
Strung in Between

Rumors of an abandoned villages silhouette are seen whenever fog appears. A curious group wishes to investigate for themselves. A little touhou fanfic I felt like writing.

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Walking Around the Human Village

The interior of the Human Villages market is quite a sight to see.

Of course, it wouldn't be apt to call it a marketplace. A bustling section of the Human Village would be more appropriate.

Villages of old had no such thing as a specified section for commercial and civil aspects as one may expect. Rather, they depended on the likeliness of products appearing in that section following the number of humans that participate in buying wares of those types.

Here, one can see rows upon rows of buildings and stalls of all kinds were available for all to cast their gazes upon.

Takoyaki stalls, shops selling clothing and shoes, restaurants, inns, and even a flower shop. Much could be seen as the seemingly endless stream of humans making up this land of trade among each other.

The hustle and bustle of the villagers native to this land as they go on their errands for the day, wearing clothes of old, yet to have been touched by the world of modernity.

A place filled with vibrancy and noise as people go about conversing and shopping, as young children run along the roadside having their own fun.

The atmosphere brought up felt... alive. Yes, a liveliness that is rarely seen in the world beyond the curtains containing this wonderful Fantasy.

Watching these humans who know not of the world a century beyond them is a sight that leaves me perplexed yet gratified.

They may walk with fear and unease, especially when the many youkai which prey upon them and their vulnerable minds are only outside the walls of the village. However, those eyes filled with a mindset of living in the moment are still a more priceless sight than a world that has been engulfed in decadence and stagnation.

The shift between ages, the beginning of the decline for the existence of youkai and Gods. How could such a short time as a few centuries change the perception of Fantasy to such an extent? These short-lived mortals truly are a most lamentable existence.


Arriving through the gates of the Human Village and making my way around this crowded road, heading to a section with a bit less people than the ones that frequent the shops here.

Though this bustling marketplace is quite novel, there's something much more important to attend to.

Such a subject of importance must not be delayed as I've to return to the shrine before the coming of dusk.

Crossing the bridge built on top of a canal, one could see a little shop going by the name of Suzunaan near a willow tree by the riverside.

This shop is a book store that focuses on renting out books, of course, they also offer to sell books, as well as provide their very own printing service for a hefty fee.

As I lift the drapes with a turnip symbol and enter the shop, the heavy and musty scent of vanilla invades my nostrils.

Such a strong smell had almost overwhelmed me the first time around. However, I've long gotten used to such an earthly fragrance.

The inside could be described as messy, yet it was also well organized that one can't help but marvel at the sight of it all.

Books of all kinds could be seen here. Scrolls, century old books, and even more modern styled ones that made its way through the barrier.

However, as fascinating as these may be, the one article that stands out most in my eyes is a scroll hanging near the wall beside me.

This scroll had an ink print resembling that of a claw, which the young clerk that helps runs this store, Kosuzu Motoori, claims to be from a newly born evil dragon at that time.

Even a youkai can be amicable despite being told as evil... so what is it that drives their existence during that time?

"Fukumoto-san, you're here." That cheerful voice awoke me from my pondering, turning around, the bespectacled red eyes of a young girl had her gaze met with my own.

Her light red hair was tied in twintails that were adorned with bells, as well as the checkered kimono and apron that had Kosuzu and 'Suzuunan' written on the front gave Kosuzu Motoori that feeling of a cheery and helpful girl.

"Something wrong, Fukumoto-san?" Hearing my own surname being used leaves me with an odd sense of guilt. Heh, Fukumoto Masashi lived long indeed. (1)

"Nothing to worry about, just here to read more books about youkai and browse."

"Un, I'll go get those while you look around." With a nod, the Bibliophile sets out to gather books on youkai, a routine the both of us have grown used to since I've arrived.

Looking around for books of interest, my mind can't help but wander to the Daemon Books that Kosuzu occasionally talks to me about.

Mysterious and potentially dangerous texts that are filled with youkai power are said to be unreadable by most humans.

Kosuzu, however, is quite a special case among the humans. She has the ability to decipher any and every book with a mere touch, allowing her to bypass the barriers of language and be able to gleam into mysteries that most people aren't privy to.

Reimu told me some time ago that the seemingly innocent Bibliophile With a Deciphering Eye has quite the troublemaking streak to her due to her occasional medding with such books. How envious really, to have the opportunity to understand just a tiny bit more of the youkai and what they're capable of.

As I thought to myself of how even the humans in this land can have their own share of Fantasy, something had finally caught my eye for once.

The cover was that of a mask filled with sadness and grief, a vivid image of a crying man that conveyed emotion to those who saw it at a glance. Provoking to the extreme...

The title read "Principles of Noh", reminding me more of that time... everyone but me liked to dance, I wonder what they'd think of something this old?


(1) Fukumoto means Blessed with Longevity

Since touhou 19 has been out for a bit, do you guys have any favorites of the new cast or are happy about an old character getting some spotlight?

Yuuma, Ran, and Yachie were a pleasant surprise for me. I'm glad ZUN added a large roster this time around.

Fragasilecreators' thoughts