

Gia spend the night with her dad talking about many things, they were happy to be together bonding.She invited Brian too and he went there.

Morgan....Why dont we go fishing, there is a lake nearby.

Brian....I would love that.

Gia....Dad, can i tell mum to come too?

Morgan....She wont agree.

Gia....Says who? I know that what she wants right now is to be with you, trust me.

Morgan....You think so? But she has a boyfriend.

Gia....She doesnt love him, she just wanted to date someone to move on from you.


Gia....Now that you showed, she wants nothing to do with him, trust me.

Morgan....Okay, let me try to call her.

Gia....Good idea, i will be with Brian then.

She went to Brian.Morgan called Gigi and she answered immediately.


Gigi....Hy, whats up?

Morgan....Are you busy?

Gigi....Am not, its a weekend so am at home.

Morgan....Will it be fine if you join us? We are going to the lake for fishing.

Gigi....Mmm...okay, i dont mind.

Morgan....Can you please come alone, i mean...not with your boyfriend.


Morgan....No reason, i was just saying.


He ended the call and they were both happy.

Gigi....He really never changes, his so jelous of Nick.I cant wait to go to his house, let me put on something nice.

She drove and went to the location Morgan sent her.

Gia....Mum, you so pretty.

Gigi....Thanks honey, hy Brian.

Brian....Hy mrs.Gigi.

Morgan....Am glad you came.


Morgan....Honey, why dont you go first, we will catch up later.

Gia....Sure, lets go babe.

Brian left with Gia.

Gigi....Why didnt we go with them?

Morgan....I thought that it will be good if i showed you around, would you mind?

Gigi....I wont.

They went inside and sat down.

Morgan....Coffee, juice or water?

Gigi....Juice, your house is really nice.

Morgan....Am glad that you like it because you insipired me buy this style.

Gigi....Me? How?

Morgan....I know what you like so i bought it hoping that you will like it and come live with me.

Gigi....I see, lets go fishing now.

Morgan....Wait, i know that am at fault and i dont deserve your forgiveness, but i still love you and i never stopped loving you.

Gigi....Morgan, dont start please.

Morgan....Sorry but i cant stop, it really hurts me seeing you with that guy, am jelous of him and i hate the way he looks at you.

Gigi....I have a boyfriend Morgan, and i want to be with him.

Morgan....Do you really love him?


Morgan....You know that your lying to your heart, you still have a place for me in your heart, dont you?

Gigi....Its all in the past now, lets move on.

Morgan....Fine, i understand that you dont love me anymore, i wont force you anymore.I also tried to move on, but its hard, because i still loved you and i always will.I need some time alone, you can go and join Gia with Brian, i wont go.

Morgan went to his room with tears flowing from his eyes.

Gigi....Shit! Why is he making my life hard again? I dont want to see him like this, i dont want to break his heart, because...my heart...still beats for him.I have no choice but to make my heart happy.

Gigi walked and went to his room, but he was not there.There was a huge potrait of her in his room.

Gigi....Oh my godddd!! Is that...me??? It looks....so beautiful.Morgan??

She heard water flowing from the shower and rushed there,Morgan was there leaning against the wall while the water was flowing on him in his clothes.

Gigi....Morgan, what are you doing?

She turned off the shower and pulled him out.

Gigi....What were doing?

Morgan....I do that whenever i get hurt, it makes me calm down a little.

Gigi....Dont do it again, its childish.

Morgan....Why didnt you leave?

Gigi....Am here to let you know that...

She pulled him closer and kissed him.

Gigi....That i still love you too.

Morgan....Huh? Really? What about...

Gigi....Lets not talk about anyone, its just us so lets focus on ourselves.

Morgan....Just please dont change your mind because if you do, i will lose my mind.

Gigi....When it comes to you, i always have one choice, and thats to love you.

Morgan....You dont know what i feel hearing you saying those words i've been longing to hear for a long time.

Gigi....I missed you Morgan.

Morgan....I missed you more my Gigi, my love for you will last for ages and it wil never change.

Gigi....Mine too.

Morgan....Loving someone is really the best feeling and you've proved me right.I love you my queen.

Gigi....Hahaha...i love you too Mr.King.

They kissed again in a sweet way since they missed eachother alot.

Gia....I dont think that mum and dad will come, they are busy bonding.

Brian....You think so?

Gia....Ofcourse, once my dad looks you straight in the eyes, and talks in a sweet tone, you will definetely go crazy.Thats what he does to mum, she acts tough but at last, she cant help but fall for dad's charms again and again.

Brian....Then am about to make you fall for my irresistable charms.

Gia....Wow! I cant wait.

Brian held her waist and they kissed.

Gia....I want to tell you something.

Brian....Am listening.

Gia....Am going to the millitary once i turn eighteen, i wanted to tell you soon.

Brian....What? Why?

Gia....Because i want to do it.

Brian....What about me? Are going to leave me?

Gia....Am sorry babe, thats why am telling you soon.

Brian....But what about me? What will i do if you leave me?

Gia....I want you to be patient and wait for me, please.If you ever get tired of waiting, you can find someone else, i will understand.

Brian....Now your even telling me to date someone else? Do you hate me that much? I will never love anyone except you, i will wait for you even if it will take you ages to come back.Dont tell me to find someone else ever again.

Gia....Am really sorry babe, i wont say it ever again.