

  "Nothing." Jeremy looked away with a decadent look on his face, "Emma, I've been tired lately. Don't distract me to take care of you, okay?"

  His voice softened and Emma's heart was somewhat soothed, "I told you to go to Logan and you wouldn't listen!"

  In Emma's heart, going to Logan was the right thing to do. Elena had married Logan, so the Brown family would take care of Jeremy anyway. But Jeremy didn't listen, and even felt sorry in his heart.

  "Stop, I don't want to hear any more of this!" Jeremy got impatient, and Emma didn't dare to say more.

  Emma nestled into his arms, "Jeremy, I've done everything for you. You mustn't do me wrong!"

  Her words came to Jeremy's mind as if they were reminding him of something.

  It caused him to drift off and inexplicably think of Elena.

  Elena had gotten Logan's permission and went to the office with extra ease. But as soon as she stepped into the office, Sophia couldn't wait to come over and hold her, "Elena, it's bad!"