
Ducan's test - 4

In the middle of the town..

Ducan was bringing water back from the well... he ran through the different houses as he sprinted and after 20 minute he was able to get back to the top of the rock mountain.

As he reached at the top.. he walked towards master Amep. He saw Draco being tied up both his legs and hands. The rope was of shining gold , when he looked at the ropes he knew that it was magical that's why Draco couldn't able get rid of ropes and Ducan turned his head to the right side he saw master Amep enjoying his walnuts..

" What is this master Amep... why is Draco tied up? " sacked Ducan.

" I've tied him up to train him " replied master Amep.

" How is tying Draco up can help in training " again asked Ducan.

" Ducan do you see that wood rod that is placed horizontally? " asked master Amep.

" Yes " immediate replied..

" Ducan , the water you brought from the well , put it inside the tank that you see " instructed master Amep.

As instructed , Ducan began to put the water inside the tank and when he finished that two buckets a blue light emerged from the water which then got inside that wood rod and the wood rod began to move as fast as it can and hit the gut of Draco which forced Draco's magic to come out from his mouth.. he emitted a big spell named fire breath. Ducan saw that Dragon breath got absorbed by the wood weapon.

" Draco... Are you al.. alright " panicked Ducan.

" Ha.. ha.. " breathed heavily and then coughed a couple of times.. " I'm alright.. it's just that my Dragon breath came out three times with littel time to conserve my energy " said Draco.

As Ducan looked at master Amep..

" Now can you tell me what happened just now? Master Amep " questioned Ducan.

" What you just saw is the method to train Draco's body to release right amount of magic. You know .... During battles companions tends to use more or extra powers to fight their enemies which cause them to run out of magic powers or mana so, this method was created only to train companions to not use extra powers and Draco here also agreed to this training " said Master Amep.

" But what is that blue light I saw? " agained asked Ducan.

" Oh.... that blue light is the magic that is absorbed by water which helps to stimulate the weapon which thrust into the gut of Draco and This happens in every 10 minute... but when water is put inside the tank.. it will hit his gut with maximum speed and pressure which will hurt more than the normal ones and make Draco use his all magic to fire breath " answerd master Amep.

After that master Amep put his left hand inside the left pocket or his pants and took out a watch. It was old and black coloured..

And continued " So Ducan get back to your own test and mind it you have to come back in 20 minute and if you don't you will fail the test So, your time starts now ".

Ducan quickly grabbed the middle part of the wood which connected the two buckets and ran toward the stair..

" Ah..... Ahhh... it's not fair .... there was no time limit before " screamed Ducan.

" Ha ha ha aha aha "laughted master Amep.

" Master Amep.. why didn't you told Duacn that if I couldn't withstand this training I might die " asked Draco.

" Well.. if I had said that Ducan will be worried about you and will not do his test properly " replied master Amep and again " and I know that an ancient Dragon can withstand this training so I didn't feel the need.. Now, Now.. Draco look forward the 10 minute are up ".

Draco quickly looked forward and got hit by wood rod and breathed fire and that fire magic got absorbed by that same weapon and when Ducan came back he quickly put that water inside the tank and blue light came to vision which resulted in the thrust of weapon in Draco's gut.

This cycle continued for long time... for long days... {After 10 Days }.

" Draco... it doesn't hurt right when that thing hits you " concerned Ducan.

" No it doesn't hurt now... our Dragon's body are strong and can heal the pain at the same time but after doing this for 10 days I'm exhausted and on top of that we only get 5 hours of sleep..ahh.. is this hell...." said Draco.

" yeah.. me too I'm exhausted " as he sat down in the ground.

As they talked , the sound of whistle came from the house , they both got startled and looked at the direction of the house and at that moment a voice screamed , it was the voice of master Amep.

" Get back to your training Draco and you Ducan... if you don't go now .. you might fail the test ".

" eeehhhhh... I'm going now " screamed Ducan and continued " Byeeee Draco ".

" Ducan ... you can't do it ..." said Draco " let's stop it... we are exhaused ".

" But you said that I can overcome any test so what now... Ahhh... Draco "screamed Ducan from far way as he Sprint.

" Yes I can also do it " said Draco as small tears came to his eyes when he saw Ducan working hard to pass the test.

As days got by Ducan became more exhausted and This test continued for 20 days as well as Draco's training but their were improvements, Duacn was able to get from the mountain to we and well to mountain in 12 minute and Draco succeeded to control and released his fire breath.. it was of little amount but was powerful as before.

{ After 20 Days }

Master Amep freed Draco from the ropes and stopped Ducan from his test... it was evening at that time so master Amep instructed them to get back inside and wait at the hall as it got dark. Ducan and Draco did what master Amep said. As they were exhausted they lied down at the floor.

" Ah.... laying down after test is the best... Draco, he stopped me so that mean. I must have passed the test but this is only the first test... " said Ducan.

" Ah... I don't know.. I can't speak.." said Draco.

They lied down for almost 5 minute and after that master Amep entered the room....