
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Derivasi dari karya
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27 Chs

A Dragon stuck in a Castle I

It felt like time flew by as the seasons changed from Summer to Winter across the Continent of Swazzu

Men and Women of the Federation gathered in front of the Castle Gates where it was guarded by the Elites of the Royal Guards

As the hundreds gathered Nayr could only feel chills from the sight, it was the day someone very important would arrive.

He was the one who helped the Federation multiple times as it transitioned into a Constitutional Monarchy, there were massive demonstrations and even riots in major cities but it was because of this man that the situation had settled down.

He who was known as the source of all evil to the Humans and is the natural enemy of the Church of Jem.

"The carriage has been spotted!" A Royal Spotter called out with his manacommunicator Nayr immediately went to work.

"Has the Buffet been reviewed? Ahhhh what if they don't like it???" Nayr could only walk back and forth before the grand doors that lead into the castle, the Castle gates was packed with civilians so there was only one way to get in.

He could hear their flapping, like wyverns their wings flapped slowly but generated enough lift to not drop down it was particularly noisy as there were four of these things.

They carried a carriage with a clean furnish and gold linings, little statues depicting the Dragon Monarch and the King made out of Diamonds and Gold while in the middle was the most powerful man he knew made out of Orichalcum, it was a wholesome image of the three with smiles on their faces and the man in the middle holding the two kind of in a group photo, it was made masterfully with even more finer details if you squint your eyes.

The door swung widely open and who stepped out was the man of the hour, he wore a luxurious black and gold robe with magic circles on it, possibly enchantments of some kind Nayr didn't know.

"Wazzup Meriavel!" The Old man roared out with him even cracking some dance moves he's come up with, while music from the built-in music player in the carriage played, this was hell to Nayr already.

Nayr could already feel second-hand embarrassement from the dancing he's done, it was all very strange, especially the spinning around on the floor with your hands one.

Questions upon questions quickly formed a mountain inside the elven butler's head, what the hell is wrong with the leader of the Demon Realm?.

"Ahh, Nayr my main man" Nayr could only smile awkwardly when he was suddenly pulled into a hug by the man, his muscular build made Nayr feel like he was being crushed by iron slowly.

"Augh!" Nayr grunted.

But just as quickly as he pulled the poor butler in he lets go, Nayr quickly fixed his hair and suit and bowed.

"Welcome to Meriavel, Lord Hiuya" A very dignified voice fit for a butler like him.

"Ah no need for that Nayr, you can chill" The happy-go-lucky vibes he was exuding was embarrassing for Nayr, he was not trained for someone like the Demon Lord, he could only do nothing but watch and play along with him, he was a being on par with the Queen afterall.

"Father behave yourself already you're embarrassing me!" The red-faced woman yelled as she stepped out of the carriage, Nayr bowed once more.

"Welcome to Meriavel, Princess Ayuiha"

"Thanks Nayr, sorry about my Father, you know how it is right?" The woman could only feel sorry for the butler, for a monent she was worried her stupid father broke every bone in his body, but it was nothing to worry about.

"I heard about Auntie's condition, rest assured we will help her and the Federation, just like the old days" Ayuiha placed her hand on Nayrs' shoulder and tapped it.

But little did she knew, it felt like hell to Nayr, it was as if you placed a fully grown wyvern on his shoulder, she didn't exert anymore force so it luckily didn't dislocate it but he still felt it, he even casted healing and barrier magic multiple times in his mind just to not make it obvious that it was putting a toll on his body.

"C'mon Nayr, hurry up" Before Nayr knew it the Demon Lord was leading the group, a severe embarrassment to him and his tutors back in butler school.

"Please let me serve you Lord Hiuya, Princess Ayuiha!" The shout of plea was only met with snickering by the Demon Lord.


By the time Nayr realised it they were already in front of the grand doors leading into the resting place of one of the most powerful and ancient beings in Rutra.

'Ahhhhhhh Exposing her Highness like this would drop her reputation down even further!!!!!' Internally Nayr was screaming, but what could he do? He was just the personal butler of the Queen and Late King.

Nayr couldn't delay it any further though, he had to do something, after all there was an order, a plan set up that would lead to the reveal of the Queen.

Nayr in a flash stepped infront of the Grand Doors along with the Royal Guards posted infront of the doors.

His arms spread wide out as if shielding the door with his slim body, the Royal guards on the other hand held their swords firmly, at the ready to strike.

"Lord Hiuya, we must first prepare her Highness, she is um.." Hiuya didn't care though, despite the protests made by the butler and the staff, they ultimately had no power over him.

"Hahaha, no need to hide these things from me" The Old Demon chuckled as he pinches the collar of the butler and slowly lifts him up.

It was like a toy, he was a living 6 foot toy slowly being picked up by a larger, more powerful and ancient being, Nayr did everything he could to prevent such a scenario but it was futile.

"Ah Lord Hiu-" But just as Nayr was being picked up he saw just beside the Demon Lord a raging aura.

It felt like his skin was slowly burning up until.


A dry slap, it was a slap that echoed throughout the Castle and it was even audible outside of the Castle walls, the wind blew everywhere, onto the faces of the helmets of the guards and the bare face of the butler, like dogs sticking their heads out of a moving cars window, the force generated by such a slap that it made mini shockwaves, this was a beast indeed.

A monster just like in the archives.

"Ah.. Ow, damn why'd you do that My little devil?" Hiuya was being disciplined? Nayr couldn't believe his eyes, so too did the guards.

"You've been embarrassing me the entire morning! You wore the most silliest robe you had, you made a fool out of yourself on multiple occasions in those pitstops to Meriavel, now you're harassing and interrupting the duties of the poor staff. Have some shame Dad!" These were the words that Nayr wanted to say, of course he couldn't say it or else he will be killed by fanatics of the Demon Lord, but just internally was fine for him.

'Thank you very much Princess Ayuiha!!!!' Nayr celebrated inwardly while the big demon lord got a public scolding by his own daughter.

"Ah Princess Ayuiha, Lord Hiuya, would you like to eat first? It must have been a long and exhausting flight right?" Nayr decided that it was time to intrude after the scolding.

"Ah now that you mentioned it, I am pretty hungry, sure we could get a bite right My lil' devil?" Hiuya said weakly, still blushing red from the public scolding his daughter did to him, maybe this was to earn back her favor? Nayr didn't know what was going on inside the mind of this ancient being, noone besides the Goddess Meriavel and the Demon Lord himself.

"Yes fine, maybe I could get something to eat aswell"

Nayr then led the two towards the dining hall, it would take awhile to get there in this gigantic castle.


At the Dining Hall.

What greeted the two powerful demons was a Grand Dining Hall, a high ceiling with floating ornaments and candles, performers at the ready to entertain the high profile guests and a luxuriously prepared banquet made by the finest chefs in the Federation.

This of course costed them alot of money just to prepare, but Nayr and the rest of the Castle staff were determined to help the Queen regain herself when she sold herself to rotting away in the throne room, all of this was an investment into the future.

'I may be contradicting myself by not allowing Lord Hiuya and Princess Ayuiha into the throne room at first, but it was just out of instinct, we even prepared such a place just for the Father and daughter to enjoy themselves' The Butler monologued in his head.

Nayr glanced to his left, the Demon Lord looked unamused for some, maybe because of the scolding his daughter, the Princess, did that he wasn't in the mood anymore.

"Welcome to the Dining Hall Lord Hiuya, Princess Ayuiha, please have a seat" Hundreds of servants suddenly welcomed the two and directed the VIPs to their seats. It was a seat specially designed for the pair since Nayr was unsure if the seats would be strong enough to hold the Demon Lord and Princess, in which it looked like it worked.

Once they were seated Nayr immediately clapped his hands.

From the ceiling the performers conducted complex acts, it was another type of magic from the west nicknamed Parius Magi named after the street performer the Incredible Parius in the Dumas Empire.

It showed a wide array of magic spell combinations, most notably were Lux and Incendio aswell as Terra and Aqua, it ranged from combining Lux and Aqua to simulate a living slime then taking form of elves and demons by using Terra and Incendio as well as Lux to illuminate the background.

It was telling a story with the use of Parius Magi, the tales of the Demon Lord and his rampage in the Eastern Continents of Swazzu and Paciland, until the day Summoned Heroes repelled the Demonic Armies, the troubled periods of the Eastern World showed the Demon Lord and his peers struggling to navigate through the post-demon invasion of Rutra and the incorporation of the Rutran way of life and thinking.

Many years would pass by and tales of the Ancient Dragon of the High Mountains named by the local tribes as the Dragon King, it was still a young critter, just under a million years old did it start to fly around the world wreaking havoc everywhere it went.

The Elves were the first to come to the Demon Lord as the Tyrannical Age of the Dragons went by, they were the ones that sought help from their rival, the coalition force of all the races went to war with the dragons.

Lux and Incendio was casted on the Terra magic, it was a sphere that floated above the ceiling with the world being depicted as stone and water, it was set ablaze with Terra once again forming figures, the figures of the Rutran Races against the Dragons.

The Stone turned into a mountain floating, it was now the time of the Elven Civil War. The Dragon King perched atop the mountain as hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of dots fired their spells, arrows and other sorts of projectiles at the ancient being.

The Dragon Kings wings expanded and with the force of a super tornado class it flew the little things away. It was a devastating loss for the Elven Empire and a terrific win for the Prince and his supporters.

It was all showed with the Demon Lord blocking the vassals roads to the Empire, the friendship between the three unlikely allies blossomed further from the Civil War.

Then there were parties, gatherings and other events that the three would attend to together, the wedding of the King and the Queen with the Demon Lord clapping enthusiastically at the side as his plus one, the opening of the first magical theatre in the Swazzu Continent where they would enjoy films produced by the world in the Federation, the birthing of the first prince Lios and the twenty more children that would arrive soon after.

The Pubs where they drank in, the ballrooms where they danced like there was no tomorrow, happy memories shared amongst the three, these were the memories of the Demon Lord and the Queen.

The Chandeliers slowly dimmed as the room turned darker and darker.

The Only source of light was from the show floating above them, a tranquil and peaceful light shone above the stone, millions gathered in front of the castle, thousands gathered in the castle and hundreds were inside of the room.

It was the funeral of the King.

A sad expression was planted on everyones faces, the Queen could be seen sobbing as the Demon Lord and the Princes and Princesses, the King and Queens Sons and Daughters gathered around the casket, saying their goodbyes.

The Queen was devastated by this, so too were the children, every elf in the world was saddened, the Federations allies were saddened, the Demon Lord was saddened.

"He was a great man, a great father and leader.... If only I was there when it happened" Demon Lord Hiuya had a serious expression as he uttered those words. Closest to him was his only daughter birthed by his magic.

Everyone in the room was sad, the silence was deafening with only the shifting of stone being heard.

The Demon Lord looks up again, there he saw the figure of the Queen, his best friend Ponainen Meriavel Lusaris, she grew up to become a fine woman, even if he shut himself in his realm for years he couldn't feel any different, which was why he did what he did earlier, it was to distract himself from the past by making a fool of himself, he could literally erase someone from existence but he couldn't revive anyone.

the stone changes again, this time it revealed the Queen sat on her throne, like a beautifully carved statue. It was her with her thousand yard stare. Hiuya was wide-eyed when he saw it.

He remembered the attempts he's made to make her forget about the past, to just move on from it but he couldn't do it himself, it was until she took up that same position did he leave the castle and devoted himself into an isolationist stance.

"I shouldn't have done that" Hiuya said softly, he regrets it, he regrets ever adopting that policy to his entire realm, ignoring the outside while they seek help, it was stupid of him to do such a thing.

The Performers then left the room, it was now the Demon Lord, the Princess and the servants. Nayr slowly walked up to the Demon Lord.

"Would you like to see the Queen now, Lord Hiuya?" Nayr asked.

"Yes, thanks for stopping me back there, both of you"

"No worries dad, I just felt like something wasn't right with the way everyone was acting you know?"

"That's my girl" Lord Hiuya spoke as he lightly patted her head with a soft smile before turning back to Nayr the Butler with a serious expression this time.

"As you wish Lord Hiuya" Nayr bowed then walked towards the doors.


Time.... Endless.... It can only move forward without stopping for anyone.

I've already lost count of the years that passed by me.

My love.

When can I see you again?


A few minutes later and the trio had finally arrived back at the Golden Doors, it depicted the Dragon Monarch and the Elf King holding hands atop the royal emblem.

It was the first project the Royal couple had done together, a very ornate and complicated door that could withstand even herself.

Countless people had passed through these doors that lead into the time coffin of the Queen, before and after the death of the King, at first it was a lively place full of guests every day, but those days have passed.

Maybe this will be the time the Queen may invite the Federations citizens in.

These were the hopes of Nayr, whose loyalty to the Royalty was unmatched by none other than himself.

Hiuya could only fidget around, sometimes he couldn't even look at the door head on, instead just taking peeks and glances at it.

"Lord Hiuya, would you like to open the doors?" Nayr asked sincerly, this was the moment.

After all these 100 painful and long centuries, the two who were in a constant decline. 

The two friends will finally reunite.

"I'm sorry Nayr, give me some more time I uh.. I... Uhm ah! Ha-have to tie my shoes"

Nayr was baffled at the scene, the Demon Lord was scared? Well he can understand, it's been too long since they've last seen each other.

It was only thanks to Ayuiha's constant pestering along with the support of Lord Falmus and Madam Opi that they were able to communicate with the Demon Realm, a Realm cut off from the rest of the world with an archipelago as its only land in Rutra.

The show was only made to prove to the Demon Lord that after all those years of isolationism did the effects of it do to his only friend on the other side.

"Nayr, could we talk for a bit? Just me and you"

"Th-that would be alright, My Lord" Nayr suddenly felt like he was disconnected from his surroundings, he felt nothing wrong with his body but the sight between him, the demon lord with a troubled expression and his surroundings have blurred.

"Nayr you good? You experiencing any light-headedness? Feeling sick or something?" The Demon Lord catches the wobbly butler.

"What... Is..... This..... Magic... Lord.... Hiuya?"

"It's called Tempus Sisto, a time stop spell" Nayr couldn't believe the words he was hearing right now, what the hell does this guy have in his spell book?

"Sorry for doing this to you, from my experiments you should feel light headedness and sluggish in movement, theres also motion sickness and a chance of death if you move too much after I release the spell" Nayr was... Cursing at the Demon Lord deep inside of him, saying all sorts of slurs at him in his mind, he couldn't say it to his face of course so this was the best next thing when you are basically paralysed from the neck down to your toes.

"But not to worry, I casted Cessare Motum on you so you have a decreased chance of death but it will take a month to recover from the after-effects" Nayr understandably was pleased with the first half of the statement, but taking a month off from his duties is unacceptable as the Queens loyal personal butler.

"Please..... Remove..... Spell" Nayr spoke in a monotone voice that echoed through the frozen space.

"No, I did this to talk to you in the first place"

"Teleport..... Elsewhere..... Remove... Spell.... Please....."

As if a light bulb had appeared above his head, the demon lord looked at the frozen butler with a blank expression, his mouth was shaped as an O like a Goldfish "Oh" was all that he said.

In a flash the spell was removed, Nayr immediately collapsed onto the carpeted limestone floor, the guards noticed this and went to the collapsed and convulsing butler.

"He's good, don't worry about it" the Demon Lord said half-heartedly before spreading his wings out to take him away.

'Haaah. When will this end already?' Nayr could only think such thoughts as the long day had turned night.