

  As the interview finished, Kristin looked pleased and fixed her hair casually. Her assistant came over and whispered something in her ear, which made her look happier. She must be informed that the live interview was a success and helped her restore her popularity.

  Elena took out her phone and as she expected, Kristin was praised highly by many netizen on Twitter. But it was still too quick. She guessed Kristin's PR was really professional and knew exactly how to do their job to help her. Of course, Green Light Magazine also attracted a lot of attention.

  Kristin seemed to take her assistant's advice and walked to Elena reluctantly, "Thank you for the interview. It helps me a lot considering my situation."

  Elena smiled and said, "Please also forgive me for being too blunt earlier.

  Anyway, you also made the good decision to join the interview."

  "Well, I'm smart." Kristin snorted.