
Forewarned Was Better Than Forearmed

"Father, I don't want to go," Leo stated. "I want to stay with you and fight!"

"That's General Fahad to you, soldier," General Fahad snapped at his son, who refused to obey his order. "Have you forgotten the promise you made to me when I agreed to bring you along on this campaign? You swore to obey my every order. Is this what your promise amounts to? Insubordination?"

Leo lowered his head, unable to come up with words to refute his father. The only reason he was allowed to accompany the General on all of his campaigns was because he promised to always obey his order.

However, after knowing that his father and the rest of the Veteran Soldiers would be staying to fight against the approaching Monster Army, Leo felt that he needed to be with him more than ever.

The conscripted men of the city had all been assigned to protect the residents as they evacuated towards the Capital City of the Yelan Kingdom.