
The Equinox (1)

{Day: Monday}

{Time: 7:30 AM}

{Location: West Equinox - Home}

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock and felt more than one set of arms holding onto me. I looked to my left and noticed Rhea. I looked to the right and noticed Mila. I looked at the ceiling.

"Ardent." I said.

{On it.}

Digital hands appeared and slapped both Rhea and Mila. They groaned and sat up, holding their cheek.

"Hey, you demonic barbarian! What the he—What the fuck was that for?!" Mila yelled and shoved Rhea.

"What?! How dare you automatically blame me you 'Holier than Thou' angelic witch!" Rhea yelled and shoved Mila back.

"This is not what I meant." I said.

{Damn. My bad.}

I sat up and zapped both of them. They squeaked and stopped bickering and looked at me. I made them sit down and got out of bed.

"I'm not gonna comment about the bickering or how she even got in my bed." I started.

"Our bed." Rhea said and fixed her gown.

"Hello, Kaden~ My name is Mila Venus..~ Rhea has forgotten the rule it seems. Every human who is granted a Sex Demon is also granted a Sex Angel and vise versa." Mila said and got out of bed.

"I'm not even gonna ask on why you were naked. However, I don't get what she's talking about." I said.

"She means the Ancient Succubus-Erogelic Rule. Asmodeus and whoever the little Sex Angel equivalent—"

"Her name is Haniel or sometimes called Mama Anael." Mila interrupted.

Rhea looked at Mila then turned her attention back to me. "Yeah...Anyway, they are basically our parents. Well Mila could be Aphrodite's daughter...anyway, anyone who's granted a Succubus or Incubus are also granted a Sex Angel."

"What exactly makes you two sisters?" I asked.

"We have the same father. We're Half Sisters. Fitting because one of us is a Demon and the other an Angel~" Mila giggled.

Rhea kissed her teeth and crossed her arms. "Don't let this bitch fool you, babe. She's only acting cute because she wants to win you over. He doesn't care about your cuteness, Mila."

Mila giggled and closed her eyes. She opened her left eye and it shined red. "At least I can be genuinely cute. When you do it, it's weird."

Rhea scoffed and rolled her eyes. Rhea hovered over to me and embraced me. "My aim isn't to be cute. Kaden performs better when he's around me...and he performs well in bed too..." Rhea sultrily said and groped my crotch.

"Everything doesn't have to be about sex." Mila said.

"Uhm it's kinda literally in our name? Plus we use sex for two different reasons. You use sex for little blessings and bullshit like that, I have sex because that shit feels good. I literally negated every negative aspect of my being just so I can get laid every night by Kaden." Rhea said.

"That's your problem...you don't bring much of anything~ Yeah you bring satisfaction but what is he gaining from it...? Nothing. Oh no.." Mila said and pouted.

{Oh no...:-|}

I snickered a bit and watched Rhea walk forward. I walked to my dresser to get clothes and get ready.

"I bring miracles! I saved his life! I am a miracle!" Rhea said.

"Did you really because him becoming a demon doesn't really sound like you saved his life~" Mila taunted.

I tuned them out and just got ready for the day.

{Time: 8:30 AM}

I made my way downstairs to meet up with everyone who was going to campus with me today. Rhea and Mila raced their way toward me in their Tiny Forms. They landed on my shoulders and took their places on my shoulders.

Isabella and Georgia waited for me at the front and they were talking to one another. A genuine conversation and not an argument.

{Scanning Intertwining Compatibility...}


{Isabella x Georgia: 80% Compatible}

{Their Routes can intertwine}

I walked toward them and wrapped my arms around their waist. "Good morning..~"

Georgia blushed and softly gasped as I touched her. "G-Good morning, babe..~"

Isabella bit her bottom lip and leaned against me. She fell a little weak in the legs. "Good m-morning, Kaddy..~"

{Mmm. Opening strong with the Tantric Touch...I like that.}

{Charisma: Charming Increased}

{Charisma: Lustful Increased}

"You two ready to ride?" I asked.

"If you're talking about riding you, I'm ready any time of the day.." Isabella flirted.

Georgia blushed at how casually lustful Isabella was able to make her replies. She definitely knew Isabella had what she lacked, the natural ability to flirt without it being awkward anymore.

"I-I'm ready..." Georgia said, stuttering.

I chuckled and walked with the two to the garage. We walked in the garage and got in my car. The garage door opened and I drove off to Summer City University.

The drive was mostly smooth and relaxing, surprisingly there was no bickering going on between Isabella and Georgia so that only meant they squashed all the beef between them.

{Time: 9:25 AM}

{Location: University Courtyard}

"Damn so you moved everyone up to the big city? West Equinox...I've always wanted to visit there and see the attractions and everything." Kofi said and smiled.

"I agree. To see Kaden's hometown would be nice. Now that we know the real Kaden, we can finally meet your folks." Adam said and pat my back.

Georgia sipped her juice and set her cup down. "I dunno. Getting in will be more than difficult for you two. Yeah you kinda helped to save Lexi, but West Equinox is a different ballgame from Summer City."

"What do you mean?" Kofi asked.

"You kinda have to fight people who are connected to Kaden's bloodline and ancestors to get in. The conditions are you have to win to get it because it proves you're strong enough to get in there." Georgia answered.

"Bro, just hang with me and I can get you in without having to fight anyone." I chuckled.

Kofi dapped me up. "That's why you're my fuckin' da-awg."

Isabella smiled and giggled. "The dynamic is so different it's refreshing.."

Adam chuckled and heard some commotion. He looked over and noticed a group of four walking down the courtyard, shoving people out of their way. "What the...who are they..?"

Georgia looked over and noticed Annette. She sighed and shook her head. "Annette...and those delinquents.."

I looked over and watched Annette and the other three walk over to us. The other three was two women and a guy.

The first woman had short blue and black hair, cold gray eyes, and an ouroboros tattoo around her neck. She had lightly tanned skin, a slender and fit body with medium sized breasts. She wore a fishnet top, a black crop top, black pants and shoes. She also wore a long black jacket. She wore black eyeshadow and had her nails painted black.

The second woman had long blonde and black hair that reached down to her back, dark brown eyes, and a sadistic smile on her face. She had a curvy and fit body with small breasts and was taller than the first woman. She had a serpent tattoo on her arm and a clan marking on her left eye. She wore a black shirt, white pants, and a short jean jacket. She wore white high top converse shoes.

The male had red and black dreads that was tied in a ponytail. He had light brown skin, a muscular and average build with a dragon tattoo on his back. He wore a white t-shirt, black cargo pants, high top sneakers, with his jacket tied around his waist.

"Annette and who?" Isabella asked.

"Annette is another woman that I used to know. She tries to be intimidating, but in the end she's not all that she's hyped to be." I said and looked at Annette then focused my attention to the other three.

"Sup losers!~" Annette said and looked at me and got the chills. She held her arms and stepped back.

'That energy I feel from him is insane..' Annette thought to herself.

The woman with blue and black hair slammed her hand against the table and looked at me. "I know you remember me.."

I looked at the woman and rose an eyebrow. My memory of her was also static like. "I don't I'm sorry. I only remember actual important people."


"Damn." Kofi said.

"Yikes." Georgia snickered.

"I know you aren't laughing, Georgia. How about you remind your Amnesiac Boyfriend about who we are." The woman said.

Georgia sighed. "Babe, they are amongst the upper levels of Crimson Crows. They are with the ranks of my brother, Jacob, and Ashton. Annette, who you already know. The blueberry head is named Raven, the asian girl is named Rika, and the guy is named Griffin."

I looked at Raven, Rika, and Griffin. "So what do you all want from me exactly? I'm kinda busy with my crew."

"We want answers on Tanner." Raven said.

I looked at my coffee and took a sip from it. I smiled and set my cup down. "Tanner...A name I haven't thought about in a while. Why do you want to know about him and why ask me?"

"He was last seen with you and it's crazy how no one pointed fingers at you, but when it comes down to your accident the entire swat is on the case." Raven said.

"Yeah I agree!" Annette said.

I took a deep breath and stood up. "He's dead. That's your answer. The dots all connect to me, so what are you all planning to do?"

Rika smirked at me and walked forward then paused then she felt dizzy all of a sudden. She stepped back and held her head. "What the hell..?"

Annette watched me and walked forward. She made Raven stand back and looked up at me. She was about to say something then backed down. She looked down and blushed. 'My body is feeling so strange all of a sudden...why do I feel so good..?!'

Rika walked off to go sit down because she felt extremely sleepy. Annette ran off because she felt unnatural arousal. Raven and Griffen were the only two left.

"What the hell did you do to them? That wasn't natural." Griffin said.

"Walk away." I said.

{Griffin is now Hypnotized.}

Griffin walked off and Raven watched him. She looked back at me then scoffed.

"You will not get away with killing Tanner for too much longer. Now that Jacob is done doing some digging around, we will be back and you are going down." Raven said and walked off.

I sat back down and sighed. "This shit is annoying, but we only have to deal with this for so much longer unless I can convince them to join us."

{Chances of that is 10% only because Annette likes you. Plus you would need to really use your Charisma because they are your enemy so making them betray Crimson Crows isn't an easy task.}

'It won't be too hard of a task if I date the women and befriend Griffen somehow.' I thought to myself.

{The only route possible is Annette since she kinda acts like their leader because of her position. If you get her to like you enough to betray the Crimson Crows, the other three will follow her.}

'I'll see what I can do..' I thought to myself.

{Time: 2:30 PM}

{Location: University Library}

I walked into the library since Ardent told me Janet works as a librarian here on the side. I needed to get into the Secret Section of the Library so I can obtain the Scroll of Affinity, a scroll that'll allow me to become Empowered when using Bio-Energy, so I wouldn't have to rely on my Sin Drives as much.

I noticed Janet walking around, putting books away. I walked over to her and held her waist. "Janet...we need to talk in private..." I said softly.

Janet blushed and looked back at me. "Not even a hello..?~ I know we're keeping things professional on campus, but a little hi wouldn't hurt..." She responded softly.

I chuckled softly and sighed. "Hello, Janet..~"

{Janet is feeling you...}

"What do you need, Lover Boy?" Janet asked as she put a few books away.

"I need you to take me to the Secret Section of the Library. It's very important." I said.

Janet smirked and paused. "Ahh the secret section, only one of two things you want. You want to have sex in there...or you actually are looking for maybe...a Forbidden Scroll..~"

"I mean we can do both..." I said seductively in her ear.

Janet chuckled and bit her lip gently. "I'm not opposed to that idea..~ Alright, I'll help you find what you need, but first you help me out with something.."

"What's that?" I asked.

"There are a group of Delinquents who stole very important books and are about to sell them for cash. I need you to get those books back. The books are called History of Equinox...there are three volumes and rare copies." Janet said.

"This sounds like a side quest and I am not too excited about it." I sighed.

"Well if you want me and the scroll you're looking for, you've gotten put in the work~ I'll even give you a hint, they are around Summer City." Janet said then stroked my chin and walked off.

"Fuck...you are so close to fucking Janet. We need to get this shit done ASAP!" Rhea said.

"I agree, let's get to stepping!" Mila commanded.

"Hey you don't command my human!" Rhea yelled.

I listened to the two bicker and chuckled softly. I walked off and got Ardent to scan around Summer City to find the three books.

{Notice: To Be Continued}