
Strongest Talent in Naruto

Arriving in Naruto World with the strongest talent. With unparalleled training speed and becoming the strongest in the Uchiha clan! A legend is born and he is the most feared existence in the Ninja world! ------------------ Early Access and read ahead: www.patreon.com/Skykritze Donation: https://ko-fi.com/skykritze Do consider supporting me as your support will help me in producing more works for you guys. ------------------ Original work: https://wap.faloo.com/book/355710.html ------------------ This is a translated fanfiction of naruto

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188 Chs

Second Mangekyo Sharinagan Ability!

Support me and enjoy advance chapters at: www.patréon.com/Skykritze.

There are 18 early access chapters posted in patréon if you want to read ahead.

Thanks for all the great support and please vote if you like the story!


Chapter 153:

Tsunade couldn't conceal her grief, as tears flew down her eyes like a waterfall and her once lively eyes turned dull.

The anger in Akira's heart rose, looking at the heartbroken Tsunade and direct his anger towards Shirotsuchi.

Shirotsuchi, I will make sure you die today!

Shirotsuchi pupils shrank slightly and his wariness grew stronger. However he was unwilling to lose and snorted coldly: "Uchiha Akira, I know you are strong, but do you think you can kill me by just relying on your new mangekyo sharingan ability. You don't have much chakras left right? I still have a lot of chakras reserve..."

Shirotsuchi have been making many explosive clay and he is almost done with his preparation.

Akira with his mangekyo sharingan activated can clearly see through Shirotsuchi's movement and he clearly knew what Shirotsuchi have been doing. The corners of Akira's lips gradually lifted into a cold smirk.

Seeing Akira's still calm expression, Shirotsuchi sneered in his heart: You may be calm for now, but you won't be able to smile later!

Shirotsuchi then use the explosive clay and formed it into a white flying dragon. This flying dragon is three to four meters in size and it contained a lot of chakras!

Akira observed all this with his mangekyo sharingan and immediately knew that there were a lot of terrifying chakras kept in the flying dragon. Once it exploded, the power would be absolutely unimaginable!

"Minato and the rest, all retreat!" Akira immediately ordered Minato and the others to back off. Actually, without Akira reminder, Minato and the others had already backed away. They could see how terriying the scale of the fight between Shirotsuchi and Akira will be.

One can release a black flame that can't be extinguished and the other one can create a super big explosion, which can easily affect the people around them, so there are no sane person remaining around them. All the forces, irregardless of friendly or hostile force retreated into the distance.

Shirotsuchi smiled and looked at Akira: "Uchiha Akira, you should have escaped when you told know the others to escape, but you are stupid enough to still remain standing here. My explosive flying dragon is my proud work. I once blew up a entire village with this. You surely can't imagine how devastating the explosion range of this ninjutus and you are doomed to die..."

"Sure enough, he is a very dangerous enemy. This guy is very dangerous with his devasting exploding clay. I am afraid that he is not any inferior to the Deidara in the original story and furthermore he is also proficient in earth ninjutsu. Tch, so troublesome." Akira thought inwardly, but he had already planned countermeasures.

"My exploding clay is a ninjutsu that will cause q big explosion that will cover a large range. You won't be able to do anything, even if you use body flicker jutsu to escape, die for me, katsu!" Shirotsuchi release the exploding flying dragon. The explosive flying dragon spread its wing and immediately attacked towards Akira.

A shocking explosion rockected the battlefield accompanied by Shirotsuchi command.


The deafening explosion sound erupted, the surrounding earth was cracked, the soil exploded and there was chaos. The surrounding trees all collapsed and turned into powder in the midst of the explosion.

The loud explosion brought everyone's attention to the explosion. Even Tsunade who was crying in front of her brother's body, suddenly became alert and her expression tightened. She suddenly looked towards the battlefield and pay attention to Akira's situation.

Not only Tsunade, but Orochinaru and Sakumo were also taken aback.

The range of the explosion was as far as full 100 meters and it seemed that it was deliberately suppressed and controlled by Shirotuschi. After all, there were still Iwa troops around him and if he made it too big of an explosion, it would also hurt his own ally.

A confident smile appeared at the corner of Shirotsuchi's lips. Akira was at the center of the explosion and Shirotuschi don't believe he can survive such a devastating explosion. Akira who tell you to mess with me, you are dead!

The explosion formed thick plumes of smoke, which looked like a mushroom cloud from a distance. A super huge crater appeared in front of everyone eyes, with cracks and devastation all around.

It was originally a plain area, but because of this explosion, a deep crator formed around the range of 100 meters and the depth of this crator was at least ten meters, making the surrounding ninjas shudder in cold sweat.

"Akira, he won't..." Minato said secretly. Amidst such a violent explosion, I'm afraid that no one would have the confidence to survive. Akira, he...

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Shirotsuchi's lips and he let out a sigh of relief: "That brat must have died miserably in such an explosion. I am afraid that there won't even be any body left preserved."

"No, Shirotsuchi sama, look, look at the sky!" A alarmed Iwa ninja immediately reminded Shirotsuchi.

"What?" Shirotsuchi looked towards the sky subconsciously.

He then saw a familiar figure in the sky, a young kid flying in the sky, looking at him condescendingly!

How can that be?

"Akira, Akira can actually fly in the sky?" Minato murmured in disbelief.

Not only Minato, but Orochimaru, Sakumo and Tsunade... the other Konoha ninjas all raised their heads unconsciously and looked towards the sky.

That's right, Akira was flying mid-air. He didn't use any assistance at all, just by relying on himself, he manged to fly mid-air! Although the scope of the explosion just now was extremely large, Akira used flight to avoid this explosion by going up in the air.

"He can actually fly?"


They were all stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

There are few known ninjas who can fly, but they either have the help of a flying summoned animal or other ways to fly, such as Konan's secret paper ninjutsu or Gaara's sand and so on.

But the young kid in front of him, stood high above him and flew mid-air without the aid of anything.

"Brat, is this your other mangekyo sharingan ability?" The sage suddenly asked. He guessed that the reason Akira could fly must be related to his mangekyo sharingan.

"Yes, this is my second Mangekyo Sharingan ability!" Akira said confidently.

Akira's left eye has the ability of Amaterasu shown in the original story. Whereas, his right eye has a ability that has never appeared in the original story.

Mangekyo sharingan is the eye that portray one soul, which has the ability to realize according to the deep desire of the person who awakened the eye. Akira is a transmigrator, who knows the future plot and knows that the future of Uchiha's clan is destined to face a massacre. Therefore, Akiras deep desire is to 'get rid of' the tragedy of the plot and 'control' his fate.

So Akira got a brand new ability.


Akira gained the ability to control gravity and can make any object or human being heavier or lighter! He can 'get rid of' gravity and 'control' the increase of weight!

Just now Akira used this ability to lighten himself and instantly gained the ability to fly, hence he was able to easily avoide the big explosion. Although the scope of the explosion was large, it was mainly on the ground, so when Akira was flying high up in the air, the explosion barely affected him and he could avoid the explosion.