
Summertime Loving

The Main Character of The Popular Game Summertime Saga, wakes up after dreaming of the game . Watch as he uses this Information to his advantage.

deadpotential · Komik
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66 Chs

Chapter 21

[ This edit had me laughing]

As Travis sprinted down the street, a speeding car roared behind him, closing in fast. The thunderous rumble of the engine echoed through the air, causing Travis to abruptly shift his attention. He pivoted, his eyes widening as he witnessed the car narrowly swerve before colliding into him. The vehicle came to an abrupt halt, and four menacing figures emerged, each brandishing menacing poles in their clenched fists.

Travis, with a sly smirk playing across his face, bemusedly pondered, "Ah, it seems they've resorted to calling upon a group of lackeys to confront me. Pathetic, really… for them, of course." Calmly, he unslung his bag from his shoulder, placing it precisely on the unforgiving pavement. This particular street, typically devoid of vehicular activity, held sentimental value for Travis and Erik, who often engaged in spirited games of football here.

"Hey, kid, our boss sent us to pay you a visit," one of his foes sneered, amused by his predicament.

A knowing glint shimmered in Travis' eyes as he silently extended his hands, assuming a poised stance, his mind attuned to the imminent struggle. Laughter reverberated among the assailants, filling the tense atmosphere. The leader amongst them bellowed, "Bill, my friend, let us teach this motherfucker a lesson he won't forget!"

A mischievous thought flitted across Travis' mind upon hearing the commander's crude remark. "Ah, so he presumes to know intimate details of my love life. Perhaps he is a clairvoyant," Travis pondered wryly, amused by the audacious assumption.

And so, Travis found himself encircled by four burly adversaries, their eyes burning with animosity. Embracing the gravity of the situation, each wielded a pole, poised to strike at any given moment. To emerge victorious from this formidable encounter, Travis knew he must defend himself with valor and strategic precision.

Without a moment's hesitation, one of his assailants lunged forth, haphazardly swinging his weapon from left to right. Travis elusively sidestepped with expert agility, evading the oncoming attack with ease. Seizing the opportune distraction, Travis swiftly seized the initiative, plunging forward to deliver a powerful blow to his foe's gut. The assailant wheezed, temporarily incapacitated as his breath momentarily deserted him.

In a synchronized assault, two of the remaining adversaries lunged simultaneously, their poles aimed to strike Travis from opposing angles. Travis deftly ducked, narrowly evading the imminent blows, his movements akin to a graceful dancer. Rising from his crouched position, he deftly parried the second assailant's attack with his forearms, the impact coursing through his body like an electric jolt. Capitalizing on his swift reflexes, Travis artfully stepped back, watching with a hint of satisfaction as the two assailants clumsily careened into one another.

Aware of their faltering advantage, the solitary remaining attacker chose to unleash an all-out offensive, relying on brute strength. He charged towards Travis with barbarous fury, thrashing his pole with reckless abandon. Instinctively, Travis recognized the urgency and swiftly evaded the incoming strike with nimble finesse, watching as the pole harmlessly missed its intended target. With his opponent left vulnerable, Travis seized the moment, executing a devastating roundhouse kick that connected with resounding impact to the assailant's midsection. The assailant staggered, relinquishing his weapon as he struggled to regain his balance.

Now, with three adversaries incapacitated and the final combatant recoiling from the brutal assault, Travis focused his attention on the injured man, who was slowly recovering from the onslaught. Retrievi

ng one of the abandoned poles, Travis brandished it firmly, his unwavering gaze fixed upon his nemesis. Sensing the indomitable determination emanating from Travis, the remaining assailant wisely chose to retreat, his bravado evaporated in the face of defeat.

Travis observed with a mixture of triumph and relief as the four men slinked back into the shadows, their once-assertive demeanor supplanted by trepidation. Emerging victorious against such formidable odds, Travis owed his success to his lightning-fast reflexes and shrewd combat maneuvers. As he inhaled deeply, his heart thudding in his chest, he nonchalantly disc

arded the pole and began the slow journey back home, fully aware that he had narrowly skirted a perilous confrontation.

Ah, but what's this? The men have conveniently abandoned their car. Oh well, I shan't concern myself with such trifles. With a newfound confidence buoying his spirit, Travis retreated into the sanctuary of his home, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins.

Debbie, his trusted confidante, greeted his return with palpable concern and enveloped him in a tight embrace. A vibrant smile accentuated Travis' features as he reciprocated the gesture, cherishing the warmth of their connection.

"Are you alright?" Debbie queried, her voice laden with worry.

"Why, pray tell, would you inquire such a thing?" Travis responded, purposefully omitting the details of his recent ambush. The last thing he desired was to alarm her, for it would only complicate matters further, restricting his nocturnal escapades.

"Those nefarious debt collectors… they haven't harmed you, have they?" Debbie pressed, her countenance etched with fret.

Travis tenderly caressed her cheek, a flicker of a smile playing at his lips. "Fear not, my dear. They did not lay a finger on me. In fact, I had swiftly beckoned the law enforcement upon their premature arrival. By the by, what did the esteemed officer say?" Travis inquired, subtly diverting the conversation.

"Oh, she insisted on remaining here to safeguard us until this predicament is rectified," Debbie responded, her tone laced with determination.

"Hmm?" Travis mused, his curiosity piqued. "How intriguing! Our very own guardian, watchful and vigilant. Well then, I must excuse myself momentarily, dear mother. Mia has graciously offered her assistance in catching up on the missed course material."

"Oh, Mia. It has been ages since we've seen her," Debbie remarked wistfully. "She's a good friend, indeed. Don't worry, my son, I shan't impede your progress. Enjoy your revision session."

"Thank you, Mother. Your benevolence knows no bounds. Fear not, for I shall never allow the limitations of reality to hinder our bond," Travis whispered solemnly, his sadness palpable. Without further ado, he ascended the stairs, his mind consumed by poignant thoughts.

Reaching his room on the second floor, Travis approached the entrance, yet was abruptly halted when a piercing scream emanated from Jenny's room. Concerned, he swiftly pushed open her door, his eyes scanning the scene.

"What is the matter? Are you in distress?" Travis queried, genuine worry etched across his face. His gaze fell upon Jenny, who stood atop her bed, pointing towards a minuscule spider. It was barely discernible to Travis, yet he resolved to rescue this damsel in distress.

"Fear not, fair maiden. I shall rid you of this invader," Travis declared with unwavering bravery. He plucked the infinitesimal creature from its hiding place and gracefully tossed it out the window. Dusting off his hands, he turned to face Jenny, his smile radiating reassurance.

"Your ordeal has been brought to an end," Travis announced triumphantly. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Jenny leaped into his awaiting arms, her relief palpable.

"Oh, thank you, Travis. I despise those wretched arachnids!" She exclaimed, clinging to him for support. In that moment, Travis couldn't help but notice the soft caress of Jenny's bare skin against his arm, a heady sensation that sent warmth surging through his entire being.

"It was my honor," Travis replied, his voice steady, though his mind momentarily strayed to disconcerting thoughts. However, he quickly reasserted his composure and gently placed Jenny back on the ground. "Alas, duty calls. I must attend to pressing matters."

With that, he turned away, promptly exiting her room and shutting the door behind him. As Jenny exhaled a sigh of relief, she suddenly felt an unexplained chill, a frigid breeze brushing against her thighs. Perplexed, she looked down, only to discover her lack of undergarments.

"What in the world…" she exclaimed incredulously, her confusion mounting. Fortunately, Travis had locked his door, shielding himself from the unforeseen exhibition.