
Stuck as an extra in the novel

Our mc, Song In found himself in a novel that he once read. However, there are a lot of tragedy that will happen in the future. Song In decide to interfere with some of the plot event. don't take this novel seriously. So inform me if you want me to take it down -I do NOT own the picture - I am not korean so pls understand if I made some cultural mistake and do comment to inform me about it.

NHR · Seni bela diri
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15 Chs

chapter 10

"Don't trust them they are just using you. Tried to remember about your past."


Before I got lost in my thoughts <Eye> helped me to regain my concentration. I didn't think much about what the man said as this was a life-or-death situation, so I continued the battle.

'Do you have a way to deal with this guy?'

<You can't defeat him for now, you should buy time till reinforcement comes>

'You got to be kidding me. Guess I'll be more on the defensive side then'

I quickly dashed toward the man and threw a punch which he dodged. The two of us continued to trade blows.

<I thought you said you were going to be on defence>

'Sometime the best defence is offense'

Suddenly the man unsheathed his sword. The blade of the sword was completely crimson red and had a sinister aura surrounding it. He disappeared and soon appeared behind me. It seems that the sword had increased his stats. As soon as the blade was about to reach my neck <Eye> gave me a warning.

<That sword is dangerous dodge it>

As he was too fast, I couldn't dodge it but luckily, I thought of another plan.

[Earth Spike]

The ground under him suddenly changed and became pointy which was about to pierce him, but he dodged. But before he could catch his breath another spike came toward him. He barely dodged it and got scratch. But unfortunately for him a foot covered it rock appeared next to him and kicked him.

'ha-ha, I may had used a bit too much mana. I won't be able to last long. <Eye> can I use <Modification> to restore some of my mana?'

<Its possible but it requires cp>

'doesn't matter do it'

[100cp has been consumed]

[Mana has been restored]

'Oh, this is better than expected. Does that mean as long as I have cp I have unlimited mana?'

<Technically yes but the higher your mana capacity the more cp required>

On the other side the man who saw that my mana completely restored was in shock. He who thought that he now had the advance due to my low mana was now trying to find a plan to get an advantage. But I didn't give him a chance to think, I dashed toward him since I now had the rock gauntlet as a weapon.

He had a hard time fighting me at close range and whenever he would try to distance himself from me, I would use [Earth spike] to throw him off.

"Why don't you give up. Can't you see that I have the advantage here?"

I tried to taunt him to make him an easier target and make him think that we had the advantage, but in truth I was panicking a bit as the protagonist was still in danger as the followers that they are fighting are stronger than them. The sooner I deal with this guy the sooner I could help them. But then the man said something.

"Do you really want to be a tool for those self-proclaim gods. Open your eye and look at the truth once they have no use for you, they will get rid of you"

"Blah blah blah. Keep talking your mental attack are nothing to me. Even these beings are using me as you said as least, they are helping me survive on the other hand if I listen to you at the end of the day your goal is to destroy this world".

"It looks like there is no other way then."

As we were both getting ready for another round, flame suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started to attack the followers.

<Looks like backup's here. You can rest easy now>

"We shall meet again tool of the gods"

The man quickly dashed toward Cairo and disappeared with him.

"Look like those two escaped. He didn't even care about the low-ranking ones other than Cairo."

Among the four followers, three were killed and one was captured. Soon I my vision started to get blurry, and my consciousness started to fade away, I fell flat to the ground.

<You fought hard enough for now take a rest>