
Strongest Senior in world of Harry Potter

"Adam Salvatore, the man reigning over the world of magic." Rita Skeeter exclaimed, "No more gimmicks. Focus on the words of Salvatore and Dumbledore." Snape added, "You all are the worst I have ever taught, except for Adam. He is exceptional. Slytherin gains 10 points." Hermione inquired, "Senior Adam, may I ask you a question?" Harry pondered, "Why did the boys who survived face such different outcomes?" Dumbledore explained, "Adam is the most exceptional student in the history of Hogwarts, surpassing them all." Adam sighed, "Why am I constantly in the spotlight? It's exhausting to be a celebrity."

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14 Chs


As the headmaster, he must have been paying attention to him. As there is no trace of dark magic within him unlike Harry. He must wanted to know how he survived the Unforgivable Curse.

Dumbledore never engages in futile endeavours; he is a man of foresight. There are qualities in Adam that deserve Dumbledore's attention which extend beyond his exceptional talents, encompassing his ability to resist the Unforgivable Curse.

Harry bore the mark of Voldemort on his forehead, which caused a taint of dark magic. The scar harry carried contained a fragment of Voldemort's power.

In contrast, Adam bore no such marks upon his body, not even a blemish. His skin was smooth and fair.

Furthermore, Harry's survival of the Avada Kedavra curse was attributed to the protective magic bestowed upon him by his mother, Lily. Adam's speculated that this protection was the result of an ancient blood-relative magic. The caster and the recipient must be blood relatives, and the recipient must be underage, as the magic loses its effect upon reaching adulthood. Some scholars suggest that this potent magic is a form of minor protection.

There are three elements to magic: the magical framework, the incantation, and mental power. The ancient protection spell requires the combination of numerous intricate magical frameworks. Such complex magic is beyond the grasp of ordinary wizards.

Dumbledore often emphasized that Lily protected Harry out of love. It is undeniable that the caster must possess sincere and selfless love for the recipient.

Due to the stringent conditions required to cast this ancient protection spell, its knowledge remains limited. Adam even suspects that it involves elements of life magic.

Because of the difficulty in replicating this magic, Dumbledore sought alternative ways to counter the Unforgivable Curse, and Adam's arrival must have caught his attention.

Dumbledore, being a just man, refrained from delving into Adam's memories using the legilimency. This curse invades the minds of others and may inflicts harm upon the caster. Naturally, Dumbledore would never harm a child.

At that moment, Adam was enjoying his lunch in the Great Hall, unaware that he had become the subject of special observation by Dumbledore.

Cedric approached from the Hufflepuff table, concerned, "Are you okay? Professor Binns seemed quite angry."

Adam munched on his crispy fries, his demeanor devoid of sadness. "I'm fine. I'm glad I didn't have to copy from the textbook; it would have taken too long."

Curiously, Elly poked her head in, asking, "What did Professor Snape say to you?"

"Professor Snape didn't say much, but Professor Dumbledore did. He acknowledged my progress in class and praised me," Adam replied with a smile.

Cassius chimed in, exaggeratingly, "Adam, you're truly amazing! Even Professor Dumbledore admires you."

Adam chuckled and remained silent. Despite appearing calm while enjoying his fries and juice, he felt a sense of unease.

"I was so careless," he realized, his anxiety setting in after a while.

As he left the Headmaster's office, Adam let out a long sigh of relief. He noticed Dumbledore's Pensieve, a magical object, near bookshelf in the room.

The Pensieve allowed one to extract their memories and place them within the basin, enabling the memories to be relived by others. However, only the owner of the memories could extract them. As a traveller from another time, Adam possessed many secrets. Although Dumbledore couldn't extract his memories, Adam recalled another magic that served a similar purpose—legilimency, which involved delving into someone's mind without their consent. One professor at the school, Severus Snape, uses this forbidden technique.

"Both of them summoned me to the Headmaster's office on the first day of school. It can't be a good sign. I should find a way to access the restricted section of the library as soon as possible and learn occlumency."

Occlumency served as the counter to legilimency, allowing the practitioner to cleanse their mind of emotions and thoughts. It even granted the ability to conceal specific memories or emotions, making them undetectable to the intruder. One could fabricate false memories to confuse the intruder.

Advanced occlumency, simply put, allowed one to hide what they didn't want others to see while presenting only what they desired.

Coincidentally, Snape, who was proficient in occlumency, was also a professor at Hogwarts. As he was undercover in Voldemort's ranks, his expertise in occlumency had undoubtedly contributed to his survival.

"I wish I had an invisibility cloak," Adam lamented.

In the afternoon, Adam had Herbology class with the Gryffindors. The Weasley twins approached him.

"You clever rascal! Heard Professor Binns was almost bored to death during the morning's History of Magic lesson," Fred remarked.

"What 'almost bored'? Professor Binns is already dead! Seriously," George corrected him with a smirk.

Adam reminded the twins of their previous debt, "What are you two up to? Still owe me four Sickles from last night during the Sorting Ceremony."

"Clever rascal, why don't you join us? We'll form a trio at Hogwarts," Fred suggested, paying no heed to Adam's comment.

Adam removed their hands from his shoulders and replied, "I lack the knack for mischief."

"No, you do! Look at how you annoyed Professor Binns. You can handle the evil, and we'll handle the pranks," George said solemnly.

Adam glanced at them helplessly. Their thoughts were all jumbled up. He returned to the Slytherin queue, where Cassius whispered to him upon seeing his arrival.

"Don't get too close to the Weasleys. They're an odd bunch in pure-blooded families. They're poor and have a fondness for Muggles."

"Cassius has a point," Elly agreed.

Adam shook his head. These pure-blooded Slytherins were often excessively extreme in their views.

The Herbology professor was Pomona Sprout, the Head of Hufflepuff. She was a slightly plump lady with flowing gray hair.

Adam took this class seriously. In addition to learning about the medicinal properties of magical plants, Herbology also involved the cultivation of such plants. After all, certain special ingredients couldn't be easily purchased and required the herbalist to grow them personally.

Professor Sprout maintained several specialized herb gardens within Hogwarts, many of which supplied the plants for Snape's potions class.

Having already memorized the book "One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi," Adam now needed personal interaction with these peculiar plants.