


Raymond Reynolds's POV

I can't believe this. In a matter of seconds my life has turned upside down. Nothing makes sense. Why would Soaf sign on something like this?

I know her. She can't be so stupid. Fuck. She's the smartest girl I've ever met. I know she will never do something like this. But these documents, they contradict me. Her signature on them contradicts my thoughts.

But I have this feeling that something is wrong. She will never sign something this stupid. Besides she didn't tell me about it. After what happened at the Awards we both have never hidden anything from each other. We share everything, our thoughts, our moments, our memories.


I have to ask her about these. How can even Dad do something like this?

Make her sign these? Damn. How can he even make such kind of deal and that too with an eighteen year old.

That's ridiculous.