
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Derivasi dari karya
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27 Chs

Prologue to meeting Der Fuhrer

Ilga and Kraus were preparing for their meeting, going over their lines and finally familiarizing Ilga with gestures and how to speak german, only for a little bit, that is why they are going to bring Reinhard, the translator for Ilga.

Ilga and Kraus both wore their respective pilot's uniforms. Kraus had no armor and a pistol on his holster and Ilga donned light-weight dark grey full metal armor with hardened scale armor to protect from fireballs and other magic attacks. Reinhard just wore his formal suit, a charcoal suit tailored to him by a friend of his in Berlin.

A dirt runway with a windsock and a pair of hangars sat beside the Mansion, this was Reinhard's personal airport, it had a crop duster used to crop dust the private farm as well as several tons of fertilizer in one of the hangars.

"Still haven't maintained it that much huh Reinhard?" Kraus said as he looked at the runway, it had weed growing dead center of the runway, and pieces of fertilizer littering the ground making the runway smell if you had a good nose, Reinhard looked at the mess and sighs, perhaps he was a bit too lenient with his servants because of the war?

"Well I never really had a need to invest more into the airfield and farm since it made so much food with the new fertilizer my friends in the department of Agriculture have been developing"

"I guess so" Kraus nodded as he prepared his fighter in the hangar, moments later Ilga would finally arrive with her Wyvern flying majestically in the air, Kraus and Reinhard watched in awe as the Wyvern swiftly touches the padded dirt and dust with its feet.

"Even with the stories you have told me about the wyverns, a beast as beautiful as this would stir up one's imagination if they had the wit"

"Yes, this is my personal wyvern, this child's name is Ilga Junior, trained to be the best wyvern in all of the Federation, she and I have fought tooth and nail against countless foes in the past years or so, and since every selected rider had to grow up with the wyvern they were selected with during the coming of age festival she is like an arm and leg to me" Ilga spoke with a proud tone, showing off her best friend to the two germans who were listening intently.

"Interesting, the way this world trains their pilots... Making it so that an inseparable bond would form between the Beast and the Rider. Tell me, are there any notable features for each wyvern?"

"There are, but until I meet the Fuhrer and we are officially allies I won't talk about any military secrets"

The german wearing a charcoal suit nodded as he looks over to the german pilot, his dear friend Kraus who in return just shrugged.

"We better get going, the sooner to Berlin the better right?" Kraus spoke.

the two nod and prepared to take flight, Kraus in his BF-109 and Reinhard and Ilga with Ilga Junior took off, the duo atop the wyvern took off vertically while Kraus had to gain speed in order for the fighter to generate lift, in which he successfully does.

the strange combination of a German BF-109G whilst a Wyvern with two people riding on it following said BF-109G headed to Berlin.


Now the present

The Wyvern lands and two people got off of the Wyvern where they were suddenly surrounded by men with weird-looking spears all wearing gray or black uniforms, there were also weird-looking tanks with four cannons aimed at them.

"Introduce yourself Ilga!" Ilga immediately jumps at the sudden shout by Reinhard and opens her mouth still wearing her helmet.

"Erm, Greetings, I am 1st Lieutenant Ilga Hausen von Waldschmidt of the Jenpanya 1st Wyvern Patrol Squadron, Eldest daughter of Sir Erin Hausen Donat von Waldschmidt Chief Naval Commander of the Great Elven Federation of Meriavel, a pleasure to meet you, people of Germany!" Ilga shouted as loud as she can for everyone to hear, but of course, no one understands her, the way she pronounced her words in german made it hard for them to even listen to her. Kraus just shakes his head and Reinhard giggles on the side as he stepped forward and repeated the greeting in german this time.

By then the soldiers finally understood who she was and what her rank was. But the mention of an unfamiliar nation suddenly stood out amongst the rest, she is part of the Great Elven Federation of Meriavel? What sort of nation is that? they wondered, but as they kept thinking with that thought in mind the commander of the airbase finally approached the duo along with a diplomat and a security detail.

"Greetings Lieutenant Waldschmidt, I am Commander Hans Otto of the Berlin Luftwaffe Airbase, a pleasure to meet you." Extending his hand forward Reinhard whispers to the Elf and shakes the hand after realizing what the gesture meant.

"I am Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a pleasure to meet you" exchanging a handshake with the dashing-looking Minister that could make a woman skip a heartbeat.

"I am Reinhard Schmidt, I was a Historian at the Berlin National Archives and I serve as a translator for her, I am the son of the CEO of Schmidt Heavy Industries and Transportation" for him it was the Salute this time, right arm raised in the air the three of them did so.

Ilga and the rest of the party drove through the streets of Berlin, the Capitol of the German Reich, the cityscape was very vibrant for a country at war, people would laugh and drink, sing and dance, and on occasion even patrol units would join in on the festivities, she wondered why so as she looks at the small metal boxes zipping past and forth on the paved road.

"What do you think of Berlin Madam Ilga?" Joachim asked as he looked at her still-covered face.

"Berlin looks like a very nice place, the streets are vibrant with activity where the inhabitants, the locals, are dancing and prancing about. It all feels like a very monotone fairytale city in my eyes, the people of Germany really do not possess any mana huh?"

"Mana? Enlighten me what mana is please. We are still a relatively new transported country and I am curious" prompting the 6 foot tall Elf to explain, Joachim and the rest of the party listened intently, the driver was also curious and slowed the car down a bit in order to not reach the Embassy building before the elf finishes her explanation.

"Mana is the source of all life, similar to a soul it acts as the harbringer of life and at times death, there would be at times anomalies, Heroes summoned from distant worlds, entire countries appearing and disappearing, this is not the first time a country such as Germany appeared, actually, our unifier was also a Hero summoned here because of the vast amounts of paintings and books I have seen within the studies of Sir Reinhard, but that is a story for another time. Mana is part of the realm of imagination, a catalyst is needed to convert that imagination to reality and reality to imagination, wands and staves or if your powerful enough your own hands, it really depends on how you view Mana"

"The things you could do with Mana and magic..." Joachim and Hans had ideas popping in and out of their heads once they heard of it. lifting things with magic quadruple your size, balls of fire shot out of one small stick, the possibilities are endless, a power such as this is indeed fantastic to have, it was a shame they couldn't have it. Unless...

"Woah!" Ilga shouted as she saw the Sports Palast where the infamous Total War speech was given by the Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, the sheer scale of the building took her by surprise.

"What's that building used for?" Ilga asked Joachim as she pointed at the gigantic building to the side of the road.

"It's the Sports Palast, it is an indoor arena that can hold up to 14 thousand people, it is used to hold sports events that require an indoor space like Hockey or Ice Skating" 

"Oh that sounds lovely" Ilga praised as she went back to her side of the window and watched the scenery.

It would take a couple of minutes before they would finally get to the Embassy building, the building was at least 2 stories tall with a marble foundation, it looked very prestigious and it reminded her of the Embassy of a forgotten nation, the nation that disappeared suddenly.

A group of soldiers would come to the sleek black car, one of the soldiers, a caucasian man in his early 30s, opened the door to the leaning elf, unbeknownst to everyone including the elf, she almost fell onto the pavement because of the fact that she was leaning into the window a bit too hard, her helmet and chest plate moved forward first because of the weight and position of her body, resulting into an almost faceplant before she caught her self by using levitation magic, everyone at the scene was stunned by this and the pedestrians looked at her with curious eyes as she readjusted herself to stand up and exit out of the vehicle.

"I am terribly sorry for that!" the Soldier apologized profusely as he realized his mistake.

"No need for that Soldier, you were just doing your job," Ilga said as she walked away, forgetting that she was speaking Finnish.

Reinhard would translate for the soldier later on and thanked him for the translation.

the party was ushered into the office of Joachim, everyone was offered some tea or coffee and sat down on the chairs provided to them.

"Welcome to the Embassy Madam Ilga, if you can permit it, can you please tell us the reason for this unexpected visit?" Joachim asked as he poured himself some coffee and drank silently.

"I want to meet your leader, I am sure that he is a very busy man but it is of the utmost importance, our countries are at stake here."

"What do you mean by that? The Reich's enemies are already being pushed back and we are expected to win fairly soon, but what do you mean by 'our countries'?"

"An Empire is seeking to expand eastward into the the Federation is already being targeted by them by supplying weapons to the barbarians of the eastern side of the Federation, and the monsters in the great forest is also being stirred up into chaos."

"An Empire... It sound's troublesome but what do they have to do about us? What is there to gain from helping you?"

"We are willing to share our national treasure to you, it was wielded by the great unifier and it has been inactive ever since he left this world, it is capable of replication magic, a magic that is Godlike in nature and at the same time very unstable."

"replication magic. That sounds very enticing indeed, but why would you give it to us?"

"It can only be wielded by someone like him, I tried it with Sir Reinhard and Sir Kraus but it wouldn't activate the function for it to replicate the items presented to it, it would just resonate and stay active, the primary reason for my visit is so that you can provide assistance, this treasure many of my colleagues and I believe can only be wielded by the leader of Germany, Germany and Prussia were often mentioned in the diary of the unifier when it was finally translated."

Everyone was silent for 1.. 2.. 3.. 4 seconds, it was still too much for them to fully grasp, everyone except for Reinhard who had already learned of this while he was still conversing with the elf. Ribbentrop decided to break the awkward silence, opening his mouth as he picks up his pen and prepares to write the translated dialogue Reinhard has been providing for the two of them the entire time.

"Do you have the diary? I would love to present it to the Fuhrer and our scientists if possible"

"No, It is being kept inside of the Archives within the Palace, only the King, Queen, and their most trusted subordinates are allowed to enter"

"That's a shame then. If it was possible it would give us some insight, but oh well" Ribbentrop commented, it was truly a shame that she had not brought it with her since it would give them more proof of the Chancellor being one of the Heroes summoned into this world after his death on the 13th of July, 1898.

"There are still many uncertainties to your story, your reasoning is very vague and the fact that you are willing to even give us this so-called replication magic is very suspicious, but let me just ask you. Are you willing to give this to us?"

Ilga could only look at Joachims' eyes as she listened to his reasoning, his question 'Are you willing?' resonated deep within her mind, she had always had her doubts, trusting the Germans with a powerful magic that could turn poverty into a fantasy, where no one will have to suffer anymore, it was still all too good to be true, but she saw that power with her own eyes with the chronicles, images of the power in display preserved deep within the ancient library under the Tree of Life.

But she had to make a decision, it was ordered by the council, not by her biological mother, the Queen...

"I am willing," She said, a conviction in her eyes, she prayed to Meriavel that her country would be lifted from its dire situation, and she answered. 'Trust the Germans' was what she had heard, or so she thought as she stared at the precious cargo stored inside of her bag.

Reinhard could see that she had given it a deep thought and applauded her inside as she stood up to the pressure Joachim had been placing on the elf.

"Very well then, I will call the Fuhrer and set an emergency appointment with him, everyone from the government heads and their assistants and secretaries, to the people of the entirety of Germany would be watching, listening, spectating, and speculating what you are about to say, dazzle the audience, give them a show and the Fuhrer will be certain to give your people the assistance you have asked" Joachim said in a kind tone, although he spoke calmly and slowly for her to understand as Reinhard taught her some german in order to understand bits and pieces of the conversation.

Everyone then stood up and bid farewell to each other, Joachim Ribbentrop had a lot of work to do as they could see from the piles of paperwork by the side of his desk, the Airbase commander, Hans Otto had some business to attend to and went away since he was interested in the conversation and he is a valuable testimonial to the events that had occurred a while ago, Kraus wasn't with them since he is still being reprimanded by his seniors, and Reinhard just accompanied Ilga along with 2 german escorts in case of spies trying to recruit Ilga.

"Hey Reinhard" Ilga called out as she walked through the corridor of the Embassy filled with paintings of peaceful sceneries or people with stern faces, the rug she noticed, was spotless and had a very fluffy feel to it when she touched it back at the entrance.

"What is it?" The german turned around to see the elf he had helped for a day to admire the painting, Reinhard walks back to stand by her side and look at the painting where she had stopped in her track.

Reinhards eyes widen as he looks at the painting, it showed a battlefield full of death, what looked like men with swords stood up and marched forward with no regards to the multiple arrows stuck in their heads, they kept walking sheepishly towards the forest laying fire as arrows and iron balls fly by. He had seen this phenomena before when he asked for a demonstration of what magic can do, the moving picture, it is similar to a television except that there is no sound and that it has colors, depending on the painting if it has colors or not, but the scene really looked grimacing to him.

"Why are you showing me this?" Reinhard asks as he looks at Ilga with a worried expression, Ilga opened her mouth slowly as he gulps at the sight of what looked like a man with a blunderbuss firing into the forest as he is quickly shot in the head with a musket round.

"This is what war looks like in this world" As soon as Reinhard hears that Ilga walks away, leaving behind the baffled Germans that saw this inside the Embassy building.


The Reichstag. An hour after the event in the airbase.

Men of various statures, who wore different suits and uniforms sat on finely furnished chairs, in front of them were various pictures taken from the airbase as well as details and other bits of information gathered from the visitor from the new world, they all had stern faces, some sweat, some grinned while others grimaced at the information in front of them that shouted impossible, among those that grinned was the man who ruled Germany and his close aid, the leader of the SS, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, they all read the report quietly until the silence was broken by the Austrian German.

"This is outrageous! Something as large as that penetrated our airspace so easily and no one even noticed! If something as large as this so-called wyvern can penetrate it then what stops the Allied Fighters and Bombers on attacking the entirety of the Vaterland?!?" A man with a belly exclaimed, he has already been alarmed by the fact that a majority of the Luftwaffe has already been downed or damaged to the point that they can't exercise air superiority over the English Channel because of the transference knocking them down from the sky by disorienting the pilots, but now there is a major security breach from the Alps region near Switzerland.

"I believe this is fantastic news, Herr Goering, scales that are light but durable, firepower that can melt even our Tigers, the docile nature of this magnificent beast and the speed that can rival that of a BF-109G fighter, this is a really fascinating beast taking advantage of the good graces of the visitor by letting our scientists and engineers experiment with the beast is wonderful" Hitler spoke with shining eyes, captivated by the possibilities the wyvern could bring to Germany, everything had upsides about this.

"Indeed, Mein Fuhrer, it would be foolish to not use this opportunity, the Allies are on the brink of ruin with our newfound resources, and the fact that Africa and Asia have been transported but not the Americas is very concerning for them, the Japanese have consolidated control of East and South East Asia and are amassing a sizeable army on the Manchuria-Soviet Border, in a matter of a few months we will reshape the old world to our liking" Himmler then spoke, the potential of the wyvern would most certainly change the way german engineers and plane companies design and manufacture planes, this was certainly the best course of action they could take at such a short notice.

A majority of the people seated agreed on the points the two have made, some argued the unpredictability of the US Armed Forces but they were crushed at Normandy, a small pocket in Cherbourg is something concerning them as well as the small gains the Allies had in the Italian Peninsula, but the Spanish and Turkish in the side of the Germans in the war, the allies would have to hold against a tsunami for them to even hold Sicily. The Imperial Japanese also communicated with the nearest German base that still had a direct line to Germany and told them that the IJN and IJA are gaining a foothold in the Pacific. With Australia and New Zealand being cut off from major supply lanes the Japanese are just starving them out at this point with constant bombing raids and propaganda leaflets, it was essentially psychological warfare being waged at Asia and Polynesia.

"May I propose the founding of a new branch of the SS?" the man who started all of this spoke out as he listened to where the conversation was going, the two men prompted him to speak, and everyone's eyes were on him.

"The founding of a branch of the SS, the Escherichia Paranormal Branch sounds like a fitting branch of SS Science" Escherich spoke in a chilling tone, his eyes as cold as ice stares looking at the Fuhrer and the Reichsfuhrer-SS who sat on their seats, Himmler had already funded his experimentation along with Dr. Mengele, The Angel of Death back at Krakow, Poland where one of the Portals have been built in the last few days it wasn't as big as the main one in Germany but it is capable of transporting a U-Boat with ease.

"You are a pioneer, a genius in the field of the new Paranormal field of science, Germany will fund this branch, serve Germany well," Hitler said enthusiastically, his expression far from when he had heard that the Allies had taken Rome and the Soviets pushing back the Eastern Army Groups. Escherich hailed as he heard the go-ahead signal.

"Onto the next agenda, the visitor herself, she has stated that her nation, the Great Federation of Meriavel, is a Constitutional Monarchy with Traditionalist values, it is similar to the Empire of Japan in the Victorian Era or more locally in the Meiji Restoration Period, but lest we forget the people of the Federation, she has described her people to be made up the majority of the Federation, the Elven Race, a race we have all seen in fairytales, she is currently at the Embassy being guarded by our finest soldiers, even though she doesn't know the country of Finland she speaks Finnish, a very obscure dialect in what Herr Schmidt commented as an 'Obscure part of Karelia in Finland' to be exact." The speaker stopped momentarily to drink a glass of water and resumes "We are expecting to meet her at the latest possible hour with the Fuhrer as well as every high-ranking party official and military leaders of significant rank at the Embassy"

"For what purpose besides those mentioned does she have?"

"None besides the alliance offer, the pilot and the son of Schmidt Heavy Industries and Transportation have both testified that her intentions are good and that she has brought with her gifts for the Fuhrer"

"Gifts?" the man with the Chaplin mustache inquired as the speaker spoke about gifts.

"Yes, Herr Kraus has described her as the pinnacle of Aryanism, the perfect race."

Himmler leaned forward a bit, intrigued at what the speaker said, Adolf could just imagine the woman as he had imagined, if that was true, then the Aryan race is still pure in this world, or so Himmler thought.

"Fascinating, fascinating indeed..... I will permit a meeting with Frau Ilga, the show she has put on in the airbase as well as the testimonies of the pilot and the son of a benefactor of the party is reason enough, call Herr Ribbentrop, tell him I permit it" the speaker nods and orders a soldier standing guard to call him, the situation in Europe has developed interestingly.