
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Derivasi dari karya
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27 Chs

A War waged in the East

Few weeks after the Embassy meeting. The Eastern Front (750 km from Moscow)

The Germans advanced slowly and steadily, the recapture of Stalingrad and the formidable Finnish breaking through Karelia and collapsing south to the Soviets, the Front line was getting thinner and thinner as the days rolled by, it wouldn't take long for the Soviets to feel the pressure from both sides, the red army still proved to be effective with winter tactics, mass charges only proved futile so they adopted the use of a peculiar new weapon from the Pacific.


Army Group Center Frontline Command Center.

Men could be seen wearing grey coats that warmth them as they conversed on top of the snow, tents and frozen tanks and trucks litter the side of the makeshift command center, Engineers worked to unfreeze the vehicles to finally get them to fight while soldiers continue chatting and doing mundane tasks, but inside the tent where the flag of Germany flew high was the command tent where Fedor Von Bock and his generals devised plans to encircle the Soviets.

"We can divert them to the river, using Stukas to funnel them and in turn execute a heavy artillery bombardment order on them, we have learned the psychological effect of the Stukas and loud artillery pieces like the Katyusha would terrify them, then we push in with our Panzergrenadiers and Mechanized Assault Groups, crushing the pocket with minimal casualties, what we have to worry is the Airforce, the Luftwaffe has diverted everything they had on the defense of Berlin to the Eastern Front, especially our Armies, estimates of the Soviet Airpower is around 200 to 1000 or so Aircraft, types of Aircraft deployed have not been measured yet, but it is still a large amount compared to our 300 or so Fighters and Dive Bombers, the Japanese have already taken most of Siberia and are now pushing the Soviets back to us."

"For now use the 102nd and 230th Mechanized Infantry Divisions for this plan, a light support company will accompany them as well as an engineer company in case the ice breaks" 

"If only we had more planes, this wouldn't have happened" One of the Wehrmacht generals spoke with frustration laced in his words.

"The Soviets have lost more aircraft than us, it was a good thing to have ours grounded at the last minute before the light hit us all, I wager that a majority of their aircraft have been downed because of that" Another general spoke, this time with optimism.

"We can't afford to be lenient, crushing any division, regiment, company, any fighting force of the enemy is good for us, they will run out of manpower and equipment eventually"

"Yes. We better head out now, the men here are just sitting on their asses for the past few days doing nothing"

The Meeting went on for a few more minutes, they all wore serious expressions as they planned out the plan they will use against the Red Army, there was news that the Finnish and Turkish have taken key regions within Karelia and the Mountainous Caucasus Region, to which the Germans responded with joy, reinvigorating their lost morale when they have heard that, along with their allies being transported with them, most notably the Empire of the Rising Sun, the Empire of Japan. 

"Agreed, announce that we are moving out now, pack everything, and do a head count, the vehicles that haven't been unfrozen yet can stay here, actually use them to catch spotters, they can destroy those worthless things and we just hit them with counter artillery if we see any shine on the foliage and snow" The Field Marshal spoke, an esteemed man who lead his army to victory over Poland and France.

The Generals agree with the Field Marshal's plan and finally announce to move out.

By the time the Field Marshal went inside of his roofed Kubelwagen the Soldiers have prepared to move, he saw that rows of trucks and Panzer IVs and Stug Ausf Gs that had arrived a day before straight out of the factory, fighter and bomber production lacked behind Tank production but still managed to put out a meager number of units with their intended roles, a kilometer out and an airbase is set and fighters could be seen taking off from it, dogfighting soviet fighters. A sight like this could make you feel like you are seeing an invincible army, but for Von Bock, it was just a facade he tries to put out in front of his enemies, a victory should be assured if supplies aren't cut.

"Vorwarts!" Von Bock shouts and everyone moves forward, Mechanized Infantry inside of Sd.Kfz. 11 armored variants fitted with MG42s and Flamethrowers to thaw out the ice, soldiers were freezing as they drove through the snow with ease thanks to the light build of the Half-Track. The Panzer IVs and the Stugs moved shortly after, protecting the Half tracks with its armor

Everyone was vigilant as they finally arrived at the meeting point, Von Bock took out his binoculars to survey the area, the snow was blinding him and his men, they had to wear glasses or try to limit their sight because of the light bouncing to their eyes, to their left was a thick forest blanketed with snow, he orders his men to look for promising places to set his Anti-Aircraft variants of the Sd.Kfz.11 and his Wirbelwinds, anticipating a large dog fight in the land of white.


A few meters away

Two men who wore pure white camouflage sat completely still, the snow accumulated on top of their bodies and their rifles were hidden in the snow, the only thing that kept them from freezing numb was their warm jackets with hot coal inside. They were scared, one wrong move, and the German in front of him would shoot him with his STG-44, from the camouflage and the number of utilities they had on them, they could tell that they were probably Panzergrenadiers.

"Kannst du irgendwas sehen?" (Can you see anything?)

"Nein, hier ist nur Ödland" (No, just a wasteland here)

"Sagen Sie dem Marshal, dass wir diesen Platz dann benutzen können" (Tell the marshal we can use this space then)


The two men couldn't understand what they were saying, if only they had a german to russian dictionary. 

Maybe they could quickly shoot at them and run away, but just as he was about to do that his friend to his right immediately stared at him, his eyes pleading 'No!' as he screams with his eyes, hoping it could send the message, the unknown man looks at him and the enemy in front, as if saying that they need to kill them to get out of here. deciding to move again, the unknown man slowly raises his rifle and aims at the German, but suddenly they hear something behind them, he was leaning against a thick tree so he couldn't see, but the German looked mortified by the thing that stood in front of him. 

The German starts running, running like his life depended on it, firing his STG at the thing just behind the tree, a bullet grazes the cheek of the man covered with snow, and crimson red leaks out of his fleshy armor as he tries to patch the wound, he looks at his friend and he seems fine as well, but as the German goes out of his view, just at the corner of his eye, he could see the breath of the thing, heaving loudly, drops of blue drop to the snow as he finally understands why he was running away. A gigantic bear at least from the unknown man's perspective was at least 15 to 20 feet, maybe even 30, but that didn't matter, they had to stay completely still.

"Where am I human?" The creature said loudly, its voice heavy as it slowly reveals itself to the two men, a white bear with glowing white eyes, its body heavily bruised by the STG 44 rounds that had penetrated its deep fur, something the bear thought to itself. the two men close their eyes, hoping that it wouldn't sense them, they were scared of the bear that could most likely kill them with a single swipe of its claws, but the bear already knew the two men were there, the bear slowly lifts its paw up and smashes at the man's leg with a force that could instantly break a bone.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" The man screamed, he screamed from the pain the bear inflicted, he couldn't keep his mind straight as he was overwhelmed by the pain, the man slowly but surely looks at the bear with fear in his eyes, his weapon still beside him as he slowly reaches for it.

"I know you know where we are human, tell me, where am I?" The bear spoke again, its voice imposing on the two men, the other man however decides to act, he stands up and begins to shoot at the bear with his PPSH, emptying the drum magazine and running away to reload and shoot more, the bear shakes the rounds off however, the caliber of the gun wasn't enough, the STG being more than sufficient however, the bear looks at the man still sitting down with a broken leg and readies its paw for another attack.


Men suddenly come out of the bushes and fire at the bear, submachine guns, rifles, and assault rifles all fired at once, the man quickly ducks down and moves away from the gunfire being fired at the bear, the bear could feel the pain, the man with the PPSH supports his comrade and takes him farther away, but they had to slip past the Germans currently focused on the bear.

"HALT SOWJETISCHER SOLDAT!" (Stop Soviet Soldier!) A german panzergrenadier intercepts them, his STG aimed at the unwounded soldier, he is quickly joined by other panzergrenadiers as the firing stops in the background, they were at a distance they couldn't quite see the action going on behind the panzergrenadier, but they needed to stop. the two men were surrounded immediately by more panzergrenadiers.

The unwounded soldier, the one armed with the PPSH, readies and aims his weapon at the panzergrenadier, they were at a complete standstill, his friend, the one that has a broken and mangled leg, readies his modified mosin nagant to prepare to fire, his other hand on his TT-33 pistol aimed at another soldier. A tense situation between Red Army conscripts and the Wehrmacht Panzergrenadiers.

"Spricht jemand Russisch?" (Does anyone speak Russian?) One of the soldiers asked, the two conscripts tighten their grip on their weapons.

"Ich spreche Russisch!" (I speak Russian!) another soldier said.

"Übersetzen Sie alles, was sie sagen"(Translate everything they say) the soldier nods and walks slowly towards the two, his STG still aimed at them.

"Verstanden" (Understood).

"Opustite oruzhiye i sdavaytes'! " (Lower your weapons and surrender!) the soldier yelled aggressively, the Panzergrenadiers all looked at the scene, two conscripts against three squads of Panzergrenadiers armed to the teeth with STG-44s and Panzerschreks, some equipped with submachine guns such as captured STG-44s and Thompsons as well as some MP-40s in the mix, Kar98s were also widely used within the three squads as designated marksmen, but that information didn't really calm the nerves the conscripts felt, they kept their cool as the winter breeze swoops in calmly.

"Idi k Chertu!" (Go to Hell!) the wounded conscript yelled, the german panzergrenadier scoffed at his insult however, not taking it in.

"My obespechim vas teploy yedoy i ukrytiyem, chtoby izbezhat' zimy, ili vy mozhete umeret' zdes' pryamo seychas, eto vashe resheniye." (We will provide you warm food and shelter to escape the winter, or you can die here right now, it is your decision.) the panzergrenadier said coldly, his eyes looked at the two without an ounce of fear nor mercy, they were ready to kill them if that was what they wanted, the conscripts looked at each other, knowing they might die if they chose the latter rather than the former, risk being exposed to the elements and without even having anything to contact friendly forces risk friendly fire trekking the winter wasteland or they become POWs.

"My.....Sdayemsya"(We.....Surrender) the conscripts knew they wouldn't be let free even if they chose to not be taken in as POWs, since they saw them and possibly their entire convoy, their units and amount of manpower and vehicles are in this sector, they would rather choose to live than die.

"Tak ty predayesh' svoyu Rodinu. Khorosho, my osvobodim mesto dlya vas dvoikh"(So you betray your motherland. Alright, we'll make room for you two.) the panzergrenadier smiled as he heard their answer, the translation went smoothly and an hour or so later the half-tracks, as well as the Artillery company, would pull up to the forest, the sight of the gigantic bear was a marvel to everyone who witnessed it, it took about 30 or so men to kill it, wiping out a squad in the process, from the 4 squads that were sent to deal with it, 3 would return to tell the tale.

"The bear spoke?" the Panzergrenadier spoke in Russian, the two conscripts being held captive inside of a makeshift shed nodded. If that was really the case and the fact that the gigantic bear could also freeze people with its' breath was concerning, if they ever come across such a thing again later on it would lead to devastating casualties.

The wounded conscript caressed his leg, it was already patched up and had a splint, but it was already decimated beyond repair, the bone had cut deep through the internal layers of the leg and the fact that the muscles are disjointed really showed that the bear was trying to be careful not to ruin the leg, perhaps it was because it was asking a question.

"We didn't understand what the bear was saying, it only made some incoherent and deep rumbling, but whatever it was trying to say wasn't friendly." the soldier said, the two soldiers, the german and russian looked at the wounded conscripts' leg and shivered at the sight of it, it was grotesque, it was simply grotesque to them that words couldn't describe it, the conscript was lucky he didn't pass out from the unbearable pain, it was most likely due to the snow numbing the pain.


The large cannons spew fire, the three jumped as they suddenly heard the german artillery fire, it was a collection of both Czech and German artillery pieces, a few nebelwerfers in between as they also helped to lay down fire on the enemy.

"It's started..." The german soldier watched as the artillery continued to fire whilst the conscripts watched with bathed breath and dread in their eyes thinking about the destruction the Wehrmacht is about to inflict upon Mother Russia once more.


The Frontline (in a small town in Central Russia)

Artillery Spotters watched the town turn to rubble once more, the town has been attacked twice now, the first time inflicted minimal damage to due the disoriented and uncoordinated red army, but now there are bunkers, pillboxes, sniper spots as well as multiple layers of defense to make this town a fortress.

"Fire at D01 near the destroyed house, there is what looks like an Anti-Tank emplacement at that sector," An Artillery spotter said on his radio, they continued to direct artillery fire on important defence structures, trying to weaken the soviets hiding within the town.

"Understood, commencing bombardment" ceasing communications away the Artillery spotter looked through his binoculars again and saw the explosive force capable of blowing through a few meters of cement collapse on the Anti-tank emplacement, a few more barrages and finally the order to move was given.

Out of the forest laid a thousand or so men, tanks and armored cars were getting ready, soldiers went inside their designated transport vehicle and moved forward from the command given, bullets and explosions destroy the lightly armored cars but the Wehrmacht still moved forward, a pair of Junkers Ju-87s, roaring up its iconic siren dive bombing the defenses as the artillery stopped firing.

What looked like men fell in droves, some hid behind the Panzers but explode, they were entering the minefield now, it didn't help that some soviet soldiers were also utilizing Anti-tank rifles to kill the drivers of the transports, but still, the Wehrmacht pushed forward.


Inside the town

"Push forward! Don't stop!" The Officer yelled as they open fired into the houses, Partisans, the local civilian population took up arms and are fighting with the Soviets.

"FUCK YOU!" A grenade lobbed towards one of the partisan-infested houses, blowing up they heard the screams of men and women coming from inside, flamentruppen immediately went to work as well, clearing buildings with fiery death, a temperature that could easily burn a full-grown man in seconds, the panzers with infantry support killed most of the soviets holding in the road, but they still had to keep watch in case of suicide bombings from the soviets.

More... More... More blood was spilled, bodies fell to the ground as they pushed into the town further, the soviets slowly being pushed back, chaos and mayhem, more bodies were being thrown into the front as shields, using their dead as sandbags to try and soften the kinetic force of the enemy's bullets. flames shoot up as soviet soldiers are bathed in fire, screaming and death everywhere that could traumatize a seasoned veteran once more, it was as if Satan has arrived and lent its devilish power to the Germans.

"MORE AMMO!" A soldier yelled as he ran out for the ammo carrier, putting in a stripper clip on his Kar98k he pulled the bolt and inserted it, and pushed to fire. Medics ran everywhere branding the Red Cross on a white background armband or helmet, they tried to ease the pain of their soldiers with anesthetic, making them crunch panzerchocolate to energize them.

A group of Soviet soldiers carrying what looked like satchels ran from building to building, carrying them while they ran toward the Germans. "TOSS IT!" so they did, they ignited the charge and threw it towards an unsuspecting Panzer lost in the town, the Panzer with its crew not noticing the charge continued forward.


The Panzer exploded, the satchels being located on top of the Engine and the commander hatch all exploded in an exaggerated fashion due to the number of shells they brought with them.


The sound of the MG36 echoed as the soldiers were killed, another Panzer appeared from the side of the road, directly in front of the burning carcass of its comrade, they died bleeding out.

"This is Wulf. We have killed a squad of Soviet Infantrymen, Confirmed loss of a Panzer IV, we cannot see their crew members." The Commander said, reporting their actions to command.

"Copy, return to point Alfa for now, link up with the Panzergrenadiers from group Alta, and move forward to take the Town Hall" The Radio operator spoke, giving out orders to the Panzer

"Understood, Wulf out" Driving towards the left, they followed the road towards Point Alfa, the Town Square, most of the fighting has already stopped when they took out the town's major defense forces from the constant bombing, it was a miracle that the Soviet Airforce didn't intercept the Ju-87s and their escort fighters, it was also thanks to the Artillery bombardments that their AA capabilities have been severely limited.

"This is Wulf! We are here to escort Group Alta towards the Town Hall" The Commander shouted as he spoke through the radio equipment onboard, a minute later and Group Alta was running towards the tank.

"Greetings Wulf Commander, Group Alta has arrived at the Town Center, we are to be escorted towards the Town hall as soon as possible." the two leaders exchanged formalities and went to business.

"Where is Schult? We were expecting two Panzer IVs" Alta leader commented, as he looks at the battered and bruised Panzer IV with confusion.

"They were wiped out by a group of Soviet Conscripts, they most likely threw a satchel or an anti-tank grenade towards the Panzer, it was the carelessness of the Schult crew that they met the creator so suddenly," the commander Wulf said nonchalantly, Alta leader only had an odd look as he looked at the Wulf commander, but decided they didn't have enough time chit chatting, maybe later once the fight has been finished could they talk.

"We can talk later, our forces are already beginning phase 2, let's hurry up now" Alta decided, Wulf agreed and proceeded forward, they had a few skirmishes later but no one suffered any deaths, only major injuries that if untreated would be life-threatening, this still didn't let them pause and let the Soviets recuperate, not letting the Soviets any room to breath and regroup was the basis of this operation.

"We are heading towards the Town hall now! We can already see the Rally point!" Wulf said as they drove forward, clearing the barbed wire in the way since driving over them would put the tracks out of commission from the strangling of the metal wire. 


That was the sound of the machinegun, quickly killing three infantrymen, many more would follow if they didn't take cover near the Panzer, the muzzle flashes from the machine gun prompted the Panzer to fire at that direction, towards one of the windows on the second floor of the Town hall, the machine gun silenced, they have probably died from the High Explosive round, the sprinkling of shrapnel from the round, as well as the cement debris that accumulated there, made sure of that. The group moved forward, the Panzer in the front and the Infantry behind, they moved in a straight line careful not to set off a land mine that could be lurking around.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" A soviet soldier suddenly went out of his hiding place and ran towards the Panzer, a Satchel charge on his side, ready to detonate at any second, the Infantry shoots, the satchel falls to the ground as the soviet soldier fell in the trench filled with snow.

"We are unsure of the security of this location, ask for precise artillery support at the front of the town hall Leo!" Wulf yelled inside, Leo, the Radio Operator nods and immediately calls in support.

"What is that?" The Gunner questions as he looks through the scope of the gun, he couldn't see it clearly, but he is sure that it is a man, a man walking slowly towards the town hall, the odd thing was that he didn't have a head, but as he was about to tell the Commander he was cut off.

"MOVE BACK! MOVE BACK!" Wulf yelled again as the Radio Operator receives affirmation. Alta also receives the order and moves back as well, they had to hurry and take cover, or else the artillery would hit them.


Multiple explosions rock the battlefield, taking up dirt high up, and with the force of gravity is brought down instantly. What was the Soviet's last stand, the Townhall, was decimated by the Artillery, the building collapsed, leaving no one spared within the confines of the stone coffin they have placed themselves in.

"Forward!" Confirming with Leo about ceasing artillery support they move forward, they made sure that every corpse was dead, striking them with a bayonet or crushing them with the Panzer's tracks, anyone breathing would be shot instantly, no questions asked.

"Are you alright Koff?" Wulf asked Koff, the Gunner of the Panzer IV.

"Ja, It's nothing" 'I just saw something with the sights, it was probably an illusion' Koff decided that they wouldn't believe him anyway, so they continued the fight, the bear thing was crazy enough, but the fact that they saw at least 6 Panzergrenadiers locked in place covered in ice, really made him think, it wasn't uncommon for soldiers to freeze in place, especially with the horrid weather they are having right now, but they all seem perfectly confined in that icy tomb, almost as if they were dipped in liquid nitrogen.


Continuous gunfire could be heard coming from the collapsed town hall, some of the bullets ricocheting from the Panzer IVs robust armor. It surprised everyone in the Panzer IV, it was a miracle they even survive such a devastating amount of explosives directed at them in such a precise bombardment

"Fire at the soldiers on the ground! Make sure they are all corpses!" The Group leader of Alta ordered his men, they were still unsure if they were dead or just pretending, making sure of that they took out their combat knives and some attached bayonets to their rifles and stabbed at the unmoving soldiers, by now they have arrived halfway through the rough terrain of the charred remains of the garden of the town hall, entire hedges on fire and ruined, it was perfect for ambushes before, but because of the artillery bombardment full of high explosive as well as incendiary shells, it was a battlefield on fire.

"Nothing so far Kommandant, we should report to HQ about the situation and ask for reinforcements in case the Communists have set an ambush somewhere"

"Nein, we can't redirect any more reinforcements to us, they are still busy with Partisans or holdouts throughout the town, it would be better if we take the townhall now, the devastating artillery bombardment has given us a chance, while they are suppressed they can be quick to surrender."

"This war is over after all" Wulf added, the panzer crew just listened with clouded thoughts about what their commander, the famed Panzer Leader Wulf of the 201st Panzer Battalion. It was essentially out of character for someone as cautious and calculating as him.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" A scream! They all turned to the source of the scream, they could see something out of this world, what was supposed to be their comrades in their best condition, exercising caution and order are rambling around, they couldn't believe it!

A man in particular shocked them all, a man who had his intestines spilled all over, his eye no longer in place, just dangling across his face and his hands, bare of any skin nor muscle, it was just a skeletal hand with pieces of flesh hanging for dear life.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!?!" Alta was in chaos, they immediately turned towards their undead enemies and fired, how quick they rose they fell at the same time, they breath in relief, but it wasn't over.

"TO OUR 6 o Clock!" Wulf shouts to the radio, they turn around and continue firing, the MG36 of the Panzer IV following along with bursts of explosions propelling their metal harbringers of death towards their enemies.

"Shit! Call HQ! WE NEED SUPPORT!" Wulf shouts again, the Radioman hastily calls HQ, describing the scene in front of them.

"We cannot help Wulf, we are receiving the same reports everywhere in the town, as if it was cursed, retreat to point Alfa, get as many of our men out of there with the Panzer, spread the order as well"

"....Understood" The radioman affirms and turns off the radio to conserve power.

"What did HQ say?" Wulf asks immediately, the Radioman just looks at him with fear, sweating from the news.

"This is happening everywhere in the town, we are to regroup to Point Alfa, our secondary objective is to rescue any of our men who are being surrounded by these devils in human skin and to spread the news everywhere" Wulf just nods, he needed to stay calm, a scene like that would have traumatized anyone, but he is a leader, he needs to be strong, to endure this trial, or at least that's what he thinks to himself.

"Tell Alta to get on the Panzer "