
Has Anyone Told You That Your Handwriting Sucks?

Ever since Ethan had been enrolled in Brynhildr Magic Academy, he longed to be able to use Magic as well.

He didn’t want anything grand, or to become as powerful as the true Pillars of the First Years, who were hailed as geniuses. All he wanted was to be able to use magic, no matter how insignificant it was.

Was that too much to ask?

This was why the Chesmire Cat’s words managed to sway his heart, prompting him to ask how he would be able to make his dream come true.

“Then, what should I do in order to use Magic?” Ethan asked.

“Before we go to that part, let me ask you a question first,” Chessy replied. “What can you sacrifice in order for you to use Magic?”

“I don’t like to sacrifice anything.”

“Silly boy. Don’t you know that popular saying, Nothing ventured, nothing gained? Since I am giving you the opportunity to learn magic, you need to give me an equivalent exchange.”