
The end of the first war

Gabiru and Geld defeated the enemies in the left wing. At the same time Benimaru and Shallter, had already attacked the main forces and the chain of command of the enemies. there they encounter Mestic the strongest warrior in the kingdom and Kyooka the upgrader.

Kyooka had already Upgraded his army and is now very strong, but Benimaru just attack them with "hell flare" a black flare which was a strong as a cannon ball, but the difference is that it has a black flare which hotness was like the hotness of the sun.

Benimaru attacks with hell flare around the enemies, almost wiping out the entire armies of the enemy.

"So you're the commander of this army?" Benimaru asks to Mystic

"Yes! and I'm going bring you down here" Mystic said normally but in the inside he already wanted to run away.

"This people's are mosters we can't defeat this kind of monsters" Mystic said to his thoughts.

Mystic attacked Benimaru

"Fire burst, Fire ball" Mystic attacked two times in row.

Mystic's power was a fire Element and he has a unique skill called "Heat Blaze" it allows him to use fire. But Benimaru has an Ultimate skill called "Heat King Amaterasu". In a sense of skills Benimaru is far more superior to Mystic sense he has an Ultimate skill while Mystic only has a Unique skill.

The fire burst, and Fire ball attack of Mystic has not landed on Benimaru, because the moment it was about to hit him, Benimaru instantly counters it by also attacking hell flare. Mystic was shocked when his attack was dissolved and the hell flare that Benimaru uses are now approaching to him. He was hit by it and he flew away hardly, that he's even struggling to get up.

"W-what? how dit it happened, I was the one who attacked him but he just dissolved my attacked, he's a real monster I can't defeat him"

He was talking to him self when suddenly Benimaru Transported to his back and kick him hard, he then flew away hardly again.

"He's fast I can't defeat him" Mystic said with fear in his eyes.

Benimaru again transported to his back, Benimaru kick again but Mystic Begged to Benimaru to spear his life.

"P-please don't kill me I will follow you for the rest of my life" Mystic said while begging for his life.

"Hmmpp, what can be your contribution to Heiry-sama? can you be helpful to Heiry-sama? Benimaru asks.

"Y-yes I am famous to the people here in our kingdom, I can clear the name of Heiry-sama to the people, They will respect him if I tell them that he is a good and reasonable leader."

"We can do that even without your help" Benimaru replied.

"N-no the people will be in fear to him if he just suddenly became the new king, I will explain to the people what are the good intentions of Heiry-sama they will listen to me" Mystic said

"You have a point there, then it's Settled you're one of us from now on, and if you ever betray us you know what will happen to you, do you understand?" Benimaru said

"Y-yes only an ass hole will betray to Heiry-sama." Mystic said

"What are you doing Mystic-sama?" Kyooka asks, Kyooka have seen all that happened to Mystic.

"I thought you were the strongest but now you're being defeated by an unknown enemy?"

"Kyooka you don't know their true strength's" Mystic said

"Shallter kill that bastard" Benimaru asks shallter to kill Kyooka, but

"Please spear also his life" Mystic said

"But what can he contribute to Heiry-sama?" Shallter asks

"He's my side kick, just like me he is also famous and loved by the people here in the kingdom"

Benimaru releases his Demon lords Haki to test Kyooka if he can withstand the haki of Benimaru.

"What is this what a strong aura" Kyooka said while sweeting and he can't breathe properly due to fear and to the intimidation of the aura of Benimaru.

Mystic was also being strucked down due to the intimidating aura of Benimaru.

"P-please spear my life Benimaru-sama, I will follow you and Heiry-sama, I will never betray you" Kyooka said begging and full of sweet. the next second Benimaru laugh.

"Hahahaha you really are a tough one, I will spear your life now but if you ever betray us, I will be the one who will kill you remember that"

"Y-yes we will never betray you" Mystic said

Meanwhile Gabiru, Geld, Adalman, Gobta and Ranga appears.

"Did you finished your tasks?" Benimaru asks

all of them responded "Yess".

"It was just like childs play, They're all just a bunch of weaklings" Gobta said Laughing loudly.

Mystic watch the battlefield, he didn't see even one of there 2,000,000 soldiers standing but the enemies are all standing without a single death.

"Where the hell did this Monsters came from" Mystic asks in his mind

The next second Heiry Appeared together with Rimuru and Ains in his side.

Benimaru and the others kneeled, also Mystic and Kyooka, Hanes and Junnel was also there with Gobta.

"You all did a good job, I congratulate you all for this victory" Heiry said.

"It was all because of you Heiry-sama" Benimaru replied

Gobta suddenly asks Heiry about something.

"Heiry-sama I would like this two to be part of my team" He asks Heiry

"Hmmpp it's alright to me but be sure that they will not betray you.

"Yes I will make sure of that Heiry-sama thank you for considering my request."

"By the way Heiry-sama I also have spear the life of this two. They can have a big help to you by making your name clear" Benimaru said

"That's good Benimaru, as expected from your judgements, But I will be not the king of this kingdom" Heiry said

"But why? who will be the ruler if this country?"

"I have already decided, Ains Rimuru Tempest be the next king of this kingdom, I have already discussed this matter to Ains."

"I will be going to a journey at the Eastern Nations, I will go there with Narbral Gamma, Solution Epsilon, Sebastian, Meredy and Max Alors."

"Understood Heiry-sama, please be careful to your new journey"

"I will go back now to the labyrinth, I'm going to leave everything here to you Benimaru, will send Mavis here so that she can help you" Heiry said

When Heiry Returned to the Labyrinth, he asks Mavis to go and help Benimaru to there plan of making Rimuru as the new king of the Kingdom.

"Mavis please help Benimaru in arranging the coronation of Rimuru as the new King of the Karachi Kingdom, also I want to change the Kingdom's name to "Equilibrium Kingdom" Where all creatures, Monsters, Humans and other can leave happily and equally"

"Yes Heiry-sama" Mavis replied

10 Days later the Karachi Kingdom is now called Equilibrium kingdom and Rimuru Tempest as it's new king. Benimaru and the others has returned. All of the 80 strongest NPC's have gathered and held a meeting.

"You have already knew my plans I will go on an adventure to the Eastern Nations together with Narberal Gamma, Solution Epsilon, Sebastian, Meredy, Sebastian and Max Alors. Ains Oowl Gown I wan't you to manage all the stuffs here in the labyrinth."

"Yes Heiry-sama" Ains replied

"Also I have some missions to be given to some of you"

Heiry Wanted to give missions to some of them in order to collect information on how a country should be sense Heiry don't know much about holding a country. He thought that he can't just Conquer a country if don't know how to handle it.

"I will give you all a copy of this continent's map"

"Laxus go to the Western Nations, in the Holy kingdom of slate theocracy and collect some information there"

"Carrera I want you to go to the Northern counties specially in the Duero Empires and collect the southern countries, in Zin's Domain and do the same task I've given to Ultima, and Laxus."

"Lastly Zeref, Mystogan, Jellal, Ultear, Carrera and Testarosa I want you to make your own empire to the Western Continent, make it a strong, progressive and peaceful empire, Zeref will be your leader"

Heiry Wanted to make another empire in another Continent's so he asks them to make one for him

The Kingdom of Karachi is now called "Equilibrium kingdom" it is located at the Central continent, there are 5 continent's in this world The Frozen continent or the "Northern Continent" of the world, the "Central Continent" located at the center of the world, The Continent of Alvarez or the "Western Continent" it's also the nearest continent in the central continent, The "Southern Continent" and the "Eastern Continent"

"Choose a country which are suffering and having lack of enough supplies for everyone, don't kill innocent people if not necessary. Contact Laxus, Ultima or Gildarts if you need advice about making a country in progress, since they will spy other countries about their country progress"

"all whom I have given a mission, you will go in two days from now" Heiry said

All of them responded Yess!

"but for now we're going to have a good time tonight, we're all going to have a fun night tonight." Heiry said

heiry held a party in his labyrinth, and some selected people from the Equilibrium kingdom are invited, namely Hina and Mina, Mystic, Kyooka, Hanes and Junnel since they are now part of the forces of Heiry.

The next day Heiry gathers all his NPCs to tell them about his plans, and his plan to go to the Eastern Nations. And start their as an adventurer.

"If that is your decision Heiry-sama we won't stop you" Shuna said.

"Don't worry I will be visiting in the labyrinth if I have time, But when I'm not here I will assign Ains to be the acting Master of the labyrinth"

The day of their departure has come. They have gone to their destinations that Heiry told them, and also Heiry had gone to the Eastern Nation with four of his top 80 executives.

"So what do we do now Heiry-sama?" Gamma asks

"We will join a Guild when we reach the Eastern nations, we will go to the "Kingdom of Euforia" Heiry said

"Then that means we will start from the beginning?" Max Asks

"Yes! We will start from the lowest rank and then climb to the top. And by the way we will change our identities first." Heiry said to his subordinates "Narberal Gamma you will be called Nabe, Max Alors the you'll be called Max the sand mage, Solution Epsilon you'll be called Epsilon the poison slime, Sebastian you'll be called Sebas the dragonoif warrior, and lastly Meredy you'll still be Called Meredy.

On their way they saw a carriage being attacked by bandits. and there was a woman riding and she was hostage by the bandits because of ransom money.

"What's that commotion?" Heiry asks

"I think some bandits are robbing some noble persons and they are Hostaging them"

There are about 10 bandits and they have killed the guards of the female noble, she is the daughter of a baron in the kingdom of Euforia, they have taken the girl as a hostage

"P-please don't kill me" The girl said begging

"Wait boss I think this beautiful girl need some pleasures" one of the bandits said

"Hmmm, hehehe your right" the boss said while laughing weirdly, "Let's have some fun little lady.

The boss have ripped the clothes of girl.

"N-no please, don't do that" the girl said while crying.

"It's just very quick don't wor-" The boss didn't finished talking when suddenly a sand hit him it was like a sand storm, It was Max

"Hey big boys why are you making a lady cry? you sure are not a gentle man you know" Max said. Max carried the girl and asks her "are you okay miss?"

Heiry muttered in his mind "uhh Max why did you steal my chance to make be famous to other people especially a beautiful beauty like her"

"Oiy-oiy-oiy You mountain bandits? what are you doing? why are making a beautiful girl like her cry?" Heiry said angrily to the bandits.

"Hey Epsilon these worthless perverted bandits the're all yours"

"Yes! Heiry-sama" Epsilon said excitedly, she then uncover her breast and called the bandits. "Hey you bandits why don't you touch this bouncy breast of me"

The bandits then rushes to Epsilon, and two of them fall into her trap, The two bandits who've touch Epsilon's breast suddenly got absorbed by the body of Epsilon, This is one of the powers of Epsilon she absorb who ever she wants and the dissolve them slowly inside of her body.

"N-no please don't do this" The bandits said to her begging to Epsilon release them, But Epsilon doesn't care about the bandits and he just enjoys torturing them. The other 8 bandits ran away but Epsilon catch up to them and they also got absorbed and tortured slowly until death.

Heiry muttered "Haaayyyyss Epsilon you really loved to torture other people"

Epsilon replied "Yes! Heiry-sama it was a great pleasure, the felling of torturing perverted people is endlessly fun" Epsilon's eyes were filled with joy while saying those words.

"You're really are the opposite of Sebastian" Sebastian is one of the 80 top NPC's

"Ah ammp Thank you for helping me mister! C-can you please put me down?" The girl said to Max. "O-oh pardon me" Max replied

"By the way what is your name" Heiry asks

"I'm Glenda Rainier, I'm the daughter of Baron Rick Rainer, Thank you for helping me mister" Glenda replied.

"Five of your guard's were killed, if only Ains is here he can resurrect them" Heiry said.

"W-what? he can resurrect the dead?" Glenda asks

"A-ah! n-no no just forget what you have heard" Heiry said nervously. "I can't say to much information about us" Heiry though to his mind.

"By the way someone has back up for me, any minute from now they will come here, where are you going anyways?" Glenda asks because of curiosity. "I haven't recognize your faces you don't look like from our neighboring kingdoms."

"Y-yes we're from a very distant place, we wish to go to the Kingdom of Euforia"

"What? I'm also going back there but some bandits attacked our carriage. Do you want to go with me there together? just ride in our carriage, I will give you one carriage that can fit the six of you when we got there" Glenda said

"It's okay that seems like too much" Heiry said to Glenda

"No consider it as a thank you gift for you"

The next moment Glenda's back up came and they all went to the Kingdom of Euforia together.