Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi were all in the Hokage's office for a new mission ever since Taney started doing mission their team was number 1 in the leader board for the rookie team's with a 100% completion percentage all thanks to Naruto.
" Hey gramps can we do harder missions? The missions we do are to easy and it's to boring so can we please do harder missions?" Asked Naruto
" I would also like to agree with Naruto on this Hokage-sama" Said Sasuke
" Yes the missions are to easy for Sasuke-kun and me" Said Sakura
Just as she said that everybody in the room looked at her with a weird look whether it was the hokage who checked up on them with his crystal ball and the Anbu who also looked at them with the crystal ball , Kakashi, Sasuke, and last Naruto and they all had 1 thought which was " You dint even do sh*t and your talking about the mission's being to easy for you?".
" * cough* O-Okay there's a C-rank mission for you, you just need to guard a professional bridge builder to the land of waves and deliver him safely" Said Hiruzen and then he signal an Anbu to let the bridge builder in.
" What's this? It's just a bunch of kids what are they going to do" Said Tazuna
" I assure you Tazuna-San they are more the capable." Said Hiruzen
" Alright fine, I leave my life in your capable hands." Said Tazuna
" Ok we'll meet up at the gates in 3 hours make sure to eat and prepare the stuff you will take and go to the gates in 3 hours that's all yo guys can go." Said Kakashi
When they all left the Hokage office Naruto who was walking home was thinking about how he was going to do the quest from the system with ease and make sure that nothing goes wrong. In the end he just decided to tell her he fell in love with her the first time he looked at her, and he was aware of how handsome he looked so he was sure that she was going to accept. He's technically not lying, when he was alive in earth when he saw the episode where Naruto did the C-rank mission and saw Tsunami he was sure if she was here with him he would fall for her, and now that he IS in the Naruto world he was sure the same thing would happen where he falls for her.
When he got home he made some food and made orange juice when he finish making food and the juice he ate after that he went to shower. After he came out he noticed that he really dint go out shopping for clothes and still has the same clothes as the original Naruto, the orange jumpsuit.
" System do you sell clothes?" Asked Naruto
[ Yes I do host the system has all of the Anime's and games items, food, clothes bloodlines, etc.]
" Alright buy me the Assassins creed white and red hooding and a black shirt, black pants and Black boots" Said Naruto
[ Alright host buying in 3..2..1.. done clothes are in the inventory host.]
"Alright I still have 30 minutes before the meet up might as well get ready" Said Naruto as he went in the system inventory and took out the clothes and put them on.
When Naruto put them on he took out a mirror he bought and saw himself and he like how he looked. He was wearing a White and red hoodie that looked like the hoodie's the character's from Assassin creed wear he also had a black shirt and you could see it because he dint sipper up his hoodie that combine with the black pants that look's like black Anbu pants and the black boots(ps: I made Boots something in the Naruto world but only nobles can get them because they are expensive and since Naruto got his father's and mother's money he can get them that's just and excuse if someone ask him how he got the boots because he bought them in the system shop) Anyway this is how his clothes look's on him. It's in comment if you want to see it.:
After that he also bought a mask from the system that look's the same as Kakashi's mask and put it on. He also added some of his origin energy to make the clothes auto-cleaned themselves so that it doesn't get dirty and made it so that if he gets in a fight the hood doesn't get in his way so that if he has his hood on it stays like, but also if he has his hood down it doesn't move and gets in his way. He took one lass glance at his reflection tin the mirror to see how he looked like and he liked it it gave this mysterious and cool aura/vibe to him.
He went out of his house and went towards the gates. While he was going towards the gates he receive many looks from the woman he receive lustful looks and the man he receive hateful and jealous looks because of how good he looks, and how the women look at him even if he is 12 years old. But thanks to him going to his inner world where there is the Origin energy he is 1.81 meter's or 5.9 ft in height and looks 15 in age.
As he was about to arrive to the gates he pass by Ichiraku-ramen and decided to eat there as he had 14 minutes before they are supposed to meet up and also because he hasn't eaten ichiraku-ramen in a while. When he finished he paid for the ramen and left walking towards the gates once again. Once he arrive he saw saw Sakura, Sasuke, and Tazuna but not Kakashi as usual he will be arriving late so he just went towards the and greeted them.
"Hey guys, so Kakashi-sensei hasn't arrive yet? Asked Naruto after greeting them
" Sigh...No he will be arriving late as usual." Said Sasuke, after he sighed.
After 18 minutes of waiting
" What's your excuse this time Kakashi-sensei?" Asked Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura at the same time.
"Sorry I'm late guys, a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way. After that I'm afraid I got lost in the path of life." Said Kakashi with an apologetic look while rubbing the back of his head.
After that you know the usual Sakura yelling at him and him not even caring. After that was done Kakashi looked at everyone and then he looked at Naruto and saw his new clothes and him wearing a mask like his and thought " It is indeed a good mask Naruto good choice, you will get all the girls with that" and at the end of his thought's he nodded sagely.
" Well let's go guys we need to deliver Tazuna-San to the land of waves safely and return back... so I can return back to reading my book while relaxing." Said Kakashi with the last part him mumbling of course everybody heard that and look at him but then looked away as if it was normal.
" Yeah let's go the faster we get him there the better for our reputation." Said Naruto while Sakura and Sasuke nodded. They then left towards the land of waves unknown of what will happen on their journey... well everyone except Naruto.
Thanks everyone for keep giving Power Stones to the Fan-Fic.
Next Chapter probably Wednesday on the same time or not we'll see. Anyways you guys recommend any fan-fic to read? If so please tell.