
Subjective Reality

I wrote this thing to practice my English. Hopefully it's readable. So basically it's the story of this guy who completes a survey, gets killed by thighs, and gets OP. Theoretically, I planned on this being a Multiverse fanfiction because I consider those fun, but I'm still in the first world. I own absolutely nothing except my OC, just barely.

IHaveNoIdeas · Komik
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37 Chs

Ep. 5

Slowly but surely, a little over three months passed, and it is time for me to go to Hogwarts. I had recently received my custom suitcase, which I connected to an exact copy of our house in London. Mother decided that she and Silty would absolutely follow me to school, so I made it extremely comfortable for them. There's the house, a training area, a botanical garden, a private zoo for future endangered animals, a potions laboratory, and a 'terrace' where she can sunbathe, alongside a pool. I made a fake environment with day, night, wind, even rain and so on. Silty can access the interior of my suitcase at will, though I will always get a 'notification' about it.

I made it a habit to always take the cane with me, since it was maybe even more comfortable than the spear, though I would use Gae Bolg when I know there will be a battle. Shouldn't happen anytime soon. I checked my interface before leaving the house.

[Azagareth Maleficarum

Race: Half-Vampire/Half-Veela

Age: 11 years 4 months

Location: London, UK

Intrinsic Powers:

Subjective Reality


Magic Core: Advanced (Tier 10; Rank 6)



Magic Absorption

Blood Strengthening

Blood Adaptation

Vampiric Hybrid Constitution

Animagus - Bat

Pain Resistance

Tough Dragon's Hide

High Mermaid's Regeneration

Old Titan's Strength

High Demon's Magic Aptitude and Power


Veela Magic

Blue Phoenix Fire Manipulation

Prime Warlock's Magic Aptitude, Capacity, and Manipulation

Merlin's Magic Successor

Hecate's Magic Advanced User

Rinne Sharingan


Grandmaster Spearsmanship

God-Slaying Spear Arts Apprentice

Blunt Weapon Apprentice

Apprentice Swordsmanship

Extra Lives: 3]

I had included Boggart essence into my blood-shake recently, which allowed me to acquire its shape-shifting capabilities. How wonderful, I can become a bat, very suited for a Vampire hybrid. Mother was ecstatic when I started flying around the house, after hitting me with a broom. Damn, that hurt and I still remember it. But, my shake also made my other abilities better. I wonder when I will gain wings, though I don't need them with my bat form.

Mother dearest is already in the suitcase, same with Silty, so I just added some wards to the house and apparated to Platform 9¾. I ignored the stunned Auror that was guarding the entrance and headed to the train. The scrub couldn't believe that an eleven year old could apparate. Get good.

I found an empty compartment and locked it. I already know that, due to Karma or whatever you want to call it, some other people will arrive, but I just don't want some social butterfly to come in with his or her friends and cause chaos. I also expanded the compartment with some runes, which would last for all the trip, then disappear. Scathach had intended these runes to be used to extend a spear, but I can use them however I want.

As I guessed, not even ten minutes passed that someone started knocking on the door. I ignored it and the knocking stopped. They returned after a couple of minutes, so I guess that the train is full. I opened the door and found a group of girls. Harem situation? I'm not a fan, thank you. Ok, maybe, just not with anyone.

"Hello there. Let me guess, the other compartments are full?" I said with a warm smile. Damn, I am pushing myself too far. Ugh, so troublesome.

The first one to respond was a blushing redhead. "Y-yes! Do you mind if we sit with you?"

"Of course not, I'm a gentleman after all. I am Azagareth, feel free to call me Az." Too kind, they'll gain too much confidence and start chatting with me!

"I am Camille Stuart, nice to meet you." Said the redhead. Seeing that her friends were not responding and were a blushing mess, she introduced them as well. "The blonde is Natalie Smith, while the brunette there is Silvia Rossi."

"An Italian? Nice place, never been there, but I want to visit at least once. Come in, don't stand there: the train is about to move. Ah, let me help with those." I said and used magic to raise their trunks onto their carriers. The three girls entered the compartment and were stunned by the size. It was a good three times the normal size. Soon, there was an awkward silence.

"So, do you three come from wizarding families?" I asked, just to get the conversation started.

"Uhm, n-no. Our parents are normal. Ah, we're childhood friends, all three of us. What are chances, right? Haha, ha…" said Silvia

"I see. It's wonderful that you get to attend school with someone else you know."

"And you?" asked Natalie

"I am a little bit different. A Vampire and Veela hybrid." I said, flashing a 'fanged' smile. "Don't worry, I don't drink human blood, only magical creature blood."

"T-that's… So cool!" said Natalie. Wait, what?

"So that's why you looked so… Peculiar. Can you transform into a bat? Or, or can you command shadows? If I impale you with a stake, will you die? Can you eat garlic?" Silvia fired off her questions one after another.

"Chill girl! I can use magic but most of the things normal people think Vampires can do are just fiction. I can become a bat through magic, as could you with enough practice and luck, I can control shadows to a certain extent with magic, if you impale someone, they will die no matter what, unless they use some particular magic or have multiple hearts and so one, and garlic isn't my favorite, but I can eat it. It slightly upsets my stomach though."

"Wah! So cool! Our first magical friend is a Vampire! Ooh, it sounds like a fairy tale!" said Camille

"Now it's my turn: shouldn't an Italian study in Italy? You guys have Academia Testarossa, right?"

"Ah, I don't know… My parents moved here before I was even born, so I have an Italian name, but I really don't know much…" said Silvia with a hint of shame.

"Hey, hey… What are Veela?" asked Camille

"Ah, right. You wouldn't know if you're not from a magical family. Veela, like Vampires are considered magical creatures. Vampires are dark creatures and overall considered evil, but that's not the point. Veela are an all-female race with extremely beautiful women. They can easily charm males for… Various reasons. They can transform into an harpy-like form and also shoot out fireballs, though in reality they have control over fire in general, so fireballs are just an example."

"So you are a girl?" asked Silvia

"Nope, Vampire genes mixed with the Veela ones, so it was up to chance. I am a male through and through."

We chatted some more about several things, not only about me. Muggle girls will surely be interested in a handsome Vampire, no matter what. Too ingrained in their pop culture. I discovered a few things about my new friends: they come from Cambridge and their parents all work at the university there as professors, they were approached by McGonagall for Silvia and Camille, while Snape was sent to Natalie. Poor girl. I cleared a couple of misunderstandings they had about the houses: Slytherin is mainly filled with snotty gits, Ravenclaw is filled with nerds and introverts, but is otherwise quite good, Hufflepuff is filled with average people with average mentality that will, most likely, never do much in their whole lives, and Gryffindor is a place for idiots who love getting in trouble and adventures. I however emphasized that it's not like everyone in a certain house falls under the same stereotype. I will most likely be sorted into Slytherin, which would actually be fun, but I'm not a snotty git like those brats. After about an hour or so, the conversation switched to magic and wands.

"My wand comes from Ollivanders, but I don't know whether it is any good or not…" said Silvia

"Don't worry about that. Ollivander usually is very meticulous with his selection process, plus wands are just an aid. While Hogwarts doesn't teach it, real magic is done without wands." I said and made a Lumos ball appear on my hand. "I can do it easily because I am theoretically a magical creature, but you all can learn with enough patience and hard work."

"Wah! So that's why you don't have a wand on you!" said Camille. The girl is scarily sharp. She's been observing everything since she entered the compartment.

"Wait, so you know magic already?" said Natalie

"Yup. I've already studied basically everything in the first two years of school, plus some I found intriguing. It's the benefit about coming from a magical family."

"Hm… I feel so out of place now. Muggles are really disadvantaged." noted Silvia

"Not at all, Silvia. Oftentimes, Muggles can become great wizards and witches. They are also the key to have some traits resurface in Noble, pure-blood families. The Black family, for example, has a trait called Metamorphmagus. They can change their appearance at will. It hasn't surfaced in generations, then comes one Muggle-born and the trait resurfaces. Ah, that's not to say that the only thing Muggles are good at is having children, it was just an example." Yeah, maybe the topic of marriage and having children isn't appropriate for 11 year-old girls… My bad. As I expected, the three girls were all red in face and were steaming from their ears (figuratively).

Just in time to save my sorry ass, the sweets cart arrived. "Anything off the cart, dearies?"

"I'll take one of everything. Keep the change, for troubling you." I said and passed two Galleons to the old lady. She smiled and floated one of every kind of candy to our table. "Good day, Miss."

"Bye bye, dear child. Good luck in school." the woman said and continued her rounds.

I turned to my new friends. "You have never tried these before, right? Wizard candy. They are all strange, but quite fun. Try them." We spent almost an hour stuffing our faces with candy. They particularly appreciated the knock-off jelly beans, since they were an interesting sort of competition. We were only interrupted by a Slytherin prefect that informed us we were almost at Hogsmeade.

"Well, I will leave you to change. Don't worry about people entering, I'll keep watch outside for you."

"Thank you, Az. What about you?" asked Camille. I used magic and Infinity to transfigure my clothes into robes. "Right, magic." I snickered a little and left the compartment. Once I was outside, I sighed. 'God, that was exhausting. That was the most human contact I had in the past few years! And I even felt an urge to sip on their blood for a while… I need to make sure I drink some of my blood-shake, or things might get ugly.' I thought as I took a blood-shake from an extended pouch.

A few students saw me and wondered what I was doing with a 'milkshake' in hand, but I didn't bother with them. After a few minutes, the girls were done changing and opened the door. I spent the rest of the trip sipping my shake and chatting about random stuff with my friends. What cute girlies they are. I will make sure that they don't die due to snake-face.

"Hey, what are you drinking?" asked Silvia

"Ah, the dreaded question… It's my personal shake, to satisfy my hunger."

"Blood?" asked Camille

"Well, yeah. Sorry, should I put it away?" I am not such a bastard to make my friends uncomfortable on purpose. Other people? I might just unleash my inner sadist.

"No, no problem. What does it taste like?" asked Natalie

"Well, it's a mix, so it tastes like chocolate to me. However, Vampires have a different taste for blood, so you would only taste, well, blood. And pain. Never drink undiluted magical beast blood. Actually, never drink it at all. You would literally explode or melt internally." Damn, yet again not something to say to an 11 year-old.

Anyway, we finally arrived and saw a friendly Half-Giant beckoning the firsties over.

"Don't worry, he should be the gamekeeper from what I've read." I said to the worried girls. That calmed them down and we took our place on a boat. Luckily, it wasn't raining. Actually, it was, but I used magic to make an 'umbrella' on top of us. I hate getting wet for no reason. I decided to sneakily activate my Rinne Sharingan to study the wards and enchantments in the place. I place a Genjutsu on my eyes, so that they would appear completely normal to others. To be honest, the Rinne Sharingan and the Rinnegan are quite creepy.

Anyway, the wards were nothing particularly special. There was only one advanced one which tapped into the leyline to increase ambient magic in the castle's surroundings. I will make sure to hijack it and increase my own magic with a leyline. That will speed my maturation up.

Twist and turns on the river, until we saw it. The castle. It was… Underwhelming. I honestly prefer other kinds of architecture, like Ancient Roman or Ancient Greek. I also appreciate some modern architects, but not many. Anyway, it is finally time to mess around in Hogwarts!