
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs

Chapter 5

Apocalypse Phase 1: The Fallen: Week 1]

One week has passed since the day of the Apocalypse and until now Kence was wishing for fallens to meet him as he never met a single fallen within this week after all his location is quite remote and devoid of people but the same can't be said for normal human being. Meeting those fallen was almost the same as getting a death certificate

Imagine the dread that the people felt when those who suddenly died without them knowing the reason why suddenly started moving

If the corpse just move then at most people will feel fear because of the unknown but when the fallen started attacking every living creature in the vicinity although most just run or stood there like an idiot for the fallen to kill them there is also some who managed to fight back and kill fallens but even if one kill a fallen when seeing blood and realizing that you killed someone most will panic giving other fallen a chance to kill them

Because of the apocalypse, society collapse and all sort of crimes become rampant

In a small village roughly one kilometer from Kence a small gang of thugs managed to kill a fallen and acquired its blood bean. The blood bean was given to the leader of the gang who successfully consumed it and enter the ranks of [Supernatural Being]. Unfortunately, instead of using the newly acquired power the gang leader instead used his power to dominate the little village and abused the citizen on it

Normal people can't fight a fallen that is why although they are abused and oppress they didn't fought back the gang leader. Well even if they fight back they would surely just die as a [Supernatural Rank Being] can easily kill tens of normal people

Inside the forest where Kence is a middle-age man and a small kid was running for their lives as a thug was pursuing them, naturally with the intention of killing them

The middle-age man's wife was a beauty and the powerful gang leader took a liking to her causing the man's wife to be raped by the leader and later on throw to his subordinates to play with. In fury the woman's husband killed one of the leader's subordinate who is quite a bit far from the rest of the gang although the man immediately took his son to flee with him the fight still caused a commotion

The normal people wishing to gain favor from the leader explained to him what happened and even point out where the man fled. Although the man was already quite far from the village given a [Supernatural Rank Being's] speed how can a normal man outrun him? Thus resulting to this kind of scenario now. Actually, this kind of thing can already be considered normal now

When people gained power the tendency is to abuse this power and add to the fact that they are now in the apocalypse age where they can die any second who wouldn't want to indulge their selves in pleasure?


Sigh. When will I meet a fallen? It's been a week now, not to mention a normal person that I haven't met much less a Fallen. If only I can walk. Sigh

Wait, what's that?

A few meters away from Kence's tree body a thug looking man was chasing a pair of what looks like a father and son

When the thug was close enough to the two the thug grab a stone on the ground and threw it to the middle-age man

If it were a normal person that threw the little stone at most it will cause the man to feel some pain, not enough to endangered his life. A pity that the thug was not an ordinary person but a [Supernatural Rank Being!] That has a body strength a few times stronger than a normal person while the thug's fist was covered with energy that made this stone even more terrifying!

The stone hit the middle-age man's back causing him to vomit blood and collapsed on the ground just a meter away from Kence's Tree Body

The thug didn't even spared the small kid, he was even more vicious to the child than to the middle-age man! The thug grip the child's neck and the kid was unable to breathe properly

"You father and son is just a pair of weakling yet you dare defy me?" The thug obviously looked down at the two as if he was an emperor and the two are just mere slaves

Tears flowed down from the child's eyes while mucus on the other hand on his nose

After some time the thug threw the kid coincidentally to the tree that contained Kence's Soul. Because of the force, the back of the child's head bleed. Seeing this the middle-age man can't help but cried out "No!! Calter!!"

The despair from the middle-age man filled the thug with ecstasy. He love this feeling! The feeling of other being beneath his feet, he feels as if he is an emperor that controls the world even the life and death of other people

This scenario made Kence angry, he hated this kind of people that bully the weak and make use of their power to harm innocent people

Kence knows that he is not a saint, he is a famous assassin! The blood that flows down from his hands are already uncountable! But what he knows in his self is that he never harmed innocent people without a reason! Yes, he will kill some innocent people but that is because it is necessary to succeed on his mission but if he have other choice he won't sacrifice innocent ones!

That is why seeing this Kence intervened, he waited for the chance that the thug will let his guard down. After a week of training he can now control three magical leaf at the same time! But he can't let the thug to flee, what if he fled and then brought other people? That would be a disaster because he can't move! He can't flee and will only just serve as a punching bag or tree for these people

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!!" The middle-age man shouted in anger repeatedly. No one can blame him, first wife was raped by the thug then was killed and now even his only son is on the brink of death. How can he not feel this much hatred? He very much wanted to kill in every cruel way the thug but what can he do? He was too weak and in this apocalyptic age being weak is a grave sin!

The thug sneered at the middle age man "I am a bastard so what? Watch me kill your son" the thug coldly chuckled and walk to where the child is

The middle-age man wanted to stop him but he can't even move now, bones can be seen on his back where the stone hit him. He was in utter despair but at this moment


A leaf dimly glowing with light green light flew towards the thug and just like what Kence did to the fallen he decided to attack the thug's eyes

Before the thug can react the leaf that was as hard as a wood pierce his right eye

"AAAHHHH!!!!" The thug cried out in pain, one can only imagine just how painful it is to have your eye get pierce. In normal times if the thug just paid a little attention to his surrounding he has a high chance of dodging or destroying the magical leaf after all the leaf's speed is only comparable to someone casually throwing a ball sadly he was too full of himself and believed that no one can harm him because there's no other people around this part of the forest

Success!! Kence's eyes lit up or at least that is what he imagined

Asshole, weren't you too full of yourself just now? But look at how pitiful you are now. It's just a leaf yet you are crying like a bitch! Watch how I will deal with you now

Suddenly, two more leaves flew to where the thug is and another leaf pierce through the thug's left eye and the other one went through his mouth that was screaming in pain

The leaves pierced the insides of the thug and the thug collapsed on the ground, clearly he died

Who would have thought that a powerful [Supernatural Rank Being] died without knowing who killed him. A rank 1 being may not amount to much in the whole universe as there are trillions of them but the current earth only has a few tenths of thousand since the apocalypse has only started for a week and not much people has the courage to kill fallens much less eat the blood beans on them. You may have the courage to kill fallens but can you dig into their skull to get the Blood Bean and even if you had the courage then are you 100% certain that you will survive after consuming it? Cultivating on one's own on the other hand requires tremendous talent after all earth never had even an ounce of energy on it and training is a foreign thing for earthlings

The Thug may not know who killed him but it is not the case for the middle-age man he clearly saw how the leaves flew from the unassuming tree and was then covered with dim light green light that attacked the thug

This shocking development was truly shocking, he was almost certain that he and his son will die today then a seemingly normal tree helped saved him from his predicament and he was not sure how to react

In contrast to the middle-age man's surprise Kence on the other hand was delighted

Although that thug was not a fallen, I'm sure that he is a [Supernatural Rank Being] because only supernaturals can effortlessly use energy actively to cover their body. Even the [Normal Rank Being] third stage: Energy usage need some time to concentrate to barely cover their body with energy

Jackpot! I hit the jackpot! This man's body is comparable to a rank 1 fallen with a Blood Bean!

With joy Kence use his ability [Absorb] and one of his roots emerge from the ground and pierce the corpse of the thug. In just a few breathes the corpse withered until it became just a pile of ash that the wind effortlessly carried away

The middle-age man has not yet recovered from the shock that a tree killed the powerful thug but then another shocking thing happened. He truly does not know how to react and he is afraid that the tree will also kill him but a few moments passed without anything happening at all

Although Kence wants to talk with the middle-age man he does not have a mouth how can he talk? And if he use his leaves or maybe the root that he can barely move there's almost a 100% chance that it will frighten the man

A moment of silence, it was too awkward between the middle-age man and Kence but as if struck by lighting the man remembered his son and throwing away his fears the man quicly run to his son

"Calter! Calter wake up!" Seeing that his son is not responding the man felt despair that is in a higher degree than when he is confronting the thug. His wife was killed and Calter his only son is on the brink of dying now, his son is the only family left that he had if his son died what is the point of living then?

He spent years working to have his family have a better life but because of the cruel apocalypse his hard work is now in vain. How can he not drown in despair? If his son survived then he at least have a reason for living

Should he just kill his self and accompany his wife and son in the underworld?