuracy, they are basically the grim reapers of the ocean in this continent.

His stern expression softened slightly and let them pass "I apologize Admiral Elric, you may pass" He said in strict military fashion as he stepped aside and continued guarding in a strict posture.

"Margaret, hurry up" Elizabeth called out to the still dazed Margaret, who quickly noticed and rushed forward, into the grand entrance of the Veridian Palace, but just like the exterior, the interior was just like Buckingham.


"Your Highness, may I ask something?"

Elizabeth, deeply absorbed in the beauty of the palace's intricate walls, turned her attention to Admiral Elric as he posed a question. Her admiration for the depictions of mythologies and the Veridoran Royal Family lingered in her eyes as she responded.

"What would you like to know, Admiral?"

Elric hesitated for a moment, taking in Elizabeth's words and the significance behind them. "I couldn't help but notice the familiarity in your words, as well as those of your guard. It seems you have a personal connection to this palace."

Elizabeth nodded, understanding the curiosity behind his question. "Indeed, as you are aware, we are from the United Kingdom and are of royal lineage. This palace, Veridian Palace, bears a striking resemblance to the palace of our upbringing—Buckingham Palace."

Elric absorbed Elizabeth's explanation in silence. He realized that he himself lacked extensive knowledge about the history of the palace, but he also understood that it was not of immediate importance. He made a mental note to delve into this topic at another time, when circumstances allowed.

"Here we are," Elric announced, diverting their attention to the set of doors before them. Just like the entrance doors they had encountered earlier, these too were made of mahogany with elegant golden accents. The continuity in design offered a sense of familiarity and anticipation.

The guards just outside of the doors salute at the admiral, returning the salute then opening the doors, there it revealed a wide room, its high-ceiling adorned with chandeliers and a mural high above, it depicted another Veridoran mythology the foreigners were unfamiliar with.

"Your Imperial Majesty," Elric addressed the old man with utmost respect, kneeling before him and bowing his head.

Curiosity gleamed in the Emperor's eyes as he surveyed the newcomers, and his voice resonated with wisdom as he inquired, "Admiral Elric Smythe, who are these fine individuals you have brought with you?"

"They are refugees from the transferred continent, your Imperial Majesty. They sought refuge at the Oli Naval Base, where I was attending a meeting with my naval officers regarding matters concerning the Pilamoans," Elric explained, observing a mixture of surprise and mischievousness in the Emperor's expression.

The old man, apparently intrigued, expressed his gratitude to Elric for bringing these guests. Rising from his majestic golden throne, he descended the stairs with the assistance of his servants, his grand cape swaying in tandem with his movements. Gesturing for the esteemed guests to follow, he led them into a lavishly furnished corridor adjacent to the throne room. The opulence of the surroundings matched that of the previous rooms they had encountered within the palace.

As Margaret observed her sister engaged in conversation with the old man, contemplating the contrast between his seemingly friendly demeanor and the fact that his nation still supported slavery, she remained silent. Deliberating these thoughts within herself, she kept a watchful eye on her sister and the unfolding interactions, accompanied by the presence of the guards.

"Looks like we've left Elric behind. Well, this shouldn't take long," Margaret whispered to herself, keeping her reflections private and contained.

They were then led into another room, this room however was a far cry from the lavish furnish just outside, this was a room that was minimal in furnishing, just a quiet little office room that was both cozy and humble.

"Thank you for coming all the way here, it must've been a long journey towards here huh?" the old man chuckled.

"Thank you for extending your hospitality to us, Your Imperial Majesty. The journey here was indeed quite arduous," Elizabeth expressed her gratitude before the old man offered refreshments.

"Tea, anyone? It's my own special brew," he offered with a kind smile, placing the tea on the office desk. The brew had a rich brown color and a minty aroma that was enticing.

"I am a little parched. Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty," Elizabeth replied with a smile, taking a sip of the tea.

As the conversation progressed, the old man displayed a curious nature, prompting Elizabeth to share how they had arrived. She mentioned their journey on a submersible built by their nation, causing the old man's eyes to widen in surprise and recoil. The submersible technology seemed to be of great interest to him, considering the challenges they were facing with their own submersible project.

"Maybe we can actually come to a deal," the old man suggested, retrieving a couple of pictures.

"These sea monsters... Have you encountered them? They roam the waters around your continent, making it difficult for us to establish contact with you," he explained, displaying pictures of massive creatures that could capsize battleships within minutes, they large tentacles that snatched escaping carrier aircraft, without that crucial information about these underwater threat the Royal Navy had been decimated by these creatures before even encountering the Ausmerzers flying over the English Channel during the third battle for Britain. A dark day for the Allied Forces.

"We have indeed encountered these monsters. They destroyed our escort submarines during our escape," Elizabeth revealed, providing significant news to the old man. The sea monsters posed a substantial threat, hampering exploration and expedition efforts in the new continent.

The Emperor contemplated the situation, considering the revelation of German capabilities in the Swazzu Continent and the potential tension it could generate if they were able to reach the Paciland Continent. The presence of British Royalty as war refugees further complicated matters.

However, the Emperor had his own agenda and priorities. He would not align with a nation that supported the Elves.

"What can you offer us, Princess Elizabeth?" the old man inquired.

"We can offer you our technology. Our nation has conquered entire continents before, establishing an empire that spanned the world. All those secrets could be yours if you provide protection and explicit assistance in reclaiming our home," Elizabeth proposed.

"We are currently at war with the Pilamoans. Demonstrate the capabilities of your submersible, and we have a deal," the old man responded, maintaining his kind and grandfatherly tone. The message, however, was clear—help us destroy our enemy, and we will assist you in destroying yours.

"We accept," Elizabeth replied promptly, accepting the terms without hesitation.