
Sub-zero in danmachi

A guy died because of God and to compensate him god reincarnated him in danmachi with the powers and all the experiences of all sub-zero.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Komik
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30 Chs


Hestia: So you can explain to me what you are.

Bi-wan: I am Bi-wan Grandmaster of lin Kuei and holder of the sub-zero title.

Hestia: I want to know your species.

Bi-wan: I don't know.

Hestia: As you don't know what species you are.

Bi-wan: Do you know what your species is?

Hestia: I know I am a Goddess.

Bi-wan: But no god is the same, is it? Some have tails, others deal with creation while others deal with destruction.

Hestia: You are right, but wait, we're getting out of here.

Bi-wan: What point?

Hestia: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Then suddenly a noise at the door happens, by instinct Bi-wan rolled over and stood beside the door while forming an ice sword.

Bell: Hestia-sama I arrived.

Hestia: Bell wait

But before she could continue, the bi-wan sword stopped at his neck.

Bell made a face as if he did not understand for a moment and then his face became visibly dark.

Bell was about to take the courage to pull the dagger when Bi-wan undid the sword and held out his hand.

Bi-wan: Nice to meet you Bell Cranel, I am the new member of your family and your new master.

Hestia: Wow Bi-wan didn't have to scare him like that.

Bi-wan chuckled, looked at Bell and said one last goodbye.

Bi-wan: I will meet you at dawn for training so don't be late.

Hestia: Wait where are you going?

Bi-wan: Take a walk.

Before she could question again he froze the floor and entered it.

Bell: Hestia-sama who that scary man was.

Bell who just came out of his paralysis state and restarted asked.

Hestia: Your new companion.

She said as she let out a breath.


Later that day in a shady business district.

Lucas: Come on, let's go in.

Slave trader: Gladly Mr. Lucas.

The two then entered a building and passed several guards until they arrived in a room with many women of various races chained.

Slave dealer: So what do you think of the new goods.

Lucas: They seem to be of excellent quality.

Slave dealer: we also got some rare species in that shipment.

Lucas: A is it really which ones?

The slave trader was about to respond when he heard a shout from upstairs.

He looked at the guard who was with him and told him to take a look at what happened.

The guard quickly climbed the stairs while the slave trader continued to speak to his client.

Lucas: Is there a problem?

He was about to answer when a cold voice came from upstairs.

Sub-zero: You have a big problem.

then a body falls from the stairs he was half frozen and the part under the body was missing.

Slave dealer: Who sent you?

But before he could answer his client Lucas next to him grabbed his neck.

Slave dealer: What.


The trader's lifeless body falls to the floor.

Sub-zero: You know I wanted to kill you because you did this.

Lucas: Well I wouldn't attack you because afterwards no one would do business with me but if the blame falls on you, I can just get this merchandise for me without any fuss.

Sub-zero descended the stairs slowly and looked at Lucas.

Sub-zero: This plan would only work if you leave here alive.

Lucas: Unlike that garbage up there, I'm a level 3 adventurer and I can easily finish you off.

Sub-zero: A is really why you don't try.

Lucas then ran towards him and started sending punches and kicks.

Pa pa pa pa

Lucas: What?

He looked at his hands that are now frozen after exchanging only a few strokes with the enemy in front of him.

Sub-zero: You will need more than that to even think about hurting me.

Sub-zero then advances towards it and begins to strike.

Lucas is confused he can clearly see that his strength and speed is superior to his opponent but every time he blocks his blows his body ends up hurt he is finding it difficult to follow the unpredictable and deadly blows coming towards him.

Lucas: tsk

She cracked her tongue and started to sing an offensive spell.

Sub-zero: You have the courage to sing a spell in front of me but I already got bored.

Sub-zero then shoots a freezing ray that freezes Lucas he makes an ice ax cuts his skull in half.

Looking at the bodies of the dead, he took one last look before looking at the slaves in the cells wondering what to do.

Sub-zero: I can give you two options the first time you take a little money and try to live your lives the second time I end the suffering of you with my own hands choose.

After tethering the cells less than half of them took the money and left while the rest just bowed their heads and looked at him.

After tethering the cells less than half of them took the money and left while the rest just looked at him and bowed their heads.

Sub-zero took one last look before freezing them to a painless death.

Sub-zero: may your next lives be good.