
Intertwined (2)

{Day: Wednesday}

{Time: 9:00 AM}

{Location: Summer Slammers}

"Papa! Papa, are you here?" I asked as I looked around the fight club.

{Potential Route Possible!}

"Hey, if you're looking for the old hound, he's not here at the moment." A woman said. "Kaden."

I looked at the bartender and placed my hands in my pockets. Rhea looked at me then at the woman.

"Royal?" I asked and walked toward her.

The woman was a curvy girl with a pale complexion. Her hair color is navy blue and her eyes are a soft shade of pale green. Her makeup consists of black eyeshadow. She wore a white button up shirt, black vest, black skirt, dark colored stockings and heels.

"Ahh you do remember me..~" Royal chuckled and leaned against the counter.

"You are Lexi's sister...and you used to bully me." I said and leaned against the counter. "Anyway, where's Grandpa?"

"He's not seeking visitors. Papa Gregory isn't feeling too well." Royal said as she cleaned the glasses.

"You don't need to lie for me, Royal." A male said as he walked to the front.

We looked at the man and I smiled.

My grandfather was an elderly yet well-muscled man. His hair was white and his eyes were pale gray color. He wore a traditional samurai-esque outfit made up of an orange haori with a family crest on the back and a gold and black decorative pauldron on his right shoulder. He wore dark gray pants with red and orange designs on the right pant leg, black socks and golden knee-high samurai boots with black straps.

"Papa, I'm kinda into deep issues with Crimson Crows. Do you think I can use your fight club to draw Lance out here?" I asked.

My grandfather looked at me and crossed his arms. He smiled and pat my shoulder. "Alright. I just think the police would be a better route."

"Which it is. You're dealing with the gang that set you up from the beginning. Don't you think this play is possibly the worst play?" Royal asked.

I looked at Royal and scoffed softly with a smirk. "Worried about me now, hot stuff?"

Royal blushed and rolled her eyes. "Okay you can go ahead and get yourself killed."

"I'm gonna need your help with things as well." I said and stared at Royal.

Royal stopped cleaning her glasses and looked at me. "No way, pal. Me and Lexi vowed to never get into it with that group mentally insane people. Especially after hearing about your incident...yeah sorry."

"I'll take you on a Sushi Date." I bribed.

{Royal gave in..}

"Fuck you..." Royal sighed and set down her glass. "Fine, I'll help."

I smiled at Royal then looked at Papa Gregory. I walked over to him. "I'll call you when I'm ready to get everything started. I still have things I need to do on my end."

My grandfather family nodded at me then smiled. "Take your time, Kaden.."

I nodded then hurried out of the Fight Club with Rhea. "We just need to convince Ryan. That's all we need to do."

As I walked to the car, I got a call from Chloe. I answered it and put it on speaker. "Hey, Clo what's up?"

"Hey, Kade...Uhm..We've got a little problem. One of Elizabeth's friends and your ex has gotten into an altercation! I need you to come help me and Beth!" Chloe said.

"Lexi..." I said then groaned. "We don't have time for this... Alright try to calm them down. I'll be there."

"Okay!" Chloe said.

{The fastest route will get us there within ten minutes. Let's try to make it in time to stop their fighting.}

"C'mon Lexi! It's not worth it!" Elizabeth said as she held Lexi back.

"You set him up! Now you're claiming to be on our side?! How dare you—"

"Your brother is also in the gang. Doesn't that mean you also hold some weight in the final decision?" Georgia asked.

"My parents and Kaden's were business partners! Besides I'm adopted! I hold no part in their bullshit!" Lexi shouted and tried to kick at Georgia.

"Just let her go. She obviously isn't going to listen." Chloe said.

"What?! Let this time bomb go and have her lay waste to the unsuspecting citizens of Dawn Light?" Elizabeth asked and looked at Chloe.

Lexi slipped out of Elizabeth's arms and cracked her knuckles. "Now I can get you back for what you did to Kaden!"

"When will you let it go?!" Georgia asked and grunted as she dodged Lexi's punch.

Georgia parried her next punch then weaved her hook punch then rushed forward and feinted her punch into a sweep kick. Lexi was about to fall on the ground, but Georgia kicked her back up then struck her body with a right hook.

"Hey!" Elizabeth yelled and shoved Georgia away. "You can't just do that to her!"

"It's self defense. Now get the fuck out of my way." Georgia said and pushed Elizabeth away from her.

"Don't forget I also come from Summer City. I can get down like everyone else in this pathetic city." Elizabeth said.

Georgia looked at Elizabeth then noticed Lexi getting up. She looked at them both then blocked Lexi's spinning 360 kick. She dodged Elizabeth's haymaker then blocked her spinning heel kick. Georgia pushed them both away and dodged Elizabeth's punch, but Lexi was behind Georgia and kneed her back.

Georgia groaned and stumbled forward. Elizabeth slapped Georgia then shoved Georgia. Lexi grabbed Georgia's arm and flipped her over her shoulder. Georgia landed on her feet then hit Lexi with a donkey kick. Lexi crashed into Elizabeth and groaned.

"Hey! Stop it now!" Chloe yelled and hurried in between them.

Everyone stopped to look at Chloe. They heard my car and noticed me walking toward them.

"C'mon. Can we make it through a day without you somehow pissing someone off?" I asked and grabbed Georgia's wrist.

"But it isn't my fault!" Georgia whined.

"Yeah I hear ya." I said as I pulled her over to my car.

Chloe helped Lexi and Elizabeth up. "What the hell...I didn't expect you two to like fight her. What were you thinking?"

"You wouldn't understand, but to quickly explain things...That woman helped set Kaden up to led up to his car crash." Lexi explained.

"Ahh.." Chloe said.

Elizabeth watched me drive off. "I'm worried for him. He needs time to relax and chill.."

{Time: 12:35 PM}

{Location: Home}

I dragged Georgia inside my apartment and tossed her over to the couch. I sighed then closed and locked the door. I walked over to her.

"Monday, in a fight with Isabella. Tuesday, you actually did fight Isabella, gave her a nasty bruise. Today you fight both Lexi and Elizabeth. Gigi, I need you to please work with me.." I said.

Georgia stood up and placed her hands on my chest. "I'm trying, baby...I really am. They are just always testing my patience. Some of this blame has to go on you."

I looked down at her and embraced her. "I'm not taking an inch of blame. However our time is limited so we need to hurry and con—"

Georgia placed her finger on my lips. "You need to take a break. Ryan just doesn't want to speak to you. You need to give it time...besides we still have to find Lance. We can't rush a process like this.."

"Time is one thing we don't have right now. How long do you think your brother can hold off on anything like this?" I asked.

Georgia gently pushed me onto a chair and slowly straddled me. "I've known my brother all my life. He keeps true to his word. So take a break, babe..~"

I sighed softly. "Alright..."

{Location: Black Oak Villas}

Isabella sat in front of her mirror and tried to cover up her bruise. She looked down then heard knocking at her door. She got up and went to go answer the door. She noticed Chloe and Brianna at her door.

"What's up?" Isabella asked.

"We need your help." Chloe said.

"With what?" Isabella asked.

Brianna crossed her arms. "We are trying to help Kaden by gathering allies. A gang is trying to kill him, if you haven't already heard. We want to help stop this gang."

"I've heard...but I don't know." Isabella said, a bit uncertain.

"C'mon! We've got to cut the shit! Our kinda boyfriend is being targeted and you're gonna shy up?! You weren't shy when you got your ass handed to you by a gangster!" Chloe yelled.

Isabella kinda hesitated...

"C'mon, Bella. He took your virginity for crying out loud! You can't help by gathering your buddies?" Brianna said.

"It's just I know none of my friends are going to join this cause. I know how this goes. If we get others associated they will die." Isabella said.

"Then YOU come with us!" Chloe said and pulled Isabella out the house.

Brianna closed the door and followed Chloe and Isabella to her car.

{Time: 3:33 PM}

{Location: Home}

Georgia was asleep on the couch, Rhea was asleep sitting in a chair, and I was looking through my contacts to see if I could call for more help. My doorbell rang and it stopped me from looking for the one number I needed. I got up and walked over to the door.

Lexi and Elizabeth looked at me. I didn't ask any questions and just let them in. They walked forward and Lexi noticed Georgia asleep on the couch. I covered her mouth to prevent her from talking. I pulled them to my bedroom.

Lexi walked into my room and sat on the bed. "So this special news. You have all your answers huh?"

I closed the door after Elizabeth entered. "Yes. I know who did it all. Lance did it."

Lexi sighed and closed her eyes. "Lance...I fucking hate that guy. So what are you going to do?"

"Before the semester ends...I need to get Ryan on our side and I need to find Lance." I said.

"You're literally asking for the impossible. Ryan kinda hates you. He doesn't accept loses easily nor does he ever forgive and forget. The only way to get on his good side is to beat him at a game of basketball." Elizabeth explained.

"Alright, so I have to—"

"After beating Tyler and Joshua in a game of basketball as well. Alone." Elizabeth said.

"Okay..? I just have to beat those three in basketball. Simple. It shouldn't be too hard. The hardest part is finding Lance. I have no idea where he went." I said.

"Where did the crash happen?" Elizabeth asked.

"It happened in Ruby City. So that would mean someone from Ruby City had the scoop on you. I'll do more research on my end. Elizabeth you know the drill." Lexi said.

"Yep. I'm bringing all the vapes~ We're chiefing up for this." Elizabeth said and giggled.

I nodded and sighed. "Let's get this all done before the semester ends. It can only end like this."

Lexi nodded and looked on her phone. "I'll keep close watch over Jacob since I know he's in the gang. Maybe he knows something."

"He definitely knows something. A guy like him has to know some piece of information about Lance." Elizabeth said.

"You two better get a head start on that." I said then noticed I was getting a call. It was from a number that was saved on my phone, but I didn't know who's number it was.

"Hello..?" I answered.

{Notice: To Be Continued!}