
Chapter 14- Gail

"What the heck are you guys doing, you heard her," Jay looked at her with wide eyes.

"Just- RUN!" She would yell as Zoey began twitching. Alexa shook her head rapidly, "I can't lose someone I love again! I just-" Gail covered her mouth, and stared directly into her eyes, "Just- We will have to kill her if we don't run, we have to run now, Alexa." Gail said, her eyebrows furrowed. Alexa looked back at Zoey's twitching body, "Fine," Alexa stated facing away from Zoey, "Just, lets go." She began running, Gail looked at Jay, she rolled her eyes at his fear, yanking him by the collar. "Run Jay we have to." Jay looked into her eyes, and nodded, running after Alexa, Gail followed soon after.

After endless walking in the never ending hallways, they paused. Hearing a scream. The high pitch noise caused Gail to flinch. The light above them shattered, "Shit.." Alexa cursed, They looked down the hallway as each light slowly broke, the light getting farther away. They made eye contact and began running to the light. "C'mon… C'mon!" Jay shouted, running, almost tripping over his own feet. The light at the end of the hall, glowed brightly, taunting them, then. Thump.. Thump.. Thump. The sound of heavy footsteps sounded an alarm in their minds. They froze.

The thing dragged itself in front of them, Its tall, lanky body, and eyeless face bent down, meeting them, their bodies began shaking in fear, It opened its mouth, a loud scream rocketed out of it. Sending Gail and the rest of them into motion, running back towards the darkness. The thing screeched again, the thumping getting closer. Gail yanked both Jay and Alexa to the wall, pressing the backs against it. She held a finger up to her lips. The thing paused, tilting its head up, sniffing the air. It grunted, turning back around, running down the hall, its heavy footsteps, tripping up Gail and them. The fell to the ground. "Well, that happened." Gail muttered, digging in her backpack, pulling out a flashlight. The beam of light lighting up the hallway.

"Are we just going to leave Zoey?" Alexa asked, her voice low. Gail sighed, turning around shining the light behind her. "Do you want to kill your girlfriend. I mean she's one of them."

Alexa snapped her head to Gail, walking up to her, snatching the flashlight. She shined it directly in her eyes, making Gail flinch, "Hey! According to my calculations, you could make me blind!" Alexa snickered pointing it down the dark hallway, though she wasn't met with a hallway, she was met by a face, no. It didn't even have a face. It was just… standing there. Alexa covered her mouth, almost screaming. The three of them stared in shock, unable to move. Gail started to move backwards as slowly and quietly as possible. Jay looked back, and nodded, tapping Alexa's shoulder. She quickly understood. The three of them held their breaths as they walked backwards, every now and then looking backwards. The most creepy thing was, it moved when they looked away, that didn't help when they decided to book it. They turned and started to run until Alexa screamed. They froze, all their hair standing up on its own. Jay quickly looked back, making the thing hold its grip against Alexa's throat. She scratched at the stony arms, her lungs and chest burning. He looked around, desperately trying to find something, anything to get that thing off of Alexa!

Gail laughed at him, grabbing some water out of her backpack, she looked the thing dead in the eye, whispering some sort of chant. She poured some of the water in her hand, and began sprinkling it onto the statue looking creature. She glared at Jay, who stared Dumbfounded at the statue. She walked over to him, giving Alexa's pale face one last look, before making him turn around, they waited, a piercing scream filled their ears, as well as heavy breathing. They turned back around to see Alexa on the ground clutching her chest, and broken pieces of stone. Alexa stared up at her, she quickly got up and muttered a quick thanks.

"Shouldn't we go where Zoey left off? At the bottom of the stairs?" Alexa asked, still taking in big gulps of air. "Besides Zoey, Glasses, how did you know what to do?" Alexa asked, her curiosity getting the best of her. Gail snorted, "You mean you don't know what that is? Are you two morons or wha-" She paused, seeing both of them, glaring at her, she held up her hands in defense.

"Its a Weeping Angel. Moves only when you look away, freezes when you stare at it, yada yada, now lets get a move on finding Zoey, no more weeping." Alex froze, and laughed quietly. "Glasses, you have a.. You have a sense of humor!" Gail blushed a deep red as Jay began laughing as well, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well Glasses, since that asshole left my girlfriend, and I'm mad at him. Mind replacing him until we find her?" Gail smiled, and nodded. She never really had any real friends, besides for the librarian, and does that really count? They began walking to where they saw Zoey last. Walking together, well as close as strangers would walk. They walked to where Zoey was twitching. Gail paused, looking at the end of the hallway, "Wasn't there a door here?" She asked, confused. Jay snorted, "You're asking us?" He shook his head, looking at Alexa, "Look I really am so-" Alexa snapped her head towards him, lifting her hand slowly, she smirked, flipping him off. Gail couldn't help but snort, making Alexa glare at her, "Sorry, you two are children." She began laughing, but soon snapped out of it, going back to her normal self.

"But what you asked earlier, yes, I'm sure there was a door here." Alexa answered, placing a hand on the wall. Gail's mind raced with a million possibilities. She cleared her throat and walked up behind Alexa.

"Allow me." Placing the flashlight end in her mouth, she began knocking on the wall, most of the knocks didn't give her anything. Until the thirteenth one, echoed back at her, like it was hollow. She smiled, knowing she was right all along. She pushed against the wall, making it turn slightly. Revealing the hallway.

"Shiiit~ Good job Glasses!" Alexa nudged her shoulder, before going in first, making sure Jay was last, Gail went in next, but they froze looking at the hallway that looked completely different from when they last saw it. The clean wooden walls, now covered in dark blood, the floors, stone cold, pools of blood laid across it, what really caught their eyes, were the pile of bloodied corpses, stacked against the wall. Gail gagged, covering her mouth and nose with her hand. The smell was horrible. The smell of death.

"Do you think...?" Gail began to ask, only for Alexa to hold her hand up, stopping her. "I don't want to think that way, she wouldn't even kill a bug, so I don't think, no, I know she wouldn't kill anyone." Alexa stated, Jay nodded knowing all Zoey did was release any bug or creature she found. She shook her head at the thought.

"Well.. where is she?" Jay asked, walking down the bloodied hallway.

"Why the hell would I know! I'm not the one who left her!" Alexa shouted, making Jay freeze, anger sweeping him. "Would you fucking STOP!" He voice rose, echoing in the hallway. Alexa laughed, tossing her flashlight to the ground.

"FIRST OF ALL! You left her for.. FOR DEAD!" Jay flinched, "SECOND OF ALL, YOU know she would cave in EVENTUALLY!! BUT NOOOOOOO, You and your fucked up self decided to leave MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!" Jay sighed, rolling his eyes, "Know what, forget it," He raised his arms in frustration, "I'm done arguing with you. I'm so fucking done!" He turned and walked down the hallway, Alexa screamed in frustration. Picking up her flashlight, shining it down the hallway, she just about dropped it, seeing Jay on the ground, getting stabbed, She fidgeted, trying to grab her bow and arrow, Gail was frozen to her feet, she couldn't move.

"Hey asshole!" The person lifted their head, their hair covering their face. The arrow whooshed through the air, Hitting the thing directly in the eye, the thing let out a scream, falling off of Jay, the scream, it was human, Alexa cursed, noticing the frail figure, "Zoey!" She would look up her green eye flashing, she would stand up, staggering away. Alexa knew she would be better, with one single wound, but Jay however.

She would run to him, kneeling next to him, his wound pouring with blood, his grey cardigan soaking it up.

"Fuck! Jay, stay awake, DAMNIT GLASSES, do something!!" She would yell, tears streaming down her cheeks. Gail walked over slowly, leaning over, looking at his wound. "There's really nothing we can do, it'll only be time.. Before.."

Alexa shook her head, "no..no..no! He can't die! I may be mad at him, but he's my friend!" She choked on sobs, leaning over his body, she froze as his hand touched her cheek, "Shut up stupid, You'll be fine. You have Zoey, well you will have Zoey. Now, go get her." He would say, his hand dropping to his side. His chest slowly rose and up and down…

And didn't go back up again.

Gail crouched down, putting two fingers to his throat, she met Alexa's eyes, and shook her head.