
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs

Chapter 54

Almost a whole day has passed, in these hours Kence was constantly checking out the area where all the creatures are fighting to see if there was already a winner. Finally, after waiting for so long a victor finally emerge

Ironically, it was just a mid-stage Warrior. Even without an intelligence comparable to humans those creatures still knew who are powerful and not. The more powerful you are the more enemies will come into your way, even though your strength exceeds the majority but once drowned in that sea of monster there is nothing you can do but fight back desperately while waiting for your death

The victor looks like a chameleon who was quite good at camoufloging itself, might be the reason why it survived. Unfortunately, it didn't even got the spoils of war before King killed it

The five looked at the thing on the only place where corpse and blood are absent with no signs of any fighting. It was like the beasts deliberately avoided this area. There they saw a flower who's petal has different colors each, that was emitting some sort of sinister energy

"What's this?" Kence circled around the flower, afraid to get too close to it

A light breeze of wind made the flower sway a little. If one ignored the energy it was emitting and the river of blood and corpse around it, the flower was actually a beautiful one. It looks like someone made it look like a rainbow as the color of its petals was exactly the color that made up a rainbow

"If only we got a system like those in novels" Calter said while remembering the webnovels he read before the apocalypse. It was a good dream having superpowers but now that he finally has it the price was extremely cruel

"Well, we have the Voice Of The World but it only notify us when we advance which we naturally knew already" King said and chuckled, he'd prefer it if the system will gave them some sort of quantitative stats which would be beneficial for them

Kence was also wondering about the Voice of the World, so far it only talk to them when they advance or the time the he got an award for being the first one in reaching a certain rank. If that was its only use, then isn't it too useless? Perhaps, there are still something they didn't knew about it

Deciding to bite the bullet Kence walked closer to the flower and tried if he will get some information from the system. "System, Identify what this flower is" he only said that on his mind. If it didn't work, he don't want to become a laughingstock. However, this decision of him will made them aware of one of the functions that the Voice of the World has

*Beep. Checking Host's Cultivation Base and Knowledge

Kence felt that some sort of power was scanning his whole body which made him a bit uncomfortable as if all of his secrets were laid in front of something

*Beep. Checking done. The Host has met the criteria. Does Host wants to proceed and pay the fine for identification?

Kence blankly blinked his eyes, he didn't know it would actually work and easily at that. It looks like the system was not useless as they thought, it's just that they didn't knew its features. It may not be like those in games and novels but if he can use it to identify things then he would surely benefit greatly

"System, what do I need to pay?" It can identify the flower but it will cost him something he don't know. Better ask the system for it

*Beep. The System's currency would be the Host's Energy. The Host barely met the criteria due to earth's current state and would need to pay with all of the Host's current energy

The same mechanical neutral voice resounded on his mind. To think that identifying a single flower would require all of his energy, isn't that a bit too high? Kence frowned but nonetheless he can just replenish his enery using his blue fruits

"System, I'll pay. Identify the flower" as soon as Kence said that he felt all of his energy drained at one go as if some vacuum absorbed it. His face paled and he got a feeling of weakness due to losing all of his energy

The four immediately noticed Kence's weakened state and looked him worriedly. "My lord, what happened?" King immediately went to Kence's said

"I-I'm fine, I'll explain later"

A pale transluscent blue window like thing hovered on Kence's vision but he ignored it for now. On his hand appeared one of his blue fruits and he immediately comsumed it. The feeling of not having any energy was uncomfortable for him. Also, who knows if some other creature would suddenly appear and attack them. The warm and soothing energy flowed on his body, quickly replenishing all the energy he lost easing the discomfort that he felt

Turning back his attention on the window, he read what it says

*Beep. Item Identified.

Rainbowshade Flower

One of the supreme treasures a planet could make. The flower absorbed huge amount of poison energy particles. It contained high amount of poisonous energy that the soul can nourish and use as a poison origin source

This was the general description of the flower and when Kence finished reading it the words disappeared and changed into new ones that contained some basic information on how to use the flower

'So the sinister energy we felt was actually poison energy' this flower made Kence to think of that ambitious Emperor, Harold. This made his face to darken.

"My Lord, are you okay?" Sensing the emotional turmoil of Kence, King asked worriedly which made the former took a deep breath to forget his anger for now

"I found the way to use the system!" Kence then began explaining from how he tried to see if the system can give him some information to how he actually learned what the flower is

"So it's not useless as we thought" Cesar said and thought of the countless possibilities that this will give them. If they can find a treasure like this then there would surely be other treasures out there that can increase their strenght. With the system's help they will knew which is precious and how to use it

"Now, the question is who would get the flower?" Kence asked the others. He was not interested on the flower, he alread has his Spirit Clone and Tree Body, that's enough to him for now. Actually, he wants to give it to Ivy but he was not sure if the others want to have it

"Can we give it to Ivy?" Kence asked which made the young woman to blinked her eyes blankly

"Okay for me, I'm also a Rune Master. That's enough for me" Cesar said, actually he was the one aside from Kence and Calter who has the highest potential because not only was he a Rune Master but he was also a Bloodline Holder! Too bad he wants to play a supportive role and let the others have the spotlight.

"Okay for me too. I already have my Angelic Magic" Calter said, he too already has something that will make him stronger than the others and he don't need more for now

"Hmm, fine by me too. I prefer direct combat" King on the other hand prefer using his fist..... or his hand transformed root to be exact

"Then it's settled, you can have the flower Ivy" for Kence he really want to give it to the girl because of the five of them she was the weakest. She was the one who dislike frontal battle the most and her battle skills are quite low. If they gave her the flower then she would gain a new ability to protect herself.

"C-can I really have it?" Ivy asked unsurely, she knew on herself that she was the one who contributed the least. She don't like direct battle that's why she was thankful that she got the ability to make explosive fruits. This made her able to fight on a distance but the fruits used up a lot of energy and she can't make too many of them

"No need to stand on ceremony, come here Ivy I'll teach you how to use it"

Thus, without them knowing in the future a Poison Master that all their enemies would feel some fear was birthed today. Poison Ivy, what a fitting name and power for her

Kence explained to Ivy the information he got from the system and when she fully digested it the time to use the flower has come

On Ivy's palm her plant attribute energy flowed out encasing the flower and pulling it out from the ground. The beautiful yet deadly flower was encase by her energy and flew in front of her

The next step was the most important one that they actually can't understand fully. Ivy needed to pour as much energy as she can to try making the a connection on the Rainbowshade Flower

She doesn't know how to do it and all she can do was to shower it with all the energy she has. As soon as her energy was almost used up Kence handed her a blue fruit to eat and replenish her energy

The flower must enter her sea of consciousness but that was easier said than done. The soul and sea of consciousness was like an immaterial thing while this flower was completely a material thing. The system gave some information but most of it was not something they can comprehend

Just what a connection meant? Ivy thought on her mind


The flower absorbed all of Ivy's energy like a bottomless abyss but it still didn't give a response

Ivy decided that instead of passively giving her energy to it she focus on trying to make her energy combine with the flower's energy

The two types of energy intertwined with each other and Ivy started to faintly sense the existence of power. It was not the same as seeing it physically but its something deeper than that. Even if she close her eyes she can still feel the existense of the flower

The two energies intertwined and combine becoming one. All the energies gathered on the middle part of the flower where all the petals met. The energy glowed intensely and started to make a small ball of light. The ball changed its form into a Flower Rune like thing. The Rune flew to Ivy's forehead and entered her sea of consciousness and wrapped itself on her light green colored Soul

This time Ivy can feel the existence of the flower more clearly and she sense that it was as if it become a part of her

"Is this what the connection meant?" She thought and the Rainbowshade Flower also entered her forehead and rested inside her sea of consciousness right next to her soul

Her soul was constantly slowly giving its energy on the flower which it happily absorbed. Ivy sense that the flower was slowly getting stronger. She turned her focus on it and decided to try using its power

She use her connection to it and a stream of rainbow colored poisonous energy came out from it and flowed on her body. She controlled it and made a ball of poisonous energy on her palm

Ivy opened her eyes to see the ball of poison energy while the four was looking intently on it

"Too bad, there's nothing in this forest where we can check the power of the poison" Cesar said while being fascinated by the poisonous energy.

"Congratulations Ivy! You succeeded!" Kence congratulated her and the other immediately followed suit

Her eyes started getting watery "t-thank you" the others were really too kind to her even though she felt that she was useless. She vowed to herself that this power they gave to her will be use for their group's benefit

Poison Ivy, a name that will strike fear on everyone's heart on the future. On the future wars Cannon fodders almost can't affect her. Just one sea of poison fog from her was enough to kill all weak people that are used as cannon fodders to expend their group's power

And here it is. One of the reasons shy I dont answer questions because it will reveal spoilers. There was a comment that said Poison Ivy when Ivy just entered the story which I actually planned for her to have. Also one said that the system was underused well that is because I was waiting for the time when they would encounter a treasure which in this case is the Rainbowshade Flower. If I don't answer questions that doesn't mean I don't read it but only because I don't want to reveal spoilers

KenceRusselcreators' thoughts